• Published 22nd Nov 2021
  • 948 Views, 11 Comments

We Don't Belong Here! - Dark Krystal

A series of short stories involving humans in equestria.

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There's plenty of fish in the sea! Or so I thought...

There's Plenty of fish in the sea! Or so i thought...

Human and Princess Skystar Oneshot

"Ooooooo Look at this one Shelly! I think this one could join our little group!" The voice of a young seapony vibrated
through the depths of the sea water. Sunlight shining through the occasionally finds its way over to the seapony to reveal her yellow skin and bright blue hair. In one flipper she held one large orange clam shell and in the other a purple clam shell with perfectly placed googly eyes.

"Hmm... I dunnooooo Skystar.. I'd say this one looks kinda...mmnn... FISHY!" A high pitch Skystar spoke while opening and closing the googly clams mouth. Skystar giggle at the clams clever joke before looking back at the orange clam and narrowing her eyes before tossing it to the seafloor.

"Yeah you're right, Shelly. Lets find another clam- i mean friend!" She moves her flipper to make it look like shelly was nodding. She takes off swimming along the seafloor using the sun rays and the light from her lure. She hums a small melody as she looks around the floor for more great clam shells like Shelly or Sheldon. Only the best can be allowed in her friend group. Friend group... Briefly her smile fades and she stops as she looks at Shelly a melancholic stare to her eyes.

She looks around for a moment at the endless span of the sea floor that only went deeper and darker... and lonelier... She closes her eyes and lets out a bubbled sigh before raising her flipper holding Shelly and allow it to speak.

"Hey, hey! Don't be sad now! I'm sure it won't belong until we can go back to the surface and make new friends!" Shelly feeds her the yearly lie. Skystar forces herself to smile and nods. "Yeah you're right, Shelly!" She opens her eyes only to see the sunrays have vanish. She looks up to the surface with confusion clear on her face before her pupils shrink and a gasp exits her mouth in bubbles.

The bottom of a ship slowly rode overhead. Blocking the sunrays in the area she was in. Its been so long since she seen a ship. Her mind raced as she stared at the barnacle infested bottom.

Why is a ship here!? Where'd it come from!? How did she not notice it until it was right above!?

For the first two questions her confused yet scared mind made a conclusion. The Storm King. Had he returned but with a ship this time!? Did he somehow find a way to invade Seaquestria!? She needed to tell her mother! Or maybe General Seaspray. Her heart raced as she prepared to rush back to her home when her eyes caught something strange. A large broken rusted, barnacle infested chain hanging off the side of the boat and being dragged close to the sea floor. Her mind wanders back to when she was young and back at Mount Aris. She remembers the time she and her mother were getting shown around one of the newly built ships by Seaspray.

Looking at the chain she recognizes it as the ships anchor. Made to stop ships from moving by being dropped into the sea floor. This one was clearly old and broken... Which meant that no matter what the ship couldn't stop. Which meant that if it belong to the Storm King they couldn't park like before and come out in hordes to invade like their airships. Fear started to leave her.

The Storm Kings general tempest always lead the charges! There's no way she would charge with a anchorless ship. She nodded along with Shelly but pauses as the final Question arose.

"If its not the Storm King then..." She brings Shelly up to her eye level and bops the clam up and down to speak. "Then who is it!?" She managed to make their voice synchronize together as they ask the question before looking at the passing ship. Curiosity started to grow in her soul. Shelly started clamming up again.

"Skystar no! It could be dangerous! Who ever is on that ship could attack us! Or maybe even kidnap us!" Skystar brought her other flipper to cup her chin in thought before she looks at Shelly and gives a mischievous smirk. "Then you can stay here and if i don't come back then you can tell mom." She puts Shelly down on seafloor and started swimming up to the surface. She yells out in Shelly's voice as she acends.

"Skystar! Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.." She stops when she breaks the surface. She looks up and lets out a quiet "Wow~" As she sees the size of the ship. It was definitely bigger than the ships they had back at Mount Aris. However she could see wear and tear on the ship. The sails had holes in them and some tears but not big enough to make the sails useless. The ships railing was busted up almost like somecreature took a hammer and smashed up the railing. She could see the side hole of the ship where the anchors chain hanged from. She swims along the ship admiring its old destructive looks. Some holes on the side made it look like it came out of one of those tales of ship battles Silverstreams dad spoke of once when she went over.

The stem of the ship was busted to make a sharp broken stick that she could see being good to impale.. well other ships probably. It was strange how she had seen newly built hippogriff ships before and they looked amazing but this ruined ship. It was fascinating to admire it however her attention drew away as she notice a key factory of the ship. The sound. Focusing her ears she hears nothing but the old creaking of the ship as the oceans gentle waves push her and the ship along. She looks at it in worry.

Is this a abandoned ship? Or a ghost ship? She shakes her head. "No a ghost ship has that eerie fog or spooky glow that Seaspray says. She frowns at the though of a abandoned ship just out here drifting along the currents... alone.

"Like me..." She says with a melancholy tone. She looks down at the ocean surface to see her reflection. Herself and the endless sky and a sad hippogriff. She brings a flipper to touch her necklace and closes her eyes. She wanted to explore that ship. She could already see her mother scolding her when she tells her she saw and explored a ship coasting on the waves but it'd be fun and...and maybe someone was on there.

She shuffles her necklace's shells around to reveal a piece of the pearls. She closes her eyes and focuses letting the magic of the pearl return. Her body glows as she returns the pearls magic. Her body floating as a result before the magic disperse returning the princess to her former feathery glory. She quickly flaps her wings to stop herself from falling into the ocean. She lets of a sigh and lets her body recover from the transformation. She opens her eyes and quickly flies toward ship, her eyes scanned the oncoming deck. Empty. When she lands the decks wooden boards creak under her talons as the silence starts to get to her.

Looking around she sees the rest of the damage on the ship. More holes. The door to the Great cabin was hanging by a single rusted hinge, The wood to the man mast had rotten away. Looking up at the quarterdeck s her eyes widen slightly as it spots the remains of the ships wheel. While the steering wheel was missing she could see foundation on which the ships wheel was turning.

Anchorless and no wheel...? This ship really is just riding aimlessly. A bit of sadness dipped into her making to whisper out. "Poor ship." Before turning her eyes to the ships trapdoor. She looks between the cabin door and the trap door before pointing one of her claws at the door and moving over to the opened trapdoor as she repeats a well known decision making hippogriff rhyme.

"Eeny, meent, miny, moe, Catch a whale by the fin. If he sings, let him go, "Eeny, meent, miny, moe!" Her find stops as it points to the trapdoor of the ships abyss. She smiles and walks over and dives into the ships lower deck. Landing on the old boards roughly caused some old dust to spring up and hit her in the face. She coughs violently and waves the dust cloud away from her face. Recovering she looks around and lets out a "Oooo..." She finds her self looking at the sleeping quarter of the ship. Numerous hammocks covered with dust covered blankets. She slowly walks in between the hammocks. Looking at the deserted area with interest.

Opened chests lied under the hammocks filled with untouched personal belongings. Walking through here felt like walking through a ruin. Everything felt as if this ship just appeared out of a battle. Everything left as it was maybe for years or centuries. She could feel a shiver travel along her spine at the though of her exploring a century old ship. She smiles as he looks through one of the chest. Tattered clothing, a extra blanket and a silver necklace. She smiles at the silver necklace. It was still in good condition. Bringing the necklace to the rays of light pouring through the holes in the ship shows its beautiful quality.

She smiles and slowly brings the necklace down to the che- `Creeeeak` She drops the necklace into the chest and spins her head around to the trapdoor, here pupils shrunk and feathers somewhat puffed. She sighs and shakes her head remembering that ship creaked and croak all on its own. This ship was abandoned after all she was definitely alone... right? She shakes her head at the thought of some lone creeper being around.

