• Published 28th Feb 2022
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The Rise Of An Empire - KingSombraTheTyrantRuler

What if Twilight didn't accept the apologies from her mentor, brother, and friends?

  • ...

Chapter 7

Twilight Sparkle lay on her bed, head in her hooves. She hadn't moved from that position in over an hour, and now King Sombra was worried.

He had originally thought she was too tired to do anything, but this looked like more than exhaustion. "Twilight, is there something wrong?" he asked for what had to be the thousandth time this morning.

This time she decided to honor him with a response. "No," the purple alicorn groaned. "Nothing's right. Everything's been going by so fast- it feels like hardly a week went by since I was betrayed by some of the ponies most dear to me." She sat up, mane covering her face. "I know it's been something like a month, but..."

"Everything's been going so fast you haven't had time to make sense of it all?"

"Yes! And I've noticed something strange. Luna turned into Nightmare Moon after learning about what Celestia did, and I know she actually cares about the health of Equestria. Yet she still transformed and joined us, knowing what we would do would change Equestria completely."

"Well, I guess something did seem a little off about her coming so quickly..."

"And then there's this Sunset Shimmer. She came with an army, assuming Celestia was still on the throne. They must have been from her world, but they were also controlled by some sort of magic. I've studied about her world, and there's no magic in there. So there must be something I'm missing. She wanted my crown for the power it gave... And assuming it could work in both worlds... I'll need to check if my crown's still where I left it."

"Or I could just send one of my guards to check."

The mare shrugged. "If it's not a problem."

Instead of replying, the King pressed a button with the image of a guard on it, and a few minutes later a guard knocked at the door. Sombra smirked at his marefriends expression. "Crystal technology makes it easier to get things done." To the guard he said, "Enter!"

"What does his majesty require of me?" The guard asked, bowing.

"Where did you leave your crown?"

"The Golden Oaks Library in Ponyville. It should be on the ground floor, in a box with the rest of the Elements."

"You heard her. Go to the library and check if the crown is there. Come back immediately once you've checked."

"Yes Sir!"

The guard left, closing the door behind him. "Now we just have to wait for him to return. Though, about Luna, we need a way to check if she truly joined us or is just pretending."

"Perhaps you could send an umbrum to spy on her?"

"Good idea."

"Before you do that, there's another thing worth mentioning. Luna wasn't at the execution."

"There are two possibilities. One is that she was stopped by something. And the other... There is foul play here."

"Foul play? What do you mean? Luna may not be who she tells us she is. But even when faking things, one would think carefully and we both know Luna knows how to plan things out, unlike her incompetent sister."

"That brings us back to the possibility that she may have been stopped by something, perhaps another race who does not wish to join us. However, that might not be the case. She might be deceiving us, and maybe-"

Twilight finishes his sentence. "She might be pretending to be evil on the outside, but she could actually be doing it so she can get information on what we are doing, and then making an army against us so she can prevent us from ruling Equestria and putting those traitors and pretentious snobs in their place."

"She could even be plotting with those other two mares. I must send an umbrum that is competent enough to do the job... but it is easy to tell they are there if one experiences negative emotions."

"Yes, though who can we send?"

"Perhaps we should wait a little, and we might find a solution."

"Perhaps... And if those mares are working against us... I will hunt them down and tear them limb from limb."

"I am sure you will. I shall be watching and applauding you. Though, I have noticed something. When they are mentioned you become agaited. Have they done something to you?"

Twilight scowls. "Have they done something to me? Of course they have. They threatened me if I didn't do as they asked." She suddenly leaps off the bed and begins pacing angrily. "Who the fuck do those bitches think they are? Threatening me, while I clearly have more power than them! Why, I should just throw both of them in Tartarus and be done with it! But no, I must make them suffer first! Make sure they regret ever daring to threaten me!"

As she began huffing angrily, drawing in great breaths, the King decided to speak. "Worry not my love, for they will be punished. But kill them? Arrogant as they have been, wouldn't we have some use for them? After all, they do have power."

"...Fine. We will keep them. But they will suffer agony worse than Celestia's, if that's possible."

"As you wish. However, before giving them their due, I think we should tie up loose ends, so to speak."

"What do you mean?"

"Finish killing Sunbutt and Chrysalis, destroy the statue of Discord in such a way that it will be impossible to restore him, also kill Grogar, and a couple of others that could be highly potential enemies, as they may not be as willing to become allies as others."

