• Published 12th Jan 2022
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Time to Shine - Easysnuggler

Why did magic go away, what does it mean now that it is back? And where is everypony?

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53. Pests

“The gate to Equestria is fully open now. They’re coming.”

—T. Sparkle on the eve of battle

53. Pests

Latrines were dug, shoes were mended and in camp they could eat, sleep, drink and take care of all the other necessary things.

The endurance of the equines seemed endless. They slept less than 7 hours, but the kirin slept even less, only needing about 3 hours a night. They were constantly busy repairing things, repacking, and generally keeping themselves busy. Angry nirik were few and far between.

On the dawn of the 16th day the gnats came. They were horrible. They flew into eyes, ears, up noses, clustered around every orifice and were devilishly annoying. Fortunately, once the 6 small ponds where they were apparently breeding in had been passed, they died down to a merely horrible annoyance. Everyone slept poorly that night.

The following day the locusts were back. But that was not the problem. Unlike the last time they didn’t hang around - they just flew through the camp as fast as her little locust wings could take them. Before long they were gone.

There was a sound of something like thunder. A jackalope ran through the camp. Then another, then a few more, then hundreds, then thousands. They passed around the edges of the camp berm. A few were slain, but they were numberless. Their sharp horns sliced anyone too slow to move aside. Soon the entire camp was huddled behind the ditches, or in the case of those outside the camp, in rickshaws or standing on rocks. In fifteen minutes, herd thinned to a few hundred, then a few dozen, then none. A few of the zebras, kirin and minotaurs had nasty cuts. The medics began to bind up the wounded.

What was left where their reverse trail led was a brown cloud, a strange cloud on the far horizon and that cloud was heading deceptively slowly straight towards the Ground Pounder encampment. No, the problem was not the locusts or the jackalopes. The dust storm was.

Prepared to take the van, and ready to head out, Risk Taker had huddled behind Danai and Anatsa’s scrapers from the jackalopes with them, and he hurried to the command tent. The zebras mares followed. The Saddle Arabians were also there along with the big kirin Green Leaves and the small zebra observer Penda.

Prince Harabi was shouting in Farsai “Everyone listen to me! You must cover your face with a damp cloth! Everyone, everyone, listen to me! Do it now, cover your faces and breathe through a damp cloth. You should find a safe place, out of the wind and close your eyes!”

Unfortunately, no one could understand him. No one except for Danai. Danai signed rapidly to Anatsa who was not looking. Danai hoof smacked her sister to get her attention and began signing rapidly.

Chop-Chop shouted, “Are the beasts gone? What is that cloud? What is this lunatic screaming about?” The other officers were entering the tent asking for direction. Marshal was not among them.

Danai shouted at Risk Taker “Bwana Taker, Danai says it is a storm of dust. Horse lord says we need to take cover and breathe through wet clothes, or we could get sick and die.”

Risk Taker looked at her, nodded and tried to shove through the other officers.

Captain Syrup got in his way. Blocking the lieutenant, the minotaur backhanded him across the face. “You are a disgrace to your uniform. Return to your post and stay out of my sight.”

Shoving the captain aside, Risk Taker shouted at the General. “We are in danger!! We must take cover and breathe through wet cloths, if we do not, the dust could kill us! Listen to me!” The captain’s two sergeants grabbed him by the shoulders and clubbed him over the head. He was dazed and dragged away. Darkness came, his last perceptions were shouting and panic, as blackness engulfed him.

A few minutes later the storm hit.

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