• Member Since 19th Jan, 2021
  • offline last seen May 21st

Late Empire

It may be over, but we're not done yet.


Twilight and her friends have done it! Nightmare Moon is defeated. But now the celebration is over, everypony is moving on, and Celestia has some pointed questions for her most faithful student.

Specifically, about Twilight's faithful-student loans...

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 57 )

Specifically, about Twilight's faithful-student loans...

Oh no, that hits too hard. I come here to forget about my college debts, not be reminded of them! :applecry:

Bojack H #2 · Jan 4th, 2022 · · 1 ·

na this bit hits harder

Celestia nodded. “I could see how you might think that,” she said sagely, “considering I specifically promised to do it. But unfortunately my hooves are tied. We don’t want Equestria to become an entitlement society.”

at least she's up front about it, some of us prefer our politicians to practice a bit of praxis every now and then especially when they have all the statuary authority to do the half measure they were going to do.

Facing off with an ancient, evil alicorn? That's scary, but nothing beats the mundanity of evil that is daily life.

Be afraid, Twilight. Be very afraid.

Georg #4 · Jan 4th, 2022 · · ·

Come to think of it, the library job would be Civil Service, and she'd have to apply. Of course after filling out the application and taking the Civil Service exam, she would start at the bottom as a GS-4, which would barely give her enough bits to make a minimum payment on her loan and live in a studio apartment in Ponyville, working unpaid overtime while Spike (who is a minor) attends public school. After five years, she would be eligible to be promoted to GS-6 or even GS-7 with good annual reviews, which might allow her to start paying some principal on those loans...

This is excellent humor. The Mane Six's interactions with economics were ebulliently entertaining--especially Pinkie's legal settlement. :pinkiehappy:

zx29b #6 · Jan 4th, 2022 · · 1 ·

Lel, welcome to the proletariat, Twilight.

Twilight gazed over at Sweet Apple Acres. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad? Breezing in from the distance, the clean country wind ruffled her mane, bringing with it the scent of ripe apples, honest labor, and just a tinge of adventure.

And manure. Definitely manure.

Twilight turned to Celestia. “So, tell me about the plastics thing again?”

Yeah, that's quite the issue with the new potential members of the workforce: they don't want to get their hands dirty.

I remember a rather interesting encounter at my work place some years ago: we were letting some guys from a nearby Agriculture school intern for a day, and one of them didn't want to touch a rotten apple even with gloves and absorbent paper.

I’d hock the elements. That should net some breathing room. Or give Celestia an invoice for services rendered.

Emil #10 · Jan 4th, 2022 · · ·

And that's how Twilight decided to become a supervillain instead.

I am the Twilax and I speak for the tenants!

I have had the opposite experience. While i have seen what you have seen i have more often been treated badly by coworkers. They take one look at me think "millennial" and start hazing to make a real adult out of me. Cue six months later when they are upset when i don't return the comradere and respect they finally show; teamwork and respect go out the door once you alienate a person.

Yeah, there's also that problem. On that I'm lucky, my boss doesn't tolerate that kind of bullshit...

Anybody aged born between 1985-1997/98 is a Millennial... aka majority of the workforce now.

Twilight should have apprenticed as a tradesmare magician, clearly

Well, Twilight...you could always join the Military, become a veteran, then apply to have your student loans forgiven.

It worked for me!

I work part-time on the local campus in one of the dining halls, I can max out at 40 hours a week (although it's usually between 30-35) It's definitely not the most appreciative job out there in terms of benefits or that "good honest labor and satisfaction feeling" that AJ was talking about.

But someone has to feed the hungry college students. One of these days I'll get off my lazy tail and start looking for something a bit more invigorating, maybe go back to school and get some more training in my current field or go for one of the other fields that I am interested in exploring (even if it was just for the extra-curricular)

I dunno, I'm 30, single, and in a bit of a rut life-wise.

“Oh, Twilight!” Celestia laughed gaily. “There will be plenty of time for that! On nights and weekends, of course. Sure, you’ll be exhausted and just want to sleep, but with grit and determination, you can push past that."

Yeah, really not helping to sell this here, Celestia. :trollestia:

“Two what?” wailed Twilight. “I’m early-career! Not even early-career! I’m pre-career!

I do believe that's part of Celestia's point that she's attempting to make here. :trixieshiftleft:

"And after studying for ten years, learning the most advanced magic ever conceived, and defeating an eldritch god-pony of darkness, the best I can do is twelve bits an hour.

Yeah, back to Celestia not doing the greatest of jobs selling this. I mean, I can understand not wanting to hand Twi everything on a silver platter, but...c'mon...can't you try just a little harder to get her set up with a job than plastics manufacturing? Something at least within Twilight's fortes and interests? I think you owe her at least that much.

All in all, this just goes to show how messed up and...unrewarding...the modern job market of the real world can feel sometimes. On paper, it looks like it makes sense, done all in an attempt to not show favoritism, complacency, whatever you want to call it, but in practice it just feels grossly unfair most of the time that this is the best work you can get despite it all. I don't know how it'd go about doing it, but I do feel some days it could be trying a little bit harder to at least make it more worthwhile for its workers, somehow.


And wait until she sees the bill the next time comes around when her country needs saving and the only pony on the planet capable of doing the job charges a cost appropriate to the scarcity of service available.

I’d just like a moment where Celestia says she need Twilights help and then has to negotiate her getting hours off with Flim or Flam.

Also did anyone else see the title and expect a King Georgesque song?

That brought another chorus of ooohhhs and aaaahhhs from her new friends, but Twilight’s head spun. “An hour from Ponyville? As in, an hour one way? ”

Oof, I thought this was normal, I have to make an hour and a half every day just to commute to university and back.

