• Published 2nd Jan 2022
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MEGA Macintosh - BottleH2O

After the events with the giant nobles, the growth spell, now having gone wild, targets another pony: Big Macintosh, who is feeling a little down in the dumps. Let's see how he feels when he becomes the largest thing alive in Equestria!

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Chapter 7- A Mega Resolution

Equestria was no stranger to weird, strange, or fantastical things, so much so, that ponies sometimes needed to take a step back to process it all. Firstly, Princess Celestia apparently had a sister nopony knew about that she rocketed off to the moon in the world’s most extreme time out. Secondly, there was the supposably mystical and magical artifacts that guard the kingdom known as the elements of harmony, thirdly a race of bug ponies known as changelings apparently exist and are considered hostile to Equestria ever since their queen lead an invasion on the capital and gatecrashed the captain of the guard’s wedding, and lastly an empire made up of crystals just randomly popped a few months ago that the royal sisters were aware of but had slipped their mind until recently.

All of these events seem like something straight out of a fantasy book, ponies had through they had seen it all. But as we all know, Equestria is (for some reason) the epicenter of the fantastical, and this will be no exception. It had all started on a bright an early morning. Ponies were all out and about as their days began. And that is when it happened:


Ponies all around Equestria winced as the very air itself seemed to shake. Something large, no something absolutely titanic was causing this to happen though the sheer act of moving. Ponies shuddered along the ground as it rapidly shook slightly, their heads darting left and right, trying to figure out what was going on. But it wouldn’t take them long before some of them had the ingenious idea to look up. And what they saw absolutely made their jaws drop to the ground with an BANG!

A stallion could be seen walking out across the horizon. A stallion so incomparably big that he was practically his own horizon, silhouetting against the morning sun. This absolute Titan was so humongous that he seemed to be moving in slow motion across the land. Thunderous BOOMS reverberated through the air with each one of his mighty hoofsteps landing on the soft, malleable earth below him. But as the hoof lifted, there seemed to be no damage left behind.

Big Macintosh stared down at the world below him with an amused look on his face. That morning that he had woken up early and had gotten straight to work, wanting to meet his goal of surpassing the size of mountain ranges and cities around him. And to his delight, there were still plenty of damages around that he could repair. He had next gone to a village that had supposably been visited by Enterprise Pursuit and Lily Shine. While they didn’t outright harm the village itself, they sure didn’t bother cleaning up their mess after they left. After quickly sorting out the damages, thankfully well before anypony had woken up, Big Mac had found his size increasing even more.

But unfortunately, after those repairs were finished, he couldn’t seem to find any more damages anywhere around the kingdom. This was both good and bad for him. Good because this meant that all the repairs were complete around the kingdom and everypony could go back to living in peace. But bad for him because this meant he couldn’t get any bigger from fixing the damages. And he was only slightly bigger than a mountain.

Big Mac huffed in disappointment “Nnope,” he rumbled as he gazed around at the miniature landscape. His ears flopped down at apparent defeat. Looks like his goal wouldn’t be reached after all. Big Mac looked down dejectedly as his hoof scraped the ground absentmindedly, pondering what to do.

Ah could head back ta Ponyville an wait. Ah reckon tha Princesses and Twilight are almost done with that fancy counterspell. Though me being there could cause a disruption in tha town,” Big Mac though, now tapping his humongous hoof against the ground in thought. Ponies in the nearby village stirred as they heard loud THOOMS and felt the ground rumble. Some were rolled out of their beds, another had their coffee spilled in their face because of the vibrations, and one poor sap was tossed around in their bathtub amidst the shaking. Big Mac was completely unaware that the simple act of nonchalantly tapping his hoof on the ground was affecting the tiny ponies in such a big way.

But as the Titan contemplated about his next move, his eyes fell to the colossal gash in the earth he had created when he was scraping his hoof just now. But as he tapped his hoof on the ground again to repair the damage he had accidently caused; Big Mac had an epiphany that struck him like a ton a bricks. So what if there was no damages left to fix? Hasn’t he been growing just fine by simply walking? He does, after all, have to fix the ground constantly because there’s no way it can support his titanic size. So all he’d have to do is walk around for a bit, continue growing, and he’ll reach his goal in no time!

A broad grin broke across Macintosh’s muzzle as he said “Eeyup,” his deep baritone voice shaking the ground below some more as the extremely tiny ponies watched the gigantic stallion lift his immense leg and effortlessly step over the town. The bulky hoof landing a few miles away with another tremendous BOOM, the ponies and houses bouncing up out of their foundations as Big Macintosh set out, now that his original goal of fixing up the kingdom had been achieved, it was now time to fulfill his personal goal of becoming the largest thing alive in all of Equestria.

And now that time had come, sometime later after everypony had properly woken up and got to behold the gargantuan stallion towering over everything in sight. Big Mac surveyed the tiny world around him with a bit of a smug and pleased smile. His head and torso already breaking through the clouds above and towering high above them

He had truly become Mega Macintosh.

Where cities and buildings had once stood tall and proud, they had been reduced down to nothing more than gray little pinpricks protruding off the ground. Big Mac sauntered up to where Manehatten was, the entire city, once large enough to house him formally, was now no bigger than the size of a coin to the red apple titan.

Big Mac’s shadow completely engulfed the puny city almost immediately as he slowly walked up to them, letting everypony in the city feel the weight and power of each one of his mighty steps. Far down below ponies were being bounced around from the rhythmic strides as they tried to figure out what in the world was going on. It wasn’t long before their attention was drawn to the colossal being heading towards them.

Big Mac, feeling much more playful than usual, tried to contain his laughter as he kept a straight face and looked directly ahead as he thundered forward, wanting to mess around with the little guys a bit. His colossal hoof landing next to the tiny city with an earth-shattering BOOM! Once more sending the buildings and ponies by his hoof bouncing up into the air comically. As the ponies down below picked themselves up, they stared up in awe at just how much bigger Big Macintosh had gotten since the last time he visited. Before he was about as tall as the biggest building in the city, and when he left he was around the same size as the nobles. Now though, big wasn’t even the appropriate word to describe how absolutely massive he was now. To put it into perspective, the buildings on the ground barely rose up a fraction next to the tan part of his hoof. The ponies down below truly felt a sense of fear creeping into them at the sight of somepony so monstrously colossal.

“Hmmm, Ah could have sworn there was a tiny little city somewhere ‘round these parts,” Big Mac announced jokingly as he looked left and right exaggeratedly, but deliberately not down. The ponies down by his foot held their hooves up to their mouths as they tried getting the titans attention. Hamming it up even more, Big Mac began to tap his hoof against the ground again, taking care to set his muscular hoof down next to the city and not directly on it “Now where could they have gone off to?” Big Mac wondered out loud. The shockwaves sent from each tap began to bounce around the infinitesimal sized buildings and ponies once again.

But the ride had stopped just as suddenly as it started. As the city ponies stumbled around trying to figure out what happened, they heard Big Mac’s deep, thunderous voice from high up in the heavens joyfully “Well how about that! Ah think Ah just found where tha little folk scurried off to. Hmm, though Ah could have sworn y’all used ta be bigger. Are ya sure y’all are actually ponies? Lemme take a real good look at ya little ones,”

The world rumbled as the enormous hoof next to the city rose up, positioning itself directly over Manehatten. Ponies watched fearfully as Big Mac lowered his hoof down towards the city, before anchoring it towards the side and sliding it under the ground like butter, effortlessly tearing out the little city out of the earth. The entire metropolis balanced perfectly in the frog of his hoof with plenty of room to spare

“Now then, let’s see if Ah caught me some itty-bitty little ponies or some teeny-weeny little bugs,” Big Mac said playfully as he raised the city to his face. Down below ponies watched helplessly as their entire city was plucked off the ground like a stone as they were held up by to be inspected by Big Mac. His emerald green eye filled the sky, filled with mirth as he gazed down at the hundreds of ponies held in his grasp.

Big Mac chuckled gently as he examined the city he held before saying “Ah’m just joking everypony. There’s nothing ta be scared of,”

And just like that, the city let out the breath they had been collectively holding. All of them fearful at the fact that Big Mac might have let all that power go to his head like the nobles did. But he wasn’t like them, not in the slightest. He was the biggest, friendliest, and most lovable pony around.

Big Mac’s playful smile faded away, with a softer, kinder one taking its place as he gently brushed the tiny city and its inhabitants against his broad chest, pulling them all into a giant hug “Mmmm, now don’t that feel nice lil’ ones?” Big Mac rumbled as he gently rocked the city against his muscular frame “Ah’m sorry for tha little scare back there. Just having some fun that’s all,” The ponies didn’t seem to mind this at all thankfully, they were perfectly happy to get the world’s biggest hug from the world’s biggest pony. Sure it had been initially a little scary staring up at the humongous spire of red fur and muscle, but being nestled into the ultra-soft fur from a several mile tall pony was a great way to make up for it.

After a little while Big Mac set the city back down into the ground, a smirk beginning to overtake him once more as he rose back up into the sky, looming high above them all “So, how bout it little ones? Do Ah look more powerful than last time y’all saw me from down there?” Big Mac asked. He was pleased to hear the tiny little squeaks of approval from down below as the ponies praised the friendly titan. “Well, glad ta hear that!” Big Mac boomed happily has he flexed his muscles “Course, Ah couldn’t have gotten this big without y’all’s help. Thank y’all again for letting big ol’ me fix up yer lil’ itty bitty city!”

And just like that Big Mac leaned down, his colossal face getting closer and closer to the miniature city below. The titanic stallion nuzzled the entirety of Manehatten softly, giving his thanks to the mite sized ponies who helped him get so much closer to his amazing size now. The city ponies were smothered against the warm strands of fur of the giant nosed their diminutive forms. Standing back up to his proper height, Big Mac winked at Manehatten as he called down “Well then, Ah’m off. Ah’d say this would be good by fer now but Ah’m sure y’all would still be able ta see me strolling round tha little kingdom!” With a hearty laugh, Big Mac set off again, taking care to stomp down next to the city as he departed, bouncing up the tiny city one last time as he walked off.

The world shuddered as he wandered around, taking in the sights of the tiny kingdom of Equestria “It all just looks so…tiny,” Big Mac thought as he passed by a few pebble sized mountains, his hind hoof squashing the cluster into dust, leaving behind a several mile wide hoofprint as he walked by, only for them to spring back up in an instant thanks to the aid of his magic. Big Mac stopped walking as he loomed over the kingdom. From his elevated height he could see for miles around him. But he instead opted to turn his attention to a familiar patch of land a little way aways from his right hoof. There lay Ponyville and Sweet apple acres. It was all Big Mac had known most of his life, and now it lay so small in front of him that he could simply sweep his hoof across the ground and effortlessly brush the entire town, orchard, and inhabitants away like it was nothing but dust.

Big Mac frowned slightly as he resumed walking, taking care to step around his extremely itty-bitty hometown as to not frighten them. “It’s all so strange ta think that all Ah have ever known mah entire life can now fit on that flat side of a coin if Ah was mah normal size,” he thought as he stopped by another town. Lifting up his hoof, he compared its size to the settlement, it was big enough to completely flatten it with plenty of room to spare. “Was this tha feeling that them nobles felt when they were galivanting around tha kingdom? Big Mac wondered “Ah guess Ah can see why they got so power hungry once they all got back ta Canterlot. They wanted more, and who could stop them? Certenly not tha Princesses or Mah sis and her friends. All they were interested in doing was throwing around their weight and bully tha little guy,”

Big Mac reached down and plucked up the village he had been comparing the size of his hoof too. Gently raising it up, he nestled it gently cuddled it against his cheek as he apologized for the intimidating display. As he set it back down, Big Mac decided to leave them with a little parting gift, tapping his hoof against the ground he was able to spruce up their village, making it look more presentable and nourishing the crops. The populace cheered for the titan as he made his departure, jostling the world as he stomped away “But like Ah said, Ah ain’t like them other titans. Ah will always look after tha little guy and do mah best ta help and support them. Not go running off ta Canterlot and demand favors just cuz Ah’m huge. An speaking of Canterlot…”

Big Mac trailed off as he looked down with a small smile. There laying before him was the now utterly tiny Canterlot mountain. The residence of Canterlot were staring up at him in anxious anticipation. The last time a titan had appeared in front of Canterlot, it had resulted in all of them being held in the frog of a mega sized Blueblood for a better part of the day, with all of them completely powerless to do anything to stop him. But that same anxiousness that was festering within them quickly melted away as they saw the Titanic form of Big Macintosh looking down at them with a friendly smile as he tipped his hat in greeting.

“Howdy down there little ones!” Big Mac boomed pleasantly as he leaned down towards the specks “How are y’all doing down there?”

Big Mac chuckled as he heard the familiar sounds of ponies squeaking down below him, all of them attempting to call up to him or trying to get his attention. All of them relieved that this new titan meant no ill will to them “Awww, Ah love all y’all too! Now don’t y’all worry none little ones, Ah promise Ah won’t scare y’all like them no good nobles did. Apple Family honesty!” Big Mac thundered proudly in his deep voice as he leaned up and placed one of his gargantuan hoofs on his chest, his eyes closed and head held high.

Down below in Centerlot Castle, the door to one of the sleeping quarters opened and out stepped a sleepy Blueblood. Nightcap on his head, pajamas still worn, and teddy bear held tightly in hoof as he sauntered down the hallway, stopping a pair of guards as they passed by, a stallion and mare, the two of them talking excitedly “You two! What in the world is with all that noise? It sounds like somepony’s outside my window yelling with a megaphone!” Blueblood grumbled as he blinked sunlight out of his eyes “I want to know who’s doing that this instant so I can give them a piece of my mind! It’s only 11 in the morning, some of us need their beauty sleep!” The two guards giggled as they tried to suppress their laughter “Well your highness, I think you should take a quick look out the window. The source of your trouble is visible from there,” the stallion guard said

Blueblood’s brow raised but he nevertheless complied. He was too tired to argue with guards so early in the morning. Making his way over to the window he sleepily he gazed out to his left and right before turning back to the pair of guards behind him, both of them still trying and failing to conceal their laughter. Blueblood gritted his teeth “Is this a joke? There isn’t anything there!” he snorted in frustration

The same guard from before pointed back at the window with a wide grin “Your highness, if I may, the sky seems to be unusually red this morning, wouldn’t you agree?” he asked

“What do you mean red…?” Blueblood asked as he turned around as gazed up. His sentence trailing off as he took in what he was seeing. Towering high above them all was an absolutely gigantic earth pony stallion. One so large that he could easily flick away the city like it was a gumdrop. He was even bigger than Blueblood was when he became a titan!

Blueblood’s eyes went wide and his ears flattened against his head. He let out a squeaky “MEEP!” of fear as he backpaddled away from the window, his teddy bear falling to the floor as he turned around and scampered back to his bedroom in fright

“Aren’t you going to give him a piece of your mind your highness?” The mare asked cheekily as Blueblood fled past them in panic and back into his room. The two guards couldn’t hold it in any longer, they burst out into laughter as they saw the door slam and the bed mattress groan under pressure. No doubt caused by Blueblood diving back into bed and probably throwing the covers over his head.

“Looks like Bluey finally got to see what that was like from down here,” The stallion said as he wiped a tear from his eye.

The mare giggled in agreement as she gazed back out at the window. This new titan was currently leaning down and conversing with several of the ponies that had gathered around his massive snout, talking to local residence, the press, and even some members of the royal guard, all of them chatting in a friendly tone. There were even a few foals playing around on his nose. Looks like this giant had allowed them to climb up after they asked.

“I gotta say, I like this guy already,” the mare commented as she watched the scene outside the castle.

