• Published 22nd Mar 2022
  • 1,526 Views, 12 Comments

Remake My Life: Highchool In Another World - Mare Of Mystery

A strange letter appears in front of a highschool dropouts apartment doorsteps, claiming to give him a second chance by attending highschool at a far away location. Little did he knew, he would be very familar with this new school in a different way

  • ...

Chapter 3: The Second Day

The next day came, and Trede got to his usual morning routine and prepared to get dressed up for today. He prepared a bowl of cereal from his kitchen table and consumed it spoonful by spoonful. The morning news was on the television screen, and Trede was browsing on his phone for something that might be useful for his plans. Tapping on the file manager and scrolling down to his 'Equestria Girls' folder contained multiple video files that he had downloaded over the years.

"Everything seems intact, I don't see any changes at all. I'll consolidate these when I need to brainstorm later, I have business getting my books at the library and preparing my locker. I don't want to lug four heavy books all day and strain my shoulder."

Riding the packed public transportation every day is very nerve-wracking; the hard plastic seats, crammed spaces, But it is what it is. As the bustle rattled along the road, it slowly came to a stop at the front of the school. The last step of the bus left him all alone walking to the main entrance and wandering the hallway. The students were minding their busniess around the locker rooms, leaving Yozora walking alone. It was rather quiet like any other library, but in truth, there was no one in sight as the librarian managed the counter. Receiving his books was as simple as giving put his name and student number, seeing the librarian preparing his books from the storage area, and stacking them on top.

"Thank you very much ma'am." he graciously thanked her.

"No sweat sweetie!" She waved goodbye from across the desk.

The next stop was his assigned locker number and set up his locker from the inside. Lugging his four textbooks was a chore, but he pulled it through when he reached his designated locker and turned the padlock to the combination as it unlocked flawlessly. He took his sweet time sorting his locker as he slammed down his books flat inside and gathered a few other useful things he bought at the store; sticky notes, folders, a compact whiteboard with a sticky side to place on the back of the locker door, a magnetic marker that can with it resting on the side, and other stuff that could prove useful on the future.

"Everything seems to be looking sharp today," Yozora smiled. "Maybe today will be brought for"

"You look like someone who takes school seriously..."

The voice coming from his left side was someone he expected would drop by his locker, Sunset Shimmer. She had her usual smirk on as she confronted Yozora up to his locker. Her arms were crossed, expecting to see tension along the new kid's face. But, Yozora took her by surprise and gave her nonchalance with his face.

"May I help you?" The clueless expression he gave her left Sunset to giggle.

"You're not like the rest of these students at this school, I can tell." she sounded very sarcastic in tone and expression, but she did have some curiosity keeping her grin up. "I thought you would be quite a mess on the first day, but you worked your way through and breezed through it like you're a regular."

"Is that supposed to be a compliment?" He seemingly scratched his chin.

"It means that you've caught my eye, new kid." she grinned. "I'm willing to spend my time here helping you make a name of yourself in this school as long as you give me assistance in what I want. What do you say?"

"Ah, I see, this is probably what Sunset Shimmer did to get Snips and Snails on her side. I don't want to be some girls lackey even if that girl is my number 1."

"If you want me to care about what you say, call me by name at least." Yozora felt a little peeved by her, keeping a big poker face.

Sunset huffed out a little out of her mouth, "I know, but Yozora sounds strange. I should call you by a nickname if we're going to the Fall Formal together."


"If you're not hearing things correctly, I'm going to run for Princess of the Fall Formal and I'm going to win!" She continued her boasting, "Everyone here will know that because I'm way better than everyone. With you by my side, we could dominate this school together and become king and queen of this castle! What do you say?"

"...Not interested..."


"You probably wondering why I rejected you, simple really," he slowly huffed out, giving him some delay before blurting, "You were the one who broke the friendship of those five girls, aren't you?"

Sunset raised a brow from his accusation, "Oh? You think I've done such a cruel thing like that?"

"Coming from a girl who treats this place like her castle, I say I have a hunch about it." he gave her a stern look trying to get on her level of authority.

"Heh, even what you said could've been true; there's no way you could prove it to them." she slyly chuckled, "But, I guess you DON'T want my protection?"

