• Published 2nd Jan 2022
  • 1,743 Views, 87 Comments

MEGA Macintosh - BottleH2O

After the events with the giant nobles, the growth spell, now having gone wild, targets another pony: Big Macintosh, who is feeling a little down in the dumps. Let's see how he feels when he becomes the largest thing alive in Equestria!

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Chapter 3- The Mega Revelation

Applejack was only gone for a couple minutes at the most, as she raced out from the Apple family orchard and over to Ponyville where Twilight lived in Golden Oaks library. But during that time, Big Mac was able to calm his racing heart down a bit as he was able to fully grasp the situation. In all honesty, panicking wouldn’t really help anypony, it would only make things worse. With his huge cowboy hat now back on his head, all Big Mac could do was wait for his sister and Twilight to come back.

Which didn’t take long thankfully. Big Mac eventually heard the pattering of hooves against the ground as he lay down on the ground next to the orchard. Lifting his huge head up he was able to spy the little forms of Applejack, Twilight Sparkle, and even Spike scampering back over to where Big Mac laid resting.

“Ya see Twi? Ah wasn’t pulling ya hoof!” Applejack said, gesturing over to where Big Mac was. Twilight skidded to a halt, her mouth dropping open and eyes as wide as hoofballs as she took in Big Mac in all of his big glory.

“Wow, Big Mac got even bigger,” Spike said bluntly as he peaked out from behind Twilight, nodding his head at the huge red stallion.

“Howdy Twilight, howdy Spike,” Big Mac rumbled, tipping his hat in greeting “Ah can’t thank ya enough for coming on such short notice,”

Twilight continued to stare blankly.

“Uh Twilight? Are ya ok down there?” Big Mac asked

No response from the aforementioned purple smarts.

Applejack walked over to where the frozen unicorn was and whispered into her ear “Hey Twi, Princess Celestia said ya gotta be sent back ta magic kindergarten because ya ate her cake,”

It was like someone flipped a switch, instantly Twilight’s pupils shrank to pinpricks as she bounced into the air in fright before grabbing Applejack by the shoulders desperately.

“WHAT? How did she find out?! It was only one bite, and I was so hungry from studying all night on size shifting spells so we wouldn’t have a repeat of the nobles’ incident so surely, she could understand right AJ? Please tell me she’s not gonna banish me to the moon too?!” Twilight yammered out as she shook the orange farm pony back and forth with a little bit of a wild look in her eye.

Applejack cleared her throat, looking at Twilight with a pointed stare before patting her on the head and said “Welcome back to tha land of the livin Twi,”

Twilight quickly removed her hooves and looked at her friend with a sheepish grin “Oopsie, I did it again didn’t I?”

“Eeyup,” Applejack simply said before a looming shadow covered the rest of the present cast. The three looked up to see the hulking form of Big Macintosh looking down at the three of them as he simple leaned over from his resting position, a stern expression directed at Twilight

“And Twilight, Ah’d appreciate it if ya don’t rough handle mah sister like that. Understood?” He asked

“Sorry!” Twilight squeaked “It won’t happen again Big Mac, I promise!”

Big Mac nodded, settling back down “As long as ya understand that’s fine with me,”

Nodding in confirmation, Twilight quickly looked Big Mac over “So Applejack tells me that you just randomly grew out of nowhere, is that correct?”

“That’s right,” Big Mac confirmed

“Then I think I know what must have happened to you Big Mac! Do you remember when Zecora first came to town how me and the girls followed her into the forest?” Twilight asked

“Ah remember,”

“And how we ran into blue flowers called Poison Joke? The one’s that played those really mean pranks on us,”

“AJ told me about it,” Big Mac said, thinking back to that day. Applejack and Apple Bloom had already left the house before any one of them had woken up, but he had heard later on from her at dinner that the seemingly innocent blue flowers had caused all sorts of problems for her and her friends. One of which left Apple Bloom as the big sister and Applejack as the smaller sister. The latter being literally shrunken down in size.