"...I guess I can wait a little. But speaking of Chrysalis, what happened to that assassin you sent?"

"I forgot to tell you. Turns out he was caught, and the idiot came back here. So I punished him. He's still screaming in the dungeons." Looking at his future wife he said, "And yes, you can go and kill the changeling bitch if it makes you feel better."

"Thank you."

After taking the map of the changeling hive from an umbrum guard, Twilight made her way to the hive.

There was an anti-magic barrier around it, so she couldn't directly teleport to it, but she was still able to use her wings, which she was thankful for.

Going on tip-hoove, she snuck into the hive- and was surprised by the utter lack of security...and occupants.

What happened to all the changelings?

King Sombra was just reading his soon-to-be-Queens plans when a guard approached him. "What do you want? Hopefully it isn't instructions on where to put a letter," he said sarcastically.

The guard shook his head. "Your Majesty, an army of changelings are outside the Empire and they wish to speak to you."

"Speak to me? Bring their leader here."

The guard did as told, returning with Pharynx. "King Sombra,"the changeling began "I am Pharynx. I have come here with my fellow changelings, not to attack but rather to make an offer. We are currently without a leader, and wish not to elect one from among ourselves due to the fear we will be destroyed if they made a mistake. We have also talked together and decided the wisest option would be to join Your Majesty as we would be protected. Us changelings will join you on one condition."

"It being?"

"You will tell the umbrums not to drain all of the emotions from Equestria as we need it to survive."

The King thought for a moment. Changelings possess the power to disguise themselves as any creature or object. If I get them on my side, it would come in handy as I would be able to know what side Luna is on.

"Your condition is accepted. Welcome to the Crystal Empire."

The mane five were hiding in the caves under Canterlot, discussing what to do.

"So... Twi's gone all evil, the Elements of Harmony are useless without her because only she can wield the Element, and the Princess is being executed. Painfully. Anything I missed?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Ah think that's all. Okay y'all, we've gotta make a plan. We can't let Twilight team up with King Sombra and become evil and do nothin' about it."

"I agree," Rarity said. "It's mostly our fault that she's evil in the first place, so we have to clean up our mess. Has anypony got ideas on what we should do?"

"I think we should make an army against King Sombra..." Fluttershy whispered, drawing all eyes to her.

"Good idea Fluttershy darling!"

"Yeah, that's a good idea, but how exactly are we going to get ponies to join us?" the cyan pegasus asked. "What I mean to say is, all of Equestria saw that it was mostly our fault- why would they want to help us?"

"...Ah guess ya do have a point Rainbow. But if we admit that we know what we did was wrong... And that we're willin' ta clean up our mess... Wouldn't they help us?"

"I know how we can get ponies on our side!" said Pinkie Pie who had until then been sitting in a corner, feeling guilty. "We can tell them that King Sombra is a meanie who hurts ponies that work for him! Like he mind controls them. Or... We could say that he wants to ruin Equestria!"

"Ah don't think that'll work, Pinkie."

"We can at least give it a try, can't we?"

Twilight Sparkle smiled as she stood over the sleeping form of Chrysalis. Sure, she could just kill the changeling right there and then, but that wouldn't be any fun.

No, she would wake the changeling and kill her painfully and slowly.

She levitated the bug out of bed, and then brought it down on the floor, instantly waking it.

Chrysalis groaned in pain and opened her eyes weakly to see the alicorn standing above her.

The mare grinned. "Hello Chrysalis. It's been a while, hasn't it?"

Upon hearing Twilights voice she whimpered and tried to move away best as she could with her weakened and injured body, but Twilight put a stop to that by stepping on the changelings leg.

"Now, there's no need to run, that is terribly rude. We're going to have lots of fun today." She stamped down on Chrysalis' leg, causing the changeling to cry out. "My oh my, you seem terribly injured. Whatever happened to you?" Twilight asked with mock affection. "Ah, now I remember. You showed up a few weeks ago at my brothers wedding and posed as my foalsitter, and when I tried to warn my friends, brother and even Celestia they chose you over me. " She punched the bug in the face, causing a few teeth to fall out. "If it weren't for you, we'd all be happy. None of this would've happened. I wouldn't have been abandoned by everypony. Though, at least now I know that they cannot be trusted because they'd be too happy doing whatever they want than supporting me."

