• Published 25th Dec 2021
  • 436 Views, 2 Comments

Tea Talks - Synesisbassist

It's Hearth's Warming Eve. While tidying up her workspace after the holiday rush, Rarity hears a desperate knock on her door. Twilight is there looking deeply troubled... Though there is nothing a hot cup of tea and a heartfelt talk can't solve!~

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What does Hearth's Warming mean?

Author's Note:

Happy Holiday's one and all! This is my Jinglemas 2021 gift for Lopunny! Hoping that I managed to write a cute little story for you! :twilightblush:

It's been a rough year for everyone, some more than others that's for sure. Just remember that there are people out there who love you and want nothing but the best for you, so make sure you spend at least a little time with those people if you can. One way or another. But also be sure to take some time to self reflect on what it all means to you, too. It's a time for love and understanding, which we need more of especially during these trying times. Stay safe, and stay loved.

Until next time, see you in the next update!~ :twilightsmile:

It was just after seven in the morning when a series of quick knocks on the boutique door made Rarity's ears twitch. It was a hesitant rap-a-tap-tap, not at all forceful, but still nevertheless urgent in its message. Somepony needed something from Ponyville’s resident Element of Generosity, Rarity Belle. Though, just who would be at her door this early on Hearth's Warming Eve puzzled the white unicorn. Afterall, the shop was closed for the holidays after having a record setting winter season, so that Rarity could clean, take stock, and get everything ready for when the new year rolled around she would have a jump start on it.

Brushing the thoughts of the future aside, the mare cleared her mind and focused on the task at hoof, the door. Setting the broom she had been using to sweep up the floor against the wall next to the entrance, Rarity checked her mane to make sure she looked presentable before opening the door to the frigid outdoors. The sun was just cresting the horizon with a blinding light; especially against the fresh blanket of white that had fallen last night, the snow shimmering as a soft wind blew a few wisps around the snowbanks. Though the brightness was broken by a figure of purple, standing squarely in the middle of the small shoveled path.

“Rarity… I… Uhh… C-Can I talk to you?”

Blinking a few times to try and focus her squinted eyes, Rarity let out a small gasp once the realization of who it was dawned upon the white unicorn. "Twilight? Darling of course! Come in, come in!" Quickly stepping back inside to let the shivering purple pony inside, Rarity caught the dark bags under Twilight's eyes, the lack of proper winter wear for a pony, and of course the frizzy mane that definitely was neglected of proper care. All of these paired with the almost vacant look in her eyes made the poor mare look lost, in more ways than one.

“Thanks…” Twilight muttered while stepping from the bitter cold outside into the cozy and warm boutique, her horn lighting up weakly to brush the accumulated snow off from her back and straight outside. Rarity quickly closed the door to keep the wind from blowing inside after the shivering mare.

Trotting up beside her frozen friend, the white unicorn quickly cleaned away any missed ice bits or snowflakes that remained in her magenta streaked mane. “No need to thank me, Twilight. My home is always open to you; or anypony else for that matter, especially this time of the year.” Wrapping a foreleg around the cold shoulders of Twilight, Rarity tried to share some of her warmth to make her friend hopefully feel just a little bit better. Smiling softly at the embrace, Twilight sighed quietly as tension slowly unwound and a weight was softly lifted up and off her shoulders. “So, what can I do for you on this wonderful Hearth's Warming Eve?” Rarity pulled back, hooves on her friends shoulders while looking into lost eyes for a moment before gasping. “Good heavens! I’ve been a completely terrible host, would you like something to drink? Coffee? Tea? Maybe a cup of hot cocoa?”

“Tea sounds amazing, thank you.” Leading her slightly soggy friend into the kitchen and offering her a stool to take the load off hindlegs probably frozen and sore. Magic lit up the kitchen with an ethereal blue glow, a kettle filled with water from the sink, tea bags flew from the cupboards and onto the counter joined by a pair of fine china teacups. Working like a majestic machine, the prim pony almost danced around, idly singing a song to herself as she readied a quick spot of tea for the distraught looking Twilight.

