• Published 16th Dec 2021
  • 1,156 Views, 22 Comments

A Siblings Duty - 22nd century Man

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A sibling’s duty

Author's Note:

This is a reupload, I am looking for critiques to help improve my writing.

A sibling’s duty

It was the 7th of November, fall had taken full effect all over the state of Equestria. The leaves had taken the snuggly colors of yellow, red, and orange, the school of Canterlot High was decorated with warm colored streams, as students dressed in sweaters, jackets, and long pants.

It was another day of avoiding the gazes and remaining in the shadows for one.

Marble Pie sat at the end of the hallway, near the exit next to her locker mulling over a truth she had rejected since the month of Augustus. Never had she felt so dejected, the pit in her breast growing as the same repetitive thought played over and over again, that Big Mac now had a girlfriend. Things were getting better for the young shy Pie, but this truth, no, possibility, could collapse her emotional foundation and send her to a pit of pure hell of loneliness where no one could save her.

“Marble!” Hearing her name called, she looked up to see her older twin sister. “Oh, Gott sei Dank habe ich dich gefunden! I have great news, and you are going to love it!” said Pinkie.

Pinkie Pie, party girl, friend of everyone, element bearer, and elder twin of Marble Pie. Marble loved Pinkie, but she could be overbearing, especially as of late as her sister had been trying to play cupid.

“What is it now, Pinkie?” sighed Marble. “It better not be another guy you think I have a secret crush on.”

“What? Oh, no, no, no, this guy has a crush on you!”

“Mein Gott, Pinkie you can’t just go assuming that I—wait, what?”

Pinkie shook her head with great enthusiasm. “I know, isn’t it great? I met a guy who actually said that he found you cute and would like to get to know you better!”

Marble was sure she had granite in her ears. A boy, interested in her? Impossible! With that thought running in her head, she felt whatever spark of joy snubbed out by the black sludge of doubt.

“Pinkie. You know I don’t like when you play these types of jokes on me.”

Pinkie squatted down and placed her hands on her sister’s shoulders. “Marble, I would never do that, not to you or Lime, my family's happiness means the world to me.” Marble looked into Pinkie’s sparkling eyes, eyes reminiscent of angels embracing one another, eyes like that of their grandmother from all those years ago.

“Ok,” began Marble, “I believe you. But, what if he… what if he hates me?”

“Pfft, hate you? You’re sweet; guys love sweet girls. Just ask Fluttershy after I showed her that one group chat dedicated to her.”

Marble shuttered; the group chat Pinkie referenced, whilst not bawdy or lewd, terrified Fluttershy so much she had refused to leave her house for a week. Even when the chat was shut down, Fluttershy was even more nervous than before, but thankfully over time she learned to deal with her secret admirers.

Marble felt her stomach turn, and the taste of last night’s stew on the back of her tongue.

“Okay, so bad example,” Pinkie nervously chuckled while rubbing the back of her head, “but, this guy seems like he really wants to get to know you. You have noth—“

“Pinkie! What if he learns about me?” Marble interrupted. “What if he learns about me and…” Marble couldn’t bear to finish her sentence as she found herself choking on her tears, the feeling of water brushing on her Sahara flesh, as the streams of the Nile flowed down to the abyss.

Pinkie placed her hand solemnly on Marble’s left shoulder, her fluffy pink mane-like hair now noodle-straight, the luster of her skin all but dulled, and her eyes no longer angelic but Valkyrian, thirsting for the savory taste of blood. “Marble, if he lays a hand on you, I will personally make sure he will be shitting in a bedpan for a year!” Pinkie reassured her younger twin.

Comforted by this, Marble agreed to meet this boy. Pinkie took Marble to the library, as they went up to the second floor Marble couldn’t stop thinking about who this guy could be. Was he nice? Was he cool? Or did he lose a bet and had to go out with a nobody?

No, Marble thought, that couldn’t be. Pinkie would’ve known by now, she usually does some research when trying to pair her sisters up. There’s no way she would pair me up with a bad person.

As they made their way to the Civil Rights section, they spotted a guy with light orange skin, hair green as spring grown grass that soaked the warm waves after a long winter, and eyes blue as the lake of Montana, sitting at desk.

“Marble, I would like to introduce you to Tran Kizaras!” announced Pinkie.

“Shhh!” bellowed the library.

“Uhh, ahem, Tran Kizaras.”

Tran stood up and reached out to Marble’s hand. “Uhh, hey, I’m Tran,” he introduced himself. “I-I am the one that finds you quite attractive. Pinkie here helped me set this up. I was surprised you know her, given how you don’t talk as much.”

It had appeared to Marble that Tran hadn’t known that Pinkie and she were related. Marble decided against telling him as she didn’t find it to be important right now, and so did her sister apparently as she started talking.

“Tran here said that he had a crush on you since junior year, and I said that you’d love to get to know him!”

Marble blushed. Eventually she shook Tran’s hand; his grasp felt comforting yet vulnerable at the same time.

“N-Nice to meet you,” Marble said sheepishly as her cheeks darkened.

A ticklish warm surge ran through Pinkie's being, as the dopamine went into overdrive. Finally, she thought, I paired up my sister with a guy that’s interested in her! Hopefully this will make her forget about Big Mac!

“So,” Pinkie began, “what do you think?”

“Shhh!” The library bellowed once more.

“So, what do you think?” Pinkie asked once again but in a whisper.

Marble looked at the young lad in front of her. He was handsome, his voice had a natural soothing tone with each word sounding silker than the last, his gem-like eyes were reminiscent of green grass hilltops in Moselle Valley, and his hands felt firm yet graceful. He reminded her of Big Mac but without all the muscle. Marble looked at Pinkie who was beaming with blinding joy. Marble just chuckled a little and said, “I think I'm willing to give this a try.”

Pinkie squealed in joy, which again brought another hushing response of the library patrons.

“I’m so happy! I’ll leave you two alone. If you guys want to go out to eat, I can give a number of restaurants, seven of which have authentic foreign food. Rarity and I know this wonderful Indian place—“

Pinkie,” Marble interrupted, “thanks, but we’ll call you if we need you.”

Pinkie just smiled and nodded her head enthusiastically, and within a blink of an eye, she was gone.

Marble brushed this off. She sat at the table with Tran and began discussing various things. Tran was a very intelligent young man, being in several honors classes, taking a college credit course in sociology, and being a candidate for valedictorian. Marble found these to be very admirable, but what drew her attention the most was the fact his bleeding muscle. “I hate to see others suffer,” he said. “I know it sounds cliché, but I care for others greatly. I make it my goal to help those that face oppression, especially queer people.”

When he finished his sentence, Marble’s heart skipped a beat. Queer people, she thought, that means he’ll be ok when I tell him… or, when I will eventually tell him, I can’t screw this up!

“I will do anything to help others, even if it means fighting those that are a major threat to those that have little to no means of protecting themselves,” he finished. “I’m sorry, I spoke too much of myself. Please, I would like to learn about you.”

An intense burning sensation on Marble’s cheek made the girl’s legs go as limp as wet noodles. Her brain turned to a reckless track of words seeking freedom from her closed lips.

What do I say? she thought frantically. Do I tell him about my past now or later?

Her breathing grew labored, and her eyes shrank in pure terror. Her palms felt wet and numb. A deafening silence overpowered her ability to hear.

Say something, she thought. Just pretend he’s him, and move on from there.