She pulled the changeling up and smacked her continuously. "And you" another smack "you cast some sort of spell on my brother so he'd do whatever you wanted. You hurt him. You made him do things against his will."

She threw the changeling on the ground and conjured a knife, and proceeded to stab her in multiple placed.

"Sure, you showed me what a manipulating cunt Celestia is, but I don't care. I'm going to make you suffer. You're going to go through agony worse than that bitch did."

It was midnight when Twilight returned, covered in blood and gore, smiling and skipping happily.

"Twilight," King Sombra began, surprised by how happy his marefriend was. "I suppose it went well?"

She laughed. "It went perfectly. There was no security or other changelings, which is something of interest, but the changeling bitch was too weak to do anything apart from lay on the floor, crying and begging for mercy like the scum she was. Of course I wasn't moved by her pleas; I dragged it out long as I could so that she could learn a lesson. And guess what I did next?! I trapped her soul in her body so she could go through agony for eternity!" She continued laughing. "It feels so satisfying to know that one of my enemies are dead and going through unthinkable agony. Though... if it feels that good just killing Chrysalis, I bet I'll feel wonderful after getting rid of that alicorn scum that's in Canterlot, waiting for death." Her eyes lit up. "I wanna go kill Celestia now!"

"Indeed you do, love, but perhaps you should get some rest first so you have more energy to torture that scum."

"...Okay. But we're going to Canterlot tomorrow!"

Sombra rolled his eyes. "As you wish, my love."

The following morning Twilight flew out of bed, excited as a filly who was going to a fair.

She woke her significant other. "Sombra wake up! We've got to go now!"

The King groaned. "Twilight dearest," he checked his alarm clock. "Do you realize that it is three in the morning?"

"Of course I do! That's why I woke you up! Canterlot is waiting~"

"Twilight, you are acting like a foal. I know you are eager to give the scum what it deserves, I am also eager to see it get killed, but am I hopping around at three in the morning? As you can see, I am not. We must go about this in a proper manner. First of all, we must make sure that the whole of Equestria is awake to see this. And second, we must make them fear us. It will be easier to make ponies take us seriously if we keep our emotions neutral."

"I... I guess I was. Worry not, I shall do my best not to act foalish again."


"I suppose we could go a little later."

"Good." Sombra yawned. "Now, let's get some sleep, shall we?"

Once they had properly rested, the two set off for Canterlot, leaving Rabia in charge while they were gone.

After all, she was loyal and could be trusted- Sombra had made sure of that.

Upon entering the palace and informing Queen Heartbreaker that today they would resume the execution, the Queen smiled.

"I would have informed you with a letter of our decision as it is polite to do so, but Twilight wanted to come as soon as possible, and she rushed us."

Heartbreaker laughed. "I see you still have a few traits from before, Twilight," she said, making the purple alicorn blush.

"So, Twilight, have you made your decision?" The ponies turned around to see Sunset Shimmer and Starlight Glimmer.

Twilight forced a smile on. "Ah, yes, I have. But before I tell you what I decided, there are a few things you need to know." At this point her smile disappeared. "How dare both of you threaten me! I could squash you like a fly! Surely you must know this, and yet you still threatened me! And Sunset, you came here to get my crown, didn't you? You wanted it so that you could rule your world. But when you came here, you already had an army which was mind controlled. I spent some time thinking and remembered how you said your world had no magic. I sent a guard to check if my crown was where I left it, and surprise, surprise, it wasn't."

The orange unicorn's confident smile fell, and she grew pale. "It wasn't there? But I'm sure I left it-"

"What was that Sunset? You left it where?" Twilight asked angrily. "So let me guess, you came here, stole my crown, used it to control your world and then came back again with an army just to threaten me?"

She was embarrassed, as everypony looked at her. "I- I was unable to use all the magic. It said that I needed to get the permission of the owner..."


"Yeah Sunset, I had no idea you did that. I mean, come on, th-"

"DON'T YOU DARE TALK, GLIMMER. YOU ALSO THREATENED ME. BUT BEFORE WE TALK ABOUT THAT, let's discuss about the time spell, shall we?"

Starlight froze and turned pale, just like Sunset had. "T-time sp-spell?"

"Don't say a word. Don't waste my time by denying it. You stole the time spell created by Star Swirl the Bearded," Twilight growled.

The unicorn hung her head down in shame.

