• Published 15th Sep 2012
  • 4,320 Views, 132 Comments

Light of the Aperture - matrixjorel

Sequel: Ponies help Chell return to her world, while Wheatley and Space learn a terrible secret.

  • ...

When Life Gives you Lemons...

Before reading! If you have not read the first story, here's the link!The Aperture in my Heart
If you have read it, enjoy!

Dear Princess Celestia,

This is Twilight. Again. We need you to come back to Ponyville RIGHT NOW!

Your Faithful Student,

Twilight Sparkle

Twilight watched as her letter disappeared in a wisp of emerald smoke, soon to appear in front of the princess in her royal chambers in the Canterlot castle. She had only seen the princesses an hour ago, but the events of this evening seemed to age her years. She was sure that gray hairs would soon appear in her mane.

So much had happened after the princesses left, when it came…

Everything was quiet in Sugarcube Corner. Nopony moved. Every eye was transfixed on the thing that had walked into the Cake’s establishment. It stood in the doorway, staring back at each pony with a silent, daunting gaze. Space Chaser yelled out at the being, and ran up to it.

Twilight wasn’t sure which pony it was that reacted first, or which pony was the first to scream in blood-curling horror, but everypony else was quick to follow suit. A multi-color stampede ensued in the pastry shop, with mares and colts running this way and that, darting for any exit—doors, windows, some even charging straight through the walls. Ponies tripped over spilled cake and punch and other ponies. Somewhere, she heard a voice cry, “The horror! THE HORROR!” Only Ponyville’s newest inhabitants remained still in the flurry or hooves, either not noticing or not caring that everything around them was turning into utter chaos.

Applejack was the only pony that was accustom to keeping a cool head when all hell is breaking loose. Twilight saw her as she effortlessly jumped onto table tops and off of other ponies, quickly making her way to the stranger blocking the only exit. In the blink of an eye, a lasso appeared in her mouth, already wrapping around the orange obstruction and yanking it out from the front of the door. Twilight was shocked at how quickly such a large group could disappear. Only her, her newest friends, Wheatley and Space remained. And their unusual guest, too.

“Chell! We haven’t seen you in forever! You missed out, we went up to SPACE, then met a space pony princess and rescued her, but she turned all evil and was all like ‘I’m going to make the night last forever!’ and it was awesome but I missed a lot of what happened.”

“Yeah, it was kinda my fault… I may have done something I wasn’t supposed to. But it’s all fixed now, and why do you look like you have no idea who we are? Oh, I forgot we were ponies now.” Wheatley chuckled at the perplexed being, “Well, the princess changed us to ponies, but it’s me, Wheatley!”

Chell said nothing. Twilight slowly inched herself closer to the alien as Wheatley continued rambling.

“Aren’t you glad to see me? I mean, I know that the last time we talked, I wanted to kill you and all, but as the Canadians say, c’est la vie, right? Or as the Germans say, gesundheit—does that work here?—but what I’m trying to say is, I’m sorry.”

“And I did nothing wrong, but I’m sorry too!”

“Oh, hey Twilight, what’s up?” The bumbling gray colt barely noticed that the curious mare was now right next to him. They continued their discussion, but Twilight stopped listening.

Upon closer inspection, Twilight noticed that what appeared to be orange skin was in fact an orange ensemble of cloth covering most of her being. Twilight turned her head towards the others, who decidedly stayed far back. A quick glance at Rarity’s face and Twilight knew that Rarity was screaming in her mind ‘What a horrible color, it doesn’t match your mane or your eyes! And look at all the dirt!...’

“And then I met Celestia after I failed to kill… I mean failed on purpose to, well, kill those six over there, and…”

She was also very dirty. Her entire body was covered in a thick layer of dust not unlike Applejack after a busy day on the orchard. In her hair could be seen a wondrous collection of twigs and rocks and bugs and mud. Even her clothes—Twilight had assumed her ensemble to be clothing, but nothing the likes of which she knew of—were torn and ripped, again with dirt and cake from the party covering more than half of her. Twilight assumed it was a her, at least. But those hands… she recognized those hands from somewhere. A book she read maybe. But what was it called again?

“Twilight, Rarity, Pinks, Fluttershy, AJ, Dash, I would like to introduce you to our very special friend, Chell!” Space Chaser effortlessly scooted all six of them uncomfortably close to this Chell, and even she could feel the awkward tension growing. Everything became quiet once again.

Wheatley trotted next to Space. “Yes, she’s a really good friend of ours, and I’m surprised that she found us here, why are you not back home? Did you miss us?”

“Did you have a hard time finding you home?” added Space.

Pinkie Pie blurted, “Maybe you wanted a Ponyville party!”

She remained quiet. Was she so scared she couldn’t speak? Could she even speak?

Suddenly realization hit Wheatley. “Oh, I remember, you haven’t had a doctor look at your brain hemorrhage—I mean, you don’t need a doctor, just… well, do you feel okay?”


“Say something, say… apple.”