Marble took a deep breath and sighed, and looked to Tran, whom she pictured was Big Mac. “I grew up on a rock farm. I still live there with my older sister, Limestone, and my Ma and Pa.”

“What do you do at this rock farm?” Tran asked.

“Well, we mine jewelry, and other precious gemstones. My family is to jewelry, as the Apple family is to well… apples,” Marble said with a chuckle.

Tran too chuckled at this. Throughout the rest of the day the two talked about their childhoods and hopes and dreams. Marble was drawn to Tran’s childhood, as it was reminiscent of her own: a young kid that had terrible social anxiety which was a result of bullying. Tran found Marble’s soft-spoken voice and her passion for drawing and aspiration to create music very attractive. The two really hit it off, and even traded phone numbers.

“Pinkie, why in the name Celestia did you set up your sister on a blind date?” Sunset asked the personified version of joy and chaos.

The Mane Seven along with Wallflower were outside in the school’s parking lot, the day had just ended, and she was waiting to take Marble back to her and Maud’s place.

“‘In the name of Celestia’?” Wallflower questioned.

“Saying back in my world, babe,” Sunset replied to Wally.

“Well Sunset, I think she needs a man that will forever love her and not go off and get engaged with a cradle robber!”

“Hey!” shouted a young country girl. “Sugar Belle isn’t a cradle robber, stop making her out as if she is one! She knows about Marble and Big Mac’s past, and Sugar Belle is hoping Marble finds someone that loves her. Big Mac too!”

“Yeah Pinkie, you can’t just keep shit talking Big Mac’s girl just because Marble won’t be able to date him,” Rainbow chimed in.

“I know,” Pinkie responded. “I just still wish Marble didn’t have to go through that.”

“Go through what?” Applejack questioned. “When I told her, she seemed to take it just fine.”

“I know, but that’s unlike her though. It’s just that I hope when we meet again this year for Christmas, Marble won’t break down in seeing Mac and Sugar together. It’s been going good for her this year, and she has been more open than ever, but since August she’s been slowly receding back into this lonely pit.”

Rarity placed a hand on her pink friend. “Pinkie, darling, I’m sure everything will go well for her. Have faith in the girl; she’s been through a lot and to see this progress is a promising sign that good things are to come.”

Pinkie looked towards Rarity’s glance and smiled. She was right; Pinkie needed to have faith in her baby sister.

“Well, anyway girls, AJ and I got to go. She promised me on a date tonight and for once she’s paying,” Rainbow said with a smirk.

“Don’t get too excited now, ya hear Just because ya beat mah high score in Contra 4 doesn’t mean you’ll get lucky again!”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah!” Rainbow taunted as she hopped in AJ’s car. “Not my fault you sucked at killing the second boss.”

“Bitch, Ah only lost because ya kept bumping me with that boney thing y’all call a behind!” the country girl snapped back with a grin.

This caused the other girls to snicker, save Fluttershy who was blushing behind her long pink hair. Rainbow on the other hand frowned at AJ, her cheeks redder than freshly grown apples.

“H-Hey, it’s not boney, plus I’d rather have a compact ass than a— than a—“

“Natural gift given by the gods?” Apple quipped back, causing her girlfriend to blush even harder. “Plus, y’all weren’t complaining last Friday!”

“Ok, look at the time!” Twilight announced looking at her non-existing watch.

“Oh, calm down Twi, ain’t nothing happened that night, other than flirting and watching God-awful horror movies!” Applejack reassured the young nerd.

“Yeah, the fun was the next night!” Rainbow chuckled as Applejack glared at her.

“Well, Twilight's invisible watch is right,” began Sunset as she looked at her phone. “I have to take Wally to her interview at the hardware store.”

“Wallflower’s trying to get a job at the hardware store?” asked Fluttershy with a raised eyebrow.

“Well, the store has a gardening section that I’m applying for,” answered Wallflower as she placed her backpack in the trunk of Sunset’s car.

“Well, I wish you all the luck, darling,” said Rarity.

“We all do,” Twilight said with a smile.

“Well, I guess I’ll see you girls tomorrow at Sugar Cube Corner,” Pinkie said. “Mein Gott, where is Marble? it's unlike her to be this late.”

“Isn’t that her over there?” Twilight asked, pointing to a gray woman running towards them with the look of pure joy written all over her face.

“Pinkie! Pinkie!” the young Pie yelled.

A wave of joy washed over Pinkie as she saw her baby sister in such jubilation.

“Marble!” the elder twin said as her baby sister hugged her tightly. “I rarely see you this happy! How did it go?”

Marble pulled back and looked at her sister with tears of utter joy streaming from her eyes. “We exchanged numbers. We go on our first date tomorrow!” Marble squealed.

The other girls were shocked, yet pleased to hear this, albeit none, save Applejack and Sunset to an extent, knew Marble well. They would often hear stories from Pinkie about her. They knew everything from her favorite dessert to her pet peeve. They practically felt as if Marble was the fifth Beatle.

“Wunderbar, Marble!” said an ecstatic Pinkie. “I am so happy for you! But tell me when we get in the car, we have to return home to help Maud with her new bookshelf.”

Marble nodded and got in her sister’s car. As Pinkie was about to get in, she was stopped by one of her friends.

“Well would you look at that, cousin Marble got herself a beau!” said Applejack.

“I’m so happy for her,” Fluttershy said.

“I’m surprised she managed to land herself a guy,” said Sunset. “I wonder who it is?”

“Oh, I set that up,” Pinkie began. “His name is Tran.”

Tran, thought Wallflower as she placed her backpack in the trunk of Sunset’s car. Isn’t he… and isn’t Marble?

Before she could finish her thought, Rarity chimed in. “Aw, that’s so sweet, I hope things go well for them.”

“Same here, she deserves to be happy,” Twilight said with a warm smile.

“Yeah, heavens know that she is long overdue for some good fortune in her life,” said Pinkie with relief and a hint of somberness. “Well girls, me and little Miss. Cleopatra here have to get going. I will see you all tomorrow.” Pinkie waved.

As the rest of the girls got into their respective vehicles, Wallflower was deep in thought. Sunset noticed this as she started up the car.

“What’s on your mind, babe?”

Wallflower’s train of thought was once again broken. She looked at Sunset with concern. “I’ve just been thinking about something that I hope I’m wrong about,” she replied.

“Oh yeah, and what’s that, your interview?” Sunset asked as she backed out of the parking lot.

“No, not that, I’m confident I got that in the bag,” Wallflower said in a chipper tone.

“That’s good,” replied Sunset.

“No, it’s the boy Pinkie said Marble is now going out with. Tran was his name, right?”

Sunset was a bit distracted by traffic, and trying to find the quickest way to get her girlfriend to her interview, she eventually answered with, “Mmm-hmm.”

“Did Pinkie mention his last name by any chance?” questioned Wallflower.

Sunset again was too distracted by the traffic in front of her. “Oh for the love of—THE LIGHT IS GREEN, MORON!” the orange skinned girl yelled out her window whilst honking the horn.

“Sunny!” Wally shouted.

“Sorry, babe, what was the question?”

“Did Pinkie say what Tran’s last name was?”

“Uhh, no I don’t think so. How come? Former crush or something?” Sunset asked jokingly as she elbowed her girlfriend.

“Eugh, no,” Wallflower chuckled. “You know I’m gay. But on a serious note, are you sure you didn’t get his last name?”

“No, can’t say that I have. What, you think you might know this man?”

“Yes, well, technically; I haven’t met him, but… before I go on, I have a question about Marble.”