Sombra, who had been watching with Cadance as the drama unfolded chose this moment to step in. "Take a few breaths, my love, in and out, in and out."

Twilight did as he advised and then said. "I don't believe in just forgiving straight away. You two will receive punishments for this. But not today. I have some business to take care of first."

Once Sombra, Twilight and Heartbreaker had left the room, the mares glanced at each other.

"Remind me not to ever get on the Dark Queens bad side."

"She said we would get punishments, didn't she?"

Starlight gulped in fear. "Perhaps if we apologize to her sincerely as we can it will be less."

"Let's hope, let's hope." She stood up shakily. "But for now we'd better get to the dungeons like we were supposed to."

Twilight hummed as she stroked a knife, watching her victim carefully.

She was the predator and the broken alicorn was her prey.

Twilight laughed. That was funny.

She took a deep breath and picked up the knife. Another thought came into her mind and she began laughing again.

Unlike before, she had chosen to continue the execution in private, and only her King and former foalsitter were allowed to watch. And those two spoiled brats, Glimmer and Shimmer, just so that she could strike even more fear into their hearts. They would learn from this not to mess with her.

She took another breath and walked up to the alicorn who was good as dead.

That almost sent her into another laughing fit as the alicorn already looked dead, but this time she managed to control herself.

Celestia, who had been gazing at the floor with one eye, as the other had been stabbed out, let loose a scream as a knife was pushed into her leg.

"Ahh, this feels so good," purred Twilight. "I can feel your fear, and it makes me feel... Wonderful."

She pulled the knife out and the wounded mare attempted to move away from her torturer, but she was held firmly by chains and was helpless.

Twilight inhales and licks her lips. She gets another knife which is longer and pushes it through the prisoners stomach. "I love the fact that you were once an alicorn as your built in healing will prevent you from dying too fast. Are you lucky? It wouldn't be fun if you died before we get to the good parts."

"You're a sick, twis-" the mare begins to verbally fight, but is cut off by a choking fit as the wound in her stomach affects her.

"What were you saying?" Twilight puts the knife back in the stomach wound and twists it. "That I'm a sick, twisted what? A psychopath?" She laughs loudly.

"That's what you may think, but don't even dare to think, not even for a second that you're the victim. No, I'm the victim. You betrayed me when I was foolish enough to trust you with my life. You used me. You saw me as nothing but a means to keep yourself on the throne, and to keep your peaceful little kingdom running perfectly."

Twilight pulls the knife out and stabs a different spot, twisting the knife, causing her prisoner to spasm in pain and cry out. "So before you start calling me a psychopath, before you think I'm the demented one, think about what you've done. What you did. Think about your own mentality before calling me all these things. Think about how fucked up you are before talking to me. You know, I think it's ironic. All this time I was your toy, and now look. Oh, how the tables have turned. You're my toy now, and I can do whatever I want to you. Nothing and nopony can or will stop me."

With those words said, she pulls the knife out and begins stabbing her 'toy' multiple times in the lungs and heart. Twilight gets blood sprayed on her, but doesn't mind. "Die you wretch, die!" She laughs maniacally as Celestia begins coughing out blood. As the made slowly ceases all movement and the light fades from her eyes, Twilight grins and licks the blood off the knife. "The satisfaction I get from ending the life of the pony I hate most cannot be matched by anything."

She then turns to her audience who is sitting a little away. Starlight and Sunset are shaking in fear after witnessing this in sharp contrast to Sombra and Heartbreaker who are grinning widely.

"You did marvelous, sweetheart," the King says, kissing his marefriend on the lips and tasting a little of the blood which is in her mouth.

"Indeed Twilight," Heartbreaker says, also getting up from her seat. "You were simply wonderful in there."

Twiligjt grins darkly as she approaches the two mares who are bowing as low as they can in fear.

"Stand up," she says with no emotion in her voice.The mares obey her and shakily get to their hooves. "You know, a little part of me is still not satisfied. Even after that" she gestures to the mangled mess a few feet away "I don't feel completely satisfied. I need a little more bloodshed on the menu tonight, and I know exactly how I can get it."

She draws closer and the duo shrink back in fear. Twilight levitates a sword over and strokes it with the edge of her hoof.

"P-please d-don't kill me," Starlight begs.

"I will do whatever you say, whatever you want I'll even give you my soul! Just don't kill me!" Sunset says in fear.