“Well, my theory is, since your farm is so close to the Everfree forest, it’s quite possible that some of the pollen form the flowers may have been carried over by the wind gusts and settled down on you. And the explanation for your growth might be because of a play on your name: Big Macintosh. So, the flower pollen could have magically made you bigger as it’s “prank.” Which I guess makes sense because it did originally make Applejack smaller,’ Twilight said, rubbing a hoof against her chin with glee, her scientific mind beginning to go wild at the possibilities from the theories she was cooking up in her fluffy purple noggin.

Big Mac blinked “Um, Twilight? Ah don’t think that it was Poison-”

“Oh, this is so exciting! I have so many ideas! So many theories! But to conduct a scientific experiment on the probable cause of this enigma I’ll need to return to the library and get some materials for the tests I’m going to run so I can properly analyze this phenomenon!” Twilight squeed in absolute giddiness before lighting up her horn, looking up at Big Mac with a maniacal grin, a few strands of her mane beginning to poke out in random place “I’ll be back in a few minutes with my equipment so I can run tests! Lots and lots of tests! Don’t go anywhere!”

And with a POP! Purple smart was gone.

Big Mac turned his head to look back down at Applejack and Spike “Tests?” he asked weakly “Ah don’t want any kind of needles anywhere near me ya hear?”

“Ah said Ah don’t want no needles near me!” Big Mac protested, taking a few ground shaking steps back away from Twilight as she held up a small syringe innocently.

“Oh, come on Big Mac! Just one sample?” Twilight asked




“Pretty please? With Pinkie Pie’s apple topped triple decker cake on top?” Twilight asked sweetly, giving the giant stallion the biggest puppy dog eyes she could muster.

Big Mac almost wanted to roll his eyes at the attempt. Apple Bloom tries that same trick all the time on him so she could have things she wanted. Like extra cookies before supper or staying up past her bedtime.

And gosh darn it, the puppy eyes trick always works on him.

“Urgh fine, But Ah still don’t like no needles,” Big Mac relented, laying back down on the ground.

Twilight’s eyes lit up as she pranced forward joyfully towards the enlarged red stallion “Yes! Science! It’s all for science!” she chirped

“And here’s your triple decker apple topped cake courtesy of Pinkie!” came the voice of Ponyville’s hyperactive party planner.

Pinkie Pie, wearing a small propeller hat, popped out of a bucket of apples next to Applejack, holding a covered dish in her mouth (“Woah Nelly!” Applejack said as she recoiled back in shock, her hat flying askew as she did).

“Heeeeeerrreeee’s Pinkie!” the puffy pink pony announced enthusiastically, somehow being able to talk clearly even though she was plainly holding the large, covered dish in her mouth. But to further destroy any sense of logic, Pinkie gave her hat’s propeller a little twirl and she began to slowly rise out of the bucket like a helicopter, drifting lazily over to where Big Mac large form was laying down.

Giggling, Pinkie managed to halt her flight in midair, stopping directly in front of Mac’s muzzle “Open wide Mega Macky! And enjoy my finest apple flavored cake!” Pinkie Pie squealed happily.

Obediently Big Mac opened his mouth, not bothering the question the situation. This was Pinkie Pie after all. His warm breath smelled heavily like fresh, ripe, apples. The cavernous maw was big enough to swallow the small pink poinkers whole with plenty of room to spare.

But showing no fear whatsoever, Pinkie uncovered the plate, revealing a huge (to normal pony standards) vanilla and strawberry triple decker cake with apple slices decorating each layer and simply tossed it into Big Mac’s mouth.

Macintosh closed his mouth with a small Boom and swallowed the cake whole. Despite still not being hungry he did appreciate the gesture, nonetheless.

“Well? Did you like it? Huh? Did ya? Did ya?” She asked excitiedly

“Ah did, thank ya kindly Ms. Pie,” Big Mac thundered with a small smile.

“YIPPIE!” Pinkie cheered happily, causing Big Mac’s smile to grow even more. Seeing the party planner so happy made him happy as well at the positive reaction.