“What about her?” Sunset asked with a hint of seriousness. The bacon-haired girl didn’t want to jump to any conclusions, but she could’ve sworn she heard a hint of concern in Wally’s voice. Her tonal pitch lowered anytime something bothered her. Not like an itchy mosquito bump or even being late to her own club meeting. No, a tone that Sunset only heard twice, and both times were quite soul crushing, and for a legitimate reason. Yet Sunset hoped those two were coincidences, but now hearing this low-pitched tone once more—and about a friend’s sister nonetheless—made Sunset feel a bit anxious.

“Marble, and I could be wrong since I am still learning about your—“

Our,” Sunset corrected.

“Right, our friends, Marble’s… Marble’s a trans woman, right?”

Sunset tightened her grasp on the steering wheel, knuckles turning white, heart palpitating, and gulped what felt like an iron ball down her throat. “Y-yeah. Why you ask?”

“It’s just… Now I could be remembering the wrong guy, as I know there are ten Trans in our school, but one of them—who for the life of me cannot correctly remember his last name—really hates trans girls.”

Sunset felt like an iron rod just struck her stomach. “Hate? Hate as in… he thinks it’s a fetish and will say he’s not into it? You know, like what an ignorant kid would think? Because that’s not much hate, just ignorance.”

Wallflower sighed, “No, hate as in he thinks they are perverts wanting to prey on women. I heard rumors from LGBT club members at school that he beat up a girl that came out in this fairly progressive town. He beat her so badly that she almost died. Luckily, they saved her life but he and his family had to move after that.”

Sunset almost swerved her car off the road but managed to regain control of it. “Wally,” Sunset began with a solemn tone, “if you’re joking, please end it now, this is serious!”

“I’m not!” Wallflower said in the foreboding tone that riddled Sunset with fear. “Like I said, that Tran might not be the right guy, but I think we should warn Marble. If not, then at least Pinkie!”

Sunset didn’t bother to respond as she let what her girlfriend said settle in. The utter fear written on Sunset’s face told Wallflower to drop the topic, or at least let her process what she had just told her.

When the two finally reached their destination, Sunset pulled up out front of the entrance of the hardware store. “Ok, Wally, we’ll talk about this later. But for now, I want you to focus on this interview, you got this, babe!” Sunset reassured Wallflower.

The young green girl nodded with a small smile. “Thanks sweetie.” They gave each other a peck on the lips, and with that, Wallflower left for her interview.

Sunset pulled over to the parking lot and whipped out her phone and flipped through her contacts, when she reached Pinkie's number, she pressed the speech bubble. Sitting there, Sunset felt perplexed. Marble was finally happy, but if what Wallflower said was true, this could crush her. But if it is true, Marble could be in serious trouble, and Pinkie was not the one to forgive, not over family. On the other hand, if Wallflower was wrong, she could embarrass herself. Sunset shook her head, shaming herself for being selfish in thinking only for her dignity, so she did what she felt like was the right decision. Always better to be safe than sorry, the bacon haired girl thought. She sent Pinkie the text message and released a sigh which felt like pressure being lifted from her chest.

“Ok, Pinkie, Marble, thank you both for helping bring this up here, and unpacking,” Maud said in her everyday monotone voice. “I think we can take a quick break for now; I need to call Mud to let him know my gift arrived.”

“Awww, this is from Mudbriar?” Pinkie cooed.

“No, I ordered this shelf, the gift he gave me were ana— on second thought, it would probably be best if you didn’t know.” Maud said averting eye contact with each sister and blushing.

Pinkie chuckled a bit as she waggled her eyebrows at her older sister, whilst Marble’s mouth hung agape, cheeks redder than any rose.

“Anyway, Marble, since you are staying the next two weeks with us whilst Ma, Pa, and Lime are visiting family in Hamburg, Pinkie will show you to your room. Now if you two will excuse me…” Maud proceeded to leave the room.

Pinkie brought Marble to the last room at the end of the hallway when the door opened. Marble was surprised to see posters of various comic books and manga on the walls, ranging from Stan Lee to Junji Ito, characters ranging from Miles Morales, Spawn, Destiny Ajaye, to Monkey D. Luffy, Giorno Giovanna, and Kenshiro.

“Pinkie,” Marble said in complete awe, “dieser Raum!”

Pinkie hopped over to her sister and gave her a side hug. “Yep! I know how much you love comics, so I had this room set up for you!”

Marble felt tears in the back of her eyes, the warmth of joy snuggled her like a cozy sweater. To say that today was amazing would be an understatement.

She hugged her elder sister tightly, tears flowing from her eyes. “Danke, Pinkie,” wept the young pie. “Danke für everything!”

Pinkamena patted her baby sister on the back, and quietly hummed into her ear.

After the three Pies set up the new bookshelf, Pinkie returned to her room, collapsing on her bed. She looked at her clock; 11:30, thirty minutes before midnight. Geez, who would’ve thought it would take that long! she thought to herself. I wonder if anyone texted me. Pinkie reached to her nightstand and grabbed her phone, after looking through the plethora of messages, emails, and spam, one message caught her eye. “GASP! A NEW BRAND OF CHOCOLATE FROM ONTARIO!! No, wait, it's just a picture of poo. Fitting. Well anywho, better see what this emergency text from Sunny is about… Mhmm, mhmm… oh shi—“

“Marble!” Pinkie slammed her hands on the kitchen table, spilling Maud’s coco.

“Thank you, Pinkie, I really love table coco,” Maud said sarcastically in her monotone voice.

Pinkie chuckled nervously and proceeded to get some paper towels to clean the spot. “Sorry again, Maud. Anyway, Marble! I have an important question about Tran!”

“Tran?” questioned Maud.

“Mhmm, he’s my new boyfriend!” Marble gleefully said.

“New boyfriend?” Maud asked with a smile. “I’m happy to hear that baby sis.”

“Pinkie helped set me up with him!”

“Yes, yes, we all know how much of a good sister I am! But Marble, this is serious, did you tell Tran anything?” the pink woman asked frantically.

Marble was taken aback by this. the nerves reverberated in her abdomen, as the taste of coco made its way up to the back of the young grey woman’s tongue.

“Marble, did you or did you not tell him?” Pinkie asked once again.

Sweat rained from Marble’s head. Her breathing picked up, her heart trembled, and her sight slightly blurred. Marble opened her mouth, but only made raspy gasps.

“Pinkamena Diane Pie!” The elder twin felt a shudder run down her spine, as her skin paled, she slowly turned her head to the middle child. “It is none of our business if she told him or not!”

“But Maud—!”

“But nothing,” Maud raised her tone, something not quite usual for the aspie. “When she is ready to tell him about her past, she will! We must respect her privacy and let her do it when she is ready.”

Pinkie’s hair deflated. She couldn’t believe herself, prying into her baby sister’s love life. Moreover, this could all just be hear-say. Pinkie investigated him, there was no way in hell he could be that Tran.

“You’re right Maud. I’m sorry Marble, I shouldn’t have pressured you like that. I just worry fo—“

“It’s fine, Pinkie,” Marble said with a smile. “I understand; thank you for looking out for me. I truly have the best sisters a girl could ask for.”

For the rest of the evening the sisters sat around the table talking and sharing stories, but the thought of what could’ve been true never left Pinkie’s mind.

Over the next few weeks, Tran and Marble spent a lot of time together, going to the movies, dinners, lunches, parks, they did it all. Marble never felt this happy before since him. On the 28th of November, Tran and Marble left the movie theater.

