• Published 23rd Dec 2021
  • 7,661 Views, 54 Comments

Worth Fighting For: An Anon-a-Miss Story - Teyeson Bee

Sunset, on the verge of suicide, gets visited by an angel-in-training to show her that her friendships meant something. A parody of It's A Wonderful Life.

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Always Worth It

Sure enough, as soon as Rarity threw open Sweetie Belle’s bedroom door, the first thing the Rainbooms saw was Sweetie’s computer open to none other than the Anon-a-Miss homepage. Though the scared sisters tried to cover it up as best they could, it was too late. The evidence was right before them for all to see. The girls tried denying it at first, they couldn’t think of any liable excuse.

Finally, after seeing the disappointed scowls of their sisters, the three caved and told the whole story; how they had grown jealous of their own sisters hanging out more with Sunset than them, how Apple Bloom had created the Anon-a-Miss page, revealed Applejack’s Piggly Wiggly nickname, and made it look like Sunset had done it, how Sweetie Belle took Sunset’s phone to get the photos from it, how Scootaloo stole Rainbow’s failed test during soccer practice, and so on. To say that the Rainbooms, especially Applejack, Rainbow, and Rarity, were ashamed of their sisters’ actions would be an understatement. After a stern talking to about how much trouble the three had caused, they first made them delete the Anon-a-Miss page, along with all the photos they uploaded, and destroy all of the secrets they had obtained. After that, the Rainbooms watched as the CMC called Principal Celestia from her home, and told her the truth as well. Needless to say, Celestia promised the girls that there would be punishments coming.

The next day at school, Principal Celestia made the three girls announce their guilt and give an apology over the PA system. Mere seconds after they did, Sunset felt her phone blowing up with messages, no doubt from other students apologizing. Sunset made a mental note to reply to all of them later. After Celestia informed the student body that any student who tries to hurt the CMC would be suspended, she gave the girls their long-overdue punishment. They were given six weeks of detention, along with serving community service by helping the janitors on the weekends. Furthermore, their phones would be confiscated during school hours. And that was just at school. At home, after Granny Smith, Scootaloo’s aunts, and Sweetie’s parents were informed, the three were grounded for as long as the detention, with no access to their electronics. Though the girls grumbled a bit, they had resigned to the fact that they deserved it. It seemed that after being shown just how torn apart the school was, the CMC realized that they had taken things too far, and seemed genuinely sorry for what they had done.

“It could be a lot worse, girls,” Sunset found herself saying to them, before quietly adding, “Trust me.”

As for Sunset herself, things had gotten back to the way they were, and even better. Just like she thought, when she checked her phone at lunch, it was filled with students apologizing profusely, and even more students did it in person. Gilda had even come up to her, not only to say she was sorry, but offered to pay for any doctor bills she might have caused. Sunset couldn’t help but notice that she was looking at the spot where she had thrown the rock.

“Don’t worry about it, Gilda,” Sunset replied with a wave of her hand. “No critical harm done.”

But the thing that made Sunset’s life truly better was the fact that her friends were more on her side than ever. There was no more doubting, no more suspicions, even no more “no offenses.” This whole experience seemed to bring the Rainbooms much closer together, even after the Battle of the Bands. And as Sunset looked around at her friends, all smiling and enjoying her presence, she couldn’t help but think that she was this close to throwing away everything important. She didn’t tell her friends about the trip with Clark. It just seemed like something that was only for her and her alone. Besides, even with their new promise to believe her, she doubted that they would believe an angel, no, angel in training showed her a world where she had committed suicide. Well, maybe Pinkie, but that was a hard maybe. The Rainbooms would never know how close their lives were to getting emotionally destroyed. The whole experience was still nerve-racking to Sunset. Her time-traveling trip with Clark took her through felt like it lasted for days, but was just in one hour, or maybe even a minute. In fact, the whole thing seemed like a dream, but was it really?

The next couple of days at Canterlot High were brighter for everyone. With the truth revealed, friendships were reforged, relationships were fixed, and all misunderstandings were quickly cleared up. With all messes cleaned, the students could finally look forward to their Christmas break, especially the Rainbooms. Before the recent events, Pinkie had talked about hosting a Christmas party at her house, though that had been pushed from everyone’s minds when Anon-a-Miss struck. Now that all of that was over, Sunset and her friends could be excited for what Pinkie had planned.

On the day of the party, Rarity, Rainbow, and Applejack told Sunset they wanted to talk to their sisters before leaving for Pinkie’s house. Thinking she knew what this was about, Sunset instantly agreed. After the final bell, the four girls told Fluttershy and Pinkie they would meet them outside the school in a bit, and went to find the CMC. As they walked, Sunset realized that the three beside her hadn’t really talked much with their sisters since they came clean. Granted, any person would need some time to cool down before addressing such a serious issue. Sunset could definitely understand that. It didn’t take long for them to find the girls. They were cleaning the windows in the library under the supervision of Vice Principal Luna. At that moment, Sunset had a strange sense of deja vu, but then again, the circumstances were far different.