“Gonna have to agree with you on that one,” the stallion commented as he walked up to stand beside her in front of the window “This sure beats what happened when Blueblood was big. Though, I never thought I’d see the day a pony who’d been turned giant acting all friendly. At least not after the debacle with Enterprise, Lily, Jet Set, Upper Crust, Blueblood, and Sturdy Step,”

“I think you let that one experience muddy your thoughts on that growth spell,” the mare said teasingly as she bumped him with her hip “Though I gotta wonder, do you think the Princesses would use that growth spell on the guards when they find it?”

The stallion tore his gaze away from the sight of Big Mac bouncing the miniature sized foals around on his muzzle as he looked at his partner with an amused stare “Giant royal guards?” he asked

“It seems like a good idea,” the mare said defensively, puffing out her cheeks a bit as she looked at him “With all of us that big, you’d think there’d be no need to put the elements of harmony at risk every time there was a crisis,”

Her partner grinned “You just want to try being giant, don’t you?”

The mare hung her head “Yeah…it looks like fun,”

Back outside, Big Mac had just finished safely setting the last foal down next to their parents. Standing back up, he let his shadow fall over the tiny mountain as he showed off his massive size to the capitol down below.

“Well, Ah got ta head out now lil’ ones, it was nice getting ta meet y’all!” Big Mac boomed as he tipped his hat one final time with a smile. Canterlot cheered for the mega sized stallion as they watched his colossal form walk off, causing the entire mountain the tremble with each one of his steps. All of them happy to have gotten the chance to meet such a friendly titan.

Big Mac was feeling pretty good as he walked, a skip in his step as he grew even more as he traversed over the horizon and the flat looking land. He had gotten to help out Manehatten, fix the damages around the kingdom, help out Oakenwood, and even fulfill his own goal of reaching this enormous size. Needless to say, Big Mac felt like he was on top of the world. But he was so caught up in his achievements he didn’t notice a few tiny shapes buzzing around his eyes.

If we zoom in a little on them, we can see quite clearly that these little shapes are the Wonderbolts. All of them frantically waving their hooves wildly as they called out trying to get Big Mac’s attention. But for somepony as absolutely massive as Big Mac, this was easier said than done. To Big Mac, they were smaller then small. Tinier than specks. And he wasn’t paying attention to them over the thunderous sound of his hoofsteps. But thankfully, somepony else had joined the effort of getting Big Mac’s attention.

Big Mac took notice of what appeared to be a tiny little multicolored line buzzing around his eyes every few seconds. He let out a small snort of annoyance, sending the Wonderbolts flying from the simple exhale from his nostril. All of them squealing as they were blown away from the hurricane grade wind. But thankfully, the originator of the rainbow, Rainbow Dash, had the foresight to grab onto a strand of fur that was on Big Mac’s nose before he had done so.

“W-Woah!” Rainbow exclaimed as she felt Big Mac’s powerful steps shaking the strand she was on. As she let go, she rocketed back up towards the titan’s eyes flying back and forth, squeaking out his name frantically. Big Mac came to a stop as he noticed the rainbow streak in his field of view once more, the pieces falling into place in his mind as to who that could be.

“Ms. Dash? Is that you down there?” He asked, his powerful voice shaking the air around Rainbow Dash who unfortunately was positioned right in front of his mouth when he did so

“Holy moly, that’s seriously loud!” Rainbow exclaimed as she covered her ears with gritted teeth. After the ringing had stopped Rainbow flew right over to Big Mac’s mountain sized ears and held up the megaphone she brought with her

“Hey Big Mac! The Princesses and Twilight said they finished the antidote or whatever to turn you back to normal! They said they need you to go over to Ponyville right away so they can give it to you!” Rainbow Dash hollered as loud as she could.

“They already finished it?” Big Mac rumbled

“Uh huh! They’re waiting over at Sweet Apple Acres right now to give it to you! So, C’mon!”

Internally Big Mac sighed “Well, looks like this is it. Ah had a good run while it lasted,” he thought sadly “Aright, hold on tight down there Rainbow, Ah’ll get us back there in a jiffy,” Big Mac said. Though he couldn’t see it, Rainbow saluted and held onto one of the strands of Big Mac’s fur on his ears. Big Mac, being a colossal as he was, simply took a step and leaned down, already next to Ponyville. Rainbow Dash thanked him as disembarked from her giant ear ride, touching back down on the fields near the barn where the Princesses, Mane 6, Spike, and the rest of the Apple family were waiting.

“Howdy everypony,” Big Mac thundered “Ah guess this is it huh? Y’all got the counterspell ta this?”

Twilight stared gobsmacked up at Mega Macintosh as his humongous muzzle leaned down to them, completely covering their field of view as well as all of Ponyville.

“W-W-Wow,” Twilight breathed as she stared up at the titan, she glanced at the potion bottle she held up in her magic “Will this even be enough to shrink him back?” she wondered “He’s so much bigger than I ever could have imagined!”

The others fared no better, all of them gawking up at Big Mac’s titanic form in shock.

Luna leaded over to Celestia, whose jaw was almost on the ground as she stared up at the enormous red stallion looming over them all, and whispered “Sister, never have I been so relieved that somepony as trustworthy and responsible as the element of honesty’s older brother became a titan,”

Celestia closed her mouth and whispered back “I do agree Lulu. Could you imagine just how disastrous things could have been if Blueblood and his cohorts had grown to such a size?”

Luna nodded. It had been annoying enough to deal with the spoiled nobles and their petty desires, the thought of them this big seemed too dreadful to think about.

Next to her, Twilight turned to Rainbow Dash and handed her the potion bottle “Rainbow, can you fly this up to Big Mac toss this in his mouth?

Raimbow nodded as she took the bottle in her hooves and shot up into the sky. Down below Twilight raised her hooves to her mouth and yelled up to Big Mac “We made a potion to counteract the growth spell Big Mac! Since we don’t have the actual spell book with us ever since Blueblood lost it! we decided to make this from scratch, so hopefully we got it right and it won’t mutate the spell on you even more!”

Rainbow Dash came to a stop in the air and hovered in front of Big Mac’s muzzle “Alrighty big guy, open up!” she hollered, holding up the potion bottle.

Big Mac complied, although he was sad that his time as a titan was coming to an end, he knew that he had to be responsible and mature about this. Acting like a foal over this wasn’t what his Ma and Pa would have wanted, because that wasn’t how they raised him. Big Mac opened his mouth, the gigantic casem releasing a torrent of warm, apple smelling wind, blasting Rainbow Dash back a bit.

With a yelp she fumbled with the bottle a little as she struggled to regain her mobility, the ponies’ eyes down on the ground widened as they all silently begged Rainbow Dash not to drop the bottle.

“Don’t worry I got it!” she yelled out after a second “Here ya go Big Mac!”

Arcing her foreleg back, Rainbow throw the bottle as hard as she could into Macintosh’s mouth. She watched the little bottle sail through the air and into the gaping abyss. Big Mac closed his mouth with a tremendous BOOM and swallowed as he stood back up, the air rumbling as he once more covering the land in his shadow.

“So…what happens now?” Big Mac asked the tiny cast below.

Nopony moved as they all stared up at him in silence, all of them waiting for something to happen. But after about a minute Applejack turned to Twilight “Are ya sure you and tha Princesses got it right Sugarcube?” she asked.

Twilight looked panicked “I think so, I’m sure we did! Right?” she asked as she looked around at the Princesses.

Celestia looked back at her and the rest of the Apple family uneasily “While we did the everything we could, it is indeed possible that the potion we developed may not have worked. As it was stated before, we do not have the spell book that made Big Mac grow in the first place, meaning that we do not know the proper magical elements used in the spell and what their proper counter may be. There are several ways to construct a spell you see, many ways to create one certain outcome. Similarly to how there is more than one way to solve a math problem. However, without the original glyphs here to show us what was cast, we cannot properly make a counter to them, only make an estimate to the best of our ability based on the variables present. This coupled with the fact that the spell was mutated due to prolonged activation may indeed result in the shrinking potion not working,”

“So what are ya saying Princess? Are ya saying that Macky will be like that forever?” Granny Smith asked

“Not to worry Mrs. Smith,” Luna spoke reassuringly “If it does not work it will only be until we find the book or administer a stronger potion. He does not have to say that way permanently,”

“I don’t think we need to worry you guys!” Spike exclaimed “It looks like it is working!”

