• Published 12th Jan 2022
  • 570 Views, 12 Comments

Time to Shine - Easysnuggler

Why did magic go away, what does it mean now that it is back? And where is everypony?

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16. Waving a Cape at a Red Bull

“Several thousands of years before the founding of Canterlot the heavenly princesses suddenly appear as rulers in what became Equestria, eventually incorporating all pony kind after what the ancient equestrians called the pre-classical age.

—Pena “On the Origins of Ponies*(*and Others) and Magic”

16. Waving a Red Cape at a Bull

A tiny yellow and green statue was held in a delicate clamp by small silver steel spring clamps on fine adjustable arms. It was a small lizard figure, the detail on it was incredible, but it was only half finished. The hand painting shook slightly than steadied, spectacles were adjusted, and a new finer paintbrush was selected.

“King Iron Hoof, the Saddle Arabian delegation is here.”

The king grunted. He held up a single index finger towards Mish Mash, his scheduler and majordomo. The smallest of his tiny paint brushes was dipped in the brightest red paint. He prepared to paint a symbol on the armor of the small miniature.

“The Kirin ambassador is here as well.”

The king grunted again. He backed his brush up from the figure. Annoyed that his scheduler kept speaking as he was engrossed in trying to complete the fine task, he held up a single index finger once again and moved it back and forth slightly towards the old gray bull. He began to paint a fine line of a red figure on the breastplate.

“The Zebras have also sent an envoy.”

Startled at the words, the fine line became a blobby mess. The king snorted, sat up, reached for a cloth, and wiped off the figure. He would have to start AGAIN. Irritated, he set down his brush and turned from his hobby table focusing on the old Minotaur. He sighed, took a breath, and put a pin in his thought about just how to complete his Kobold Collection so they would look best when placed by his other Heroes of Equestria tabletop miniatures.

“Mish Mash, how often have I asked not to be disturbed when I am working on my hobbies?” The powerful bull sat back in his finely carved and richly upholstered chair setting down his reading spectacles. The sun streamed through the high ceilings and archways of the Taurkapi palace.

“Very often my king. But you have equally often directed me not to keep foreign guests waiting when you are focused on purely private pleasures.”

“Quite right, Mish Mash.” Come, let us greet our guests. The large bull stood up, and the steers quickly dressed him in the robes of office. The large soft hooved eunuchs moved swiftly and in moments he was finely arrayed. There were less of them now. His first act as King had been to outlaw gelding as a punishment or requirement for office. The practice had proven remarkably hard to curtail however much he discouraged it. He feared further measures might be necessary. No doubt that would inflame the more conservative members of his court into yet further defiance of the royal will.

“One last thing my king”, the finely boned old counselor picked up the royal crown, a gaudy gold bulbous cap covered in red and green gems and placed it upon the king's head.

“Ugh. This thing is so heavy. I swear it cuts off circulation to my horns and ears.” Mish Mash placed it atop his head. King Iron Hoof shifted it a bit, which only seemed to make it worse.

“A crown is traditionally required, my king.”

“Well, I'm thinking of starting a new tradition. One without crowns.”

“Careful my king, or you will give the conservative elements republican ideas, and that would be very bad indeed.”

“What makes it a crown anyway Mish Mash? Why is it not just a gold hat?”

“Well, my king, a crown has symbols of the state upon it. In our case the green and red gems symbolize the law and the martial power of Istanbull. And the gold of course the unifying power of the king. That's why the fez of your guard like that fellow over there is red with a red tassel, and that of your civil administration is gold like mine, with the green tassel.”

“That's it then, just the colors are important?”

“Well yes, technically, but the proportions are also important. The Red Matador had an almost entirely red gemmed crown to emphasize the force of his rule, while the gems of Ryokugyu the lawgiver were almost entirely green.”

“I seem to recall you telling me this before Mish Mash”

“Yes, my liege. This is at least the tenth time.” The king eyed the counselor. The counselor met his gaze. The king smiled and broke his gaze.

“Well, you have given me a new idea.” He turned to the closest steer. “Domino, that enticing new heifer in my harem, Penelope, she wore a black top with a big raging gold bull pin the last time I saw her. I believe it had red and green stones for eyes. Bring me the pin and then get her two more. Tell her the sultan thanks her and will visit her tonight.”

“Now you, there guard. Sprinkles, isn’t it?” The large guard nodded. “I need your fez.” The young bull handed the king his red fez. The king picked the tassel loose from the inside, the red was a very pleasing color. The king smiled a bit of a crazed smile and said in a gravelly tone. “And yours Mish Mash.” Nervous and turning a bit pale, Mish Mash handed his fez over as well. The king prized the green tassel loose and added it to the top of the red fez. Domino had returned with the gold pin. The king took that and pinned the ferocious looking bull to the front of the bright red fez. Taking a moment to admire his handy work, the king grinned. “There, perfect.” Taking off his crown, he handed it to Domino. “Here, put this away, I have a new crown today.” He put the light bright red fez with the green tassel and gold pin atop his head and strode towards the throne room.