Celestia furrowed her brow. “I don’t understand, my little pony. Without a job, how will you pay off your loans?”

Reminds me of back in America where I couldn't pay the tuition for Santa Barbara because I was technically now a foreigner and needed to pay the non-California resident tuition rate. How your average Mexican private university can offer lower tuitions and shorter careers compared to supposed elite American public universities I'll never know why.

Celestia your a fool.

with the rate of nation saving she will bankrupt the state because of this.

and when she takes the throne from you that "entitled society" will be the law of the day.

Haha look, the exact position I'm in! I've got my $200,000 degree, but I lack the certifications required to get a job right away, so I'm back to my $12 an hour job!

I hate this world.

then you only have to deal with physical injures, mental problems, etc that comes from war.

And if you expect people to care beyond a parade every few years, or government support, you might as well just lay down and die.

Ah. Equestria seems to have made every mistake that the US has done and then some and now a Sorceress that can teleport and lift thousands of pounds with her mind is going to be a wage slave.


You know. I think Twilight should consider taking over Equestria.

And this was the beginning of how Twilight Sparkle teamed up with Starlight Glimmer and took over Equestria.

Plus it explains why Sunset Shimmer went through the Mirror....


This is obviously what Shining Armor did to pay for his loans.


Another possible way of netting some bits would be a behind the scenes expose on Princess Celestia. I am sure some pony would want to be able to write about her 10 years directly under PC.

"And after studying for ten years, learning the most advanced magic ever conceived, and defeating an eldritch god-pony of darkness, the best I can do is twelve bits an hour.

Well, if you want higher wages. . . . Let me tell you what to do. You've got to talk to the workers in the shop with you. You've got to build a union, got to keep it strong, and if you all stick together it won't be long - you'll get shorter hours, better working conditions, vacations with pay. . . . Take your friends to the seashore.

(Well... this has set up Twilight's villain arc very nicely.)

Those sound like song lyrics or something, but I dunno what from.

This is some real villain backstory material. She'll probably have a base in a random warehouse or a volcano because she can't afford an actual place.

Hold up. Princess Celestia saddled a 12 year old with tens or possibly hundreds of thousands of bits of debt, at 15% interest compounded continuously, trained her into an obedient servant to battle an ancient evil that she sealed away (after she created it), and once that's done and over with, she discards her "faithful student" like China discarded the rights of the people of Hong Kong with only a reference letter that was so poorly dictated it wouldn't get her a recruiting call, never mind an interview?

Are we sure Nightmare Moon is the villain?

That's what college debt is like, mate.

Tbf? College is an antiquated system in the modern age of information sharing. The same information from more invested teachers with real experience for a percentage of the cost, requiring no loans and maybe just a subscription service.

that's literally college

Huh. I certainly enjoyed my college time.

that's the kind of situation that would have me declare personal bankruptcy.


Hold up. Princess Celestia saddled a 12 year old with tens or possibly hundreds of thousands of bits of debt, at 15% interest compounded continuously, trained her into an obedient servant to battle an ancient evil that she sealed away (after she created it), and once that's done and over with, she discards her "faithful student" like China discarded the rights of the people of Hong Kong with only a reference letter that was so poorly dictated it wouldn't get her a recruiting call, never mind an interview?

No, of course not! That would be crazy.

In Equestria, interest is compounded monthly.

Oh, my mistake.

Princess Celestia saddled a 12 year old with tens or possibly hundreds of thousands of bits of debt, at 15% interest compounded monthly, trained her into an obedient servant to battle an ancient evil that she sealed away (after she created it), and once that's done and over with, she discards her "faithful student" like China discarded the rights of the people of Hong Kong with only a reference letter that was so poorly dictated it wouldn't get her a recruiting call, never mind an interview.

That's, you know, significantly better. I don't know what I was thinking.

You know, interest wouldn't compound if there wasn't a changeover from month to month. Like, for instance, the moon stayed in place in the sky. Or if time stopped.


Take the manure job Twilight! Constant exercise and under-the-table-pay is way better than $12/hr taxed and ending up with some disease due to plastic fume inhalation!

I commute an hour and 10 min, unfortunately. You're a trooper for commuting even farther than that.

American schools preach diversity and then belittle foreign degrees and foreign universities, in my experience. At my university it's mainly an upper administration issue the majority of the time; us grad students and profs are getting real sick of their sh*t. (Not that all students and profs are without elitism, of course.)

What's scarier than an omnipotent malevolent horse goddess that descends from the moon after 1000 years of banishment to enact her ultimate revenge by covering the world in darkness?


Student loans.

"Why, this is hell, nor am I out of it" - Mephistopheles

“Now that’s just nonsense,” said Applejack, shaking her head. “We pay more than that at the farm, even. Good honest work, too. Nothin’ wrong with shoveling a little, er, stuff, now and again. Can start next week if you want. Whaddaya say?”

I'm a Unicorn. I can just levitate 'stuff', thought Twilight.

"Of course, you won't be able to use magic to do your work. That's not the Apple Family way!"

"Buck off, Applejack."

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
-U.S.A. Edition-

You know...this would have been a lot funnier if it wasn't so real. I'm stuck between laughing and falling into anxiety from how hard I relate to Twilight here, lol.

If memory serves me correctly, you can't get rid of student loans by declaring bankruptcy. So... yeah, sorry about that.

Man, reading about how sucky student loans are makes me glad I managed to get through collage without them. Now if only I could get the five years I wasted earning a less than ideal degree back, that would be nice.

After 1000 years of difficult princessing, Twilight will have finally paid off her student loans!

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