• Published 15th Nov 2021
  • 319 Views, 4 Comments

King Sombra's Legion Of Doom: Season 1 - KingSombraTheTyrantRuler

This is Season One of King Sombra's Legion Of Doom.

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Chuck E. Sombra.

Title: Chuck E. Sombra.
Description: While Radiant Hope scrambles to fix an urgent last minute issue, Sombra has his birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese.
Episode number: 2.
Today was a day that had started like any other. After King Sombra's servants had finished doing his morning things for him after he woke up, the King had decided to check on how his army's training was going.

But when he went to the army training grounds, he saw that General Monoceros was reading comics, Admiral Aerion was eating doughnuts, and Air Chief Comet was sleeping.

Strangely, when Sombra went to take Aerion's doughnuts away, the Admiral instead of hiding his doughnuts said, "King Sombra! Would you like to have some of my doughnuts?"

Sombra replied, "No."

Aerion asked, "Then would you like anything else?"

King Sombra was about to say no when he got an idea. Instead of saying no, he said, "Yes I would like something."

"And what is it, my King?", asked the Admiral.

Sombra told him, "For you to train the naval forces like you're supposed to!"

The Admiral said, "But my King, today is a no workday."

"What do you mean, Aerion?", asked Sombra.

Aerion replied, "Today is a day on which we are not allowed to do work, even if we wanted to."

"And who said that?"

Aerion said, "You did, King Sombra."

"I did not!"

"You did."

"Did not.", said Sombra.


The Air Chief, who had been sleeping, or at least trying to, got up from his deckchair and walked to the arguing Sombra and Aerion.

Standing next to Sombra, Air Chief Comet began, "With all due disrespect, King Sombra." He breathed and continued, "Could you and Admiral Aerion talk quieter? I'm trying to sleep."

The Admiral laughed, "You should be the court jester, Air Chief Comet."

King Sombra asked the Air Chief, "Comet, why does Aerion think that today is a no workday?"

"Because it is, Your Sombraness.", was the Chief's reply.

"Do not call me that.", snapped King Sombra. "What makes today a no workday?"

"Your orders.", replied Comet.

Sombra face hoofed. These two were SO annoying. Why couldn't they give PROPER answers?

Sombra sighed, "I did NOT order such a thing. What is the real reason?"

The Admiral and Air Chief both said at the same time, "Today is your birthday!"

"Today is NOT my birthday.", said Sombra.

"It is.", said the Admiral.

"Is not.", replied Sombra.

To stop another argument from happening, and so that he could get his precious sleep, Air Chief Comet said, "You could ask Doctor Radiant Hope. She'll tell you."

"Fine, I will.", said Sombra. "And if I was RIGHT, and today ISN'T my birthday, then I'll punish you three."

Saying that King Sombra teleported to the castle's infirmary where Radiant Hope was always found. But when he opened the door and went inside, instead of finding Hope, he found a note on the table.

On the note in neat hoofwriting was written, 'If anypony is looking for me, then please know that I am busy fixing something and cannot be disturbed. I'll be back soon. Signed, Radiant Hope.'

Sombra put the note on the table and sighed. He'd never know if today was his birthday.

But if it was today, then it would be marked as the worst one ever, because he wasted it.

Just in case today WAS his birthday, King Sombra decided to go somewhere for his birthday party.

But where should he go? Sombra wanted to go somewhere different today, not just to another room in the castle.

He decided to talk to those annoying colts who were called Admiral Aerion, Air Chief Comet, and General Monoceros.

Sombra teleported back to the training grounds and said, "Comet! Monoceros! Aerion! Come here."

The trio rushed to Sombra and the Admiral asked, "We were right, weren't we?"

"About what?", asked Sombra.

The Air Chief said, "About the fact that today is your birthday."

Sombra said, "I couldn't find Hope, so I couldn't ask her."

"Oh.", said the General.

King Sombra continued, "But just in case today IS my birthday, I decided to go somewhere for my party."

"And?", asked Comet.

Sombra said, "I don't want to stay in my castle. I want to go somewhere else. But I have no idea where to go for my party."

"How about going to Chuck E. Cheese?", suggested Aerion.

The King asked, "What do you do there? Chuck cheese?"

"No!", said Monoceros. "It's a centre for parties and entertainment."

"Have any of you been there before?", asked Sombra.

The three of them said, "No."

When Sombra gave them a look, the Admiral said, "But we've heard about it."

"Fine. I suppose I'll check this Chuck E. Cheese out. But if I don't like it, you'll regret.", said Sombra.

The Air Chief asked, "So are we going?"

"Yes.", confirmed Sombra.

Air Chief Comet began jumping like a little colt. He said, "Yay! We're going to Chuck E. Cheese!"

That evening, a very annoyed King Sombra, General Monoceros, Admiral Aerion, and a very happy and annoying Air Chief Comet found themselves at Chuck E. Cheese.

After spending a few minutes there, Sombra decided that he liked Chuck E. Cheese and that he would stay there until midnight.

While King Sombra and the colts were having fun, Radiant Hope was busy fixing a device.

It was hard, but Hope didn't give up on fixing it because she knew that it would explode if she didn't fix it now.

And that is why, in her diary, she referred to it as 'The last-minute problem'.

After putting her diary in its place, Hope looked at her calendar and saw that today was Sombra's birthday.

She quickly got a box out of her bag and ran around the castle, looking for Sombra so that she could give him his present.

But, she couldn't find him anywhere. After asking one of the guards, Hope found out that Sombra had gone to Chuck E. Cheese.

She ran there, forgetting that she could've teleported there.

Once in, she found Sombra sitting at a table with General Monoceros, Admiral Aerion, and Air Chief Comet.

She ran to him and out of breath said, "Sombra, I'm so sorry that I didn't come earlier. it's just that I was busy fixing something that couldn't wait. Here's your present. I hope you like it."

Saying that Hope gave Sombra the present she had made for him.

Sombra opened the box and saw a book, a small cake, and a cape inside.

He took the book out and opened it. Inside were pictures of him and Hope as foals.

Then he took the cape out. The cape was covered with shiny red crystals.

And last of all the cake. After eating a piece of it, Sombra identified the flavour as crystals and pony blood.

Hope, who was watching him, asked, "Do you like it?"

Sombra replied, "No, I don't like it."

"Why not?" Hope cried, her eyes already wet with tears.

Sombra told her, "Because I love it."

Hope dried her tears and hugged Sombra. The King was surprised but hugged her too.

Air Chief Comet, who was watching them, said to Aerion, "Ooh! I think they're going to kiss!"

Sombra broke the hug and said, "Of course we're not! It's too early for that!"

Hope laughed, "Yes, it's too early for that."

Author's Note:

Author's note: I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I have writing it. Don't forget to leave a comment, vote, like and share!