“Oh and I can’t forget about you Spikey-Wikey! Auntie Pinkie brought something special for you as well!” Pinkie Pie giggled as she floated over to Big Mac’s back, where Spike had climbed up onto with a recliner chair while Twilight was busy getting her testing equipment.

Pinkie reached into her mane and pulled out another covered dish. How she fit that thing in her mane was anyone’s guess.

She uncovered it to reveal two gem covered cupcakes with little purple and green frosted spikes on them. Spikes eyes widened as he gasped. Sparkles flourishing all over his eyes as he took the two cupcakes from the tray. “Enjoy Spikey!” Pinkie said, patting the baby dragon fondly on the head before doing a performer’s dive back into the bucket of apples, knocking a few out and scattering them out onto the ground.

Applejack slowly made her way over to the bucket and gave it a cautious poke with her hoof. Receiving no further response, she looked back up and blinked a few times.

“Ah have no idea wut just happened,” she said.

“And done!” Twilight announced happily, holding up the syringe, a red substance inside of it “Now all I need to do is analyze it and then-” Twilight broke off as she looked back up at Big Mac’s back, seeing Spike munching on the second cupcake. “Spike? Where did you get that?” She asked.

“Pinkie gave it to me!” Spike managed to get out, his mouth full of sugary goodness.

“Pinkie was here?” Twilight asked, bewildered

“Yeah, just now. How did you miss it?”

“I was sciencing! This could be groundbreaking!” Twilight said defensively, puffing out her cheeks a little bit.

“Alright, alright, chill,” Spike said quietly, reclining back on his chair laying in the vast red pony field that was Big Mac’s back.

Rolling her eyes, Twilight made her way back to where she had left her lab equipment in a heap. From the pile she dawned a small lab coat, goggles, and for some reason a surgical mask.

“Uh, surgarcube? Are ya sure ya need all them fancy stuff?” Applejack asked hesitantly as she watched Twilight put some protective rubber gloves on her hooves.

“Of course I need it Applejack. I don’t know what made Big Mac grow. For all I know it could be some kind of substance that could cause him to get poisoned and keel over or worse!” Twilight said offhandedly as she began tapping the red substance inside the syringe and placing it over a Bunsen burner.

Spike swore he felt he felt the fur under him grow cold as Big Mac shot him a worried look.

“Well, don’t worry Big Mac, I doubt it’s anything that serious,” Spike said, patting the ground he was on reassuringly.

But as much as Big Mac wanted the gesture to make him feel better, it really didn’t.

About an hour passed with Twilight working on the samples. And after the 60 minutes had passed the amount of progress she had made was practically nothing.

“Argh! I don’t understand why nothing’s working!” Twilight exclaimed in frustration as she threw aside the stack of papers she had been using to write down her notes.

Big Mac and Spike blinked sleepily from their resting position. After some time had gone by Applejack had left to go finish bucking the apple trees in the orchard for the day while Twilight worked on analyzing the samples she had procured form Big Mac. But of course, since she was taking so long the two opted to just lie there and relax.

“What’s the matter Twilight?” Big Mac asked the small purple mare

Twilight huffed “I don’t know why, but for some reason all of the fur samples I took from you are resisting any spells I try to conduct on them. Whatever cause you to grow just seems to be completely resisting my spells!” she said exasperatedly

Big Mac blinked “Wait, all ya took was just some fur samples?” he asked.

Twilight slowly nodded “Yes, that’s all. Why? What kind of samples did you think I took?”

“Ah thought ya took, ya know, blood samples and such,”

“WHAT? NO! Blood samples are icky! Why would I need that to preform a spell autopsy on a subject when the external body is being affected? Not the internal. I’m not some mad scientist looking for crazy samples!” Twilight said indigently

“Ha! Could have fooled me!” came Spike’s voice from behind Big Mac

“Nopony likes a wise guy Spike!” Twilight said sticking out her tongue at the baby drake’s direction.