Everypony nearly screamed when Chell launched herself straight into the air. She could easily have jumped over everypony in this room without effort. 'Perhaps it’s her silver legs that give her extra power,' thought Twilight.

“I see, well that’s the same. Look at the bright side—at least it isn’t any worse! But just a word of advice: don’t jump. At all. Or hit your head on anything.”

Twilight couldn’t remain quiet with all the questions overflowing in her mind. “Wheatley, Space, please, tell me who this is?”

“We’ve told you, this is Chell! She’s our friend.”

Twilight nodded. “And what exactly is a Chell?”

Space and Wheatley exchanged confused glances. “Twi,” Space consoled as she felt a hoof on her back. The hairs on her neck stood on end. 'Oh my gosh, he’s touching me,' a giddy schoolgirl Twilight screamed mentally. She was glad that nopony could see her blushing. “Chell is from the same place we are from. It’s actually a really long story, but to put it short, a long time ago we were whooshing and buzzing and them BANG! And then Chell here was all like 'Huzzah!' and she's all like 'Noo!' and then, the moon.”

Everypony, even Wheatley, stared at the rambling pony as his incoherent ‘story’ finished. Twilight had no idea what to say.

Pinkie Pie, on the other hand, did.

“I see! Wow, that’s some story!”

“Pinkie Pie, don’t tell me you actually got something from that!”

“Of course I did, silly… Wheatley, Space, and Chell are from a humongously huge place far away called Aperture Laboratories, built many years ago by the indigenous species of that time. Wheatley and Space were in charge of this facility with their computer-boss GLaDOS—a silly name if I ever heard one—but one day she went all crazypants and killed everyone. Chell survived, and defeated her, but not completely. Then, about a month ago, our orange hero escaped again, and using some weird hole-making thingamabob, beat GLaDOS, then Wheatley, and there was this funny guy talking the entire time, and that’s when Luna met these two, then she became Nightmare Moon, and then came back and Twilight was all like ‘We need the Elements of Harmony’ and Rainbow was like ‘are you a spy’, and—“

“Okay, okay Pinkie, I get it now, thank you!” Taking note to examine Pinkie’s mental stability later, she turned her attention back to Wheatley. “So, you are friends with this Chell?”

“Well, we are kinda like friends. Would you say we’re friends? Chell?” Silence. “Well, she didn’t say ‘no’!” Wheatley chucked with a smile so forced it would even scare a manticore.

Twilight regathered her words. “Well, as long as she isn’t dangerous, I suggest we move this group to the library. We need privacy.” She was afraid to say it out loud in front of their newfound guest, but many ponies were appalled and horrified by her appearance. She had already seen more than one pedestrian gaze into the storefront windows, mouths agape and eyes frozen in horror as if the orange visitor was from the Everfree Forest or even Tartartus. Twilight had to hide Chell, for everyone’s sanity.

“Good idea,” replied Wheatley. “Let’s move!”

It was deep into the night when the party finally ended and the last pony left Sugarcube Corner. All nine of them made their way down the dirt roads and towards the large tree on the east side of town that was Twilight’s new permanent residence. Twilight was grateful that her friends have decided to stay with her for more than one reason. Even with Wheatley and Space there alongside her, Chell was scary. She hated to admit it, and as a scientist she would love to find out more about her, but she was scary.

She was also very new to town, and she feared that without a Ponyville resident guiding her, she would never be able to remember what streets to take to reach the library. Even if there was light she would have trouble, but in this unusually dark night it would be near impossible. Twilight pondered this. The moon was high in the cloudless sky but it gave almost no light. According to her astronomy books and charts, tonight was supposed to be a full moon. 'Luna has been gone for a long time,' thought Twilight, 'perhaps she is merely out of practice.'

Everypony was asleep. Or rather, they should be. Yet Twilight could still feel their gazing eyes from half closed windows and doors, trying to steal a glance at Chell. She was glad that her home was more removed from the city, to give her new guest more privacy.

She still had no idea what Chell was like, though. For all she knew, the ponies cowering in their homes were correct and Twilight was making a grave mistake allowing it into her home. She knew that Chell either couldn’t talk or refused to, leaving her to assume that a secret was being hidden. And assuming Pinkie’s retelling of Space’s gibberish to be correct, the being now walking with them has worked with one who murdered many others, and then murdered this GLaDOS. Nopony in a thousand years has ever committed such a crime, so to walk with one who has killed more than once was frightening to say the least.

But Wheatley trusted her. Normally, Twilight would never trust a pony she knew practically nothing about, but the princess trusted him. Celestia, the alicorn that taught Twilight and took her as her disciple, who taught her the ways of magic and friendship, and who has been a mother figure and friend for the lonely unicorn during most of her life. Twilight trusted Celestia with her life. If she trusted Wheatley, so did Twilight—even if that meant allowing Chell to sleep in the library for the night.

Her friends, however, were not as trusting.