Everypony stopped talking immediately as they heard Spike. Turning their attention skywards they watched happily as Big Mac’s gargantuan form slowly get smaller and smaller.

“Yay! It actually worked!” Apple Bloom said happily as she bounced around

And after long last, Mega Macintosh had returned back into good old Big Mac.

“Eeyup,” Big Mac said nonchalantly “It’s good ta be back everypony,”

For a moment nopony moved, but just as suddenly the Apple Family, Mane 6 and Spike all broke into a mad dash towards him and promptly jumped onto the stallion as they wrapped their hooves around him in a hug, sending poor Big Mac falling onto the ground with his hat flying off as the group dog piled him with hugs, all of them happy to see the country pony back to normal

“WELCOME BACK MACKY!!” Pinkie squealed happily as she latched onto his back and hugged him with an iron grip “You know what this call for? A super-duper Big Mac isn’t a giant titan anymore and is back to normal party!”

“T-Thank ya kindly Pinkie,” Big Mac wheezed out.

“Even after all this time, Ah do have ta admit, Pinkie knows how ta throw one mean party,” Applejack said with a yawn as she and Big Mac made their way to their rooms.

“Eeyup,” Big Mac agreed as the two of them tiredly walked through the hallway

Pinkie had been true to her word, not long after Big Mac had shrunk back down to normal, she had promptly sent out party invitations to everypony she could find in Ponyville. It had only taken her a few minutes to completely clear out the newly refurbished barn (courtesy of Big Mac) and turn it into a party house, complete with cake, sweets, drinks, and several party games. The whole town as well as the Princesses had turned up for the occasion, in celebration of the potion working and Big Mac was back to normal.

Several of the townsponies had come to talk to him about the experience and what it was like, Big Mac, being as little bashful, did his best to retell the tale for eveypony present. His audience hung onto his every word as he described the feeling of being so huge and the absurd change in perspective. Even Rainbow dash was impressed because she always focused on speed, she had never actually flown that high before until she was trying to get Big Mac’s attention. The Princesses looked on approvingly as he described the events that took place in Manehatten and how he repaired the city after the Noble’s rampage through it (though he did omit the little detail of plucking up an entire stadium full of ponies and posing for pictures with all of them in hoof. They’ll find out when the press publishes the article) and Granny Smith smiled proudly as she heard Big Mac recount his story at Oakenwood and how he stopped to help them, even giving a little family advice while he was there.

After the story telling was done Pinkie had them hit the dance floor and try out some of the party games she had set up. Big Mac wasn’t much for dancing, so he went back to conversing with Mayor Mare and Zecora about some of the things that had happened while he was a giant. The CMC and the rest of their schoolmates rushed straight over to the party games and half the town went over to the dance floor. Even Princess Luna got in on the action and danced with Pipsqueak, the latter ecstatic he got to see his favorite Princess on a day when it wasn’t Nightmare Night. Princess Celestia on the other hand was perfectly content with sitting at the table while she sneaked cake slice after cake slice. All of which disappeared down her gullet as quickly as she received it.

But alas, soon the Princesses had to depart and head back to Canterlot as it was getting extremally late. And it was around that time most of the townsponies decided that they had their fill of the event as well and that it was time to turn in for the night. Everypony had thanked Pinkie for setting up the event and congratulated Big Mac for returning to normal before heading out.

Rarity and Sweetie Bell both headed back to their home, Twilight levitated a sleeping Spike onto her back and bade everypony good night as she went back to the library, Fluttershy left with Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo, and Pinkie, after cleaning up everything in a blink of an eye, gave Big Mac one more bone crushing hug before hopping back to Sugarcube Corner with Mr. Cake, Mrs. Cake, Poundcake, and Pumpkin Cake following behind.

As the rest of the Apple Family returned to their newly fixed up house, once again thanks to Big Mac, they all said their good nights as they all departed to their rooms. Now leaving Big Mac and Applejack alone as they sleepily made their way up to their rooms.

But as they finally came to Applejack’s door, she stopped outside it, not going in.

“Hey Mac,” Applejack spoke up “Can Ah ask you something?”

“Eeyup,” Big Mac replied

Applejack rubbed her hoof silently as she stared at the ground, as if trying to find the right words to convey what she was thinking. Big Mac just stood there silently as he waited. After a while Applejack looked back up into his eyes “Why didn’t ya, you know, just stay at tha farm while you were growing and such? Didn’t ya trust the rest of us ta put things right?” she asked hesitantly, as if afraid of the answer.

Big Mac sighed mentally, he had a feeling he would have to bring this up at some point “Sis,” Macintosh began “Ah suppose Ah should just be honest with ya. With ya being the element of honesty an such,” he said chuckling a bit at the irony. But the small smile that had formed soon faded away as Big Mac looked back at Applejack with a melancholy expression “If Ah’m being honest, being big made me feel good. Real good in fact. It made me feel better tha Ah had been in a while. When I found out tha Ah had suddenly gained a major increase to mah earth pony magic Ah felt like Ah could actually use it and do something meaningful with mah life for a change, feel like Ah was actually doing something meaningful and feel meaningful. Tha growth was just a happy bonus.”

“Macky? What are ya saying?” Applejack asked softly, a troubled look on her face “Of course ya are meaningful. Hay, everything ya do around here is meaningful. Why would ya think otherwise?”

“Is it though AJ?” Big Mac asked glumly as he leveled his gaze with hers “Ah just felt like all Ah did was the same thing over an over again here. Always just working at tha farm alone. Ah just don’t feel like Ah actually did anything ta stand out anymore. And that sort of thing is hard ta do if yer in a family as big as ours. Ah just feel like nopony even acknowledges me anymore because Ah don’t have any of tha standout qualities that you, AB, an Granny all have,”

Applejack opened her mouth to reply but Big Mac held up his hoof “Let me explain what Ah mean AJ, Ah don’t want ya getting the wrong idea here,” he said. Applejack’s eyes widened in slight shock, but she simply nodded and kept silent.

Big Mac sighed heavily before continuing “Before all this happened Ah kept asking mahself, what exactly was there Ah had that made me stand out? Apple Bloom an her lil’ friends are well known around tha town because of all their attempts ta get their cutie marks, Granny Smith goes ta town frequently and everypony admires her because she was one of the founders of the town, and you AJ, ya got about as famous reputation as a pony could get. One of the elements of harmony, made yer debut by saving tha Princess’ long-lost sister that she sent to tha moon of all places, and yer constantly being called on mission appointed by tha princess herself, like stopping that dragon from smoking up tha sky or dealing with the fallout of tha whole titan debacle. Ah can’t think of anypony who doesn’t know who ya are.”

Applejack nodded slowly as she processed what Big Mac had just said “Ah see, but what does this have ta do with you leaving tha farm and becoming all giant Macky?” she asked.