He slowly grinned, "Trust me, I don't want protection with you around... "

Sunset grunted in a hissy fit when she kept her cold stare at Yozora, "Very well, I guess you can just roam free trying to find a place around here and probably end up lonely as ever. You had your chance with me, and you blew it. See-ya, new kid!"

Stomping her two feet onto the hard floors, she left the scene most irritatingly shoving students in her way in the middle of the hallway. Yozora took a deep breath next to his locker as he grabbed onto his English book and placed it in his bag for the first period. Just when the coast was clear, he walked further down the hall to reach his class, when suddenly he was stopped by another strange voice reaching out to him from the cracked doorway.

"PSST! HEY YOU!" cried a loud-sounding call for him, "COME OVER HERE!"

"Pinkie! Don't say it out loud!" another voice coming inside the classroom responded to the first one. "What if she finds out?"

Taking a quick detour away from prying eyes, Yozora quickly opened the classroom door the two girls were hiding in and quickly closed the door behind him. He didn't know what to expect, but he was inside an empty room with their desk neatly organized in perfect rows and all alone with the country girl herself sitting on the teacher's desk and another bouncing all joyful and carefree when Yozora was spoked by her energetic tone.

"Two girls alone with me in an empty classroom? Sounds like a scene from a manga I've read, but I wonder what the fuss is about summoning me here for? This could be the perfect chance to get some dirt on Sunset."

"First of all, welcome to CHS!" the pink-haired girl welcomed him, with a fast-acting handshake he wasn't prepared for, "I'm Pinkie Pie, and this is my former super-bestie and just friend who sees eachother once in a blue moon Applejack!"

"Howdy partner!" Applejack tipped her hat down as a way to greet the guy, "Your name is Yo-sore-hah!?"

"Um, something like that." he scratched his head trying not to laugh at his butchered name, "It translates to Night Sky, I'm from somewhere waaay out of this country."

Applejack scratched her head with her index finger, "Well darn, that name of yours sounds like total mumbo-jumbo to me, but I shouldn't be making fun of someone's name like that. I've seen you've met the pampered princess herself, Sunset Shimmer."

"What about her?" shrugged Yozora, "She seemed like your typical high school queen b acting like the high-horse she is."

"What?!" Pinkie dropped her jaw as she got right in front of Yozora to ask for more, "She's more than that, she aims for the top no matter what, even if it means sucking up to the Principal and Vice-Principal. You're lucky to even speak to her without getting hypnotized by her nasty tricks!"

"She's a total diva when it comes to what she wants in the Fall Formal." groaned Applejack, "We didn't have this problem last year, but everything changed when my friends stopped becoming friends."


Yozora rested his bag on the empty desk to alive the weight of the book inside. He attempted to ask them some personal matters, "It always bothered me why you aren't hanging out anymore, I have classes with some of your former friends that mentioned you."

"Oh do? Don't bother trying to make friends with them, like when Fluttershy wanted a crazy party at a silent auction! But she ended up saying that she didn't!" grunted Pinkie Pie with her arms crossed from mentioning it, "And also, no one ever bothered to help set up for a huge party even though they said I told them never needed help in the first place!"

"Hmmph! One of them promised to show up at my bakesale, but never appeared at all! But let's not talk about that!" she answered with changed the subject over, "Sunset Shimmer may have gone easy on you yesterday, but the rest of your time here will be hell 24/7. You held on pretty strong, just watch out for anything she does and tries not to get on her bad side."

"Yep, total mess around here. I might try to convince them their friends didn't send them those messages. But that would mean gathering them in one place, perhaps I could get their cell phone numbers?"

"Too bad your friendship never lasted through school, but I'll take your advice. Let's exchange numbers shall we?" putting a reassuring smile on his face, Yozora curiously asked the girls' numbers in front of him.

"Woah-nelly! You can't be asking for girls' numbers on the first day meeting them." Applejack giggled for a second only to bring out her phone, "But alright since you seem like a fine person to trust."

"Oh! You can have my number too!" Pinkie Pie brought out her phone from inside the fuzzy labyrinth that is her hair and began tapping vigorously on it.

