• Published 12th Sep 2012
  • 1,251 Views, 29 Comments

Chaotic Symphony - Deathstrider

When Vinyl Scratch splits up with her long time partner can anything or anypony make her happy again

  • ...

Chapter 9


EDITED BY Lunat1c CHECK OUT HIS WORK :D(http://www.fimfiction.net/user/Lunat1c)


Darkness, sheer darkness. That was all that Vinyl could see. Was she finally dead? Had she entered some kind of limbo state? No, she can't have, she twitched her muscles one by one starting from her back legs and working her way up. As she did this she noticed that everything seemed to be heightened. Smells, some sort of a pie. Sight, the darkness wasn't so dark, as if there were a light behind it. Sound, birdsong from the trees outside. Wait, birdsong? There were never any ambient noises in her dreams, which meant one thing. She wasn't dreaming.

Vinyl sat bolt upright, a sheen of sweat covering her face, she opened her eyes wide as to get an idea of where she might be now, she instantly regretted the actions as she saw dots before her eyes and felt like having to vomit. She steadied herself and tried looking around again, this time managing not to have a head rush.

She was sitting upon a sofa that had been made into a bed for her, the quilts were a soft yellow colour with pink stitching, she looked around the rest of the room, it was decorated in an old fashioned sort of way, except there were different nests of creatures scattered around the room. She pushed the quilt off of her, swung her legs of the sofa and fell onto the floor in a heap.

"Ow" Vinyl said into the floor bluntly, the shag-pile rug tickling her nose.

She suddenly became aware of a set of cyan hooves standing in front of her face, quietly snickering to themselves. Vinyl heaved herself up to eye level with the owner of the legs and saw that said owner was Rainbow Dash.

"Smooth move." Rainbow said, still amused at the bedraggled Vinyl.

"Yeah, whatever, where am I?" Vinyl said, her face hiding the sheer joy of seeing another pony in the flesh for the first time in what seemed like months.

"Fluttershy's cottage, duh, where else would you be?" Rainbow said.

About 141 different answers came into Vinyl's head before she spoke.

"Dunno, why am I here?"

"Are you kidding me? You don't know why you're here?" Rainbow asked, her brow furrowing.

Vinyl tried to rack her brains to think why she was there, but nothing came to mind.

"No." Vinyl replied.

"Seriously? You can't remember why you're here?"

"No, I have no idea. Do you know?" Vinyl questioned.

"Well why don't you try and remember?"

"Because I can't, that's why I asked."

"Well you better hurry up and remember because you're not leaving until you tell me why you came."

"So you're keeping me captive? Give me one good reason why not to beat the hell out of you and leave."

"Hey, watch who you're talking to!" Rainbow said, flying up slightly off the ground.

"I know exactly who I'm talking to, somepony who's looking for a fight." Vinyl retorted, pushing the hovering pegasus across the room.

"Hey! Do you wanna fight?!"

"I wouldn't waste my time if I were you, I'd only beat you." Vinyl shouted.

"No one beats Rainbow Dash." She said, a red mist descending across her vision.

And with that Rainbow Dash attacked. She flew straight toward Vinyl, drawing back her hoof mid-air, before Vinyl could react she realised she was lying on her back, She put her hoof to her nose and pulled it back away, blood staining the pristine white fur.

"Ohmygosh, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hit you that ha.." Rainbow was cut off by a right hook that a boxing champ that would be proud of, a tooth flying out of her mouth. Working the clubs and walking home late at night obviously did have some perks, Vinyl thought.

Before either of the ponies could hurt the other anymore they wore froze in place by a blood-curdling scream. They both twisted round to see a wide eyed Fluttershy standing in the doorway, to Vinyl and Rainbow who knew exactly what had happened there wasn't anything wrong, but to the timid Fluttershy it looked like some deranged murderer had invaded her cottage and attacked Vinyl and her Rainbow. She stood there for what seemed like an eternity when finally the silence was broken by Rainbow Dash.

"We're both ok..."She said, hoping to reassure the yellow pegasus.

Vinyl quickly nodded her agreement, not knowing what to do but feeling like a school filly who had just been caught doing something dreadful.

"But, but, but. Your faces are covered in, blood." Fluttershy said, her face draining of what colour remained at the word.

"Yeah we're fine." Vinyl said, a little bit of blood that had trickled across her lips spraying onto the carpet. "We just had a little misunderstanding."

"Yeah, jutht a mithunderthtanding." Rainbow said, revealing her brand new present that Vinyl had given her, a lisp.

"Rainbow you have a lisp." Fluttershy said, still looking horrified at what had happened.

"Yeah sorry 'bout that Rainbow, heat of the moment sort of thing." Vinyl said, picking up the tooth that had flown from Rainbow's mouth and passing it back to her. "You'll be able to get it put back in if go to Colgate's quickly, it came out with the root.
"Thankth, but I'm not leaving you alone with Flutterthy." Rainbow said.

"Rainbow go to the dentist, for me, please?" Fluttershy said, the statement coming out like a question.

"But, but what if thhe trieth to attack you?" Rainbow said trying to find a reason to stay.

"We'll be fine Rainbow." Fluttershy said, reassuring her.

"Ok then." Rainbow said, turning to Vinyl "But if you try anything I will perthonally enthure that your body will never be found..." Rainbow told her, an evil grimace covering her face.

"O...k?" Vinyl said, getting kind of put off by the grimace.

Rainbow turned back to Fluttershy and gave her a kiss on the cheek and left, making sure to give Vinyl the evils as she walked past the window.

"So, erm, what exactly happened?" Fluttershy asked.

"It's a long story." Vinyl said, flopping back onto the floor.