• Published 15th Nov 2021
  • 320 Views, 4 Comments

King Sombra's Legion Of Doom: Season 1 - KingSombraTheTyrantRuler

This is Season One of King Sombra's Legion Of Doom.

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Kings and Queens.

Title: Kings and Queens.
Description: On the day Sombra is set to announce who he will choose as Queen, an old flame of his comes to visit, leading Radiant Hope to try to win her king’s favor.
Episode number: 3.

Today was the day that was called 'The King's Queen'. It was called that because every year, on this day, King Sombra would tell his Royal Announcer to announce that he was going to choose a Queen.

The only reason he did this was not because he needed a queen, or wanted one, but because he found it amusing to see how every mare in the Empire would fight over the smallest of things.

King Sombra's Royal Announcer stood in the middle of the Empire, with a headset and announced, "Calling all mares! Today is the day that King Sombra shall hopefully choose a queen from amongst yourselves, and end this ridiculous day, and give me a holiday, and doughnuts, and banish me from the Empire so that I will not have to announce anything for the rest of my terrible life! I hope that today will not be as terrible and ridiculous and annoying, and disastrous, and I don't have any more words to describe it, as the other years. Now starts the terrible day on which every stallion would willingly jump off a cliff, and it is called the day of The King's Queen. I have nothing else to say because I have run out of words. Good day to you mares, and unlucky stallions."

After that, the Royal Announcer rolled up the scroll from which he had been reading and ran back to Castle Sombra.

All the mares who had heard dropped their cooking, foals, and stopped whatever they had been doing and started making things to impress King Sombra.

A mare who wanted to make a crystal berry pie had gone to the shop to buy the crystal berries, but another mare beat her to it and had bought all the berries.

Once out of the shop, they fought with each other. In the end, the berries were squashed.

Another mare whose name was Sassy was busy covering herself in make-up, and by the time she had finished, she looked like a ball of flour, with ketchup, and lots of other things.

A mare whose name was Cassey had just left a shop with her new dress, and the minute she had left, a group of mares jumped on her and fought to get the dress.

By the time a few guards had run to stop the fight, the dress was destroyed, and Cassey was crying over her ruined dress. Such was the silliness of the day.

While this was what the mares outside Castle Sombra were doing, Radiant Hope, the castle's doctor was not doing any of those things.

Instead, she waited for patients to come into the hospital. When none had come for almost three hours, Hope decided to have some breakfast.

So, she went into the dining hall to have breakfast. At the table was King Sombra, General Monoceros, Admiral Aerion, and Air Chief Comet.

King Sombra was eating goat sausages, Admiral Aerion was eating doughnuts (it was the only thing he ate), Air Chief Comet was eating sweets, and General Monoceros was eating a sand sandwich.

Hope decided to eat some cereal. She was just pouring the milk when the hall's doors burst open and fell off. Hope's milk spilt on the table, and when it reached the Admiral and Air Chief, the Admiral put his doughnuts in it, and the Air Chief put his sweets in it.

Standing where the doors used to be, was a mare who had white fur, and a light blue mane. Her cutie mark was a snowflake and she was a pegasus.

Ignoring the damage caused, she ran to King Sombra and hugged him.

Then, she screamed at the top of her lungs, "Sombra! It's me, Triste! Do you remember me? Or did you forget?"

King Sombra moved her using his magic and then said, "Yes I remember you, Triste. I could never forget you."

"That's great then!", said Triste. "You know why I'm here, right?"

Admiral Aerion asked, "To eat doughnuts?"

Air Chief Comet asked, "To get covered in sugar?"

General Monoceros hit both of them on the head and said, "Quiet you, dorks!"

"Hey!", moaned Aerion and Comet at the same time. "We're not dorks."

Then they turned around, and Aerion punched Comet in the face saying, "Hey! I was saying that! You copied me, you copy-cat!"

Comet slapped Aerion and said, "Of course I didn't copy you! You copied me, you dork!" Then he added, "What does dork mean anyways?"

King Sombra shouted, "It means you three! You big dorks! Can't you see that I'm talking to my old flame?"

Triste asked, "I guess you know why I'm here?"

King Sombra replied, "For today?"

"I'm here because I want you to make me your queen!", said Triste.

After hearing that, Radiant Hope thought, 'What! She left him all those years ago, and now she demands to be Sombra's queen! If anything, I should be his queen. Sombra loves me, and only me! I'll need to impress him, but in a better way than those mares outside.'

Hope stood and started walking away from the table, leaving her spilt milk and not touched cereal. Then, she fixed the doors with her magic and teleported to her room in the castle.

In there, Hope made a mess looking for her makeup, and other things.

Then, she sat in front of her mirror and started putting makeup on. She spent a full five hours there, just doing her makeup.

Once she was done, she teleported back to the dining hall where King Sombra and his old flame was.

Hope had used some perfume that had a strong smell, but Sombra didn't even look at her once. Hope thought,' How can he not notice me, with all that perfume I used? What am I to do now?'

Then Hope looked at Admiral Aerion and Air Chief Comet. She got an idea which was, 'Maybe I need to make him jealous.'

Hope then walked to the Air Chief and the Admiral. She asked, "Are you two busy today?"

The Admiral and Air Chief both said at the same time, "No. We're not busy."

Then they were about to hit each other when Hope said, "That's great. I need you two to help me with something."

"Sure.", said the pair and followed Hope to her room where she told them her plan.

"So you want to make the King jealous?", asked Air Chief Comet.

Hope replied, "Yes."

Admiral Aerion asked, "Are you sure you can do that?"

"Yes.", said Hope. "Here's the plan. I'll be putting some more makeup on, while you two will make yourselves look like the best and most handsome stallions in Equestria!"

Then, Hope sat in front of her mirror and put more makeup on. A few hours later when Aerion, Comet, and Hope were completely ready, they walked into the throne room, the Air Chief and Admiral standing next to Hope.

Since Sombra was too busy talking to see them, Hope said loudly to the stallions next to her, "You two are the most charming and most handsome stallions I've ever met!"

Admiral Aerion replied, "Why thank you, Dear Hope."

"You are the most beautiful mare that I have met in my entire life!", was the Air Chief's reply.

At this, Triste walked away from Sombra and to the group. She said, "Hah! I will be Sombra's queen, you hear me, Hope? I shall be his queen. He'd never choose somepony like you."

Hope said louder than Triste had, "I shall be Sombra's queen. He loves me just like I love him. He would never choose somepony like yourself!"

Triste said, "You put too much makeup on!"

"Oh yeah?", asked Hope. "You put too less!"

"He'd never choose you!", screamed Triste.

"He'd never choose you!", said Hope.

"Why don't you go and ask the king?", suggested the Admiral and Air Chief.

Hope said, "That's a good idea."

And then she and Triste walked towards Sombra. Triste said, "My lovely Sombra, you'd never choose that mare, would you?"

"My charming handsome king, who loves only me, you'd never choose her to be your queen, would you?", asked Hope.

Sombra said, "You know what? You both are right."

"How?", asked Hope and Triste at the same time.

Sombra replied, "I won't choose you, or you."

"Then who?", asked the mares.

"Nopony.", was the King's answer.

"But...", said Triste.

"You love me!", said Hope.

"I might love you Hope, but I won't choose you or Triste as my queen."

Author's Note:

Author's note: Finally! After a full day of typing, this is done! I've been laughing my way through this. This was done just in time to be a birthday present for Bride Of Sombra. I hope you lovely readers enjoyed this as much as I have, and don't forget to...Vote...Like...Comment...Share!