• Published 15th Sep 2012
  • 4,320 Views, 132 Comments

Light of the Aperture - matrixjorel

Sequel: Ponies help Chell return to her world, while Wheatley and Space learn a terrible secret.

  • ...

Of Love and Dreams

“Sleeping Bags?”

Fluttershy yelled out, “Check!”

Twilight crossed it off her list. “Food?”

“All here: apples for weeks!” Space Chaser called out as he took a bite out of an apple. Twilight crossed that off her list.

“Great, now… map?”

“Oh, I got that one! And how are we going to carry all of this? Do we have any pack mules?” Everypony stared at him. “Um… I mean, we carry our own things, gotcha!”

Twilight sighed as she crossed off the last thing on her checklist. “Okay now, we have everything we need. Thanks again girls for helping to get us all packed!”

“Righty-o, Twilight!” cheered out Pinkie. She was the only one still standing on four hooves after a very long night of packing.

Rainbow yawned something that sounded like, “Be… safe…”

Twilight decided to let her friends sleep in the library for now, it was the least she could do. She turned back to the others. “Okay, let’s get going.” As everypony still awake exited the tree library, the lavender mare looked once again in her bag and pulled out a box. She hoped that she would not have to use it.

“Twilight, what are you thinking?” whispered Luna, who was on the verge of screaming. She pulled her aside as everypony else began packing.

“You told me that they are dangerous!”

“Yeah, so why are you going with them?”

“Because,” Twilight whispered back, “if what you say is true, then I have to watch out for Fluttershy. I will never let anything happen to her if I can help it!” She knew that the princess would object. “Need I remind you that we are the Elements of Harmony, and I’ll lose my horn before I lose a friend.”

“Fine,” Luna sighed, “what are you planning to do?”

“I’ll go with them to where they intend to go, and if it becomes dangerous, i'll...”

Luna's eyes widened sarcastically. “I'm waiting...” Twilight didn't have an answer. “Twilight, appreciate the sentiment, but it does nopony any good to not have a plan.”

“I know, but I cannot leave Fluttershy alone.”

“Then take this.” Twilight held out her hoof to accept Luna's gift. She didn't know what to expect, but knowing the clean and pristine palace she came from, she hardly expecte what was in her hoof. Luna gave her a filthy black box with a strange antenna and many buttons. She had never seen anything like it.

“What is this?”

“It's a gift... from some old friends of mine...” she said sadly. “There are two of these. I have one, and you have the others. We can use these to talk to each other from great distances without writing letters or using magic.”

Twilight was at a lost for words. So many questions. “Umm... thank... you?”

“Use it, Twilight Sparkle. You tell me everything, and i'll be ready to help.”

Twilight stared at the box in her hand. “Aren't you coming with us, Twilight?” asked Fluttershy.

“Yes, coming!” She stuffed the box into her bag and followed the others. Before closing the door to the library, she looked back at her friends who were still sleeping. She wished she could be so lucky.

“They walked all day, and the sun was slowly setting. Wheatley watched the sun all day in awe. He had learned from his time in Canterlot that it was not gravity that caused the earth to appear to rotate around the sun, giving the illusion that the sun was ‘rising’ and ‘setting’; rather, it was Princess Celestia’s powers that moved the sun. For some reason, that made much more sense to Wheatley. For one, it explained how the sun can move in a straight line across the sky if it was round. Round things never roll in a straight line. Wheatley quietly pondered this new world he found himself in as the others gave Wheatley a strange look… what? Is there something on my face?”

“Wheatley,” whispered Space Chaser, “what are you doing?”

The blue-eyed pony laughed. “We are on an adventure, like on you would read in a story! I thought that our story would be much more exciting with some narration, and nobody else was doing it.”

“You know that the narration isn’t a spoken part, right?”

“Sure it is; it’s there in the books!”

Space sighed loudly. “No, that’s what the authors write in, nobody actually says that.”

His eyes got wide. “Really? Well I’ll be damned.”

“Yeah, it would probably be best to stop before you scare the girls anymore.” Wheatley looked back at the others, who were staring at him as though he was a ghost. Even Chell seemed more quiet and pale than usual. “Yeah, I’m sorry about that.” Wheatley said.

“C’mon, no hard feelings!” Space replied. He elbowed the unicorn in the side. “Now, about Twilight coming with us…”

“So what if I like her?! I mean, what is it?”

“Just give me the word, and I can take Fluttershy and Chell somewhere else and give you two some alone time, if you know what I mean…”

Wheatley didn’t know what he meant. “Like… to… what now?”

“Now don’t tell me you never talked to a girl before!”

“Sure I have,” replied Wheatley, “but they don’t really talk back.”

Space laughed. “Then it’s a good thing you have a friend like me! I can tell you how I became friends with everyone, I mean it really isn’t a secret. I didn’t really even notice the girls until you pointed that out to me…”

“Wheatley smiled at Space. He was a surprising character. Even though he didn’t like him at first, Wheatley had to admit that Space was a good AI-turn-pony. Heck, he could even call him a friend. His best friend. Someone that he could—“

“Wheatley? What did I tell you about narrating?”


“Okay, it’s getting dark. Let’s set up camp here.”

Everypony followed Twilight’s advice and fell to the ground. Even Wheatley smiled when he hit the ground with a thud, happy he did not have to take another step. However, Twilight remained standing. “Come on, we have to set up camp now, no resting yet.” She ignored the collective groaning. “We packed those tents for a reason!”

“Can it wait until tomorrow?” asked Space Chaser.

“It will only take 5 minutes if we all work together. We need firewood and I need help with these tents.”

Wheatley yelled, “I can do it faster!” And maybe impress her while I’m at it! “Hey Space, do you think you and the girls can go get firewood?”

“You sure Wheatley?”

The two made eye contact. Wheatley nodded and replied with their code word: the code word they had worked out before to let the other know they wanted to be left alone, one that Wheatley thought of and Space was hesitant about at first. “Secret word!”

Space nodded. “Okay. C’mon Fluttershy, Chell! Let’s give these two some space.”

The others walked away. Twilight was still working out the directions for the tents. Things could not have been more perfect for Wheatley. Okay, remember what Space taught me. Big smile. Chest out. Stand close to her. Think positive!

Twilight read the instructions over and over. This was why she hated camping. She was book smart, not outdoors-smart. She turned the instruction sheet on its side.

“Need help with that?” Wheatley asked.

“No, I got it.” Twilight turned the paper on the other side.

Wheatley said, “I think I know how to do this…”

“No, just wait Wheatley.”

“If I just…”

Twilight turned the paper upside down. She had to figure this out.

“Got it!” exclaimed the grey unicorn.

The mare peeled her eyes from the frustrating paper. Her jaw dropped. In front of her, right where a mass of cloth and rope lay stood a beautiful tent just like in the picture. “How did you do this?”

“Oh, it was easy, just like folding a crane, only with rope, and instead of a half crescent valley fold I used the waterbomb fold, and I skipped step 4, and… well, you know.”

“No, I don’t.” Dangerous or not, this was amazing. The amount of focus to do this with magic was almost unthinkable. Suddenly, she remembered something that Celestia told her about him; “Wheatley has helped us understand magic theory, and is a very bright mind…“ Was this what she meant? “How did you do this?”

“Well, like I said before, I don’t see magic as magic, I see it as… machinery doing a job for me. It makes it simpler, from what I can tell.”

Twilight looked into the tent. However Wheatley did this, it was impressive. But she couldn’t let her guard down. For all she knew, this ‘special magic’ could have been what turned Luna. “Well, I thank you Wheatley.” Twilight turned around. “Thank you for h—uuUUUAAAHHH!” Wheatley’s face was no closer than 3 inches from hers. He had a smile so big and forced, he almost appeared constipated. His chest was jutting out unnaturally. Twilight thought she was looking at some ghoul or monster instead of the slightly confused unicorn in their group.

“Wheatley, what’s wrong?”

“Oh, nothing is wrong Twilight,” Wheatley said, “I’m just glad to help you!” Remember, girls like a good sense of humor. “HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!”

Twilight chuckled nervously. Great, doing great so far! Now, what else did Space tell me? Start with a compliment. “You know, you’re a really good… walker!”

“A what?” asked Twilight

“A walker!” he replied. “The way you…walked today, that was some of the best walking I’ve… ever seen.”

Twilight was speechless. Okay, that’s good, what next? Talk about yourself.

“You know, I used to be really good at walking, I was in walking competitions myself and I’ve won quite a few! They called me Walking Wheatley!” He looked at Twilight, who was almost as quiet as Chell. “Okay, I lied. I wasn’t in any walking competitions, but I did judge them. And they may not have been official competitions… okay, it was me watching scientists walk down hallways trying to see who walked faster, but—“ But let the girl talk, too. “—what about you, do you like to watch people walk?”

Twilight didn’t answer. Wheatley hoped she would answer. She had to be different. Her mouth opened. He nodded, egging her on.

“Let’s… do the next tent.” Twilight had no idea what he was pulling at, but she promised the princess she would be careful. Wheatley could not be a distraction.

They worked on the rest of the tents in silence.

“So then she tells me that after everything she puts me through, she’ll give me cake!”