“Could we have a few minutes with our sisters?” Applejack asked Luna when they walked in. The CMC stopped abruptly, looking anxious at what was coming. Giving the three a quick glance, Luna nodded and crossed the room to go into the librarian’s office. As soon as the door was closed, there was a moment of awkward silence that filled the room.

“So,” Rainbow started, clearing her voice first, “you guys getting all of your work done?” Looking too afraid to talk, the three sisters just nodded.

“Your punishment didn’t include forced muteness,” Rarity said calmly. “You can speak if you want.”

From the look of it, the three of them had something to say, but also were too nervous to do so. But with Rarity’s words, Apple Bloom glanced at the other two, and then looked sorrowfully at Sunset.

“Ya know that we’re really sorry, right?” she mumbled.

“Yes,” Sunset nodded, “and I said that I forgive you. All of you.”

“But just because we forgave you,” Applejack interjected sternly, “doesn’t mean we fully trust you again.” Apple Bloom hung her head shamefully.

“Yeah, Ah know.”

“You know, you guys caused a lot of trouble around the school,” Rainbow added seriously, making Sweetie and Scootaloo join Apple Bloom in looking down at the floor. “I mean, what if it had gone on for longer? What if someone would’ve snapped and gone after Sunset, or worse?” Sunset shuffled her feet uncomfortably. She also never told the girls about how she was close to actually killing herself. It would’ve just made them worry even more.

“We just don’t understand,” Rarity sighed after another second of silence. “Why didn’t you three just come talk to us?”

Sweetie Belle raised her head slightly, looking at her sister with a sorrowful gaze. “I know we should have, but I guess we were just so jealous of you guys being with Sunset all the time that…we weren’t thinking straight.” At this, Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow’s stern expressions softened as they looked at each other. Sunset knew exactly what they were thinking, for they had done the same thing with her.

“So ya let yer emotions control yer actions,” Applejack mumbled guiltily. “Well, we know what that’s like.”

“Indeed,” Rarity nodded as they turned back to the CMC, “but you three must realize that no matter what, you can come to us for anything.” She then walked up right in front of Sweetie Belle and placed a hand softly on her shoulder. “We’re your sisters, and we want to help you in any way we can.” At her sister’s touch, Sweetie’s guilty face seemed to soften as she looked up to face Rarity and gave a small smile. Rainbow, not wanting Scootaloo to feel left out, went to put a hand on her as well.

“Same thing with you, Squirt,” she said, lifting her honorary sister’s chin to look her in the eyes. Scootaloo calmed down as well when she heard Rainbow’s nickname for her and smiled back.

“Yeah, we get it,” she nodded before turning to Sunset. “And we really are so, so sorry!”

Sunset smiled and nodded, “I know.”

“And we’re sorry too,” Rarity added, drawing the CMC’s sudden attention to her “for making your girls feel left out. It’ll never happen again, we promise.”

At this, Sweetie Belle smiled even wider and said, “And we promise we’ll do all that we can to earn back you guys’ trust!”

“Well,” Rainbow said, backing away slightly to look at all three sisters, “you all will have plenty of time to do that.” She then glanced at Rarity and Applejack, who smiled and nodded. “Starting tonight at the Christmas party,” Rainbow added. All three heads perked up immediately at these words, and their eyes began to glow with excitement.

“Ya mean we’re still invited?!” Apple Bloom asked, sounding like it was too good to be true.

“Of course!” Rarity chimed in. “Christmas is a time for family, and you guys are family!” Rainbow nodded in agreement.

Applejack, meanwhile, had taken a few steps forward and stopped in front of Apple Bloom looking suddenly serious. “Plus,” she said to her suddenly nervous-looking sister, “we may not like you very much right now,” then, her serious expression melting into a loving smile, she placed both hands on Apple Bloom’s shoulders and continued, “but we’ll always love you. An’ don'tchu forget that.” At these words, Apple Bloom’s eyes filled with happy tears and she hugged her sister around the middle, who gladly returned the embrace. Sweetie did the same with Rarity, and, though embarrassed at first, Scootaloo with Rainbow. Sunset watched happily as all of the hard feelings she knew her three friends had for their sisters washed away, and was silently relieved that the events Clark had shown her didn’t happen.

“Thanks, sis!” Apple Bloom sniffled as she broke the hug. Applejack smiled widely and wiped a stray tear from Apple Bloom’s cheek.

“Now,” Rarity said to the CMC, “once you girls are done here, go straight home, and we’ll pick you up before the party, ok?”