After receiving two phone numbers from Applejack and Pinkie Pie, they exchange one last goodbye for the day and left the classroom one by one with them walking side-by-side to the left and Yozora left standing out of the classroom entrance. It took him a while before a surge of brilliance coursed through his brain. If he would obtain all five of the girl's phone numbers, he could have pretty much summoned them to one place to solve their friendship problems.

"I already got Applejack and Pinkie's numbers, I could obtain Fluttershy's at chemistry and Rarity's in art class. But I'll have to visit the soccer field to get Rainbow Dash. Today is going to be a long day."

A few hours in, Yozora entered his chemistry class as the students entered one by one and sat at their designated desks. He noticed Fluttershy sitting just further down to his row, he quickly placed his bag on the seat of his desk and can't approach the girl to not brighten her from behind.

"Hey Fluttershy, it's me Yozora from yesterday."

Fluttershy turned around and immediately smiled in his presence, "Oh it's you! I forgot we had the same class, I was going to approach you and ask you to be my lab partner."

"Oh yes, it's lab day today." He snapped with his fingers, "Sucks that there was a quiz yesterday, I have no idea where, to begin with, notes and stuff. Do you think you can help me?"

"Sure! I'll help you get up to speed." She nodded, reaching for her bag and grabbing a light green notebook out of it, "You can borrow my notes when we settle in the lab station."

"Thanks, and maybe we can exchange numbers while we're at it?"

"Oh!" She blushed profusely at his sudden request, "My number? I've never given my number to a boy...unless we're dating."

Warning bells rang in the head of Yozora, remembering the words that were said by Discord a few days ago. "Keep her dirty hands off of Fluttershy he remembered.

"I-I'm not trying to ask you out to the Fall Formal or anything!" He blatantly raised his voice to not panic, "I just thought since we're good friends and you're helping me out in this new school, we could exchange numbers and keep in touch?"

"I mean...I would like to go to the Fall Formal with--"

"N-No! Not like that!" he blurted out, making her jump from his raised voice, "I just want to be friends, that's all!"

"That's all?" she raised a brow before taking a big sigh, "I guess It's alright considering you stood up to Sunset..."

"Gosh Dang, I manage to get her phone number without sounding like I'm trying to make a move on her. Now, time to get Rarity's number from my final class..."

Hours passed by...

"Lunchtime was a breeze for me, I decided to try out the school's pizza they served hot and fresh. It was okay, tastes like any old-school-quality pizza. This time, I sat at Flash's social group at the lunch table filled with hardcore rockers. Not the group I see myself hanging out with any time, but they were pretty chill with me there. My next goal is to obtain Rarity's phone number, which shouldn't be too bad since we sit next to eachother in the art room."

During the middle of art class, Yozora was following the instructor's directions on the art of calligraphy, holding up a fountain pen on his right and just getting the right angle as he swiftly steered the pen with a dropping of ink on his piece of paper. The class was practicing writing the alphabet in a font of their choosing. An interesting lesson and very fun for him. But the final bell rang and the instructor prompted everyone to drop their orns in their stands and clean up for the day. Not to mention, he was sitting next to the fashionista herself, Rarity, as she admired his paper.

"You're as stunning at this then you are at painting!" She gave an honest smile on her face, "You must be a natural at this!"

"You could say that, or I'm just lucky!" Yozora smiled back at her, "You seem like a person that would win Princess of the Fall formal in a heartbeat."

"...I appreciate that darling, but..." Rarity stumped her attitude as she tried her best to hide something from him, but failed when she gave in, "I don't want to get on Sunset's bad side again."

'Woah, is she that bad? I thought the students here were exaggerating all of this just to mess with the new kid--aka me." Curiosity filled Yozora's mouth.

"It's a rather cruel story I don't want to get into, let me focus on the inevitable future." She turned subjects very quick, "You probably don't have someone to accompany you in the fall formal."

"Yeah, you could say that again."

The bashful expression Rarity made with her cheeks turning red and her stare looking away at him made Yozora's heart race, "Well...this is probably going too fast for you, but would you mind if I were to accompany you to said dance? It's to be a bummer with Sunset being the spotlight, but we can still enjoy it by ourselves?"