“Sir, but sir, the court will view that as a military statement. They’ll think you’re going to start settling all of your problems with a sword.”

“Well, I think I’ve had quite enough dissent for one reign. Tell them it was your idea. If that gets them to stop gelding helpless male calves, I’m all for it. Tell them that too.”

Feeling quite pleased with himself and enjoying the far lighter headgear now set across his brow, King Iron Hoof tromped from the door straight to his throne almost before his courtiers could announce him. Turning with a flourish he strode atop the dais and swept his red cape across his golden legs and sat with his back straight upon his large golden throne and looked down upon his court. “Uh your majesty” said General Chop-Chop, noticing the new headgear the king wore. He paused. The large bright red fez had only the tiniest amount of green. From the cut it was a military fez. No doubt. And the golden bull. It was a very angry golden bull, stomping and snorting with a red and green eye. And then there was the king. He had a pleased and perhaps a bit feral look, so unlike his normal tired and put-upon expression. The red silk cape had completely covered the king's legs. It's swish of red momentarily completely derailed his thoughts. Recovering quickly, Chop-Chop discarded his entire statement, stood at attention, and said loudly “The GROUND POUNDERS stand ready to carry out your commands SIR!” The startled Royal Navy and Skyforce representatives stood straighter at attention.

“I should hope so, general.” Then to his side he said loudly “Bring in our visitors.”

There was a bit of confusion as all three sets of foreign delegates in the entryway sorted themselves out. The Kirin seemed most displeased at being admitted simultaneously with the Zebricans and the Arabians.

A brief flash of flames lit the hall. Everyone grew tense, a smell of smoke drifted through the doors. Another flash and an embarrassed silence had the now naked Kirin ambassadress trailing the other two delegations.

The king raised his left eyebrow. Well, that was something. There were legends of course but seeing a flaming Nirik with one's own eyes was something else. It was a good thing the hall was all stone and steel. Servants swiftly swept up the sooty ash her silk finery had been reduced to.

“I know why you have come. I’m going to be making some changes to our relationships and it's best that I address all of you together.” The king said, standing. He kept his red cape across him holding it in one hand. While raising the other to point at the ceiling. “We will relinquish our claims to the desert starting twenty canters west inland from the eastern shore of the coast from the city here to the river south of the delta.”

The court erupted in clamor. The king shouted “SILENCE!!!” He looked right at his generals. “Chop-Chop, if members of the noble court cannot remain silent when I am speaking you are to remove them by force is that understood?”

“YES, YOUR MAJESTY!” The bull general emphasized his shout by slamming his hooves on the floor ONE, TWO. Iron Hoof could not recall that level of enthusiasm ever coming from his chief military advisor. Perhaps he had been suppressing an urge to throw the highborn nobles out of the hall for some time?

“AS I WAS saying, we will relinquish all claims, except for the immediate coast. In return the Saddle Arabians will acknowledge our claim to the northern delta and agree to support such claims by force if necessary. And likewise, we acknowledge their claim to Djenniah and its environs, for thirty canters inland from the walls of the city and will support the same by force of arms.” There was a stirring in the court, but no one dared speak.

The Saddle Arabians looked quite unexpectedly pleased, but Tendai the outraged Zebrican delegate strode angrily forward.

“FURTHERMORE!” The king continued pointing straight at the zebra the moment he opened his mouth to speak, “We agree to split the differences our sides have on our trade disputes, AND to unfreeze all assets we have held since the recent unpleasantness in Zebrenica. We also agree to the negotiating terms the zebra have set forth in the trade disputes. ALL of them. The sides have remained far apart, this ends that. In exchange you will honor my agreement with the Saddle Arabians and acknowledge our claims to the delta. There is no fixed term for this agreement. It will end upon the end of my reign if not continued by my successor or by mutual agreement. Are we agreed?” Tendai, shocked, nodded. “To further cement this peace, I accept the offer Prince Tendai, your cousin and namesake made a decade ago before he met his unfortunate end in a poisoned soup bowl and agree to hire a mercenary guard of 200 of the finest zebra hoplites to supplement my house guard. Financing shall be provided by Saddle Arabia.” He looked at the Arabian delegates dressed in their fine saddles and tack. They nodded tentatively.

“Good, with that resolved, except for patrols, I will be withdrawing all troops along the border with Saddle Arabia several canters east. I expect similar moves from your side?” The Saddle Arabians nodded. “They are needed at home and to patrol the delta. Now that we have all secured the peace amongst ourselves for another generation let us turn to more serious matters.”

An elderly noble stepped forth from the noble court boldly approaching the dais. He was thin, old, and exceptionally wizened.