“Wow,” Marble began. “That film was… terrible, oh mein Gott!” she giggled.

“Yeah,” responded Tran. “Sorry for that, I thought it’d be good.” He said as he rubbed the back of his head.

“It’s fine; as long as your here it made it bearable.”

Marble wrapped her arms around Tran’s as she leaned in. Tran’s cheeks burned like embers; today was the day he was going to do it.

He looked down towards his lover. “Marble.” The young pie looked up, and blushed as Tran placed the tip of his thumb and the bottom of his index finger upon her chin. He leaned in and planted his cusps on her soft lips. They stood there for what seemed like an eternity. Marble felt as if she had ascended to a higher plane. When the kiss broke, both looked away awkwardly. “So, ahem, I think it’s time I took you home.”

“Y-Yeah,” replied Marble in a trance.

Meanwhile at the Canterlot Public library, the Mane Seven and Wallflower were looking over books for their collective projects. Fluttershy and Rainbow dash both had an English project on James Baldwin, Apple Jack and Twilight Sparkle had a Geography project due near the end of the semester that accounted 25 percent of their grade, Rarity and Sunset were the only ones that didn’t have any projects due but both decided to study together for their finals, and lastly there was Wallflower and Pinkie Pie, both of whom were working on a project for the Sociology class. They both had chosen queer history in Canterlot city. Pinkie was reading through old newspapers as Wallflower was in the backroom using the microfiche.

“Wow!” Pinkie exclaimed. “Reading through these old articles is interesting; like, did you know that one of the students at Canterlot high got a month suspension after beating up her sister’s bullies?”

“A month suspension?” questioned Fluttershy.

“Wow, that must have been one hell of an ass whoopin,” commented Applejack.

“Oh yeah,” said Pinkie, “she sent two of them to the hospital.”

“Jesus, what did the bullies deserve to earn a beating like that?” asked Rainbow Dash.

“Oh, well, her sister had been outed to be a lesbian, and it says here the sister was first ostracized, and then would receive…”

Pinkie’s face turned green, and she felt her heart drop. “…death threats and rape threats, and male students would… grope her.”

The girls collectively turned white. “Holy shit,” Sunset said under her breath, “that sounds like the story that… no, it couldn’t be.”

“She would be beaten up, harassed and mentally abused by her classmates. It had gotten so bad that…”

“…She attempted suicide.” Sunset finished.

Twilight looked at the bacon hair girl with a quizzical look written on her face. “How did you know that?”

Sunset shook her head “It’s-it’s just the logical conclusion,” she said, avoiding eye contact.

“Y-yeah,” Pinkie continued with a tremble. “When she was placed in a hospital, her older sister, who was a senior at the time, found the kids that were constantly harassing her and proceeded to beat them up. She took on… Holy shi—“

“What!?” asked Rainbow frantically leaning at the edge of the table. “What happened next?”

“She beat up five students that day,” Sunset said. Again, her friends looked at her with shock.

“Yeah,” confirmed Pinkie, “five students, three sophomores, a junior, and a senior. The girl, who remains unnamed, was suspended for a month.” Pinkie gulped as she let the story settle in for the rest of the girls.

“Wow,” said Rarity. “I can’t imagine what she went through, for a sister to go that far.”

“But wouldn't you do the same if it were Sweetie Belle?” asked Rainbowdash. “God knows I would gladly fuck somebody up if they did anything to Scootaloo, related or not!”

“Now normally Ah would tell Rainbow to calm down, but Ah would certainly do the same thing. And Big Mac, Lord knows he is willing to serve a death sentence if any harm comes to us,” Applejack said solemnly.

“Shining isn’t different,” Twilight piped up. “He told me and even demonstrated to Timber that he is willing to throw his life away if anyone dares to harm me.”

“Zephyr most likely will get beaten up,” began Flutter, “most of which he had coming. However, that being said…” Fluttershy pulled out what looked to be a butterfly knife. “If anyone wants to bring ill will to my little brother, I will gladly wear the blood of the assailant all over my skin!” she growled.

After a few seconds sudden terror, Rarity finally piped up. “Well, usually it is my father that delivers upon his threats; he did serve time for seven years of aggravated assault, but I guess if life wants to test me, I will prove that I am the daughter of Hondo Flanks by deliverING ONE HELL OF A BEATING!” she announced through clenched teeth.

“Wait, your father did what?” asked Wallflower who had just returned.

“Well, I guess I can add this to our project,” said Pinkie. “I think we got what we need… If you excuse me, I-I need to go to the bathroom.” The pink girl got up and marched straight to the water closet.

The girls sat there, still processing what had just been read to them, in total disbelief that something like this took place at their high school, yet it was never talked about, except for one.

“Ok,” started Wallflower, “I know as hell we aren’t just gonna hear the fact that Rarity’s father went to prison for seven years and not talk about it!”

Pinkie sat in a stall, knees hugged to her chest, looking at the text message that Sunset sent her weeks back. This was something that Pinkie always feared, that the world wasn’t too kind to trans people, and Marble was one that suffered throughout her life, a victim of social anxiety, self-hatred, and dysphoria. She couldn’t bear to think she could wake up one day and hear that her sister was beaten, raped, or even murdered. Such thoughts brought a burning feeling through her breast. Teeth grinding, her fists clenched, her hair deflated, and her eyes blood red, Pinkie launched a punch through the stall door, making a hole. “Tod denen, die das Blut der Familie vergossen haben!” she growled.

It was Friday, the 5th of December, 7:45 P.M. Pinkie and Maud were at home, setting up Christmas decorations. “It sure does suck that Ma, Pa, and Lime have to stay another week in Germany,” said Pinkie as she places ornaments on the tree.

“Yeah,” started Maud, as she placed the stockings on the fire mantle. “It’s not their fault; Cousin Herald was getting up there in age, it's only polite to attend his funeral, especially with his help by sending us some money for our meds.”

“Yeah, I am glad that Marble handled it well. If it weren’t for him, we wouldn’t have afforded her hormonal medication. I’ll miss him.” Pinkie looked down somberly, but with a shining light peering through the window warmed her soul, as she remembered the joy to come for the next months.

Just ten minutes from her house, Marble was in Tran’s Mustang. The two had just finished watching a rom-com, and they decided to have some fun in the car. The two were in the throes of each other’s arms, making out and caressing each other. As their tongues danced, Marble held on tightly to Tran’s back, as the young man himself stroked the grey woman’s hair with his left hand, and his right kneading her abdomen. Marble’s cheeks and chest burned with an insatiable lust, as her boyfriend caressed her in all the right spots. Never had she felt this level of pleasure before, such excitement, blood rushing to her brain, through her veins, through her… at that moment, she felt his hand brush upon her sacred staff.

Tran broke the embrace and shifted back. His eyes widened with shock with what he had laid his hands on.

Marble was not ignorant to see that caught him off guard, Ok, he touched me there, but we have a good relationship, I’m sure he will calm down, thought the young pie.

“So…” Marble began with hint of nervousness in her voice, “as you felt, I haven’t been all too open, out of fear mostly.” Her nerves tickled her all over, but with this confession, she knew she would feel utterly relieved, “As you can tell, I am tr—“


The word froze Marble, her blood ran cold, and her heart dropped.

“Uhh,” she picked back up, “I’m sorry, I think I misheard you, what did you call me?”

“A degenerate, a sick man, a fucking PERVERT!” Tran yelled.

