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Chapter 10

“I wanna live. I wanna live.”

“Sunset! Don’t!”

Sunset opened her eyes to find she was back at the bridge as snowflakes touched her face. She also noticed what she thought was Soundwave’s leg she was hugging was really a streetlight. As she let go, she saw Applejack hurrying to her. It turned out she was the only one who saw Sunset leaving Sweet Apple Acres and hurried to bring her back.

“A-Applejack? Applejack!”

The two girls embraced each other as they cried.

“I’m so sorry! I’m sorry I accused you for being Anon-a-miss!” Applejack started. “Especially after considering you family. Just please don’t jump!”

Sunset responded by hugging the cowgirl. “I’m sorry, too. For not forgiving you girls.”

“to be honest, I think we deserved it.” Applejack sighed. “C’mon, let’s head back to Sweet Apple Acres.”

Sunset took a deep breath before giving a slight smile. “Okay.”

As they walked, Sunset knew she may have to face other students from Canterlot High, but she thought she would get it over with.


Soon, the two made it back to Sweet Apple Acres. Applejack opened the door and the two walked in to find the place dark.

“Come on.” Applejack insisted as she took Sunset’s hand and led her in.

Sunset shut her eyes and hoped for the best. “Please don’t be a trick. Please don’t be a trick.”

Just then, the Christmas lights turned on and Applejack's family, Maud, the Humane 5, and all of the students who attempted to beat up Sunset jumped out from behind the furniture and yelled, "SURPRISE!"

Sunset jumped back, shocked while trying to hide back her tears.

“You CAME!” Pinkie ran over and hugged Sunset.

“Pinkie.” Sunset smiled, ignoring that Pinkie was hugging too tight.


“Fluttershy.” The shy girl had as much as Sunset hiding her tears as the two hugged.

“Oh, Sunset!”

“Rarity.” Sunset smiled as she hugged the fashionista.

Finally, Rainbow Dash walked up to the fire headed girl and, after standing there with tears, hugged her.

“I’m so sorry!”

“It’s okay, Rainbow. It’s okay.” Sunset comforted the athlete.

“And there are three others who are really sorry.”

Applejack led the three still silent and remorseful CMCs to Sunset. When they saw Sunset Shimmer, they all burst into tears then one by one, starting with Applebloom. At last, they all spoke together, “We’re so sorry, Sunset!”

The Rainbooms gasped in joy hearing the girls talk again while Granny Smith and Big Mac just smiled.

Applebloom said, "Sunset, me, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo were Anon-a-Miss this whole time. We were just jealous and upset that our sisters were ignoring us and hanging out with you."

"Why didn't you two say anything to them?"

Sweetie Belle began speaking, "We wanted to tell you about this, but we were afraid you wouldn't listen to us about it. So we took it out online."

Scootaloo jumped in, "When you girls were having your slumber parties and taking all of those pictures, we set up the Anon-a-Miss profile. Applebloom and Sweetie Belle started off by posting all of those embarrassing facts and pictures about you guys. Soon everyone at school found out about this and they wanted to have a say in Anon-a-Miss. So people started pouring in embarrassing facts about other students and soon it got out of control."

All three girls sat down on the couch near Sunset, "We're sorry. We deserve every punishment we get."

Sweetie Belle said, "we have detention for the rest of the school year. Plus, we won’t be allowed to go to the freshman River Springs Water Park Trip or Camp Everfree this summer.”

“Vice Principal Luna said we were lucky I’ll still be in the junior varsity basketball team and still allowed to try out for track this spring.” Scootaloo sighed.

Sunset took a deep breath. “While I am disappointed in you three for what you put me through, I’m happy you have learned your lesson. And I’m sorry too.”

“For what?”

“I’m sorry I made you feel left out. I never want to hurt anyone ever again. And maybe I’ll live with the guilt for the rest of my life, but I will try to treat you all better.”

Applebloom perked up. “Does this mean you forgive us?”

Sunset smiled as she pulled the three young girls into a hug. “I forgive you.” And she looked to the other students. “And who knows? Maybe we can look back this year and laugh.”

Everyone smiled at the scene. Meanwhile, Mr. Neezer peeked at the window smiling that his work was done and left before anyone saw him. But Sunset seemed to sense him there.

“Hang on. I’ll be right back.” She assured everyone before leaving the house.


Mr. Neezer did not get far when Sunset caught up to him.

“Mr. Neezer! Wait!” She caught her breath. “Or….. Can I call you….. Ebenezer Scrooge?”

With out turning around, Ebenezer smiled. “You found me out.” He slyly turned to face the teen. “How’d you figure out?”

Sunset took out the book she got from the teacher. “You kinda gave me clues with your life experience. Everything you said happened in your novel. But I wanna know how did you come to life? And why help me?”

“I was brought to life by Equestria magic, curtesy of Princess Twilight.” Ebenezer explained.


In a flashback, Twilight looked through a couple books she got from her time in the other world and pulled out a copy of the book 'A Christmas Carol' and used her magic to reanimate Ebenezer from the book and explained everything to him and he nodded as Ebenezer narrated.

“You see, after Twilight gave you her advice, she felt like you needed extra help. Since she couldn’t leave since it’s Hearts Warming Eve back in Equestria, she used Equestria magic to reanimate me from the book. When she explained everything to me, I was more than eager to help. By the time I came to work at Canterlot High under the disguise of Mr. Neezer, everyone had believed you were Anon-a-miss.”


Just then, Tommy the Green Ranger walked up to the two. “While you were in position of the book Ebenezer gave you, The book summoned each of us for our visit.”

“Each of us from worlds that may be fiction to you but real to us.” Sgt. Slaughter then came up with Sunil on his shoulder who added.

“The Equestria magic was able to help us show you the events needed while you were asleep.”

Then, Soundwave towered them all, while nodding in agreement.

Ebenezer put a hand on Sunset’s shoulder. “And now it is time for us to return to where we belong.”

“Will I see any of you again?”

“If you keep that book with you, we will always be with you in spirit.”

Sunset then embraced Ebenezer who smiled and hugged as he began to sparkle and disappear. “Thank you. For everything.”

“Merry Christmas, Sunset Shimmer.” Ebenezer said before he disappeared back into the book.

Sunset then waved goodbye to the others as they were disappearing as well. Tommy and Sunil both waved back while Sgt. Slaughter gave a salute and Soundwave showed a Christmas icon on his screen. As they disappeared, Sunset smiled before heading back to Sweet Apple Acres only to find her friends had heard everything.

“How much did you all hear?” she raised a brow.

“Pretty much every word.” Pinkie grinned.

Applejack put her hand on Sunset’s shoulder. “Don’t worry. We won’t say a word.”

Sunset smiled. “Thanks, girls.”

Applebloom appeared with a tray of cocoa. “C’mon, girls! We’re gonna start the gift exchange!”

“We’re coming, Sugarcube!” Applejack assured as they headed in.

Sunset took a look at her book from Mr. Neezer, titled ‘A Christmas Carol’. At the end of the book was a written message:

‘To Sunset,
Remember that Christmas is not only about friends and family, but also about forgiveness.
Merry Christmas!
Mr. Neezer’

Sunset smiled as she said to herself, “God bless us. Everyone.” She then hurried to join the others.

Author's Note:

- There you go. Mr. Neezer was really the spirit of Ebenezer Scrooge done by Equestria Magic.
- I don't care if Soundwave was off character a bit at the end. I wanted all of them to be present when they leave.

Don't go away! The epilogue is left to go!