“Yes lord?” Said the king politely, far more politely than he had said anything up till now.

“Such as matters of succession? your grace. These foreign matters are easily disposed of, but you still have no heir to the kingdom! Fate hangs by a thread and until this has been addressed, so does Istanbull. It has been three decades now with no heir! Either name an heir or step aside and pick a successor!”

“I am coming to that Wind Bag.”

The king turned to address the Kirin delegate. “Fern Flare, by that umm blaze out in the hall, I take it that the anxieties Rain Shine XXII raised are still of concern. That magic has returned, and it was not just a momentary problem?”

“Yes, your majesty, and I apologize for that shameful display. These events may have affected the Saddle Arabians, Zebricans and Minotaurs only slightly, but for us the return of magic has had devastating effects. Our cities are in flames, the fields of the countryside lay in ruin. Our entire way of life is threatened. The sudden return to the troubles of the past have brought devastating consequences. Indeed, I am here to ask for aid. Without it, the Kirin nation faces famine and starvation.”

“The Kirin have always been good neighbors who would assist us whenever help was requested. Our larders are full, and our harvests have been bountiful. I will see to it that our surplus is loaded on board ships and sent through the straits to aid your people in their time of need, indeed I have already given orders to this effect.

“So, I take it then that there has been no word from the insular ponies of Equestria, no word from the silence of Canterlot, no explanation for the sudden change in Equestrian policy? No reason why they have abrogated all of the terms of ancient agreements?”

“No, your majesty.”

“If the Kirin, the Zebricans and Saddle Arabians are to be believed this is an existential threat to all of us.” The king turned aside looking out the window over the harbor. “We must determine the cause of these new events… immediately.

“We must send troops to Canterlot at once to secure an understanding of and learn the meaning of this sudden change.” He turned his head to look at the generals.”

Wind Bag spoke “Iron Horse, your cousin said Canterlot was lying abandoned and that its fabled Tower lay in ruins.”

“While I love my cousin dearly, no creature can expect us to take her word seriously. We all saw her journey alone into the wilderness west of Zebrat supposedly to circle the world to the left, and when she returned almost two decades later supposedly from the east all she had to show for it was a couple of scars, and a lot of tall tales and no proof. Now she’s infected her nephew Foreman with the same madness. I had to arrest him just to stop him from traipsing off on retracing her steps on a journey to the east to Sydneigh or some such nonsense.”

“Others have said the same my Lord.” said Mish Mash.

“And others return equally with no proof. I want to know what has happened, and I will not be satisfied with rumors and half-truths. The Armed Forces are here to ensure the safety of Istanbull are they not?”

“Of course, we are your majesty.” General Chop-Chop said. Admiral Perfect Storm and Skycaptain Second Wind echoed his affirmation.

“I command each of you to make an expedition to the pony lands. Go there yourselves and bring back someone who knows why this is happening. Do this, and whomever returns first shall pick the name of my successor. Take whomever you would choose with you. Unless and until I have an heir of my own, they shall rule after me.” The generals stood speechlessly.

“What are you waiting on? Go!”

“Yes SIR!” “My lord!” “Immediately!” The three chiefs of the armed forces scrambled from the room.

The Zebrican delegate again approached the throne. “What Tendai?”

The well-spoken zebra, a holdover from 10 changes in Zebra regimes in as many years nodded to his Saddle Arabian counterparts. “Zebrenica and Saddle Arabia both have vested interests in the succession to the throne of Istanbull.”


“We would never presume to pressure the selection of a successor to the Taurian throne…. But some candidates might be… preferable than others. Unless you object. I, I mean we, yes, we would like to send observers. Military observers with the expeditions you intend to send. To get a feel for the candidates who might be selected you understand?”

“To undermine whomever, you don’t like you mean?” The king glared at the two diplomats. “Very well, honestly the factions all back different undesirable ones but undesirable for different reasons. I suppose it is in my best interest that the least undesirable one is selected. You may send advisors with each expedition; I’ll appoint them personally. Two to each, one from both of you? “Three please” said Fern Flare. “We also have interests?”

“Fine, three each. Send patent letters to Mish Mash tonight and I'll approve them. With them out of my horns I can finally concentrate on important things.” He stood up.

He found the elderly noble bull standing in his way. “So, you intend to cut the nobility out of the succession just like that?” half snarled Wind Bag.

“Feel free to mount your own expedition or appeal to the military chiefs to have your own candidate selected. The nobility has had decades to help the throne govern. We’ve managed without your support so far. I think we can manage a bit further.” Iron Hoof stepped around the angry noble.

Rendered speechless by rage, the old aristocrat said nothing as the king calmly exited. Tossing his horns and pulling at his scruffy beard Wind Bag stalked from the court followed by a dozen sycophants.

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