Marble felt her heart crack, and her body shake. Before she could say anything else, Tran stepped out of the car.

“Ok, we can bounce back from this, don’t worry,” Marble mumbled to herself shaking all over.

The grey woman stepped out of the car and walked towards her boyfriend who was sitting on the hood of his car.

“Listen,” Marble began, “I know it’s a hard thing to swallow, but I am trans and have been since I was five. I transitioned in the fourth grade via hormones; ever since then I’ve felt like I was right at home.” Any time she tried to meet his gaze, Tran avoided it. “Of course, I’ve been picked on for it, and at times I feel as if… I’m not a woman, but ever since I met you, the kiss we shared and what we did in the car made me feel as if I truly am a woman and that’s made me happy. I love you, Tran, you make me feel whole.”

As Marble ended her sentiment, she placed a hand on Tran’s shoulder, but what happened next, tore her world asunder. An aching sensation met itself felt on her lips, and the asphalt soon cradled her head, the salty flavor of red crimson acquainting itself with Marble’s tongue. She looked up at the man she fell in love with, his eyes filled with fury, and fist covered in her blood, his face resembling death.

“You sick fuck!” he yelled, causing Marble to flinch in fear.

Yet, despite this fear, she found herself getting back up, shaking, but still determined to at least salvage this relationship, “Listen, I understand you feel confused, but I—“

“Me? Confused?” growled Tran. “I ain’t the one with the sick family helping a disgusting tranny perv on other people!”

The words cut Marble severely, tears began to well up in her eyes.

“At least you didn’t have a fucking ax wound! What the fuck is wrong with you!?” With that came another punch to Marble’s cheek, knocking her to the hood of the car. He grabbed her hair and began banging her face on the hood. “Fucking rapists is what all of you are! Preying on gay women and wanting to get sympathy?! Goddamn you, you fucking trap!”

With one last hard bang he threw her to the ground.

Marble felt her head and nose bleeding. Tears flowing from her eyes, she curled up into a fetal position as thoughts raced through her mind. Sadly, Tran wasn’t done yet. He walked towards the terrified woman and proceeded to kick her in the abdomen.

“That fucking cunt Pinkie knew! If she weren’t a woman, I’d beat the shit out of her too!” The force of each kick increased as he brutally assaulted her. “I thought I wouldn’t have to do this again; I promised my family, but I can’t help it! Seeing freaks like you fills me with rage! I will fucking teach you about lying and being a subhuman pervert!”

Marble gasped with each kick, and the memories flew back in, memories of rejection by her closest friends in the German community, the whispers of parents, her society, both German and English, shaming people like her. Marble felt a wave of sadness overflowing and remembered the anger that accompanied it.

When Tran was done kicking, Marble slowly got back up, her stomach in severe pain, nose, head, and lips bloodied, wheezing with every breath, ribs poking her abdomen.

“Standing up now, are we?” Tran mocked. “You think it got what it takes, you mentally ill tra—“ Tran was cut off from sharp pain in his lower left leg. Marble had stomped him in his fibula, causing the young man to kneel on his left knee.

He then looked up the woman he had beaten and saw a demonic visage that sent terror through his spine.

Marble grabbed his shirt and proceeded to deliver blow after blow to Tran, knocking some of his teeth out. Blood splattered her shirt, and the final blow sent Tran landing to the ground. She stepped back for a moment, knowing he was still conscious. He looked up at her with a look of a wounded predator. Both stared at each other before Marble ran off, and she ran, ran and never looked back. Crying softly to herself, as the moments replayed in her head. He’s right! was the last thing she thought.

Pinkie and Maud were in the basement, playing Uno, with Maud winning for the tenth time in a row.

“Oh, come on! How? This game is literally up to chance!” complained the pink party girl.

Maud smirked. “Luck is on my side, Pinkie.”

“Hmmph! Rematch! Now!”

Maud chuckled, “Sure thing, I don’t mind delivering another L to my sister.”

Before Pinkie could retort, there was a banging on the front door.

“Pinkie, go get the door while I shuffle the cards.”

Pinkie scoffed but did what her elder sister told her to do. “Stinkin’ Maud, and her luck,” she grumbled.

Maud shuffled the cards and dealt them out. If she only knew how to hold on to her draw fours Maud thought. Perhaps we should play something else, Jenga cou—

Before Maud could finish her thought, an ear piercing scream echoed through the house. “Pinkie!” Maud got up and ran up the stairs. When she reached her sister, she saw why she had screamed. Outside was a bloodied Marble.

“Who did this!?” Pinkie yelled. “Who is the dead son of a whore that did this to you!” Pinkie was huffing, her breathing uneven.

Maud walked up towards her baby sister. “Marble?” she asked. Marble looked at the middle child, and back to her twin, before breaking down. Maud and Pinkie hugged her.

The Pie sisters sat in the living room, all drinking coco Pinkie made. Marble was covered by her older sister’s blanket. Marble told her sisters what happened, from the making out. to the assault. and the beating she gave in return.

“He made me feel whole,” she said through sobs, “but when he felt my erection, he-he told me the truth!”

Pinkie felt the veins on her head popping, her hair deflated once more whilst Maud calmly sipped her coco. To the untrained eye, it would seem she remained at peace, but the thoughts running through her mind were quite sinful, so much in fact that even Satan himself would say was too far.

“I am going to murder that fucking prick!” growled Pinkie through her clenched teeth. “I am going to make that Kotzbrocken wish he never laid a hand on you! He will be shitting in a bedpan!”

“NO!” yelled Marble. “Don’t, it's no use. We’re through and I doubt he will even try anything on me. From what he told me on our last date, he got in trouble for something he didn’t elaborate on, that he couldn’t afford to get in trouble again. Something about his parents can’t take another scandal.”

“Marble!” Pinkie piped up. “He laid his hands on you, he assaulted you; why should I not beat the ever-loving shit out of him!?”

“Pinkie!” The girls turned their attention to their older sister. “Marble requested that we don’t lay hands on him, so we should respect her wishes!”

Enraged, Pinkie shot up and yelled, “Are you fucking kidding me? He beat up your baby sister, he made her feel like shit! Look at her! Are you ok with that!?”

Maud calmly sipped on her coco then placed it on the coffee table. Standing up, she looked straight into her sister’s eyes. “Pinkie, God knows that I would love nothing more than to give him the Vlad Tepes treatment, but our baby sister made a request, and we will honor it. We owe her that much.”


“But nothing. We will honor our sister’s wishes, Verstanden!?”

Pinkie looked into Maud’s eyes with her heart hardened, then shifted her gaze to her baby sister. Tears flowing from the younger twin’s eyes that begged her sister not to do this. In turn Pinkie’s heart softened.

“Fine, but only because Marble requested it!” The pink one grabbed her car keys from the key bowl and headed for the front door. “I’m going to go swing by Rainbow’s and get some fucking weed! Don’t wait up!” With that, she slammed the door.

Maud sighed and looked at her shaking baby sister. “Don’t worry Marble, she’ll be fine. She just… is really protective of you, so much so it would put Lime to shame.”

Marble responded with her signature “Mhmm,” and gazed down at her feet.

“Hey, how about you go take a warm bath Marble. I got that soap you love,” said Maud.

Thankfully, Marble smiled at this. “Ok,” she said quietly.

“I bring up the towels and even set out those scented candles you love so much.”

Marble felt tears running down her cheek. For once, she began to feel happy again. Marble set her coco on the table and headed for the upstairs bathroom. As she walked up the stairs, she stopped as her sister called out to her.

