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Comments ( 37 )

Yes a sequel. 😃

PlieRow666 #2 · Feb 18th, 2022 · · 6 · 1 ·

Two down… four of mane six to go.

V-H-SClop #3 · Feb 18th, 2022 · · 6 · 1 ·

I wasn't expecting a sequel, but I'm excited, keep it up dude :)

Kaiman44 #4 · Feb 18th, 2022 · · 4 · 1 ·

Yes! Excellent work, can’t wait for the next part.

Not my favorite story but I did like some aspects and I kept forgetting it was an anthro fic so I kept getting weirded out at the mention of hands XD

When's the next chapter?

“Does being a servant-wife sound enticing?” asked the green eyed mare, her oiled hand slipping down Rarity’s stomach as it headed closer to the mare’s sex. Rarity’s lips trembled while drool began to escape her mouth. “You should be so lucky. Taken in by one of our wealthy or noble stallions as a symbol. Becoming his property, to be used by him and him alone. Isn’t that what all young mares dream about?”

Oh I love this idea. I hope something like this happens to the rest of the main six.

Although I'm now very curious what happens if a futa, transmare, or male actually started this ritual on themselves for whatever reason.

Hmm, the ritual is supposed to make pony mares into King Zed's definition of the perfect zebra mare. I think nothing about it changes sex, so they'd still be futa/trans/male, just a zebra now.
Maybe I'm an optimist, but I'd think that if magic existed that could change sex everycreature who was able would transition without all the added complexity of the zebra's ritual. In the show Twilight was able to transform the mane 6 into Breezies, but had to fake turning AJ into a stallion to fool Trixie when she had the alicorn amulet. So, in canon sex change spells are implied to be unheard of magic. At least that's my read of it. I suppose it depends how magic works, sex seems pretty minor if you're already able to change species.

Anyway, I wasn't going to focus on Dash here. Vaguely considered her being more in a sequel, but nothing serious. You'd have to commission Brony-wan about it yourself. I've got no problem if you want to play in this sandbox.

Actually, with the Twilight and Applejack example you gave, it felt more that it was high tier magic to change ones age or gender. Magic that was beyond Twilight’s capabilities at the time. That or it was a spell she didn't know or have access to.

I mean, if you can travel through time itself, changing gender should be possible

so when will everybody’s see fluttersly and luna transform into zebras?

Elsaack #11 · Mar 15th, 2022 · · 1 · 1 ·

Brony-wan is working on it, writing is hard work.

I'll spoil that the story primarily follows Rarity, so no Fluttershy or Luna transformation ritual. I thought that would be too similar to the first chapter and had other things I wanted to see, this commission was already getting long enough. You'd have to commission Brony yourself for it, I wouldn't mind a side chapter that explores other things happening.

A side story was my original idea when I asked TwiDavid (who commissioned To Serve A King) if it was okay to play in this universe. He was okay with a whole sequel and basically told me to go crazy, and this story was born.

It this just one chapter for one character then why’d is this story is incomplete?

Because the story isn't done yet, you'll have to wait to see what Rarity, Luna, and Fluttershy are up to.

There is more to the story than just the physical transformation, there is a mental aspect to the transformation, the societal changes in Equestria and Zebrica, and the machinations of King Zed and Shining Armor versus the Alicorn Sisters.

I known that.

rakhen #15 · Mar 27th, 2022 · · 1 · 1 ·

I really hope to see in this story also Celestia transformation to zebra breeding slut

Very nice I can't wait to see where this goes.
My hope is that this will end with the zebras taking over equestria and Shining and some other stallions being turned into mares and bred.
Either way I'll be happy to see where this leads.

Nice, hope we can see Celestia being breed by a zebra too.

For some reason, I'm just hoping Shining marries the king and becomes his husband and co-ruler.

Including her pierced clit whose stub was in the shape of Stygain’s cutie mark; something that Luna had heard was becoming common among mares who submitted themselves to a particular stallion.

Nice to see Stygain get some love; I completely missed that on the 1st reading. Now I'm curious on how stallions in Equestria are taking advantage of this situation.

When are you going to make a new chapter?

Where’s the next chapter?

Please tell me that in next chapter Chrysalis turn Celestia into changeling drone right?

How would Spike fit in to a zebra controlled world?

Tek #26 · Mar 5th, 2023 · · · 3 ·

A great chapter, I hope the next chapter will be just as good and hopefully we won’t have to wait quite so long for it.

I am not sure if Luna’s discussion this chapter with Celestia was foreshadowing for her potential bad end points or if by listing them off we are seeing those checked off. I know I at least from the list prefer her becoming a transformed zebra breeder over Chrysalis drone personally, never been a big changeling fan.