Who'd stay on a abandoned ship? Dumb Skystar.. hehe..

It did bring the question that has been in the back of her mine to the front of her lobe. Where was everyone? Everything so far seemed untouched as if everyone vanished! As she ponders on that her eyes notice something on the hammock. A bump. She raises a brow and looks around and notices every hammock had a bump to it. Strange. Focusing back on the hammock in front of her and grabbing the edge of the blanket she uncovers the hammock.

She freezes. Her breath trapped in her lungs and her heart starting the speed up. Her widening and pupils shrinking, sound unable to exits her mouth as she stares at the decomposing skeleton of a unknown creature. It was... tall if she stood it up she'd only be up to its chest. Her eyes travelled over the creatures anatomy. Hands or maybe claws. Feet despite how foreign the creature was to her it was...fairly bland. No sharp teeth or anything but a question lingered in her mind.

Why is there a corpse here and so perfectly placed!?

She backs up quickly preparing to leave this area when her rear hits a hammock behind her causing the skeletal occupant to fall out of its hammock with a loud `CROOOEK!` She screeches and spins around to see the fallen skeleton and backs up again only to hit something else. She turns around to face the third fallen skeleton only to freeze in place. She didn't hit a hammock. She hit something else. Something living.

Her eyes focuses on the tattered brown leather pants of the thing she bumped into before moving up to the tattered and stitched dirty brown aristocrat coat and to the face messy haired bearded creature that looks down at her with its mouth open somewhat. Her heart beat against her ribcage with the ferocity of war drum charging into battle. Her muscles tense as she finds herself unable to move. For a while they two stare at each other, neither unable to muster a sound or take a step.
After a bit the creature makes a audible gulp and step back before raising his hand swinging it forward. She flinches as he stops right in front of her. Palm open as if inviting a hand shake.

"I..-" The creatures speaks up before closing his mouth and adjusting himself before speaking up again. "Greetings i am Rufus Galleion! It is a honor to meet you!" He practically yells out and tenses up as he keeps his hand out to her.

She stares at him wide eyed for a while before looking at his hand and her royal teachings catch her to herb rain and she quickly grabs its hand with both talons and rapidly shakes it.

"OH UM! H-hello i am princess Skystar! Daughter of Queen novo, the ruler of Seaquestria! Former ruler of mount Aris! I am very honored to meet you Sir Rufus Galleion!" She yells out in respond before tensing up and watching the creature. While shaking its hand. They continue to stare at each other while shaking each others hand for the next few minutes.

"Um my arm is getting tired, princess..." Rufus spoke up. She blinks and looks at their hand before quickly pulling away.

"Oh sorry! Sir Rufus!" She gives apologetic smile before both look at each other again. Before both bursting into laughter. The duo laugh for a while before looking at each other with a warm smile.

"Apologies it has been.. a while since I've entertained a guest. A royal one at that. Sorry if my appearance is not up to par with your standards." Rufus moves his hair out from

"Oh, no, no, no! I should apologize its been a while since I've talked to someone outside of my own species it's kinda..."

"Refreshing." They both say simultaneously before laughing together. The two would talk about themselves before heading up and to the Great cabin where Skystar finds the cabin very much untouched neatly organized. A large desk stood by the back windows of the cabin. Looking around she could see untouched paintings detailing ships roaming the sea. She keeps her "Ooo" to herself as Rufus walks over to the corner of the room and pulls a damaged small table over to the center of the room then two chairs quickly.

"Sorry if i had knew there was anybody out here I'd used the storage to prepare tea." Rufus gives a apologetic smile while rubbing back of his neck.

"Oh its no big deal! You don't need to get me drinks or anything after all teccccccccccchnically i did get on your ship without permission..." She gives a sheepish smile that fades when he scoffs.

