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Chapter 6

Sunset woke up and looked at her mirror as she reflected on last night.

“He’s right.” She sighed. “I have no one but myself to blame.”

As she got around, she kept thinking about all she hurt because of her selfishness. Even when she continued to read her book, she couldn’t help but think about both Princess Celestia and Flash Sentry. She even remembered Applejack’s message. She didn’t know what to do make of any of it. After deciding she need fresh air, she covered her face like before and headed out.


Sunset walked around town. Luckily, no one seemed to recognize her through her disguise. They were either busy Christmas shopping or not paying attention. After a while, she bought a sandwich and drink and sat at the park. She didn’t mind the cold. It was because she didn’t feel comfortable around people right now. While she ate her lunch, Sunset still felt distraught from everything last night. Was Princess Celestia trying to apologize to her? Were the girls’ truly sorry like Applejack claimed? She wanted to believe that, but the pain from the Anon-a-miss made her feel betrayed and alone. As she finished her lunch, she heard music and decided to look into it. She found the park stage where the Battle of the Bands took place where Flash Sentry and his band were playing Christmas music. Just the sight of it made Sunset remember her flashback from the day she broke up with him. She thought about maybe talking to him after the show and at least apologize to him. She started to walk over to the stage before stopping.

“The last thing I wanna do is cause a disturbance at a concert.” She muttered as she walked away.

Just then, Flash and his band finished playing and the audience cheered. As the teen bowed, he saw Sunset walking away. Despite her little disguise, he was somehow able to know it was her. He then hurried off the stage in hopes to talk to her on how she was holding up after the Anon-a-miss incident and see if he can do anything to cheer her up.

“Sunset? Sunset!” he called out as he made his way through the crowd. But by the time he made his way out of the crowd, Sunset was long gone.

“I hope you’re doing okay.” He muttered to himself as he headed back to the stage.


Sunset decided to head home while she was still unrecognizable. As she headed to her place, she saw a plate covered in aluminum foil and on top of it was a card in an envelope. Fearing it was something offending her because of Anon-a-miss, Sunset grabbed the plate and quickly threw it in the trash.

"It was a mistake going out!" she griped to herself.

After calming down, she went back to her solitude reading.
“Come forth and know me better, man…..”


“Do you think those cookies you baked will convince her to come to the party tomorrow?” Applejack asked Pinkie through the phone later that night.

“I hope so. Because I’m afraid I can’t make anyone smile if this fails.” Pinkie pouted.

“It’s our only hope, Pinkie, if we’re ever gonna make it up to Sunset and be friends again.” Applejack looked at Applebloom, still sulking in silence. “It’s everyone’s only hope.” She hung up and looked up to the clouded sky outside and saw a star peeking out and sighed.

To be continued

Author's Note:

- I originally was gonna have Flash and Sunset only to end with Sunset thinking the Rainbooms were using him, but dropped it.

A short chapter to say the least.

Next Time: The second visit. Here and now.