“Ah’m getting ta that,” Big Mac replied “With all of this wonderous stuff happening to all y’all on the daily Ah just couldn’t shake tha feeling that it was just undermining everything that Ah was doing at the farm. Even at supper when we share how our day had gone, all Ah seem ta say is ‘Ah did farm work’ or ‘Ah planted crops and fixed something that was broken.’ Then comes you, Apple Bloom and Granny saying stuff like how they met with the mayor ta discuss how ta organize an upcoming celebration, or AB telling us about some wacky adventure she and her friends went on ta get their cutie marks, or you telling us how ya went to Canterlot ta see tha Princess again or stopped some threat to tha kingdom again. Ah just feel like Ah’m becoming invisible ta everypony,”

“Ya feel like everypony is just looking past ya now because ya don’t feel like yer noteworthy anymore?” Applejack asked with concern as she walked up to Big Mac slowly, placing a hoof on his shoulder

“That about sums it up AJ,” Big Mac sighed as he looked down with shame “Even at recent family gathering now most of tha family just either ignore me and go straight to talk with y’all or just give me a passing ‘Hi” an move on to somepony else like Ah’m not worth tha time anymore because they know Ah don’t have anything of note ta share with them,”

Big Mac raised his head land met Applejack’s gaze sorrowfully “But do ya know what’s even worse than that? Is tha fact that Apple Bloom don’t look up ta me no more. Ah remember that she always used ta go on about how she wanted me ta teach her how ta do all sorts of things and skills she could pick up. Or even how she just wanted ta spend time with me after school before going off crusadin’ with her friends. But not anymore. She don’t think Ah’m worth it anymore because Ah’m not tha family hero. You are Applejack. Everytime Ah see her all Ah can hear is her endless praise for you an Granny ever since she found out she founded the town. She barely pays me any mind anymore. Ah’m- Ah’m just afraid she’ll forget about me like everypony else has. Ah just thought that since Ah had mah new magic Ah could actually do some good for once and help around the kingdom like you always do. An with mah size increasing everytime Ah used it, everypony would have no choice but ta look up at me while Ah was helping them. It just felt like tha old days were back for once and Ah was actually accomplishing something by helping all them,”

Big Mac broke off, he looked away as his eyes began watering a bit as he finally spoke out loud the thoughts that had been haunting him for months. But to his surprise he felt Applejack gently wrap her forelegs around his torso in a hug as she lay her head against his chest. He looked back down at her and saw that her eyes were also watering as well.

“Oh Macky, why didn’t ya say so sooner? Ah had no idea ya felt this way,” she said sadly as she tightened her grip around him gently.

“Ah didn’t think it mattered that badly AJ,” Big Mac murmured as he felt Applejack directing the two of them into her room. Once inside Applejack let go and faced him.

“Big Macintosh, of course it matters! Why wouldn’t it? Everything you do has meaning to it. Yer one of tha most lovable and dependable ponies around! Yer always there ta help, everypony in town knows yer face, an yar the one we all depend on ta keep the farm running. Without ya we’d be in more trouble than an apple with a worm in it,” Applejack declared with a hardened gaze.

“Ah know that sis, but-”

“No ‘buts’ Macky! Ya have value. Ya always did. Even if ya didn’t see it in yerself,” Applejack said “When ya left, after a while Apple Bloom was in shambles when she came back. After she saw ya leave she was worried ya won’t come back or something silly like that. She was really worried aboutcha. She kept going on about how she was wanting ta spend more time with ya now that she an her class was getting time off because she hasn’t done that in a while. She does care about ya still Macky. Ya do have meaning ta her, me, Granny, and tons of other ponies.”

Applejack sighed before continuing with a smile “But not only that, ya used yer size an power ta help out ponies who were put in trouble by them no good nobles. Fixed up everything nicely. An for that Ah couldn’t be happier. If ya think that didn’t have meaning buster think again! Ya saved a lot of ponies by doing that. An from what Ah hear ya even became something of a role model while you were at it. That’s something ta be admired Macky. Ah don’t think even me and the girls have properly done that yet. But all of Equestria knows about this, and about you. And Ah can tell you that they’ll be forever grateful for tha help. Now that, that right there is pretty meaningful if ya ask me.”

A small smile arced on Big Mac’s lips “Thanks AJ, Ah needed that,” he said looking at her

Applejack gave Big Mac another hug “Ah’m happy ta help big brother. Thank ya fer trusting me and telling me about this,” she said as they broke apart “Ah’m happy ta help,”

Big Mac made his way too the door, placing a hoof on it, he looked back at Applejack “Goodnight AJ,” he said as he stepped out.

Applejack smiled as she closed the door “Good night big brother,”

The morning came with Big Mac waking up happy and comfortable in his normal bed. While he will admit sleeping against a literal mountain had been cool and all, nothing will ever beat the familiarity of his bed. After going through his morning routine, he headed downstairs for breakfast, stopping to give Apple Bloom a big bear hug, which the little filly happily accepted. Once finished eating, Apple Bloom headed off to school, Granny Smith went off to town, and Applejack and Big Mac went to work in the fields to go buck the remaining trees they missed the day Big Mac had first grown.

“Bet ya wish ya still had that fancy magic,” Applejack laughed as she knocked down all the apples on a nearby tree

“Eeyup,” Big Mac said as he did the same with a smirk.

After some time, the two of them had filled up over a dozen barrels of apples, which Big Mac volunteered to take back to storage while Applejack opted to continue working. As he made his way over to the barn, where the storage was kept in the back, he heard Granny Smith’s voice floating across the fields.

“Macky! Big Mac! C’mere! We have visiters!” she hollered.

Big Mac unhooked himself from the harness and walked over to where he heard Granny Smith calling him. Making his way to the front of the house he saw three ponies standing at the front poarch, talking with Granny Smith. A stallion, a mare, and a young colt around the same age as Apple Bloom.

Granny Smith’s face lit up as she saw Big Mac making his way over “Ah there ya are Big Macintosh. Say hello to our guests. They’re here from tha next town over looking ta buy some of our Zap Apple Jam,” she said.

The stallion in front smiled at Big Mac and raised his leg, extending his hoof out “It’s a pleasure to meet you sir, My name is Homburg Turner, this is my wife Trilby Turner, and my son Thimble Turner,” he said.

Big Mac smiled as well as the two of them shook hooves “Pleasure ta meet ya as well Mr. Turner. Ya said yer from tha next town over correct? That’d be Oakenwood right? Ah heard there was some trouble going on with tha harvest there,” he said

Homburg Turner grimaced as he nodded “You’d be correct sir. Our town hadn’t been receiving our shipments of rainclouds from the weather factory and because of that most of our crops have dried up. But just yesterday, if you can believe it, a miracle happened, and all of our crops just magically sprang up! I’ve never been so thankful before in my life. It saved our farm and home. We already made back most of the money we lost and then some, so as a little treat we decided to visit the famous Sweet Apple Acers and try out your signature Zap Apple Jam,”

Big Mac nodded “Well, Ah’m glad that everything worked out for ya Mr. Turner. Do ya know how all yer crops came back ta life?” he asked

Homburg Turner shook his head “Haven’t the foggiest idea. Everyone around town was saying it was the work of another one of those Titans but they can’t give much more detail other than he was a stallion and had red fur. A little generic considering there are many stallions that look like that. They couldn’t make out any more details because he was so big! Not even a look at his cutie mark,” he said

Big Mac smiled internally as he replied “Well, that’s a shame. Ah would have liked ta hear all the details but since not much was gathered Ah guess that’ll be enough,”

“Indeed,” Homburg sighed

“It really is a shame though,” Trilby Turner spoke up “I would have liked to thank him for saving the town,” she said.

Big Mac nodded in agreement, though none of the ponies present noticed that little Thimble was staring at Big Mac with wide eyes.

“Now then, y’all said ya came here for the Zap Apple Jam correct?” he asked

“Yes that’s right Mr. Macintosh,” Trilby Turner said

“Alrighty then, Mah sister Applejack is in the fields right now and she has the key to tha jam storage. Ah can take you ta her and we can go getcha the amount ya want ta buy,” Big Mac said

“Actually Macky Ah can take them,” Granny Smith spoke up “You go finish putting away them apples you brought back an then you can join us, ok?”

“Eeyup,” Big Mac agreed. He watched as Granny Smith beckoned the family to follow her as she lead them towards the fields.

But as they were leaving, Big Mac noticed that Thimble wasn’t following them. “Aren’t ya going to youngin?” Big Mac asked the little colt, who was still quietly staring at him.

Recognition flashed in Thimble’s eyes as he suddenly bounded forward and GLOMPED onto Big Mac’s leg happily, hugging him.

“Thank you for saving our home Mr. Macintosh,” Thimble said enthusiastically, his little tail wagging.

Big Mac’s eyes widened before he let out a warm chuckle “Ah see ya recognized me youngin,” he said, patting Thimble on the head “How did ya know?”

“When you were leaving, after all the Townsponies went away, I saw your cutie mark,” Thimble said

Big Mac smiled “Well, looks like tha cat’s out of tha bag for me. Ah was happy ta help you and yer town lil’ one,”

Thimble grinned as he gave him one last tight hug before galloping off after his parents as fast as his little legs could carry him, with Big Mac watching on happily.