"Oh please. Seagulls get on my ship without my permission all the time I don't drive them away." The response gets a giggle out of her and she walks over and Rufus quickly pulls the chair out for her which she gladly accepts, hopping up on the chair and sitting on her hunches. Rufus sitting on the other end and leaning against the table.

"So um... if you mind me asking sir rufus. Why are there you..." She points a talon down to the ground." Skeletons down there."

"Oh yeah them... Well as you can tell the ship was well in battle and after battle there were a lot of.... bodies. I'm the lone survivor and walking around for a bit I gotten sick of them so one day I moved them all below deck and covered them up to stop the uh.. smell. They've been down there since."

Skystars nods along with t he story but the way he said it. She speaks up after he finishes "If i remember correctly doesn't uh it take a looooooooooong time for you know bodies to turn into skellies?"

"Yep. You are correct on that princess but don't bother asking me how long i have been out here because not even i know the answer." He chuckles while frowns.

"You've been out here... alone with these bodies for a long time...?" Rufus nods and looks to the side.

"Yeah its.. been kind of. No... its been extremely lonely.." He tilts his head down preventing her from seeing his face, his hands curl up. Skystar gives him a look of concern before looking at his hand and hesitantly moving her talons to gently grab his hand. He tenses up and looks at her.

"Y-you're not the only one..." Skystar looks into his brown eyes before looking away. She struggles for a moment before letting her usual happy façade fall apart. Her smile dropping and eyes downcast as she squeezes his hand. "My people used to live above ground but we were pushed out from our lands and now live underwater. We've been underwater since I was little chick and it's...its....its so lonely..." She shivers.

"Ever since we moved down here everygriff has just!... lost their spirit. My mom is more distant... others are more wary about my position and treat me more like a noble to please than before! My cousin doesn't hang out with me as much as before! Its just... I remember when everyone was happy and other creatures used to come to our island. Now most of the time I'm in my room or just outside just i don't even know what i do outside anymore! I talk to two clams for shell sakes!" She releases his hand to toss her arms up in the air.

"E-everything sucks! I tell my mom it sucks and she just shrugs it off and goes to get a blasted massage! She doesn't do ANYTHING about it! She's pretty much accepted us living down there forever! She's so.. she's ugh!" Skystar slams her balled up fist down on the table making a audible smack that echoes throughout the ship. The sound snaps her out of her anger and she gives an apologetic look. "S-sorry I just.."

"Kinda lost it?" She nods getting a chuckle out of him. "That's fine. Compared to me you seem to have more issues. Especially if you been holding back your voice all this time." Skystar blushes slightly and gives a small smile.

"It did feel good to finally say all of that...." He nods. "I can't imagine being alone while surrounded by your own kin, that must feel worse than being alone on a never stopping ship, haha!"

"I guess..." A smile creeps to her face. "How have you survived out here anyway?" She raises a brow as she asks.

He smiles. "Well thats a long story... do you think you have time for it?" She smiles and nods rapidly. He starts to tell his tale of survival out on the endless sea. Hands motions to mimic the ways of his survival and some times standing up to act out scenes that happened once. All through the tale Skystar listens with a smile on his face and clapping at his greatest achievements and laughing at his failures.

By the time he finishes his tale the orange rays of the sunset peek through the windows of the great cabin and he looks over Skystar to the busted door.

"It's gotten late." She looks over to the window and notices the orange lighting. "Yeah..." She speaks with melancholic tone.

"Being a princess I doubt it'd be good for you to be out here this late." Rufus hides his saddened tone while Skystar stares at the window. The thought of staying on this ship overnight comes and goes when she shakes her head.

"I should return home." She says as she hops off her chair. Rufus gets up and quickly pushes in both of their chairs as he escorts the princess outside to the railing. Her eyes sparkle at the sight before them. The endless sea set aglow by the orange sunset. The two stood there for a bit, side by side as they looked at the falling sun. Skystar could feel her heart ache at the thought of returning back to the lonely depths of the sea and leaving Rufus alone again but she shook it off.