Big Mac chuckled at the spectacle. The two youngest siblings bickering amongst themselves reminded him of Applejack and Apple Bloom getting into a disagreement over something trivial.

“Anyway, that aside,” Twilight began, while giving Spike a stink eye “I honestly don’t know why you’re suddenly so resistant to magic. It’s almost like your…immune…to…to…” Twilight trailed off as a look of horror replaced the frustrated look she had earlier.

“What? What happened?” Big Mac asked

Twilight slowly turned to look Big Mac directly in the eye, that look of horror and fear still present on her face “I…I think you were hit by the same spell that turned those nobles from Canterlot into titans a little while ago,” she said hesitantly.

“Them gigantic ponies Ah saw standing around tha mountain a few days ago?” Big Mac asked as he thought back to the scene. As well as when the colossal form of Prince Blueblood effortlessly stepped over the entirety of Ponyville like it was a mound of dirt in the ground. Something so small it wasn’t worth the titan’s attention.

Big Mac was always a larger than average stallion. It had always been that way since he was a colt, and now that he was a fully mature adult this still remained true. Hours of working on the farm had done wonders for his body making him a walking powerhouse, showing off layers of immensely strong muscles bulging from him. Furthering his intimidating stature and height. But when the day came and the nobles were seen all over the Kingdom and more specifically at Canterlot itself, for the first time ever in his life, Big Mac understood what it felt like to be tiny.

For the ponies of Ponyville it was absolutely frightening to know that one day, they had all been doing their normal routine, only to almost be squashed underhoof by a group of ponies so huge that they were all practically no bigger than pests on the ground to them.

Big Mac shook his head clear of those troubling thoughts “Are ya sure Twilight?” he asked.

Twilight could only nod her head “The facts are indisputable. You’re becoming huge just like they are, and you are now pretty much completely resistant to all forms of magic now. Which explains why none of the spells I casted had any effect on the fur samples I collected,” she said.

“That ain’t all though. While Ah was working in the fields earlier today when Ah apparently gained some kind of amplified magic as a result of the growth taking affect,” Big Mac said

“Really? Could you show me?” Twilight asked curiously.

Big Mac nodded and slowly rose to his hooves, the ground rumbling a little as he did, throwing Twilight and Spike off balance as his great form rose into the sky.

“Spike?” Big Mac rumbled as he looked down to where the baby drake was “Ah think you should stand over there with Twilight just ta be safe,”

“Oh, ok Big Mac. Sure thing!” Spike said as he skittered around Mac’s bulky hooves and hurried over to where Twilight was standing. The purple mare handing him a small quill and paper so he could take notes on the phenomenon Big Mac was going to show them.

Big Macintosh took a breath, raised one of his front hooves, and concentrated a little. Just like before, his green apple cutie mark began to glow, as did his hoof, and then he released, tapping his hoof against the ground with a small THOOM!

All at once, light green magic began to arc through the ground and spread to the trees in the surrounding area in a 50-foot diameter. Twilight and Spike watched dumbfounded as they saw all the leaves on the trees seem to get a glow up. Becoming greener and lusher with the size of the trees becoming slightly larger as the trees became healthier. They even witnessed a few stray dents in the trees from the Apples bucking them over the years get completely fixed in the tree trunks and more apples growing on the branches like it was nothing. Falling down onto the ground. A few rolled over to where the pair was standing.

Spike cautiously picked one up and bit into it “Wow!” He exclaimed, his eyes sparkling with delight “This has got to be one of the best Apple’s I’ve ever tasted!”

Twilight bit into one herself hesitantly, before her eyes glazed over and she whimpered in happiness “Soooo gooood….” Twilight moaned contently as she began to ravenously eat it up.

And off in the distance Applejack’s voice could be heard echoing in the air “CONSARNIT! Ah just finished bucking down them apples! How the hay did they grow back?!”

Applejack made her way back through the trees and dashed back over to where she had left the others. Once back she was greeted to the sight of Twilight and Spike sitting down on the ground greedily eating some apples that were next to them, a roll of paper lay forgotten next to Spike.