Later that day after saying goodbye to the Turners, Big Mac and Applejack were back to working in the fields. Apple Bloom had come home from school and she had brought her friends Sweetie Bell and Scootaloo with her so the three of them could have fun. They were currently in the fields with Big Mac and Applejack peacefully playing ultimate frisbee.

At least it was peaceful until one of them threw the frisbee a little too hard and the disk was carried by the wind into the Everfree forest. Then the arguing started.

“This is all yer fault!” Apple Bloom said, pointing at Scootaloo.

“Me?! Sweetie was the one who said throw it hard!” Scoots hollered as she glared at Sweetie Bell.

Sweetie Bell gave them a stink eye “I only said that because you guys were chasing after me so I wanted to get you off my back! Now who’s going to go get it?”

Before the three of them could continue bickering, Big Mac called to them from across the field “Girls why don’t ya head inside for a spill? Ah’ll go get yer frisbee ok?”

“Awww,” the CMC whined

It took a little more coaxing and a firm voice from Applejack but the girls did eventually go inside the house. And Big Mac found himself wandering around the forest trying to find a plastic disk.

It’s gotta be around here somewhere,” he thought as he pushed through the leaves and branches.

Thankfully after about a minute or two of searching, Big Mac finally found it tucked neatly between the topmost branches of a particularly large tree.

Big Mac sauntered up to the base of the tree, turned around, and bucked the tree as hard as he could.


Turning around, Big Mac peered up at the top of the tree again. Only to see the frisbee was still in the same place as before. Frowning, he turned around and tried again. And again. And again. Only to be met with the same result.

Horseapples! That thing’s caught real tight now ain’t it,” Big Mac though in frustration as he glared up at the stubborn disk

Now Ah wish Ah still had that magic,” he sighed “Ah wish Ah was bigger so Ah can just reach up and pluck it down,”

But no sooner had he thought that did a familiar green glow engulf his entire body. Big Mac’s eyes widened as he felt himself rise up once more. Going from 6 feet to 10 feet to 15 feet and coming to a stop at 20 feet tall. His head once more as the same height as the trees.

“N-Nnope!” Big Mac exclaimed as he stumbled about in place in shock. Calming himself down he stared at his newly diminished surrounding around himself. From the trees now as tall as him to the mice sized thimberwolves that were fleeing away in terror.

How did this happen?!” Big Mac thought in alarm “Ah thought that tha Princesses fixed this here growth! Why do Ah still have mah magic?”

But as he calmed himself down, Big Mac thought back to what Celestia has said earlier:

it is indeed possible that the potion we developed may not have worked. As it was stated before, we do not have the spell book that made Big Mac grow in the first place, meaning that we do not know the proper magical elements used in the spell and what their proper counter may be,”

Big Mac shook his head “So did they get it wrong afterall?” he thought “Wait, they said that the spell mutated right? Meaning that it’s acting a different way then it’s supposed to. An they gave me tha shrinking potion to shrink mahself back down. Now, Ah ain’t no unicorn who knows fancy spells but won’t that mean that Ah have the shrinking potion working alongside tha growth spell inside me now?”

Big Mac blinked “Well, it’s worth a try,” he thought. Big Mac closed his eyes, willing himself with every fiber of his being to turn back to normal. And to his luck, he did feel like his muscles were tensing up and tingling. When he opened his eyes again he found himself back to normal size.

Big Mac grinned “Eeyup!” he said happily. He turned to the tree with the frisbee still stuck in it and approached it’s trunk. “Now Ah wonder, if Ah still have mah size. Do Ah still have mah increased magic?”

He reached out and tapped the hard wooden trunk. At first, nothing happened. Until suddenly Big Mac felt his cutie mark tingling. Turing around he saw that it was glowing brightly. Turning back to the tree he could see the familiar green magic arching up the leaves and the branches. Big Mac willed the tree to extend its branches and in an instant, the frisbee dropped to the ground. He waited for himself to grow again like before but this time nothing happened. Big Mac was ecstatic “Ah really can’t believe it. It’s really all still here! Looks like tha potion didn’t completely remove tha spell after all. All it did was allow me ta grow an shrink whenever Ah want! Ah even have tha increased magic still!”

Big Mac was almost beside himself with excitement as he bent down and grasped the frisbee in his teeth “Ah’ll go give this back to tha girls now, then later tonight when everypony has gone ta sleep Ah’ll go an give these powers a test run. Looks like Mega Macintosh ain’t done yet!”

And that was exactly what Big Mac did. He headed straight home and gave his little sister and her friends their frisbee back before heading back out into the fields with Applejack. But now he was working much more quickly then before because he was eager to finish up quickly so he and Applejack could call it a day and head back to the house.

After the work was done, Big Mac and Applejack returned back to their house for supper. Big Mac rocketed through his food, Granny Smith jokingly commenting that it looks like his humongous appetite had returned as well, getting a good laugh out of all of them.

Eventually it was time to wrap up for the day, much to Big Mac’s relief, as the Apple Family all bade each other good night. One by one they all retired to their room and went to bed. Big Mac waited until they were all out like a light before making his move. The large stallion silently crept out of his room, tip hooved down the hallway, the stairs and out the door.

Big Mac inhaled the fresh night air deeply before setting out for the Everfree forest. There was one particular destination he had in mind that he wanted to go to test out his magic.

As he trekked through the dense forest basing his direction on the accounts Applejack has told the family many times before, he kept his ears sharp for the sound of any sort of beast that may try to jump him, but thankfully no creature seemed to be out and about tonight. Big Mac was able to make it to his destination without any trouble: the castle of the two sisters.

He stopped in front of the entrance, taking in its damaged state. Time hadn’t been kind to it. There were holes present everywhere in the stone walls and roof. Vines and other greenery were entangled all over the place.

This is where AJ got her element? She’s lucky tha place didn’t fall apart with her inside it,” Big Mac thought as he looked at the structure with disapproval “Well, time to see if this really works or if earlier was just a fluke. And if anything, at least this place will be fixed up for AJ and her friends if they ever come back to visit,”

Walking up the broken down structure, Big Mac placed his hoof onto the wall and concentrated, trying to feel out the magic within him. Once more his hoof began to glow with a green light, similar to that of his Cutie Mark. The magic expanded from his hoof and spread up the castle walls, slowly engulfing the entire thing. Big Mac stepped back as in a flash of light; the Castle of the Two sisters were completely repaired.

Happy with his handiwork, Big Mac wanted to test out the extent of his magic, so he tried casting the spell at a nearby tree cluster without physically touching it. And just like last time, the magic spread from his hoof and shot through the ground over to where he wanted it to go. The emerald green magic struck the tree and instantly made the nice and healthy.

Big Mac smiled proudly “Eeyup. Looks like Ah still got it. An now for tha final test,” he said. It was time to see just how much control he had controlling his size. Concentrating again he felt the familiar tingle feeling throughout his body and felt himself rise up in size. First at 10 feet, then 30 feet, and then stopping at 100 feet tall. Big Mac looked around with a satisfied look, his head and torso rising high over the forest “Excellent, looks like Ah still got all mah magic with me still. Ah just have better control over it now,”

Big Mac closed his eyes in concentration once more and returned to his normal size, once more standing at the entrance of the old castle. “Now fer some experimentation,” he thought as he focused again. He knew that he could grow into a giant whenever he wants and shrink back to normal. But can it work in reverse? Can he shrink himself too? He focused on the same feeling he had whenever he wanted to shrink and once more his body began to glow. Big Mac watched in astonishment as his surroundings began to get bigger and bigger. The grass around him rising up and the tree tops getting even further away. When Big Mac released his magic he was now the size of an ant.

This. Is. AWESOME!” Big Mac, or now we should say Tiny Mac exclaimed as he looked around himself in awe. Everything seemed so different how. The Trees loomed high above him like mountains, the grass as tall as the trees now, a random mushroom off to his right was as big as a house, and the small crack in the stone on the castle’s walkway was now as big as a ravine.