"Sir Rufus." He turns his head to look at her. "I promise you I will come see you tomorrow or one day!" She looks up at him with a determined smile that makes his smile fade and look at her surprised before grinning even wider than before.

"Mhmm. I look forward to seeing you again, Princess." She nods "Me too!"

The two say their farewells, Rufus giving her a bow and her giving him a wave goodbye before transforming back into her seapony self again. Travelling back to the seafloor to retrieve Shelly she could help but giggle to herself as the collection of todays events spins her mind. Her heart beat like a drum as happiness returns to her. She couldn't wait to see him tomorrow.

The Next Day

Skystar frantically looks around the surface of the ocean looking for the ship. It's been hours since shes been looking but not once had she found Rufus's sailing ship. Desperation clung to her heart as the thought of being truly alone starts to creep in again

"Come on! A ship couldn't have traveled that far overnight!" As she swims up to the surface again and looks around again only to see the endless waves of saltwater.

"R-right..." Her voice quiver. Despair settling in to her core.

Why did i make that stupid promise!? That ship couldn't stop! If I go to far out then I won't know my way home! Why am i so stupid! Why am i so...

Skystar could hide it and brings her flippers to her face as tears started to run down her face. She shivers as she cries silently, letting the waves take her to wherever as she drowns in her loneliness once again.

"I'm s-so sorry Rufus...."

Five months later

Skystar looks over Hippogriffa from the palace balcony. The glow of the fallen sunset casting over their home and the strong winds blowing against her face. A soft smile on her face. It was strange to think a month ago she would help in putting down the Storm King and helping her people get their freedom again. Though she was grounded from leaving Seaequestria for that month. It was worth it.

She couldn't help but giggle as she turns away from the balcony . Preparing to return go back to the throne room when a sound of talons landing comes behind her making her spin around to look up at General Seaspray.

"Oh! General Seaspray oh um what brings you to uh me?" She gives a salute that makes the General drop his serious look to chuckle.

"Skystar! hahahaha! I'm supposed to do that to you! Not you to me!" He gives a warm smile. Skystar blushes and puts her arm down.

"Oh hahahaha.. Yeah thats right!" Seaspray finishes his chuckles before coughing and putting his serious face back on. "Is the Queen in right now?"

"No, sir. She's underwater again." Seaspray sighs while Skystar gives an apologetic smile. He sighs then looks out behind him then back to Skystar. "I need you to hurry back down and tell your mother that an unknown ship is approaching us at high speeds. We we're not sure if its pirates or remains of the Storm kings army coming over bu-" Before Seaspray could Finish Skystar immediately rush over to the balcony and focused her eyes on the sea.

Her eyes search over before spotting the rushing brown dot faraway from the mountain coming towards the harbor. Her breath catches in her through. It couldn't be. Without looking at Seaspray she speaks up. "W-what does the ship look like...?"

Seaspray looks at her concerned before answering her. "From what the scouts seen it a very worn ship that looks like it came straight out of a ship battle. They couldn't see if anyone was on board but they su-" Before he could finish Skystar leaps from the balcony. "Wha- Princess!?"

It can only be him! He's still around! Hahaaha! She couldn't help but smile as she glides down the mountain and heading towards the harbor. When she makes it to the beach she ends up skidding along the sand. She watches to oncoming ruined ship head towards the harbor. It'll no doubt ruin the docks or two but that wasn't on her mind.

Seeing Rufus again after all this time. She couldn't help but pace in circles.

"We have so much to catch up on!"

Author's Note:

Thanks for reading this literally unedited nonstop writing oneshot.

Story Concept: Princess Skystar and loneliness.

This story came to me when doing research for my other story and coming across her holding sheldon and shelly. I remembered that scene. Thus this story was born.
Honestly I personally feel that i could've done this a lot better, go more into Rufus's character and their bond but I felt like i wrote enough so if the ending feels rushed its because it was, apologies.

If I'm honest this will probably be my more active stories just because I really like writing oneshots.