“Marble, you are the most elegant, beautiful, tough, and creative woman I know. I am both blessed and honored to have you as a sister!”

Marble nearly broke down again, but she kept going up the stairs, when she finally reached the bathroom, she let go, and let her emotions run through.

Monday, 8th of December, 1:45 P.M. Pinkie was at her locker getting her books for her last class and as she closed it she turned around to see him. Their eyes met for a full second, before she turned around, and kicked her locker in frustration.

“Woah, don’t let the principal or the teachers catch you doing that,” said Sunset. Pinkie turned to her left to see her friends.

“Yeah, it's just…”

“You saw him, didn’t you?” Wallflower asked.

Pinkie had relayed the information to Rainbow who in turn told her friends. Pinkie nodded her head with a twitch in her eye.

“Ugh, are you sure I can’t kick his ass?” asked Rainbow.

“Yes, even though Marble requested that me and Maud not teach him a lesson, Marble will think I sent one of you instead. And Christ knows I don’t want to break that promise,” Pinkie huffed.

“Are ya sure?” asked Applejack. “Ah told Big Mac about what happened, and he says that he and his friends can set him straight, no questions asked.”

“Applejack, as much as I would love for that to happen, we must respect her wishes. I don’t want her feeling like shit again,” replied Pinkie somberly.

As the bell rang for seventh period, the girls rushed towards their respective classes. When Pinkie arrived at her class, she sat in the middle row, lamenting about the past three days, but that was interrupted by a familiar voice.

“Hey, uh, Pinkie,” a deep soothing voice said.

The pink girl looked behind her to see the class Rasta, hippie, and psychedelic rock musician, Sandalwood, sitting behind her.

“Oh, hey Sandal, how are you?”

“Good, thanks for asking. Had a nice relaxing weekend with Sugarcoat, and managed to come up with a new sound for this song our band is making, but uhh, how are you?”

“Fine,” smiled Pinkie.

“Really, because that smile reeks of year-old shit. I’ll ask again, how are you, really?”

Pinkie sighed as her faux smile drifted away. “Enraged,” she replied.

“Yeah, I heard what happened. My queer friends say that Tran’s still angry about what happened,” Sandlewood explained.

“That shit eater has nothing to be angry about!” retorted Pinkie.

“Oh, trust me, I agree. I never liked the fucker; ever since day one, he gave me bad vibes. But I’m glad to see you aren’t tearing the school apart after the comment he made.”

Pinkie’s ears perked up. “What comment?”

Sandlewood gulped, as he realized he made a big mistake. “Nothing, forget I said anything.”

“Oh, no no no, tell me!” Pinkie demanded.

“Listen, it's nothing, just a big mouth shooting off a few checks he can’t cash in.”

“Tell me now, or I will text Sugarcoat who really broke her project!” Pinkie threatened.

Sandalwood turned white; Sugarcoat would not react well if she learned that he accidently broke her science project. “Ok, ok, but you have to promise not to freak, ok?”

“Just tell me, Bunny Wailer!”

“Ok, I will. Shit, so, uhh, when I was changing after gym class, I overheard Tran talking with some dudes that were trying to calm him down. He is still pissed from what happened on Friday, right? Well, he—and by the way his friends chastise him for it—he might have…” Sandalwood hesitated to finish his sentence.

Pinkie reached in her pocket and brought up Sugar’s contact.

“Ok, ok! He said that if Marble wanted to be a girl so badly, then she should be treated like one!”

Pinkie was confused, and relieved, “Oh, is that all? Huh, he might turn a new leaf.”

“His friends thought so to, until he brought up that he meant that Marble should be, and I quote, ‘brutally ganged raped in order to know the horrors of her perversion,’ and, yeah…”

Pinkie dropped her phone, her hair flattened, and her eyes twitched.

“Pinkie, calm down, it's nothing to sweat over, just a little man saying things he will regret in the future,” Sandal assured her.

“Yeah, you’re right. Thank you for telling me that, Woody,” Pinkie said in ominous monotone. “If you would excuse me, I think I forgot my folder in my locker.” She got up and ran out of class.

At 2:45, the dismissal bell rang and the students all clamored to leave the public mandated cells they called school. Tran was headed to his locker to put up the books he didn’t need. When he arrived, he was shocked to see something taped to his locker. He took it off and read it.

Meet me behind the mechanic garage. Your ass is going to learn why you don’t fuck with my family! -Sincerely, Pinkie,

P.S. What insolent poor excuse of a man says that trans woman deserves to be raped?

Tran sighed and crumpled the paper before throwing in the trash. “If there is a god, may she forgive me for what is about to transpire,” he whispered to himself.

2:54. Marble stayed at Maud’s house that day given that she required a mental health day to recover from the assault. Waking up from a nap, she felt well rested despite the soreness she felt in her nose and lips. She looked at her nightstand where her phone laid, reached out for it, and saw she had a text message from Pinkie.

She opened up her messages and read it aloud. “Dear Marble, I am sorry that I failed you as an older sister, letting you go out with that sick bastard, and I know what you and Maud said, but after from what I have heard from this beast’s fowl lips, I have no choice but to defend, not just your honor, but our family’s honor, and the honor of transgender people everywhere. I am deeply sorry, and hope that you forgive me!”

Marble dropped her phone and got out of bed. “Maud!”

2:48. Behind the mechanic garage, Pinkie Pie stood in the middle of the vacant lot waiting for Tran. Said man pulled up in his Mustang, the paintjob a beautiful shade of green and black, but there was something off on the hood. It was the color red. This infuriated Pinkie.

Tran exited the car cracking his knuckles and neck. “What the fuck do you want?”

“Charming,” Pinkie sarcastically replied. “I honored both of my sister’s commands to not beat the absolute shit out of you, and I did… but that all changed when a little birdie told me that you think my baby sister deservers to be brutally raped to completely understand what it is like to be a woman.”

Tran spat, “Well, you, Miss Pie, your brother seems to be that he thinks life as a woman is easy, not having a care in the world, but of course both of us know that isn’t the case. Violence against women is still quite a problem that affects our society, even in the grand city of Canterlot. Women are stalked, murdered, kidnapped, and so on, so if your twin brother wants to be a woman, he should know why its not ok to pretend to be one!”

“Brother?” Pinkie asked with a chuckle, slowly walking towards Tran. “I have no brother. Igneous and Cloudy Pie are proud parents of four daughters, Limestone, Maudlin, Pinkamena, and Marble Pie.” Pinkie now stood toe to toe with Tran. “Do you think your little pea sized brain can remember that? Or do I have to repeat myself?”

With that, Tran threw the first punch, connecting to Pinkie’s jaw.

Unphased by it, Pinkie simply looked back straight into Tran’s eyes and giggled, “Oh, honey, you simply need to try harder than that. My baby cousin hits harder.”

Angered by this, Tran threw another punch, this time to her face, but once more Pinkie was unphased by this, as she simply looked back up with a smirk as she licked the blood dripping from her lip. “Jesus, Marble must’ve taken pity on you if this is all you got.”

Tran then delivered a series of blows to the pink skinned girl, with a finishing blow to her abdomen. Pinkie spat out some blood, and again reoriented herself as if nothing happened. Despite the bloody lips, bruised cheeks, blackening eye, and the broken lower rib, Pinkie was still unphased by the assault.

“What the hell?” was all Tran could say.