Tiny Mac made his way over to the mushroom and looked up in amazement “This is so cool,” he thought as he tried shrinking himself even more. His size reduced further, and his surroundings became even bigger than before. When he finished, he was now a quarter of a millimeter tall. Tiny Mac was ecstatic, this meant that he had complete control over his size! He could grow and shrink himself to whatever size he wanted

Thank you mutated spell and botched shrinking potion,” He thought with a chuckle.

Feeling like he had enough, Tiny Mac restored himself back up to Big Mac once more, though he did add on a few extra inches just for fun. Big Mac groaned and flexed his muscles, getting out any lingering stiffness as he looked down at the tile with the crack in it.

Crazy ta think that just a second ago Ah was tiny enough ta run around on that like it was a hoofball field. Now mah hoof is practically covering tha entire thing. An that crack looked so big Ah thought it rivaled Ghastly Gorge. Now look at it. So tiny it looks like ah lil’ strand of fur.” He thought with amusement

But as Big Mac took his gaze away from the tile and stared back up at the newly revived Castle, a sudden thought jolted his mind “Now hold on, Ah have control over mah magic ta this degree, Ah can even affect things without touching them like Ah demonstrated with them trees. Does this mean Ah can use mah size magic on other things besides mahself? Only one way ta find out.”

Big Mac eyed up the castle he had just repaired. Well, it seemed like the perfect test candidate. He stepped back a few paces and focused. But this time, instead of wanting to change the size of himself, he wanted to change the size of the castle. He tapped his hoof against the ground and sent another wave of magic at castle. The magic struck it before disappearing. Big Mac waited for a second before he watched with astonishment, the castle of the two royal sisters began shrinking. Big Mac focused on the magic and shrunk the castle down to the size of a model. He looked at the small structure with amusement as he walked up to it, crouching down a little as he inspected it. If he didn’t know any better, he would have figured this as some sort of souvenir that he could buy at a store.

Big Mac’s eyes flashed green as he activated his size magic again, shrinking the castle even more, down to the size of a pebble. He reached down and picked it up, holding the entire castle snugly in his hoof.

“Eeyup,” he chortled as he looked it over. He was tempted to keep the Castle like this and take it back with him. Maybe put it up on display in his room. But he knew that it was pretty important, and Applejack and her friends would most likely go back and visit it at some point.

Though that would be pretty funny,” Big Mac thought with amusement as he set the castle back on the ground and grew it back to normal size “Imagine Ah shrink tha castle while AJ an her friends were inside it and tuck it in between mah yolk while Ah’m working out in tha fields. Give them all a lil’ scare while AJ spends the day with her REALLY big brother. Though if Ah shrink tha castle down tha same size as before and AJ and the girls are still inside it, they’d probably become smaller than fleas,”

Big Mac winced, as funny as the idea was of carrying an entire castle around practically in his pocket all day, he didn’t want to frighten his little sister that badly. With a sigh he began to walk away from the fixed-up castle. “Well, I’m not really all that tired an Ah still have all night left ta have some fun an test out mah new powers. What should Ah do next?” Big Mac wondered as he put a hoof to his chin.

As he did, he gazed up at the moon hanging up in the night sky. A small smile formed on his mouth “Well, Ah do love me a nice evening stroll,”

Sometime later in the town of Oakenwood, Thimble had been put to bed already. He ha said goodnight to his parents and Sturdy Step and had finally settled down under the covers. By this point the entire town had fallen asleep, snores could be heard from down the hall coming from Sturdy and his parent’s room. And it unfortunately was keeping Thimble up.

He winced as he put one of his pillows over his ear, silently wishing for the noise to stop when he suddenly felt a tremor. Then another. And another.

Thimble’s ears perked up. “What was that noise?” he wondered as he slowly got out of bed, turned on a light, and made his way over to the window. Low and thunderous BOOMS could be heard coming from outside, causing the entire town to quake. How nopony else was waking up from this, Thimble had no idea.

And why does that noise sound so familiar?” He wondered.

But as he thought this, his attention was directed skyward, his peripheral vision detecting movement. As he looked up his eyes went wide as he saw the shadowy figure of a gigantic pony off in the distance, stepping over some mountains as they strolled along.

W-Who is that?!” He wondered in shock “Mr. Macintosh and Sturdy were already turned back to normal so who could that be?” But as if to answer his question, he saw the titanic figure in the distance stop and their head turn to face Thimble’s direction. Thimble let out an “Eeep!” of fear and ducked down under the windowsill. But that didn’t matter because he heard the thunderous sound of colossal hoofsteps again, getting louder as the gargantuan figure seemingly began to head towards the village.

Why is it coming here?!” Thimble thought in alarm before it hit him. He looked back and his eyes fell on his lamp. He turned on a light! His house was the only one with a light on so late at night and it caught the giant’s attention!

Thimble groaned miserably amidst the shaking. What could he do? He couldn’t go turn it off or else the giant would see him!

“But maybe I can risk it. They’re head is probably to high to notice me duck out from under here,” Thimble whispered to himself. Thankfully the shaking had stopped. Though thinking nothing of the curious lack of giant hoofsteps, Thimble began to slowly creep towards the light. When suddenly:

“Well Ah’ll be, so that’s where tha light was coming from. Fancy seeing ya again lil’ one,” a very familiar soft yet powerful voice said from outside.

Thimble froze as he heard the familiar southern twang. Turning around he peered outside and saw a house sized Mr. Macintosh leaning down and peering in at him with a gentle smile.

Thimble gasped with delight “Mr. Macintosh!” he squeaked as he rushed over to the window and hugged the large red muzzle.

Big Mac chucked as he nuzzled the colt gently back into the room, pulling his head back out he asked softly “Now what are ya doing up so late at night Thimble? It’s way past yer bedtime don’t ya think?”

“I couldn’t sleep,” Thimble said bashfully “But wait, how are you here? Mom and Dad told me that the Princesses turned you back to normal yesterday. It was in the news and stuff. But you’re still really big,”

Big Mac chuckled as his eyes flashed, shrinking himself back down to normal size “Well, you could say that Ah got an upgrade,”

Thimble’s eyes went wide “That’s so cool!” he said “So that was you I saw walking around out there?”

“Eeyup,” Big Mac replied with a grin “Ah was just out on a lil’ nightly stroll around tha kingdom,”

“Awesome…” Thimble said with awe

Big Mac chuckled and ruffled the colt’s mane with a hoof “Yer darn tootin’ it is youngin. Ah gotta head back out now though. You should get back ta bed,” he said.

“Awww. Do I really have to?” Thimble whined a bit

“Eeyup. Young colts like yerself need ya rest,” Big Mac said, his inner big brother taking over. This was really no different than when he talked with Apple Bloom.

“Ok, good night Mr. Macintosh!” Thimble said politely “Enjoy your walk,”

Big Mac smiled kindly “Ah will youngin, thank you,” he said as he began to walk away “Oh, and Thimble? Keep yer eye on the sky,” Big Mac called over his shoulder as he disappeared around the side of a house in the distance,”

Thimble watched on in awe as he saw the gargantuan form of Mega Macintosh emerge from the front of the house. His figure getting bigger by the second. Big Mac took one step back, exiting the town completely as he continued to grow. First riveling a skyscraper, then mountains, and even bigger than that. Thimble looked on gobsmacked as the titan grew to such great hights in front of him. Big Mac winked down at the tiny speck that was Oakenville and subsequently Thimble Turner.

Thimble hung out his window as he waved to the titan, watching him walk away “Bye Mr. Macintosh!” He called, the booming hoofsteps now feeling much more comforting now that he knew who was causing them

Mega Macintosh walked off with a gentle smile on his face as he heard Thimble’s faint squeaks from far below as he left to enjoy the rest of his nightly stroll. “Good night ta you too as well little one,” he thought as his gargantuan figure faded into the night.

The former campsite where all this had originated from was still in a complete wreck from when the original nobles had casted the growth spell on themselves initially. The campsite had been accidently stepped on by Blueblood as he had left to go to Canterlot.

