• Member Since 16th Jan, 2020
  • offline last seen Tuesday


Clop writer involving pretty much anal as my favortie topic, but enjoy writing other things as well. I do not Take Requests, Comissions are rare. This is my hobby in spare time.

Comments ( 44 )

Awesome story I absolutely love it, I can't wait to see how this story develop, with Mac and Soarin.

Enjoyed that a lot~. Good job!

Wut... I have zero interest in m/m clop, people ponies falling on hard times and resorting to prostitution or Big Macintosh in general, But for some strange reason far beyond my comprehension that cover image kinda makes me wanna read this.

I know I'll hate every minute of it but I still kinda wanna read this.

Soarin will make more appearances but not every chapter type deal. I'm glad you've enjoyed the beginning though and hopefully you've checked out the artwork created by Pony_Dreaming over on Derpibooru.

Thank you. I'm happy you've enjoyed what we've created so far. I was amazed with Some Leech reached out to join in on the project with us, and it makes the team even more solid in constructing this project. We do hope that you'll enjoy the art pieces that go with it over on Derpibooru by Pony_Dreaming.

Sometimes the subject matter isn't what fully makes a story but how it's constructed, served, and received by the reader. I've read plenty of books that the subject matter sounded good that went blah but it was well made so I finished reading. I've also had it be not what I expected and ended up enjoying it the further I read into the story. So who knows, you might enjoy the ride of it all. No Homo of course. Just don't touch your balls to the screen and you should be good.

Ok you've convinced me to give it a read, but i can't guarantee i won't mash my balls against the screen, cause thats how i always read stories on fimfic.

I'm glad I could get Santa Kenshin to agree to read this.

Pony_Dreaming did the artwork and has more images to go with it. One for each chapter up on Derpibooru and his twitter. Well worth taking a look.

I saw his gallery, I hope Mac's rump with get bigger and bigger over time the more he work as a mare of the night.

Yeah, I stopped reading after "Soy-boy" Only people who say that spend too much time on 4-Chan.

Come off your high horse, you're here reading cartoon gay horse porn.
Safe to say you have no ground to stand on.

I've never gone to or used 4-chan. I've been told about it, but never have gone. Too many terrible stories about it. As for Soy-boy I've seen that word around Youtube, FA, IB, DA, Twitter, Reddit, and various other places.

Don't worry to much about it. Just means one more view on the counter for the story to help keep it on the front page. :raritywink:

I ship SoarMac so hard now! :heart::pinkiecrazy:

Glad that you've enjoyed this part of the story. We'll have more coming after the holidays when things wind down for all of us. Soarin will be back, but not right away.

Can't wait for part 2

I already know this story's gonna really good.

Very good, I'm wondering just who else Big Mac is going to end up with

Please give me more of this story!

More is coming, however since it is collaboration work, it will take a bit longer for things to roll out.

Ahh, the satisfaction of paying off one's loan shark without ending up in the trunk of a buick.

Or a van, or wrapped in a rug with concrete shoes. So many choices for a loan shark to choose from!

We might have a size queen here

Damn, didn't notice the update, sorry, going to read it up very soon

would love to see where he would go in the adult industry

Well good news is the story isn't done yet. Still more to come along with more art from Pony_dreaming over on Derpi involving art based on each chapter. Chapter 4 is at the half way done mark.

Excellent chapter loved every part of it. I did like the chastidy cage part I wonder if he will have to wear it 24/7 once he accepts working there.

N…nice…? I don’t read many prostitution stories so maybe I’m just not savvy to the genre?

Jesus... a chastity cage wtf! Is that like, a real thing? Somebody please tell me that that's not a real thing cause I am not gonna google that shit.

Also don't ruin girls for me with your clever acronyms.

Yes it is a real device used in some BDSM/Pet Play/Etc... settings or can be used medically to prevent a patient from touching themselves to cause and injury to worsen. There is also an equivalent to females being a Belt that does the same thing. There is no pain to using them at all, as most are made of silicone rubber or soft plastic, but you can get some that are made of metal but those are not the norm.

Great story, I see Big Mac was attracted to escort services, I'm sure he'll decide to try out the other types of work he was offered. And yes, special thanks for Gallus, I like that griffon as a girl :heart:

Still more things to come. Just slow going being a collab piece along with doing other works.

Will this be resuming soon? I love to see some more of Mac and Gallus

More of Mac will be coming. It's a slow month this month, with 2 birthdays and my father's death still in my mind from last year. The next chapter is being worked on, but don't expect it out this month.

Hi, how's the sequel going? I'm not rushing you by any means, I understand how difficult it is for you right now. I just loved your story so much that I can't wait to read what happened next with Big Mac :heart:

It is being written. I'm doing it in spurts as my time allows. So a few paragraphs here and there. According to Google Docs Pages, I'm at 13 right now. The last chapter was 18 pages long.

Okay, I'll be waiting. I wish you creative success and lots of likes after you post the new chapter :raritywink:

How's progress on the next chapter?

I can’t believe it’s almost been a year

Any rough estimate of when the next chapter will be out?

It’s almost to the two-year work they grow up so fast

any ETA on when this will be continued?

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