But what really got her attention was the green glow surrounding Big Mac. She looked on in shock as she saw his size increase yet again.

Big Mac observed the world shrinking around him again as he rose from 50 feet and began to get bigger, and bigger before eventually stopping at 100 feet tall. He did have to be honest, the sensation he felt when he grew was pretty enjoyable. Almost like a giddy feeling you would get when something exciting was about to happen.

Chuckling he looked back down over to where his now really little sister and her friends were standing. Twilight and Spike had finally stopped munching on apples as they took in the full scale of Big Mac’s new size.

“How’s tha weather down there?” He asked jokingly

“Woah…” was all Spike could say as he craned his head back to try and keep Macintosh in his field of view.

“Wow,” said Applejack speechlessly as she stared up.

“Interesting, so it appears that when Big Mac uses his new magic, greenery and vegetation will not only grow more abundantly but it will also get healthier and even heal itself,” Twilight commented as she wrote furiously on the paper that Spike had dropped “And it also looks like that every time Big Mac uses his magic he gets bigger as well,”

“Is that so?” Big Mac asked with a grin as he looked over to where the run-down barn was. Mac observed it curiously “Ah wonder….” He said trailing off. Wasting no time, the massive red stallion walked over to where the barn was, the ground rattling with the power from each one of his steps.

Big Mac stopped in front of the barn, looming over it imposingly as he raised a giant hoof over it

“Mac? What are ya doing?” Applejack asked worryingly

“Ah’m just testing something,” Big Mac replied nonchalantly as his cutie mark began to glow again, green magic engulfing his hoof as Big Macintosh brought it down and very gently, tapped the roof of the barn.

And the results were instantaneous.

The cast present watched in awe as the seemingly dead and damaged wood repaired itself back into its former glory. Rust faded away from hinges leaving them looking like it was brand new, the red paint on the barn returned to a clean and bright look, any peeling wood chips were instantly fixed, and the cracks and holes all over the barn were patched up and wood replaced the missing pieces.

“Well Ah’ll be,” Big Mac said with a chuckle as he observed his work, magic then surrounding him again as he began to rise up in size once more. His vast shadow covering much of the land as he rose up to a mighty 200 feet in size.

Big Mac looked down at the little ones with smile “Well how’s about that? Looks like the more magic Ah put into something, the more Ah’ll grow,” he laughed

“Big Mac you gotta stop right now!” Twilight’s slightly faint voice called out from down below “We can’t risk you getting any bigger because I have to inform the princesses about what happened, and we can get to work on a counter spell to this!”

Big Mac’s smile faded a little as he heard those words “Are ya sure Twilight? Cuz Ah could do some real good with mah magic-”

“Yeah, that’s right Macky!” Applejack called up, interrupting him “Let’s put a pin in it for now. Don’t use any more of that there magic until they have that spell!”

Big Mac stared down at the two, before hanging his head reluctantly and let out a sigh “Alright, Ah won’t use any more of mah magic,” he said quietly

“Great! I’ll head back to the library and send a message to Princess Celestia so we can get working on a counter spell! Why don’t you take a load off until then and get some sleep? It’s been a long day already and everypony is tired, ok?” Twilight said

Big Mac just sighed “Alright Twilight, that’s fine,” he said

“Alrighy then, I’ll let Granny and Apple Bloom know what happened. Sleep well Big Mac!” Applejack said as she, Twilight and Spike began to make their leave.

Not seeing anything else left to do, Big Mac silently made his way over to the side of the toy sized barn and laid down next to it, resting against it as he lowered his head onto his legs and closed his eyes, giving way into sleep as a small, restless, and sad frown was still present on his face.

Author's Note:

Well, now we're getting into the thick of things. Big Mac has a growth spurt every time he uses his magic. And it looks like the more magic he uses on a certain object or area, the more he will grow.

Now that he's pretty much been put in time until a counter spell can be found, what will happen next? Will he even listen to them and stay at the barn? Or will he just use his magic behind their backs and try to help out Equestria in his own way?