The royal guards couldn’t find it, the Princesses couldn’t find it, and Blueblood had honestly forgotten where it was. He had just picked a random spot on a map and told the other nobles to meet up there.

The spellbook still lay there, now completely depowered and vibrating violently due to the excess magic still left in there. All everyone could hope for was that no more shenanigans would come from this simple little book.

But come on, this is Equestria we’re talking about. There’s always going to be something weird, strange, or fantastical going on. And with so many colossal ponies being spotted storming around Equestria, it was bound to catch someone else’s attention. And they wanted in on the action.

A large black chitin hoof emerged from the darkness and picked up the book.

“Yessss. YESSSSS. Excellent. With this, my revenge on Equestria, those Princesses, Stupid Twilight and her friends will succeed for sure!” Queen Chrysalis cackled as she spread her insectoid wings and shot into the air, heading back towards the Badlands and the Changeling hive.

To be Concluded

Author's Note:

And here we are everyone, the final chapter of MEGA Macintosh. And what a journey it has been! From the initial set up of Big Mac's inner conflicts to our resolution of him becoming more comfortable around the other members of his family. And of course, lots of harmless giant fun.

But it looks like things are about to go from 0 to 100 really fast because Queen Chrysalis has made herself known and she has the spellbook. And we all know she wants to grow into a Titan as well. What will happen next? Everything will be concluded in the final story of the Titanverse called: Colossal Chrysalis

Hey everyone, how's it going?

I hope you all enjoyed this second installment of the Titanverse. I'm extremely proud of just how much I have been able to write in such a short amount of time, I truly feel like I have improved from when I initially started up till now. So hopefully I'll keep this momentum going when I write the final story. And it's going to future one of my favorite characters. And of course we'll be keeping things in the same ball park as the previous two stories. Some lighthearted family fun as we conclude this project.

Until then, Keep it real y'all!

Comments ( 36 )

They don't called him Big Mac for nothing.

Definitely. When I started writing this story I made sure that the end goal was to get everyone's favorite Apple pony as big as possible. Hopefully I did a great job conveying that

That you did in an awesome way.

Thanks, glad you think so!

You've offered up a number of stimulating teasers here, but I do believe that the key lies with where you intend to go with the cliffhanger.

Oh yes, the next story is going to be a personal favorite of mine. And let me say, a lot of hilarious stuff is going to happen while Chrysalis becomes the next Titan

Wild ride this was. I imagine it was like open plains for those who were on his nose. And now I’m imagining my drawing is sometime after this chapter. Great fic.

Thanks I'm really happy you enjoyed it. And I hope you'll enjoy the next one too, I'm planning to give it the same energy as this fic

Sounds awesome.

Also, I won't lie, when I came up with this scene

“ Though that would be pretty funny,” Big Mac thought with amusement as he set the castle back on the ground and grew it back to normal size “ Imagine Ah shrink tha castle while AJ an her friends were inside it and tuck it in between mah yolk while Ah’m working out in tha fields. Give them all a lil’ scare while AJ spends the day with her REALLY big brother. Though if Ah shrink tha castle down tha same size as before and AJ and the girls are still inside it, they’d probably become smaller than fleas,”

I had this picture in mind


So Big Mac's new powers is that he can renew objects and plants and can change the size of himself and inanimate objects. This really makes me wonder if he can use these powers on living beings (that aren't plants of course).

When I added in the scene of Big Mac thinking about how funny it would be to shrink the castle of the two sisters with the mane 6 in it and carry it around with him all day I was trying to imply that it can work on other living beings as well


And for those of us who don't use nor care for Twitter, you can find it here.

Oh yeah, I didn't think about that. Still that was in his imagination and not real so we still don't know for sure if it how it would work on living beings, though I'd hedge my bets that it would work. But, more importantly, that still leaves out how his renewal ability would work on living beings. Like, can it cure ponies suffering from illnesses or physical injuries? Or, more intriguing, can it reverse the ages of old ponies? Since they're not technically "in their prime" which seems to be what this ability seems to restore things to. Still, I could be completely wrong on that one.

Haha, that's funny. A day of a big stroll and he walked through some clouds that happen to have some pegasi, shrinks back down to normal size and the now shrunk pegasi is like fleas to him. Only to discover they were pegasi during the flea bath.

That's hilarious. Imagine if the cloud Big Mac walked through was Cloudsdale and it gets caught on him while he's on one of his giant walks. He accidently shrunk the entire city down with him when he returned to normal. Big Mac's gonna have a bunch of tiny little pets to take care of before he can return them to normal size

Well, since the growing and shrinking magic worked on Big Mac himself, I'm rolling with the idea that it will work on others. As for the regeneration, I'm planning for it to only work on plants and the earth because that's what earth ponies are most in tuned with: Nature. As with the last story, when the nobles became giants (all of them were unicorns) they received a massive boost to their magical capabilities and a huge power up to their spell casting. This was sort of the same idea I wanted to implement with Big Mac except focus on the "Nature" aspect of things because he's an earth pony who works primarily on a farm, farming apples

Fair enough. I guess I'm just kind of forgetful on how Earth Pony magic or this Titan spell works. Though I can't help but think that Big Mac's size magic could serve as something of a starting point for another story of yours, like having him change the size of another character.

I might do something like that as a spin off story at some point if I'm feeling up to it, but as of now my main concern is to finish up the Titanverse Trilogy

And what about this gift story for a friend that you mentioned in your latest blog?

“I think you let that one experience muddy your thoughts on that growth spell,” the mare said teasingly as she bumped him with her hip “Though I gotta wonder, do you think the Princesses would use that growth spell on the guards when they find it?”

The stallion tore his gaze away from the sight of Big Mac bouncing the miniature sized foals around on his muzzle as he looked at his partner with an amused stare “Giant royal guards?” he asked

“It seems like a good idea,” the mare said defensively, puffing out her cheeks a bit as she looked at him “With all of us that big, you’d think there’d be no need to put the elements of harmony at risk every time there was a crisis,”

Her partner grinned “You just want to try being giant, don’t you?”

The mare hung her head “Yeah…it looks like fun,”

God yes, big guardsmares would be great


Let's face it we've had at least six teasers for spin-offs or "alternate endings" in both stories.

I get the idea of teasers in this story. But what about the first one? I don't remember putting anything that would warrant a spin off or alternate ending. I was trying to keep things as linear as possible. It could have just been due to my inexperience as a writer at the time


I'm referring to the soliloquys and discussions among the characters about how it could turn out, coupled with moments that could've panned out differently.

It's a goofy one shot story I wanted to make after I got inspired by one of their pictures. I don't want to spoil too much about it yet but it's really meant to be harmless fun


Sounds interesting. It's not the next step along in the "Luna's Dream Weaving" thread, is it?

Nah it's just a one shot story

No I mean how are you working on it since you told me you wanted to focus on the final Titanverse story but your blog said that this gift story would come first after finishing Mega Macintosh.

Since it's a gift story and a one shot I'll do it first then finish the final story as per my schedule said on the latest blog post

Alright. So how is it going one being done?

I'm currently working on the gift story right now

Well this was a sweet story. It's nice to see Big Mac get rewarded for his strength of character by not just getting to enjoy being a titan, but getting to keep a whole suite of abilities that pretty much make him the most powerful pony in the world (so far) without punishing him for hubris. Though with Chrysalis next in line, her own natural abilities will probably mix with the spell in interesting ways too.

Thanks for the comment I really appreciate it, and I'm happy that you enjoyed the story. Writing a story revolving around Big Mac was a little bit of a challenge but I was happy to go for it, and I am quite pleased by how it turned out. Writing a story about the character growth of a single character was much easier than trying to juggle six at one like I did last time with the nobles in Big Business (lesson learned lol). As for Chrysalis, well, let's just say I have something very special planned for her. Something I don't think anyone will see coming, in a good way obviously. Hope you enjoy the story when it comes out!

If I ever do spinoffs with this series, maybe in the very far future, I might consider writing something featuring giant royal guards

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