"Is this happening?! Rarity is asking ME out to the Fall Formal? Someone that high caliber in my tier-list of favorites will give me the edge of popularity. But! I'm not going to betray my number one favorite regardless of timeline. "

"I hope you won't be heartbroken by this, but I have to refuse..." he killed her mood when her smile turned to an immediate frown, "Don't worry, this doesn't mean I don't want to be friends with you. I simply need time for us to get to have a better understanding with eachother."

"...I suppose you are right..." she bounced back with her elegant smile on her face, "Perhaps we could exchange cell phone numbers so that we could see eachother after school. I'll show you around the hotspots around the city someday."

Yozora nodded. "Sure, sounds like a plan!"

After exchanging numbers and testing out each other's messages, Rarity said her farewells and he saw her off in the hallways. The final number he needs to get was Rainbow Dash's--he had an idea where she was at this time of day.

Entering the boy's locker room from the entrance inside the hallway and navigating through a throw of lockers to the other door that leads outside the back where a majority of the fields are. Yozora can spot someone already occupying a goalie practicing her legs dribbling the ball, it was Rainbow Dash. No one was on the field with her and the bleachers were empty, just him walking within the pathway around the field.

"How am I going to approach this? I would simply go straight to her on the field, but that's too bold of me. Maybe I'll call her out to me? But then I would have to interrupt her. What to do in this situation—"

"You there!" The screeching voice of Rainbow Dash spooked him a bit, gasping when he heard her. Rainbow Dash stopped her legs from keeping the ball up in the air as it dropped to the ground. "You're the new kid?!"

It wasn't until she let the ball go from her sight that she powered walked to him, keeping a cold glare from her face. Yozora doesn't quite know what he has done to peeve her, he never had a class with her at all. Whatever it is, he would have to brace himself for anything. She stopped just a few feet away from him with arms crossed and everything.

"Yes, I am..." He slowly inched his way to engage in a conversation, "My name is Yozora,"

"Oh, I know who you are..." She scolded him from her stare alone, "You were with Rarity yesterday and I saw you two hitting it off. Well sorry to burst your bubble, she's NOTHING like she says she is."

He gave himself a huge facepalm in his mind as his worries started to drift away and move on to correct this situation, "You got it all wrong, we're merely classmates that have last period together. She was just showing me around the school@"

Rainbow flustered up, "Really? So you two aren't a thing?"


"Alright, I guess you're cool. But still, what I said about her yesterday on that text message was true!" Rainbow's arms were re! eased from their crossed position, "I never said anything to her to offend her dresses! But, she still keeps accepting it as the truth! I mean come on! That was like a year ago! Can't she just forget it? I'm telling you, if you could stop a long friendship just by sending words over the phone, then everyone stops becoming friends! And another thing; another girl said I didn't come to her bakesale with the softball team, but we had a game at the same time! Now she shuns me for being a liar and an unloyal friend! And another thing..."

Rainbow rambled on about her former friends and how they got on each other nerves one day and just stopped hanging out one day. It dragged on for way too long that Yozora had to do something to get her to stop. He raised his two hands in parallel to gesture her to stop as he absorbed all the info dumped into his brain. "Now hold your horses, there! Take a deep breath and tell me; what you said to Rarity was true?"

"Yes, it was!"

"And the part of you saying you never had your phone on you, was that true too?"

She took little to no time to nod in agreement, "All of them are fully aware I don't call or text during matches. I mean, how would I when my phone is in the locker room?"

"Okay then, I'm seeing a certain pattern going on..." he carfully delve into the nitty-gritty, "I want to give it to you straight; I believe you never texted her those rude texts."

Rainbow blinked, getting off guard by the boy's open mind, "R-Really? I've told them a bunch of times and they never seem to bother hearing me."

"I guess they had trust issues after that whole debacle, I can understand that." he slowly went in for the hook, "Look, I got to head home now. How about we trade cell numbers and pick this back up tomorrow?"

"Oh...OHHHH!" she made a face of complete realization as she pointed her right index finger towards him, "I see what's going on, you're trying to ask me out to the Fall Formal! Aren't you!"

"Wait, hang on, let me--"

"I know your little scheme here! You're trying to butter me up by talking about my personal life and then you'll try to get my number and ask me out to the Fall Formal!" she gave out a little summary of the scheme he was attempting, "Sorry, you're probably a good guy, but I don't give out my number to anyone!"

