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A talk with the landlord (Mini-chapter)

When I got back to my apartment with Scootaloo standing in front of me, I considered how this would benefit us both. On the one hand, she needs assistance but could find out am sunset, but on the other, I had to accept that she could find the things I had hidden there from my final days on earth. After all, her security and well-being are my main priorities. Right now

At that point, the landlord and the receptionist entered my apartment building together.

I remarked in a tone that was impartial, "Mr. Rich, it's great to see you this fine night. I'm surprised to see that you are, usually you are here at the end of the month." He turned around.

"If it isn't my new favourite tenet Sunny Skies, who's this little one?" He questioned, glancing at Scootoloo.

I made up a lie on the spot to avoid telling the truth, saying, "She's a student at CHS but she's recently been temporarily kicked out of her house." I saw that Scootoloo was appreciative.

"How could some little cute kid like this get kicked out of their home?" He enquired with worry.

"Sexuality in a word," I remarked. To sound sincere, I spoke with a hint of rage.

"I'm going to have a long chat with your parents if I ever meet them, I have a daughter myself who has come out as a Lesbian, and I support her my wife on the other hand did not take too kindly to it," he added with sorrow.

"What did she do?" When Scootoloo did speak at last, I was relieved that she could be a little more honest with filthy rich.

"My wife is quite the traditional Woman she Believes that my daughter loving Girls will stop eventually and has been teaching her to hide her true self good news is she's stopped listening to her but I'm going to be honest if she continues I will not be with her for much longer," he said with clear regret.

"I am sorry to hear that, Rich," I remarked empathetically, but all he did was nod.

"It's fine anyway moving on from my family drama, we are going to have to talk about an increase in rent for you, unfortunately," he replied. Keeping a straight face

"Why does she have to pay more?, for letting me live with her?" I knew why, but I'll let Rich explain; he's better at that kind of thing, Scootoloo asked.

"You see beforehand she was renting a two-bedroom apartment for herself and since it's only her, the unit was quite cheap to run when adding the electric and gas together however with you living there both will be used more meaning we need to up the rent so we can still supply you with enough, do you understand?" He questioned her

"I think I get what you mean, more people means more stuff being used so that equals more expensive right?" He acknowledged her with a nod.

"That's right now the good news is it's not going to be much more seeing as your a kid, for now, you can both go upstairs to your Apartment," he stated with a grin.

"Don't venture too far ahead, Scootaloo." I spoke as she moved a little bit forward.

I paused for a while. "Rich," I murmured.

"Yes, sunny, do you need anything else?" he asked, pausing to gaze at me. He inquired

I answered amiably, "No, just good luck and I hope it ends well for you," and he simply nodded and grinned.

"So do I, Sunny, so do I," he murmured with hope.

Author's Note:

Yes I'm back I've been back for a couple of days clearing up the spelling and some grammar in all the other chapters I finished that yesterday so I decided to write a mini-chapter