Still at this point I can’t see Celestia with how she is being portrayed in this getting a good ending. The best end scenario I can think of for her at this point is she gets sealed for a thousand years and returns to find the mixing of Equestrian and Zebra culture has resulted in a sort of middle ground. Perhaps the two kingdoms merge under Luna and Dreiga joint rule following his father’s passing, where now things have adjusted to something resembling 1950’s Stepford level, as the Equestrians are clearly on the losing side of this. The passage of generations and interbreeding has addressed the gender imbalance so now each mare has her own stallion, no longer breeding mares, but still reduced to no more than housewives, and spending most of their lives barehoofed and pregnant.

Could be interesting if this also resulted in winged, horned and alicorn zebra’s.

Celestia could be greeted by her sister or one of her many progeny if Luna’s decided to go zebra at some point to live out a mortal life with either Dreiga or some following lover. And given the final choice accept this new normal or be dosed into being to them an old fashion zebra breeding mare, as they don’t want to waste the energy to keep an eye on her seal for another thousand years as they don’t have the sisterly love Luna had for her.

On a side note if Celestia is turned to stone for a thousand years given the context of this I keep figuring they’d lock her in a pose where stallions could use her like a onahole for that whole time.

I see this as her best outcome as it lets her let time smooth things over and let her see if this will be a solution to some problems. Because at this point the zebras and King Zed have her to use a chess term in ‘check’ at this point, those bad ends Luna listed would basically be checkmate. I figure its either she gets sealed which seems the only way to keep her from doing something foolish, or she wises up and goes into self-imposed exile. Because the only other way she can turn things around would be finding some means of undoing en-mass the memory altering aspects of the zebra transformation of the mares, which could give her the proof she needs as the mares come back to themselves but could also backfire if the mares go right into Stockholm syndrome following getting their memories back.

Right now he's going along with this. It was mentioned in the second chapter

Rarity let out a soft coo of delight as she was brought to both a physical as well as spiritual high as she sat topless within her room within the Mare’s Quarters.

New religion in the making.

“I heard Slave-Princess Cadence is going to be having twins,” whispered Fluttershy, a hand moving to her own belly. “According to my Master-Husband, it will be a colt and a filly. They should be due any week now!”

A superposition of both the highest and lowest rank. I wonder how that works out?

From what I’ve heard, Celestia has had almost daily, private meetings with Luna. I guess she must be feeling betrayed since those talks, well, sort of end with her screaming and storming out of Luna’s room.

Ebony watched as Celestia snarled like an enraged animal, gritting her teeth while clutching at the arm rests of her chair, the horn on her head taking on an orange color for a moment. A nerve had been struck.

I'm getting the feeling Celestia is falling apart, and would turn Daybreaker any moment now. She must feel completely isolated and alone like Luna a thousand years ago. Although I don't think I've read about a submissive Daybreaker yet, so that would be interesting.

When last Ebony had seen her, Smolder had been dressed in a similar outfit as herself with her clit pierced with a stud that had taken the shape of Spike’s mark: a dragon’s head breathing fire. The same stud that all of Spike’s maids wore showing the world that they belonged to him.

I love this concept. :twilightsmile:
I'm curious what would the male equivalent be now. Penis piercing? 🤔
I wonder does Luna mark her stud with her cutie mark?
I am curious of the slice of life aspects of the rest of the society in this new Equestria.

I believe that, by the end of the year, her life story will be completely rewritten.

Neat. I wonder what else could be written in their memories? Like "saving" Twilight by having her memories pasted on a different pony.


Perhaps the two kingdoms merge under Luna and Dreiga joint rule following his father’s passing, where now things have adjusted to something resembling 1950’s Stepford level, as the Equestrians are clearly on the losing side of this. The passage of generations and interbreeding has addressed the gender imbalance so now each mare has her own stallion, no longer breeding mares, but still reduced to no more than housewives, and spending most of their lives barehoofed and pregnant.

While that sounds hot, I got the feeling a thousand years later it would be a wildly different world such that Celestia would be even more lost and confused than now.

Although I am very curious of a stepford like scenario, except everyone there is sexually liberated. That sounds quite different. Dreiga would be a good "wife" for Luna.

I feel like Chrysalis might end up under Celestia, considering... you know how it is. The sexual equivalent of "Fuck around and find out."

Literally in this case.

When the final chapter be out?

So is there going to be more sequel?

No, the commission is over

Tek #36 · Oct 29th, 2023 · · 1 · 4 ·

Would you happen to know if the commissioner plans to have you or any other writer continue the tale at some point in the future? Given the tale still seems unfinished at this point.

They are from 2 different commissions.

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