"Ah shit, here we go again. Rarity is more open when it comes to giving out her number, but Rainbow Dash is a total of 180. But I need to push on somehow..."

"...Aww man, you got me!" he raised his arms like a crook getting caught by the police, giving a sarcastic cry, "First I reject Sunset Shimmer, then Rarity, and then got shot down by you..."

"Hold the phone!" It was until Rainbow Dash abruptly stopped him from continuing, "You rejected Sunset, of all people?"

"Y-Yeah, what's the matter?"

"Dude, that's hardcore!" she squealed as her magenta eyes sparkled, "The last guy who dated Sunset was so miserable, he had to break up with her in a month! She's like the self-proclaimed queen of the school and you turned her down? And Rarity also? She's the second most sought-after girl every guy drools over! You're more brutal than I thought!"

"Maybe this could be the only way to get her number, but I'll be betraying myself to my allegiance."

Yozora nodded before he stabbed himself in the back with his answer, "I guess I did, but it's just because she wasn't my type. I prefer the physically fit and active types; someone who's sports savvy and knows around every game. Also, they need to be a boss when it comes to playing video games."

Her eyes shot up, noticing the similarities to her over Yozora's preferred type, "Hey! I checkmark on every single category! But still, going to the Fall Formal with me? I appreciate it, but you could do way better."

"We don't have to go to the dance together, I just want to get to know each other that's all." He assured her no intentions of trying to score a date, "My close friends are far away, I just want to have someone to hang with after school. I've heard you got a reputation being the captain of every sports team here. So, what do you say? Want to hang out sometime after school.

"...Alright, you can have my cell," Rainbow placed a small curl on her lip, grinning, "If you can beat 1 on 1 with a little soccer match!"

Yozora could just silently gulp the moment he murmured his words, "A-Alright..."

Just a grim reminder that Yozora had going on, he hasn't played soccer since middle school, only passing the ball to the teammates who played. He placed his bag on the bleachers and jacket next to it before entering the field with Rainbow Dash and the ball. The match took a good 10 minutes and finished off losing 3-4, he couldn't believe he was actually on par with the sports queen herself. The two were out of breath and were sitting just on the bleachers as Rainbow Dash passed him a bottle of cool water from her duffle bag.

"Woo...That was the intense match for me," he took a few gulps of his water, taking a deep breath out, "No wonder you're the captain of the sports teams here."

"You're alright, I was just going easy only you to see how you did." criticized Rainbow Dash, cackling along the way, "But you did better than most people who challenged me one-on-one."

"She was going easy on me!? I don't want to face her when she's trying her heart out! But who cares, I've lost either way..."\

"Since you've impressed me, new kid, I'll give you my number anyway!"


"Yeah!" she gave him a thumbs up and a big smile, "Yozora, am I correct? You'll do fine here as long as you have a buddy with you to keep tabs on."

She picked out her phone from the side of her duffle pocket and the two exchanged numbers for a couple of seconds. To his surprise, Rainbow then took her time texting out what appears to him a schedule of the week a few times.

"This is your schedule I presume?" he asked her before getting a silent nod back, "It seems that we don't have any class together, bummer."

"It's cool, I'm pretty much free after school and some parts at lunch." Rainbow said as she picked up her water bottle and phone in the bag, "I need to head out to the lockers to take a shower and head out, I'll catch ya tomorrow!"

She grabbed her ball in between her feet and scurried off to the girls' locker room to leave Yozora alone sitting in the bleachers. The first part of his plan was already complete and it left him all tired and dirty. He took this time to catch the fresh air when he recollected his thoughts from within.

"Now, all I need to do is get them together and assess their friendship problems. I only have until Thursday morning for Sunset to steal the crown from Equestria, but I have no clue how am I going to stop that. Perhaps...I don't even need to do that...maybe I'll use her entering the other world to my advantage? It's still cloudy to me, I'll sleep on it tonight."

Comments ( 2 )

I hope he doesn't forget to go find the memory stone to avert Wallflower's lil hissie fit.. or totally avert the Anon a miss thing.


So sad it's on hiastus

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