“So, what brings you around this early?” Rarity only turned for a moment to spot Twilight idly playing with her forehooves on the table, tapping them together absentmindedly. “Not that I mind in the slightest, though I figured you would’ve gone back to Canterlot to visit your family for the holidays.” Though a visible flash of pain crossed the purple unicorn's features, Rarity ignored it and continued while waiting for the kettle to boil. “Though, I’m quite happy you’re here in Ponyville for your first Hearth’s Warming. You get to see just how beautiful a small town like ours can be during the holidays, at least compared to the city!”

A sharp whistle. A glowing horn. The sound of water pouring into cups and spoons starting to stir. Though there was no answer from Twilight yet, Rarity’s ears flicked as the stool below her friend creaked as she shifted around uneasily. This made the fashionista’s heart rise up a little more in her chest, adding even more tension to the air than had previously been there. Something was digging deep at Twilight, and Rarity would be darned if she didn’t do everything she could to help her friend. Though, the best way to start unfolding problems was with her ‘not-so-secret’ tea recipe. Pouring in the final ingredient with a careful eye, Rarity finished the cups before asking a simple question. “Twilight, dear… What’s the matter?” Turning from the counter with two cups of steaming tea beside her, white hooves strut across spotless blue floors, one of the cups placed delicately beside the absentminded unicorn, the other at the soon filled vacant spot across the small table.

Nestling neatly and taking a sip from the small cup, Rarity intently looked over Twilight as she spotted a single tear well up and run down her friend's cheek. “R-Rarity? What is Hearth’s Warming really about? This is my first year away from my family, away from the Princess, away from Canterlot. I’ve stayed up for the past week worrying about not being able to get enough gifts for them, and Spike in time for tomorrow! I just don’t know what my parents would want, they just kept being vague and saying that massive gifts aren’t necessary, the same as Princess Celestia! Spike was a bit easier, but he only wanted like, five things! Five, Rarity! One was a gem and the other was candy! I thought something might have been wrong with him, but no tests I’ve tried got any real results. But he’s been so happy this year, going out with new friends and just enjoying himself this holiday, more so than I’ve ever seen when we lived in Canterlot. So, I came to the logical conclusion that something must be wrong with ME. But, I just don’t know what it could be! Everyone in Canterlot always buys big and expensive gifts every year for the ponies they care about most, but I can’t do that and I feel utterly terrible for it!”

Lowering her head in shame and taking a small sip from the honey flavoured liquid in the cup before her, hooves that were trembling seemed to ease more as the warm feeling traveled down her throat and bloomed inside her stomach. It calmed Twilight’s tense nerves, letting the worked up mare take her first deep breath in what felt like forever, collecting scattered thoughts that were more spread out than the stars in the nighttime sky.

“Twilight? I figured you of all ponies would understand what the true meaning of Hearth’s Warming is. I would’ve thought Rainbow Dash would’ve bought into consumerism instead of you, but I guess here we are, aren’t we?” Smiling warmly and shaking her head playfully, Rarity reached across the table and placed her hoof on Twilight’s. “It’s not about gifts, gold, glory or glam. It’s not about doing more for somepony else than they could do for you, nor is it about getting the most gifts. It’s about love. It’s about family, friends, community and most importantly, it’s about putting your best hoof forward to help those who might need it. Canterlot is just full of rich snobs that think materialistic goods can replace true connections, but they don’t realize that it can’t do that forever.” Giggling to herself, the white unicorn thought back to last year. “Why, I once had a suitor try to buy me gems, gadgets, gizmos and more junk than I cared to see in my life for Hearth’s Warming. The poor stallion still never understood why I turned him down and made him take his things back. That’s because I don’t care for expensive gifts from loved ones, I care about little thoughtful gifts that they are proud of. I could get hoofmade dishcloths and I’d be happier than a bug in a rug! Know why?”