“Ok!” the sisters answered simultaneously, now looking more joyful than they had in days. As soon as Sunset and the others left the library, they turned back one last time to see the CMC getting back to work with smiles on their faces, once again under Vice Principal Luna’s supervision. The girls didn’t say anything as they walked down the hallway to the front doors, but Sunset could see that her friends had a new spring in their step. The closure on the Anon-a-Miss fiasco had finally come to an end, and they all could truly start anew.

When the four had left the school behind them, they were instantly greeted by Fluttershy and Pinkie, the latter of whom rushed over and hugged them all at once the way only Pinkie can do.

“You guys ok?” Fluttershy asked.

“Very much so,” Rarity sighed contently. Applejack and Rainbow nodded along.

“Good!” Pinkie cheered as the six Rainbooms started down the sidewalk. “Cause we gotta get to my house and set up for the party! We can even have a decorating party before the actual party! Oooh, party-ception!” Everyone just laughed and hurried along to keep up with their pink friend.

All except for Sunset, who suddenly stopped and looked in the direction of an alley near Sugarcube Corner, where she thought she saw someone; someone… familiar. Sunset’s insides seized up. Was that? Could it have been?

“Sunset?” Rainbow’s voice came from a few yards away. “You comin’?” Sunset broke out of her trance and quickly glanced at her friends, who were all looking back concernedly. She then looked back to the alley. There was definitely someone there, she thought.

“Uh…you guys go ahead,” Sunset called back. “There’s something I gotta do first.”

“Ok, but hurry up!” Pinkie answered loudly. “You don’t wanna miss the party-ception!”

Not wasting anymore time, Sunset sped off in the direction of the alley. She knew that all that was back there was a dumpster, so there was nowhere to go but out. Sunset’s heart began to race with anticipation. Was it really him, or did she really imagine it? Taking a leap of faith, she peered into the alley, and gasped.


Sure enough, there he was, just as Sunset had remembered him. He was once again dressed as normally as any person on the street, but his handsome face seemed to shine, just like it had in the diner when Sunset first got a good look at him. And when he looked back and smiled, his teeth were inhumanly white.

“Hey, Sunset,” he happily greeted. Almost not daring to believe, Sunset walked into the alley, right up to Clark, and reached out to touch his face. When her fingers made contact with his skin, her face broke into a wide smile.

“It wasn’t a dream!” she squealed, pumping a fist to the air. “I knew it!” Clark chuckled in response.

“I came to see how you’re doing,” he said casually, gesturing out to the street. “Looks like things are going well for you, huh?”

“Oh, Clark,” Sunset sighed. “It’s better than well! In fact, it’s much better than it had been before! This whole experience has made my relationship with the girls stronger. There’s no more doubting, no more wondering if I had really changed. I truly feel that our bond can not be broken now!”

Clark’s smile widened as he replied, “Good!”

“And it’s all thanks to you,” Sunset added, still overjoyed that Clark was real. “Thank you for jumping in that lake.”

“You’re welcome, Sunset,” Clark responded with a chuckle. “And thank you too.”


Clark then turned around to show his back to Sunset, and she gasped again. There, on his back, was a pair of snow white wings!

“You got your wings!” she exclaimed to Clark, who nodded happily. Instinctively, Sunset reached up an arm to touch one of them, but pulled it back. She gazed at Clark again, who gave her an approving nod. She then reached up again and stroked the nearest feather. It was like touching a cloud! Sunset couldn’t believe how soft they were. “They’re beautiful!” she added before putting her hand down.

“Thank you,” Clark said as he turned back around. “Well, I just wanted to do a follow-up on you. I gotta get back.” He gestured his head upward, and Sunset knew exactly where he was talking about. “Now that I’m a certified guardian angel, they’re sending me on more missions.”

The lingering feeling of the wings still on her fingers, Sunset grasped her hands together and said encouragingly, “Well whoever gets you as an angel is going to be very lucky.”

“Thanks,” Clark replied. All of a sudden, Sunset’s joy at seeing Clark started to fade as a realization kicked in, making her smile drop.

“So, this is goodbye?” she asked, placing her hands on her chest. Clark’s smile fell a bit as well as he looked around, as if trying to find the right answer.

“For now,” he finally said, looking back into Sunset’s eyes.

“Will I ever see you again?” Sunset inquired almost pleadingly. She didn’t know where this feeling was coming from. She had only known Clark for an evening, but from what they had been through, it felt like she had known him for years.

Possibly noticing the pleading in her voice, Clark smiled softly and walked closer to Sunset. “Maybe someday,” he said, “but only as a passing glance. Like, you’ll see me out of the corner of your eye, but by the time you turn your head, I’ll be gone. That’s kind of how angels work.”

