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The Harsh Reality

My office was spacious and pleasant when I arrived. After I sat down, I recalled that Celestia had instructed me to obtain the student files from Luna, which seemed odd because I should have them all on the computer. Perhaps I was pondering the situation, I reasoned as I locked my new office door and headed towards Luna's office.

Though I did have control over the school, I never revealed people's secrets to the rest of the school—that always worked when I needed it to. Now, however, most students are less trusting of one another; while I do remember some people going to the consular office, it was only a small number of them, not as many as Rarity implied they are now, I thought before I found myself in front of Luna's office. I knocked on the door and heard someone get up, and a moment later Luna opened the door.

Luna said to me, "Oh so you are the new staff member I take it?"

"Yes my name is Sunny Skies and Celestia told me that I had to come to get some student files from you?" I mentioned that's when I saw Luna's expression turn bewildered.

"Wait if there are on my computer then why would I need to" I broke off our conversation when I realised Celestia had just tricked me so I could meet Luna.

"Well I'm guessing my Sister wants us to talk to each other so I can give you some names of students to check on first seeing as they no longer trust me," Used to Celestia acting in this way, Luna said regretfully as she attempted to hide the last section.

I explained, grateful that she was at least ready to assist me even if I was new. "I guess it would help me know what students I can expect to go to first or come to me depending on what happens first," I added.

Luna waved her hand in front of me as she said, "One of the Students who have been troubled for the past couple of years is one who everyone's even some of her teachers forget about is Wallflower Blush." I tried to remember hearing about or meeting this student, but I was unable to recall anything at all, which shocked me because if she had been coming here for years, how could I not have known about her before?

"Sorry zoned out for a minute there who else do I have to know about," When I asked, I saw that Luna had a sad expression on her face.

"Look I'm going, to be honest with you my normal list of students that wanted consulting were few and far between now however I could probably say any students name and they would need it, my list went from 7 to almost 242 in two weeks" She acknowledged how many people were impacted by the Anon-a-miss account, which shocked me.

"Looks like the student who said the entire school would need consulting wasn't joking,"I said, thinking Rarity was kidding, but it's clear now that she wasn't.

I did a second take when Luna stated, "Indeed, the only other time that this many students came to see me was when the old queen bee of the school was around." Maybe she was referring to the queen bee who was there before me. I knew, though, that for the last few of years, I was the sole queen bee.

"How many people did this queen bee affect exactly?" I asked, my expression neutral, to not ruins my mask I wanted to know how many people were harmed because I believed that I hurt a maximum of thirty.

"The old queen bee thought she hurt only 20 or so when in reality she hurt 157 people in total a couple of them even being teachers"She said, her face dejected, that at that precise moment, all that was on my mind was the number of people I had hurt. This got me to thinking about something worse: what if the reason I wasn't seeing people was that they might not be here anymore? That thought made me feel sick to my stomach. Had I been so blind to the people around me, as to ensure Luna didn't inquire as to why I wanted to know, I got up and prepared to leave.

I added, "I better get going from what you told me because I am going to have a lot of people to help," as I left, Luna only nodding. After I shut the door, I went to the bathroom and started throwing up, just from digesting what was revealed to me, till I finally broke down.

Author's Note:
