• Published 23rd Dec 2021
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Helping Megan fit in - TalB

Megan isn't sure if she still wants to come back to Equestria

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Sharing other related stories

After both Megan and Twilight shared their stories about what made them heroes for the first time, they started to realize that they started to have certain things in common.

Megan said, "Hearing about Nightmare Moon calling for eternal darkness does seem to remind me of Tirac for some reason."

Twilight asked, "What was Luna's reaction when you told her that?"

Megan then answered, "She did acknowledge the fact that her idea wasn't something new, and she did feel better when I told her that she wasn't like Tirac for the fact that she got changed back to herself rather than being killed after what she did in that form."

Twilight then said, "Mentioning to her that she wasn't truly evil compared to who you had originally faced was probably the right thing to do."

Megan started to ask, "Until recently, did any other ponies besides you and your friends along with Celestia know that she was Nightmare Moon?"

Twilight answered, "I won't say that they knew exactly, but there was a time when they thought she could have been that monster when she was celebrating Nightmare Night, which is our version of what you call Halloween, for the first time. That came when she tried to rescue a colt known as Pipsqueak after he fell in the tub with apples, which was taken the wrong way in that they thought that she might have been trying to eat him, but they didn't really claim that she was Nightmare Moon, it was more of what she did that reminded them of such. However, I did help her try to enjoy that celebration, but it wasn't easy considering the way she was known for being loud and assertive. For some reason when Pinkie Pie ran away from her, she claimed that she wasn't really scared of her, and that gave me an idea to help Luna by pretending the scare the foals by taking her form as Nightmare Moon, but she would use fake fangs for teeth, so that if any of them looked back, she could claim that it was all part of an act. After that, she agreed to bring back Nightmare Night and the ponies there were happy about it."

"Talk about dodging a bullet with having a dark side like that." said Megan.

"You mean like the time you almost shot her when she came to your ranch the other night?" responded Twilight.

Megan then explained, "Actually, that expression has nothing to do with guns and real bullets, but rather just getting out of the way at the last minute. As for that incident, I didn't really know it was her until I turnned on the flashlight especially because her fur is dark enough to blend in with the darkness. However, she did admit that she shouldn't have approached me the way she did, but I will admit that she did dodge one literally that night."

After understanding what Megan mentioned, Twilight said, "I won't argue with you against that, though I will have to learn how to get used to expressions that you humans use especially since we ponies' aren't used to hearing."

Megan then mentioned, "I will admit that sometimes I don't think about things before I do them. For example, there was the time when I was helping the princess ponies stop a being known as Lavan, who could make himself stronger by using their magic wands to make himself more powerful to stop the Ice Orgs. With the only one of those ponies not captured, I originally believed that I could stop him with the Rainbow of Light, but a magic wave made me drop the locket making us head over to the Moochick to help find another way to beat him. He told us that they can beat with by getting back their wands and using them against him. As it turned out, there really was no real dispute between the rest of lava demons and Ice Orgs, and they were willing to help us free the others who were captured. After the pony princess were able to recharge their wands after getting them back with the Heart of Ponyland, they were able to reflect Lavan's attack back at him and kill him. Fortunately for me, the Bushwoolie who was originally presumed dead was still alive and brought back the locket after it was all over."

Twilight then brought up a similar story and said, "When Celestia made me both a princess and an alicorn for the first time, I thought that I had everything made for me, but it turned out that it wasn't the case. I couldn't even fly right or even use my horn correctly. Thanks to Rainbow Dash, I was able to fly right. However, that's not all what happened that day as both Celestia and Luna went missing making me figure out why that was the case especially with both the sun and moon up at the same time of the day. At first, I thought it was Discord who was responsible for their disappearances, but it turned it that it wasn't his doing. Zecora did give me a potion that would help me see a flashback, but it showed me in front of Luna being very angry and turning into Nightmare Moon as if there could only be one princess in that being her. Another flashback showed me how the two princesses managed to stop Discord from spreading his chaos, while another one allowed me to find out about the Tree of Harmony. As it turned out, we needed to return the Elements of Harmony to the tree to help stop expanding vines from Everfree Forest, which in turn freed both Celestia and Luna, who were captured by the vines. Fortunately, the Tree of Harmony was able to stop the plunderseeds that Discord planted, though he told me in the end that learning about this was to teach me a lesson."

Megan then mentioned, "If you think that's something, the Sea Ponies once found a chest that turned out to be full of magic coins that could grant wishes. What the ponies didn't know is that when they stepped on one of the coins, their wishes got granted as the very coins that were used started to disappear. For example, Fizzy wished for larger, stronger bubbles only to have Molly engulfed in one of them making me and Wind Whistler having to rescue her. Meanwhile, Baby Lickety Split made two wishes with the first being for more food with the other and wanting to make the rain go away. However, she didn't realize that she was a causing a drought that hurt the Sea Ponies in the long run. Unfortunately, the wishes weren't reversible with any of the coins that we had left after seeing what they actually did, so we had to see the Moochick in how to undo the wish that made it stop raining. He told us to find a troll named Niblick, who was capable of reversing that wish, but we were told that it wouldn't be so easy to get him to do so due to his nastiness. We had to use another wish to fend off the goblins in order to save Galaxy, who was being chased by them. As we got to his lair, he refused to let his in just because we used up his magic coins, but we claimed that if we found a treasure that was equal in value to the coins, he would promise to reverse that wish, which wasn't an easy task either as he didn't seem pleased by any of what me and my friends, plus both me and Wind Whistler used another wish just to avoid falling into a lava pit by making ourselves temporary lighter. When all looked lost, I listened to Wind Whistler on what could be done and had Fizzy take me back to Niblick to use the last coin to give him a friend, and that's what finally got him to reverse all the wishes especially the one that allowed it to rain again in Ponyland."

Twilight related to that story by saying, "While me and Fluttershy were doing some research on an enchanted flower that was sent by Star Swirl the Bearded, the Cutie Mark Crusaders asked us if either of us could take them to the Appleloosa State Fair, and both of us said that we couldn't. What we didn't know that that a petal was missing as further research was being done in that it was known for granting wishes that apparently made them bigger and older. As we got to the fair, a creature known as Bloofy was running on a rampage, and that the only to calm it down was to get his true caretaker, which happened to be Spur. After both her and Biscuit knew who that they really weren't adults, they started to understand that even like that, it didn't mean that they no longer had to bear responsibility for what they did. Fortunately for them, there was still a petal left, and that allowed for them to make another wish to change themselves back to their regular ages."