“Twilight, are you sure that lettin’ her into your house is a smart move?” questioned Applejack for the umpteenth time.

“What if she’s dangerous? I mean, just look at her!” Rainbow added.

“Come on girls,” counseled Pinkie Pie, “Twilight knows what she’s doing. Right, Twi?”

“She just screams evil, just look at her hair!” Rarity shrieked. “Only a being of the purest evil would parade around without a thought to how they looked.”

“Wait, why'd you just look at me when you say that” AJ retorted.

“I was not looking at you,” Rarity sighed, “I was merely saying—”

“Is there a problem with dirt?”

“Yes, there is, but you wouldn't know that, would you? Rolling around it in like you do in the country.”

Were they really doing this?

“I take pride in working with my hooves instead of curling my hair for hours, Mrs. Mamby Pamby!”

“Why, how dare you!”

Yup, they were.

“You heard me!”

“Take that back!”

“Make me!”

“GIRLS!” Twilight screamed. “Not the problem!”

Applejack’s head lowered. “Sorry Twilight. But really, I need ta know what’s goin’ on in that head of yours. Why are you trusting it?”

“I trust Chell, because Wheatley and Space trust her.”

“And why should we trust them? We know nothin’ about them; they’re as rotten as apples past harvest for all we know!”

“The princess trusts them, and so do I?”

“Well, what if the princess is wrong?”

“No!” Twilight raised her voice. They could say what they want about her, or Wheatley, or anypony else, but her indifference stopped with Celestia. “I trust Princess Celestia’s judgment, and so should you. And all of you! It does nopony any good to make wild accusations with no facts, no proof. All we have is what Space Chaser told us, and that is not enough. I mean, can’t you trust me?”

The entire group remained quiet. Fluttershy inched her way forward, and in a delicate whisper replied, “You’re right, Twilight. We’re just worried about you.”

“I know, but I will be fine. You can go home if you want.”

“Twilight, you know that we can’t do that.”

“Yeah, we don’t leave our friends with strange ponies!”

“Agreed. We’re staying.”

Her new friends never ceased to amaze her. “Okay, let’s go… where are the others?”

Twilight had realized that Chell, Wheatley, and Space were nowhere to be seen.

“But you're so good with words, I mean everypony in there loved you!” Wheatley pointed out.

“I don't know how I do it, I just talk. I mean, I'm no different than what I was before, except now I can form a cohesive sentence.” Wheatley felt his head lower. He knew what sadness felt like when he was an AI; the best scientists were responsible for all the algorithms and matrices that mimicked feelings and emotions. But no one ever told him of the burning in the chest, or the sudden dryness he now felt deep in his throat. Even breathing, which was optional for a computer life form, hurt.

Space must have noticed the look in Wheatley's hazy blue eyes. “Look, Wheat, I think you're just trying too hard. Just talk, you were always better at it than me, even before all of this.”

Sometimes, Wheatley hated that Space Chaser could say the right things at exactly the right time. He wished he could have that gift. “Yeah, whatever.”

“Some on, don't be like that. We're like brothers, no need to put space between us! Get it? Space???

“Oh, shut it!”

“Come on, I made you smile!”

He didn't want to admit it, but he could not deny the slight grin on his face. For such a goody-two-shoes that got everything without trying, Wheatley guessed he wasn't the worst person in the world to be stuck with.

“Wait—is this about a mare?”


“Ah, yes it is! So, who is it?” Space inquired. “Fluttershy?”





“NO! Just leave it alone.”

“Oh, you always had a thing for the smart ones.”

Wheatley shook his head dismissively. “Yeah, and what about you?”

“Well, actually, the funny thing about that is--”

“Hold that thought; where are we?”

Wheatley finally took notice of their surroundings, or rather, the open field they now found themselves in. During their engaging conversation, they managed to walk past the library and right out of town.

“Forget that,” added Space, “Where's Chell?”


“Space! Space?”

“Hello? Are you guys out there?”

“I don't see them, should I fly higher Twilight?”

“No Rainbow Dash, it's too dark anyway.” For what it was worth, Twilight finally found her library, but the missing three were still unaccounted for. “Let's just stick together and—“

“Found them!” Pinkie Pie called out merrily.


“Right over there, silly!” Sure enough, right where the bright pink hoof was pointing, stood Space Chaser and Wheatley running towards them.

Wheatley came right to Twilight. “Hey there! Looks like we lost you for a second.”

“And where's Chell?”

“...I was hoping she was with you...”

“Oh, not again!”

“Not now, Rainbow Dash!”

“We can check all the streets again?”

“No, that'll take too long.”

“Got any better ideas?”

“Let's just wait until morning, when we have light.”

“That way we don't wake anypony, too...”

*cough cough

Everypony turned towards the source of the cough. One by one, they grew quiet. Twilight had no idea how she didn't see her sitting there, but there was Chell, waiting patiently at the front door of the library. Had she been there the entire time?

“Huh,” sighed Space.

“See Space? I told you she was smarter than she looked!”