Twilight draws closer and strokes the sword faster. "Oh, I don't know, should I let you live? Should I? Should I?" She puts a hoof to her chin in mock thought. "Hmm... Let's see... I think...not!"

The mares almost run for it, but fear has them locked in place. Twilight can hear that one of them has pissed themselves in fear. She draws back and laughs. "Hahaha- you- you really fell for it, didn't you? You actually thought I was going to kill you both. Hahahah," she begins laughing again.

The unicorns are bewildered as to what Twilight found so funny that she was actually rolling on the floor due to her laughing fit.

The Dark Queen recovers after a few minutes and stands up. "Remember this, if you ever dare to threaten me or even go against me, I will tear you both limb from limb. And I won't hesitate to rub salt in your wounds as I do so. You'll end up even worse than her if that's possible."

She continues laughing.

After spending the evening at Canterlot, the King and Queen return, accompanied by Sunset and Starlight, and also by their guards as they would have been foolish not to take any.

"Rabia, I trust no misfortune has occurred while we were away?"

The umbrum bowed. "Nothing of great importance happened Your Majesty, though there is a company of three griffons and a dragon who wishes to speak to you. They are currently in the throne room, awaiting your arrival."

"Thank you Rabia. While I speak to them, might you call Confianza so she could help Twilight get cleaned up?"

"Of course Your Majesty."

"Wait. Sombra..."

"Yes my love?"

She whispers into his ear, "If they are creatures wishing to join us, it would be wise to show them what would happen if they threaten or go against us, would it not? After all, we wouldn't want them being like those two..."

"Why, you are correct dear. We shall see what they want and then you can clean up."

Twilight followed Sombra into the throne room where three griffons and a dragon were waiting, all of whom bowed when the King and Queen entered the room.

"I apologize for my delay in coming, my marefriend and I were taking care of some...business."

The creatures looked at Twilight and quickly turned their gaze away in fear.

The Dark Queen could see the smallest of the griffons trembling slightly, and enjoyed her fear.

"Who wishes to speak first?"

The dragon stepped forward. "Your Majesty, I am Garble of the Dragons, and I am here to offer my assistance in any way I can. I wish to become your ally."

"You must give me your reason. I do not imagine you simply wanted to join."

"Your Highness... Smolder is my younger sister, and you may have heard of her. She recently joined the Dark Queen's brother- Spike as a member of his harem."

"Ah yes, I see now."

"I have deep affection for my sister, and when she asked me to join you as she would, I could not refuse."

"I see. You are accepted into my forces, and can rest in one of the guest rooms before training."

"Thank you My King."

"Now, you three."

"King Sombra, I am Gilda, and these are my companions, Gallus and Gabby. We heard of the whole incident that happened in Equestria, and learning from history I knew that sooner or later, an army would be formed against you. I decided to join now instead of later, so that we may be able to crush the resistance before it has a chance to begin."

"You seem wise. And of your companions, I can only assume they joined for the same reason."

"Yes Your Highness. Gallus here is good with swords, and Gabby has proved herself useful in guarding."

"I would say you make a good leader, correct me if I am wrong."

"No Sir, you're not wrong in the slightest. Why, when our town was in great disorder, with everyone fighting and arguing, it was none other than Gilda who knocked some sense into everyone. She managed to make a small team and no matter how hard it was, she still fixed all the issues."

"I think it was a good thing that I stayed with you, still covered in blood because that scared them alright."

"You have nothing but good ideas, love, and now we have four new allies. We also have gotten rid of two of our enemies, so we can move on. We'll take care of Discord next."

"Yes, we shall," Twilight grinned darkly at the thought of what she would do. "But first, we could rest for a few days?" She yawns. "The double torture took a lot out of me, as did having to put those unicorns in their place."

"Fear not Twilight, I'm sure we can afford to have some rest. We wouldn't want to fall asleep on our foes now, would we?"

Author's Note:

Finally. The first chapter of 2023.

I'm sorry for making you wait so long. I always promise the next chapter will come out sooner, but it looks like I can't really keep that promise.

I decided to make this a little longer than the others to make up for the long wait.

So, we've gotten rid of Chrysalis and Celestia, put those two in their place...

There's still a lot left to go. The next chapter will most likely come later due to my teachers giving test after test, but I'll do my best to make it come soon as I can.

Don't forget to vote/like, comment, favorite, follow, share... And I'm sure there was one more thing but I can't remember right now.