• Published 12th Sep 2012
  • 1,252 Views, 29 Comments

Chaotic Symphony - Deathstrider

When Vinyl Scratch splits up with her long time partner can anything or anypony make her happy again

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Chapter 6

EDITED BY Lunat1c CHECK OUT HIS WORK :D(http://www.fimfiction.net/user/Lunat1c)


An hour had passed since Rainbow Dash had arrived at Fluttershy's house, and she was starting to get bored of waiting,

"Argh, when is she gonna get here?" she asked Fluttershy, without a pause in her passing from one side of the room to the other.

"Maybe she got lost on the way." Fluttershy suggested in her timid voice.

"No way." Rainbow said, turning down the suggestion instantly. "She blew us off.".

"I'm sure she wouldn't have done it on purpose, maybe she forgot.".

"Pff, doubt it, I'm tired of waiting I'm gonna go home." She told the pale yellow pegasus,

"See ya 'Shy." She said flying off through the window. It was barely five seconds before Fluttershy saw Rainbow poke her head back in the window she went out off, grinning. "I found her." She said with a laugh, flying back out for Fluttershy to follow her. Fluttershy looked around and saw Rainbow at the bottom of her garden path, poking an unconscious Vinyl Scratch. "Hellloooooo?" Rainbow called into Vinyl's ear. "Anyone in?" she asked, with a poke to Vinyl's horn, which, in turn, caused Vinyl's head to loll to one side.

"Oh my." Fluttershy squeaked. "We must get her inside before she catches a fever." Fluttershy told Rainbow, trying to pick up the white unicorn.

"Argh, fine." Rainbow said, watching Fluttershy struggle for a bit before carrying the unicorn through the window.

"Erm, Rainbow, Erm, you know I have a door, right?" Fluttershy asked, Rainbow just shrugged her shoulders and put Vinyl down onto the sofa.

"So, what do we do now? You have an unconscious celebrity on your sofa." Rainbow said, as Fluttershy trotted over to Vinyl to see what was the matter with her. Forgetting any worries about what Rainbow had told her. She put her hoof to Vinyl's forehead, she pulled away almost immediately, rushing off to get some blankets for the icy cold unicorn.

"Rainbow, we have to call a doctor right away, Vinyl is really ill." Fluttershy said returning with what looked like enough blankets to fill one of Applejack's barns.

"No, we can't let anyone know she's here." Rainbow said urgently. "If we do tell anypony she's here she might tell them why she's here, and that reason is because we got caught having sex!"

"Erm, Rainbow do you have to use that, erm, word?" Fluttershy asked blushing a brilliant crimson.

"What word." Rainbow said, grinning manically, creeping towards Fluttershy. "Sex?" She said giving the yellow mare a love bite on her neck.

"Eek, erm, yes that word." She said, turning even redder. "I don't like calling it th-mmph!" Her words were cut off by Rainbow's kiss. It felt like there were a billion fireworks going off inside of her mouth as the cyan mare's tongue investigated every inch of her jaws. Fluttershy kissed back not wanting to miss a second of this high. The two mares only stopped their passionate kiss and embrace when they heard a coughing from the sofa next to them. They broke away quickly expecting to see a sheepish looking Vinyl sitting on the sofa, instead they saw a youthful looking pony with a look of pain upon her scrunched up face, Fluttershy could tell that Vinyl was seriously ill, she flitted over to the unicorn ignoring the ruined moment between herself and her lover, her maternal instinct taking over.

"There, there, you'll be alright, everything will be fine." She crooned to the poorly pony, stroking her mane.

"Just leave her." Rainbow told Fluttershy. "She can get better on her own. But right now, I need you." She purred across the room to her lover, this didn't get a response. "Hellloooo? Earth to Fluttershy." She said, instantly changing her tone.

"Hmm? Sorry, I was looking after Vinyl, did you say something?" Fluttershy asked sweetly. Rainbow looked at her with deadpan eyes. "If I ask you to do me right now you'll say no, won't you?" She asked in monotone voice.

"Oh no, I would, erm, do you, it's just, Vinyl's here and if I didn't look after her it would be rude, so, no, I guess not right now." She finished, despite having contradicted herself several times. "You can go home and I'll look after Vinyl on my own if you want, I mean, I'm not saying you should go, but if you want to, I don't mind." Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes, she couldn't just go home and leave Fluttershy on her own, especially not with a stranger in her house, what sort of element of loyalty would she be if she ditched her lover to go home? A not very loyal one. That's what. It would contradict her entire being if she were to go home now. "No, I'll stay here and look after Vinyl with you, exactly where I belong." She told Fluttershy giving her a peck on the cheek. "Thanks Rainbow, I love you." She said, returning the kiss. "I couldn't ask for more." The two ponies embraced and walked together to the other side of the room, where they sat in the armchair, Fluttershy curled up, head on Rainbow's lap and Rainbow sitting up arm around Fluttershy's shoulder. They sat like that for the rest of the evening, Fluttershy occasionally getting up to check on Vinyl to change her blankets or get her to drink some water, this routine went on well into the night.

Rainbow had fallen asleep earlier than Fluttershy, bored at the lack of things going on but still content to be in Fluttershy's company. When Fluttershy was happy that Vinyl wasn't going to deteriorate during the night she crossed back over to the armchair, that the snoring Rainbow Dash was sitting in and sat down, she squeezed up as close as she could get to Rainbow without waking her and laid her head on Rainbow's lap. Unconsciously Rainbow moved her arm back onto Fluttershy's shoulders and pulled her into herself. Fluttershy decided that it was nice to be wanted. At that point in time she no longer cared what anypony thought of her and Rainbow. She was just happy to be with somepony who loved her as much as Fluttershy loved them. It was like this that Fluttershy fell into a calm and happy sleep.