“Oh, Tran, you see, I come from the ilk of a man known as Johan Pie, a disgraced Amish man that was thrown out of his community. Even though my parents won’t let me know why until I turn twenty-five, we were built to help those that suffer, protect those that have no friends, and defend those that come from our creed! Along with thousands of years of peasant German blood running through our veins and our burning passion for justice, love, and equality, no number of punches, stabs, or bullets will stop me from delivering your just punishment!”

With her concluding statement, Pinkie delivered a horse kick to Tran’s abdomen, before delivering a roundhouse kick to his ribs, breaking three of them.

Tran felt like he was fighting a horse. He tried to get up but received another kick, this time in the chin. His bottom teeth chipped, and his breathing became painful from the broken ribs.

Pinkie was far from done. She grabbed Tran’s hair and lifted him up before punching his face repeatedly, breaking his nose, busting his lips, and damaging his eye. She then threw him across the pavement.


Tran slowly got back on his feet, dizzy but determined to at least get one more punch in. He launched himself at the pink woman, but was thrown off with a blurry image of her, as she grabbed him and threw him to the front on the hood of his car. Pinkie grabbed his head and slammed it repeatedly on the hood of his car.

“Ain’t so fucking fun when you are on the end of it is it, pretty boy!” she growled.

Pinkie threw him to the wooden fence, where he collapsed. He was still conscious, but his breathing was labored. She marched towards him.

“Pinkie!” yelled a voice, but she ignored it.

When she was in front of Tran, Pinkie began kicking repeatedly in the chest and abdomen.

“Pinkie Pie!” yelled a different voice, but again she ignored it.

“If you ever lay a hand on my sister, or anyone again, I will fucking make sure I will re-arrange your body TO THE FUCKING ELEPHANT MAN!” yelled Pinkie.

“Pinkie!” This one sounded like Maud, but once more the young woman ignored the cry.


“Pinkie, please stop!” With the final plea, Pinkie stopped, and turned to her left, to see Maud, Principal Celestia, Vice Principal Luna, and her baby sister, Marble, crying.

Pinkie breathed a little looking back at Tran, then turning her attention to the authority figures. “I’m done, I’ll head to your office after I wipe my shoes; they got shit covered on them.”

3:25. Principal Celestia’s office. Marble and Maud sat outside waiting for their sister. as Pinkie sat with a stern look on her face.

“You better be lucky he threw the first punch, or else you would be expelled young lady!” Celestia reprimanded. “You beat the poor kid half to death! Just what on earth were you thinking?”

Pinkie scoffed, refusing to answer.

“Well, since you refuse to talk,” Celestia continued, “I guess I’ll go ahead and punish you. You are hereby suspended for the next two months! You will have time to think about your actions! Hopefully you’ll understand why what you did was wrong!”

“The real question is, did you understand?” Pinkie retorted.

Celestia and Luna were shocked to hear such a disrespectful remark. “Excuse me!” Celestia began. “What on earth has gotten into you, young lady? This isn’t like you at all!”

“Is that what Principal Starswirl said to you when you defended your sister?”

The room fell silent, as Celestia and Luna felt their stomach turn.

“What—?” began Luna. “Just what are you talking about, Pinkie?”

Pinkie sighed and looked towards only Celestia. “18th of March, 1995. A young senior brutally beat up five students who harassed, threatened and abused her younger sister. The reason for this was that her baby sister was outed as a lesbian. She had already been suffering from alienation and small-scale bullying throughout her life, but during high school, when someone revealed to her sexual preference for women, she was ostracized.”

The air chilled. Both women felt their world shrink as the young Pie recounted the story, “She was beaten up, harassed, abused, and even was threaten with rape in order to ‘fix her’. Despite the girl’s mother complaining to staff, little was done. This of course led to the young girl attempting suicide.” When she finished off that sentence, drops of liquid echoed through the office. Pinkie continued, “After months of beating, gropings, abuse, harassment, she slit her wrists. Luckily the girl survived and was taken to the hospital. She had to spend the next two weeks at a mental institution for adolescents. Her sister was heartbroken and decided to target the five main culprits that consistently harassed her. She told them to meet behind what was at the time the newly installed mechanic garage, where she proceeded to brutally beat all five students. Two of the five had to go to the hospital. The girl, who remained unnamed, was suspended for a month. Usually such an act would get a student expelled, but this student was unique, top of her class, and beloved by the community, and her parents well respected. To the point they had to do the shameful act of paying the school and press to not reveal her name. Surly, you wouldn’t forget that, especially since that lesbian student was Vice-Principal Luna.”

Silence, not a word was spoken, but only the sound fallen tears dropping to the ground by a quietly sobbing Luna. The elder woman took some Kleenex and wiped her the tears off her face, before finally breaking the silence. “Everyday was a living hell… after years of feeling trapped, ignoring my heart's messages that I yearned for another woman, only for when I finally came out to a school that claimed to be accepting, I was met with hatred… So much hatred, I wanted it to end,” Luna said, choking back on her tears. “With Dad dying and Mom struggling to understand how I felt, I felt alone. My own sister, even distanced herself from me… I felt as if I had no reason to live. I tried to end it all, but I woke up in a hospital. I felt like a goddamn failure! In the hospital I felt as if no one cared for me… not my friends, the doctors, my mother, or even my own sister. That was until… That day.” Luna met Celestia’s gaze. “That day you beat up those five pieces of shits. I thought you hated me, but from then on I knew that you loved me, and I knew then that someone cared, and I had a reason to live,” Luna finished while wiping away her tears.

Celestia sighed and looked at Pinkie Pie. “I try to hide that from you all. Despite feeling no guilt over what I had done I tried to keep it all under wraps. I didn’t know how to approach Luna; for Christ’s sake, when I was a kid the AIDS epidemic was a huge scare. We all thought less of gay men, but gay women? We didn’t know how to react to that, but when I saw Luna attempt to end her own life, I knew that I failed to protect her, and helped her. I made sure that no student that day ever fucked with her again! No one has the right to make my baby sister feel like utter trash, because she is not trash!” said Celestia sternly, with some tears leaking from her eyes.

“Pinkie,” Celestia picked up again, “I’ll do this, one month detention, and 120 hours of community service; just make sure, that if you ever have to do what you did, do it outside of school grounds. Couldn’t you have learned from my mistake?”

Pinkie chuckled, “Sorry, I guess I was in too in the moment.”

As Celestia wrote her punishment down and gave it to Pinkie, she had one last question. “Pinkie, how did you know it was us?”

“Sunset had made indirect comments as I read the report aloud a while back at the public library. She knew what happened next, how many students where there, despite me not even knowing until I got near the end of the article, and then how Luna attempted suicide, then I remembered that you are her adoptive mother, and Luna is her aunt, then I connected the two,” she explained.

Celestia rolled her eyes as Luna chuckled.

It was late at night. Pinkie was in her room on her laptop looking up places to volunteer at until she heard a knock at the door. She turned around to see her baby twin sister Marble.

“Oh, hey Marble, come on in, have a seat on my bed.”

Marble entered but refused to sit on her bed, “Pinkie I—“

“I know, I broke your promise, and I’m deeply sorry, I just couldn’t let it go,” she interrupted.

“No, Pinkie, I—“

“And I understand if you are mad at me and don’t want to talk to me anymore, I deserve it.”

“If you would let me—“

“Shun me! Shun me like they do in Amish soci—“

Marble placed her hand over her older twin’s mouth. “Perfect. Now, I was going to say, thank you… I know I said don’t tear him a new one, and I still wish you hadn’t, but thank you for looking out for me, and thank you for what you said to him before you stopped. Do you really think I am a woman?”

Marble removed her hand from Pinkie’s mouth, who in return stood up and embraced her sister tightly. “Of course I do Marble! You’re the best sister a girl could ask for, and let no one ever take that away from you.”

Tears of joy drained from Marble’s eyes, as she hugged her sister back.

Comments ( 22 )

May I have a source for the cover image used?

One, didn't know Pinkie was either german, Amish, or both, so that's a neat thing to learn.

Two, Rip and tear Tran a new hole, Pinkie.

Rip. And. Tear.

it's somewhat implied or joked about how the Pie family is Amish in the series, so I decided to make them Amish in this series. As for the German, that is something they learned as they live in the German half of town, and since in this story the Pie's tend to have an easy time with languages, it is cinch for them. As for the family being in Germany, that will be explained in the main story later down the line.

Oh okay, thanks for the explanation, lovely story btw.

OH MY GOD!!!!! This story was freaking epic. I freaking love it:pinkiehappy:


I’m sad that Limestone wasn't there during all this. I know it makes sense for her not to be story wise, because she would of most definitely (probably) murdered tran.

But one could wonder how things would gone if she was there, hell, I would settle to see her reaction after girls tell her and their parents what happened.

This will happen in the main story.

Comment posted by HumanSVD deleted Apr 9th, 2022

I don't know how this was propaganda. Over top? perhaps, but this is fiction. Ridiculous? Harming bigots is a good thing.

Nice to see my comment get deleted. I didn't even say any insults or break the TOS. I see any form of criticism or dissent is not allowed.

The story is not believable at all. First off, the part where Tran is alleged to have attacked a previous queer person (or whatever the correct term for LGBTQ person is) is ludicrous. It was stated that the attack happened in a progressive city but nothing was done about it? In this day and age, attacks like that would be taken very seriously and a prosecutor would jump on that like a fat kid on a cupcake. It would be prosecuted as a hate crime since the motivation of attack was for the victims identity.

Secondly, modern Germans don't have this viking-esque form of honor. I would know, I've been there and met quite a couple of them. Germany today is a very post nationalist nation that's overly guilty of ww2, despite those who perpetrated that event, to include the murderers of the holocaust, have long since passed. Very out of place.

Then there's part of justifying organizing an attack of Tran. Why in the hell not report him to the police? In many cases today, a victim need not be the one to press charges, attacks like these can be prosecuted by the police alone. The injuries on Marble were serious enough to put him in prison for a long time.

Instead, Pinkie Pie organizes a planned fight and nearly kills him. "Huzzah!", you might say, but what good would that do Marble if her sister goes to prison? She'll be scarred even more and psychologically damaged that her simply wanting to find love resulted in sister going to prison.

And no school officials in their right mind would ever let Pinkie Pie go off the hook. Police would be called immediately, as the safety of students is their #1 job aside from educating them.

This COULD have been a better executed story, but instead it came off as a personal anger manuscript justifying violence against your enemies, except the target is a current popular one, bigots. The previous one was homosexuals. Who knows what the next popular victims will be.

But I don't expect anything other than a comment deletion and more "This is justified because of x y z". Just wondering if you deleted it or if you complained to a mod. Oh well, result is the same.

First. I deleted your comment since it had contained no form of formal criticism (saying something is over the top, ridiculous, and propaganda is not criticism, it’s just piss flying through the wind) and I saw it as a possible transphobe shitting on it cause a bigot got beaten up
2. Your first critique is somewhat valid, but mind you most violence of trans people are (in amercia at least) rarely reported on the news, the sexual violence we face, the death threats we get, even in a progressive city there is a chance of it being ignored. I could’ve put in “the family didn’t want to press charges” instead of his family leaving, but hey, live and learn.
3. No shit Germans don’t have that concept of Viking honor, the fact you think I thought shows you have preconceived notions of me without even asking. (I have German blood too mind you) I used it for dramatic effect, to give the family more backstory, it’s plan I have on expanding this lore. So, this critique can be discarded.
4. Ever heard of Django or inglorious bastards? This is a story to help those that have faced violence or get shit on for being trans to have this outlet in seeing a Bigot getting the shit beat out of him. Idc about the morals of being the bigger person or whatever, we deserve to have our anger expressed in anyway we see pleased.
5.it wasn’t reported because it was implied that marble was done with him, she wanted no further contact with him and just wanted it to be done. And guess what, not all police take the reports of trans people seriously, welcome to reality where not everything will work out the same
7. If you don’t like the violence that’s fine, but coming from my life and view point, harming someone that wants you dead is a good thing, it’s called being defensive. I’m a firm believer in peoples Justice, and that not amount of moralizing from you can change my mind from that. You may live in a world where everything is handled “civilly” but in the real world, stuff is much more grey, and sadly people end up getting hurt. I don’t want it to be that way, but that’s life.
8. And I don’t expect anything from you other than “it’s not morally right cause x y z” fuck off, this whole critique you have forwarded reads like a person who has never been on the bad end of being harmed by people for their intinate being. You sound like that type of person that would push the “northern aggression” line tbh. Or that our people were uppity during the civil rights era when we fought for social equality. Fuck off, lmao.
9. I’ll keep your comment tho, but I will block you. People like you are the reason why nothing gets done, you sound like a liberal that Malcom X, and MLK warned about.

I’m going to rework my response tomorrow because it was childish and more anger field, and give a more proper response that isn’t emotionally filled

Only thing I can say for folks like yourself son is to open a bible and stop listening to media propaganda.

Your life will turn for the better for it, trust me.

Uhh, thank you? I practice Ifa, and read texts of the dharma where we are encouraged of being ourselves and open to whom we are and what fits our destiny, not to say I don't read the bible, I do, but I don't feel the spiritual connection to it (excluding with Yeshua whom i see as an avatar of Obatala) as for the media aspect, I can say for the same to you, because the media is a double edged sword mind you. I base my beliefs from what I have learned from knowing these people, what the social and hard scientists have said, and so on. I appreciate the concern, but i'm fine. also, that's a sick broly pfp.

actually, if you want, we can talk rn in dms, I'm open to it. Talks on spirituality fascinate me

I mean....not adverse to it. Just saying it's better to let go and move on than hang onto hate, even if it's a little.

Oh, I have been delving into the Buddhist tantric view of hate, it is indeed an emotion that can cause suffering to oneself. my philosophy is this, delve into the negative emotions to have a better understanding of them and how to transform them into their opposite. I do think there can be righteous indignation and when I originally wrote the message earlier this year, I was getting ready for class and felt frustrated. I wish to not harm people, but I think if one wishes to harm you must defend yourself. Perhaps hate is something I need to struggle with, as I wish not to harm others, as I do think people can change for the better, I just wanted to write this story because I dreamt of it. I don't regret writing this, and I still think that it is ok to protect oneself from those that seek to harm you; the revenge honor thing was just something I wanted to work with as writing fanfiction is nothing more than just practice for me so I can eventually move on to writing independent stories.

It's not a wrong phrase but I'm with the one God not any of the pantheons. Kind of don't want to go from there cause I don't want to trample on what anyone may believe here but yeah.

No no, its's fine, like I said I am open to discussion (if you want this to private, we can dm) but you did nothing to offend. You're fine, and have been quite nice.

This story is freaking AWESOME! GO, PINKIE, GIVE THOSE 'PHOBES A HELL OF A PUNISHMENT!!:rainbowdetermined2:

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