Maybe it was how he spoke, or the caring look in his beautiful eyes, or maybe it was just because she believed him, but Sunset’s eyes suddenly sparkled with tears and, without hesitating, flung her arms around Clark’s neck. Sunset then felt his hands on her back as he returned the embrace. It was the kind of hug that made Sunset warm up from the inside out; the kind of hug she didn’t want to end.

“I’ll never forget you, Clark,” she whimpered into his ear.

“I’m not likely to forget you either, Sunset,” Clark returned in earnest. All too soon for Sunset, the hug was broken, and she was left staring at his trusting eyes and soft smile. Somehow, Sunset felt like she could take on whatever challenges lay before her, like Clark’s embrace had filled her with encouragement.

“Now get going!” Clark said happily. “You got a Christmas party to get to!” Sunset wiped her eyes, nodded, and turned to leave, a new happiness filled to the brim inside of her. She had just taken a step back onto the main street, when she heard, “And Sunset!” She turned back to face Clark, who was waving goodbye.

“Never forget; no matter how trying, no matter how hard, and no matter how challenging, the greatest friendships are always worth fighting for.” These words spread through Sunset’s heart like hot cocoa, and she smiled even wider.

“Right,” she nodded, not wanting to take her eyes off of Clark, who smiled back.

“Hey, Sunset!” came Applejack’s voice. Sunset’s head whipped around to see that her friends had come back. She must’ve been taking longer than she though. “Who’re you talking to?”

“Oh just-” Sunset started to say as she turned back to the alley, but just like that, it was empty. There weren't even any footprints aside from Sunset’s. Pausing, Sunset took another look around the alley, just smiled with content, and finished, “Just a very old friend of mine.”

“Well come on!” Rainbow said excitedly, gesturing Sunset towards them. “We got a party to get ready for!”

Taking a glance up at the blue sky, Sunset felt a rush of feeling that all was now right in the world before yelling out, “Coming!” And then she hurried off to join her friends, smiling and waving at her.

And, at last, she felt at peace.

Author's Note:

Well, that's that! I had been wanting to do this idea for the Christmas season for a while, and I finally was able to buckle down and do it! I hope you all enjoyed it, and have a happy new year!

See you in 2022! :heart:

Comments ( 14 )

They really didn't seem to learn anything beyond family can hurt just as well as anyone else. They were determined to believe that she was guilty and personally I am surprised that she was able to convince them when they weren't willing at any point before to listen.

“Never forget; no matter how trying, no matter how hard, and no matter how challenging, the greatest friendships are always worth fighting for.”

Indeed Clark. Sometimes things get ugly among good friendships, yet it's worth to fight for it.

I wished the students who sent their secrets to the Anon-a-Miss profile were grounded as well, but I guess they already feel guilty for assuming Sunset as the culprit. The Crusaders are now at terms with their sisters & Sunset, tough they'll have to work hard in order to re-earn their trust (that also goes for the Rainbooms towards the ex-equine).

Thank you for writing this story, and until next time! Happy Holidays!

Well, this was really interesting

All's well that ends well.

I think people just want a slightly more realistic telling even if it gets a somewhat happily ever after. And real life isn't sunshine and roses as much as we want to be. Besides the original tale was weak because just gloss over all the pain that everyone but sunset caused and kids despite people wanting to protect them from the real world should understand that actions have consequences and the things that make up friendship and harmony aren't something you can pick up and put down when you feel like it.

I love the ending it was beautiful. I gave to admit that they were quick to take her side, Fluttershy especially.

I believe some people is getting tired of the 'dark fates' upon the culprits.

I don't mind some darkness considering sunset get a ton of pain and the ones who started it get off Scott free with not even a guilty conscience to show for it. It like they don't understand how much they hurt her and how bad it can get.

Nicely done. Good work

This made the redemption and forgiveness in the end far more meaningful than the actual comic, where it was all just instantly smoothed over.

Could easily be interpreted as Sunset being an adopted daughter of Princess Celestia or at least saw her as a mother figure though, not biological.

Gendering people, is that what we do when we don't like what someone has to say? No, not a man. Yes, I have read this and I've read the original comic. The original comic has the Rainbooms turning their back on Sunset, Sunset gets bullied, the CMC realize they went too far, confesses, everyone makes up, and then it's like nothing had happened. It's sitcom logic with no long-term aftereffects caused by people's choices. Suicide never comes up - it's a kid's comic- and no one dies. The whole point of the comic is to point out what can happen if we cyberbully someone. And what was that, oh right, I'm a depressed man because you don't like what I had to say. I've been bullied. I know what it's like, I know the damage it does. Depression? Ya, when you get bullied in school and out of school it can do that to a person. You have no idea how close I've come to calling it quits, but go on, call me names because you don't like what I said.

I'm freaking crying now! This messed me up so much, it was beautiful!

This is fucking beautiful!!! I love it!!! Loved every chapter!!!

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