Twilight blinked, looking back down at the drink that was already halfway empty, without her realizing she had been steadily sipping from it. “Because… They put thought into it? But the same could be said for a set of expensive microfiber cloths? I mean, spending money you earned should do just the same, right?” Blinking slowly as Rarity just tuttered under her breath.

“Well, yes, but putting time and hard work into making something hoofmade is always worth more than just spending bits at a big corporation. It’s like comparing Applejack’s wonderful apple pies to ones you buy at a store. Yes, they are the same thing at the end of the day, but one took love and commitment. One had a personal thought behind it. Nopony in Ponyville is looking for massive or debt inducing gifts, they want small meaningful gifts or even just spending time with family and loved ones. Spike has seen that in the friends he’s made, he’s still young so perhaps he was a bit more malleable than you conforming to a more traditional Hearth’s Warming in Ponyville. But nonetheless, nothing is wrong with you for wanting nothing but the best for your friends and family. If anything, I find it a bit endearing.” Stifling a giggle before sipping the rest of her tea, Rarity continued. “That to me is the true meaning of Hearth’s Warming. While I’m sure everypony has their own personal interpretation on it, I’m sure most in Ponyville would agree with me on the basics. Hearth’s Warming means only what it means to you personally. For me, it’s about family, self reflection, and enjoying the company of those who matter most. And that includes you, Twilight. Whether you believe it or not, you’re part of the Ponyville family now. So you’re not alone down here, Darling. You have myself, the girls, Spike, and everypony else in town perhaps to a lesser degree, but nevertheless still, we are all here for you like you have been for us.”

Rarity’s words really sunk in for Twilight, cogs turning inside her head as she stared into the white bottom of her teacup. Slowly but surely as the seconds passed, the empty, dreadful feeling was replaced by a warm and calm flow. Raising from hooves to heart, to eyes and horn, it flowed like magic inside her essence and filled every inch of Twilight’s form. Heart fluttering in her chest as a growing smile worked its way across her lips, Twilight almost laughed faintly. “Family… I have a family here, don’t I?” Raising her gaze to meet Rarity’s, the white unicorn nodded while beaming back at her.

“Of course you do, Twilight. You’re a proper Ponyville pony through and through, even if you do get lost sometimes. We all do from time to time. Though, just know if you ever do, I’ll always have a pot of tea ready for you if you find yourself knocking on my door anytime, okay?” Picking up both empty cups and rising from her seat, Rarity trotted around the table before hugging Twilight snuggly. “You’re doing just fine, Twilight. You won’t ever lose yourself in the dark so long as your loved ones carry a light.”

Twilight nuzzled back strongly, happy tears quickly being wiped away by Rarity’s chest fluff that couldn’t fully hide the huge smile adorned on her muzzle. “T-Thank you so much, Rarity. I’ll never forget that. Happy Hearth’s Warming Rarity.”

Rarity held back tears of her own, closing her eyes and resting her head on Twilight’s softly. “And a Happy Hearth’s Warming to you, Darling~”

Comments ( 2 )

Oh, I LOVE a good unicorn-Twi story! She's genuinely just so different personality wise from Twilight in later seasons, and you did a pretty good job at capturing that! It's so very in character for her to have that freakout over her first Hearth's Warming away from home, or from Spike's list being something she can't really use. I love this fic so much! Thank you!

"Is everything alright, dear?" Rarity asked, sensing that something was bothering Twilight.
Twilight took a deep breath before responding. "Well, it's just that...I have a problem, and I don't know who else to turn to for help."
Rarity listened intently as Twilight explained her situation. Apparently, Twilight had been tasked with organizing the annual Hearth's Warming Eve play, but things had not gone as planned. Several key actors had fallen ill, and the costumes and props had been lost in the snowstorm.
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