“Oh my…”

Fluttershy and Chell were sitting in the woods on a log. They had been talking for a long time now. FLuttershy liked talking to this human. Even though she had been on many adventures, Chell preferred peace and quiet, just like herself.

“I know!” Chell sighed. “As if food was the only thing I cared about in there, like a rat in a maze.”

“You would put a mouse in a maze? That’s not very nice.” Fluttershy said coldly.

“No, no, it’s just a saying we humans use. It means we feel powerless.” Chell explained.

The Pegasus brightened up. “Oh, then I know that feeling.”


“Yes, Chell?”

“You’re really nice for being a possible coma-induced hallucination.”

Fluttershy blinked. “Thank… you?”

“Don’t freak out,” she laughed. Fluttershy was amazed how much Chell laughed. After being through such hard trials though, she was just happy her new friend was still very nice and not a murderous human.

“I know I would not like to meet this Glad-dose, she sounds very mean.”

“Eh, she kinda grows on you.”


“No.” Chell laughed again. “She isn’t scary really, just mean. Kept on calling me fat and an orphan. I heard she used to be nicer when she was newer, but I can’t imagine what that was like.”

“And are you?”

“Am I what?”

“An orphan,” Fluttershy asked.

Chell chuckled. This time it was a little gloomier. “That’s a good question. One of the ‘jokes’ GLaDOS pulled on me was wiping my memory of my life. I remember waking up in the Enrichment Center, and that’s it. I don’t know if I am an orphan.” Chell kicked the ground.

“Oh,” sighed Fluttershy, “I’m so sorry.”

“You know, in a weird way that actually helped me. When I was there, I had nothing to lose, nothing to fear from death; in a way, that helped me make it out.” They stayed quiet after Chell’s last statement, keeping an eye to the woods. “Space has been gone for a long time.” He told them to stay on the outskirts of the woods. Told them it wasn’t safe, and he’d only be a moment.

Fluttershy felt fear creeping into her mind. What if Space was hurt? Or ran into some creature? What would they do? No, she couldn’t think about that. “Chell?”


“Why don’t you talk to anypony else?”

“Haha, anypony. That’s cute.”

“Chell, why don’t you talk to Wheatley or Space.”


“That’s not a very good reason.”

“I don’t trust them. They’re like GLaDOS. I give them an inch, and I’ll regret it.”

Fluttershy hugged Chell. “Please, whatever they might have done, I know that they’re trying to get better. They are nothing like that other thing, they are good. I know it. They may have made mistakes, but…”

“But what?”

“They just need a friend. I can tell. They have a look of a pony that is sad because nopony will give them a chance.”

“And you know this how?” Chell asked.

“Because I used to look the same way.” Fluttershy felt a tear, but continued to hug her human friend. “I know they may have done things before, and I’m not telling you to forgive them, just… talk to them. Kindness can go a long way.”

Fluttershy couldn’t control her tears now. She had seen so much sadness, even in the last few days, and she was no stranger to loneliness. She just wanted to make one person happier. Suddenly, she felt something around her: long arms in orange cloth. Chell was hugging Fluttershy. “I’ll try.”

They sat there, keeping each other warm. Fluttershy eventually stopped crying. Space Chaser finally came back carrying an overabundance of wood, and they took their supplies back to the campsite.

“Wheatley! Twilight! We’re back!” Space Chaser called as he lugged the wood into the middle of the tents. “And I bring firewood!”

Twilight pointed somewhere. “Put them over there.” She didn’t seem to be in the best of moods.

“Will do, ma’am!”

“Girls,” twilight said, walking past Space, “Let’s get some sleep. You two better get sleep as well.” They entered their tents. Space dragged his load to the spot Twilight set aside, which was close to Wheatley’s tent. Space could tell that Wheatley was less chipper than usual.

“What’s wrong, buddy?”

“Oh, nothing.”

“C’mon, you can tell me. How did the night with Twilight go?”

Wheatley blushed. “I don’t want to talk about it.”

“Oh, so it was that good, huh?” Space gave the unicorn a nudge. Wheatley still wasn’t smiling.

He finally answered, “at least she didn’t completely ignore me.”

“Don’t worry about it, just give it time.” The grey Pegasus leaned in. “Take it from me; the best things in life require work and time.”

“Yeah, I guess you’re right. I’m going to bed. Your tent is right there,” he said as he pointed towards a tent further away from the fire.

“Nah, I don’t need a tent.”

“Are you sure?” Wheatley asked. “Twilight said it’s going to be cold tonight.”

Space shook his head. “I’ll start a fire. Besides, I want to sleep under the stars!”

Wheatley laughed as he looked at his friend gaze up at the heavens. “You haven’t changed a bit, really. Good night, Space.”

Space, after finding about seven constellations, grabbed a log and threw it in the fire pit. He laughed. Space started a small fire, feeling the warmth over his body. Good, he deserves to laugh. He laid down, slowly falling to sleep. He deserves to be happy in his last days.

Fluttershy couldn’t sleep. She tried to close her eyes, she was exhausted, but she was too scared to sleep. Why was she so scared? She couldn’t shake her feeling of dread; she even felt sweat forming on her forehead. She couldn’t take it anymore.

She stood up and walked out of her tent. Twilight was right. Tonight was really cold. She would have turned right back around and climbed back into her sleeping bag if somepony didn’t start a fire. Fortunately, there was still one log in flames, so Fluttershy quietly pranced over.

She stared into the fire, wondering why she was having such a hard time falling asleep. She had no reason to be scared. She was safe here with Twilight and Chell, even Space and Wheatley. Pinkie Pie promised to take care of her animals, and even though it was a little unsettling, Fluttershy knew that the energetic mare could handle her pets. What was wrong?

“Space. Stars. So bright.”

Fluttershy flew into the air behind a tree. Only after she looked back towards the fire from her hiding place did she notice Space asleep on the ground by the fire. She barely noticed him. She flew back, and he continued to talk. “Space is a billion billion billion light years across. SPACE!!! Need my space, spacity-space space.” She knew he was a space enthusiast, but never had Fluttershy imagined hearing someone so in love with space. She couldn’t help but giggle. She watched the sleeping colt as she slowly flew closer to him and the fire.

“Space going to space can’t wait.” He was smiling. He was cute when he smiled. Fluttershy would be lying if this handsome colt did not catch her eye, as he had every mare in Ponyville.

“Space. Trial. Puttin’ the system on trial. In space. Space system. On trial. Guilty. Of being in space! Going to space jail!” But she knew colts like him. He could choose any mare he wanted, and they would probably say yes to him. And why shouldn’t they. Fluttershy wasn’t too hurt, though. He did talk too much, and would be much too loud around most of her animal friends.

“Ba! Ba! Ba ba ba! Space! Ba! Ba! Ba ba ba!” Even if he noticed her, what would it be like? He was so popular, so talkative, and she wasn’t. She preferred the quiet. He was like Rainbow Dash. A good friend, but nothing more.

“S… P… AACE. Space. Space.” He was nothing like her. Simple as that. Besides, Fluttershy was just fine. He just laid there, smiling in his sleep, and she sat warm near the fire watching him as he continued talking in his sleep. His smile was cute, though. It must have been an hour before she turned back to her tent to try to sleep a little more.

“No, please. Not you.”

Fluttershy turned around. This time, Space didn’t look happy at all. His smile disappeared. He looked mortified, as if trying to wake himself from his suddenly disturbing nightmare. “I don’t, no! Not me! No, I don’t want to…”

She walked over to him, softly nudging him. “Space, wake up. It’s just a nightmare.” His breathing was becoming shallower with each second.

“Why? I don’t… get away!”

“Space?” She was now shaking him.

“No… no…”

“Space!” she yelled.

Space suddenly stopped stirring. He was completely immobile. His eyes were still closed. Fluttershy watched petrified as he spoke again, only this time he spoke in a voice that was nothing like his—it was scary, demonic.

“The carrier must be sacrificed.”

Space shot up. Still drenched in sweat, he tried as hard as he could to regain control of his hyperventilation. “Hey, Fluttershy. I didn’t mean to wake you,” he said with a smile.

“Oh no, I couldn’t sleep. It wasn’t your fault.” She was telling the truth.

He sighed. “That makes me feel a little better, I suppose.”

“Hey, Space,” Fluttershy started, “What was it you were dreaming about?”

“Oh, just space. Outer space. I don’t talk too much about it now, but ever since I was young I loved space. I guess even in my dreams I still can’t get enough of it.”

“But you were having quite a nightmare—“

Space Chaser laughed nervously. “Nightmare? No, you must have been confused.”

“But you said something about a sacrifice.”

“NO I DIDN’T.” He spoke so solemnly, it was almost scarier than if he yelled. Space must have noticed her uneasiness, because he soon gave her a quick hug. “What I meant to say was, I must have had some dream of being lost in space. Many astronauts in my time have accidentally drifted away and were never found. That’s what I was worried about.” He motioned to a spot on the ground next to him. Fluttershy sat.


“I guess that’s one thing I don’t like about space; the solitude. Up there all alone, without friends or family.” Fluttershy looked up into the stars. She never thought about what it was like out there in the darkness. So dark and mysterious, yet undeniably beautiful.

Space continued; “It’s really funny, now that I think about it. Before, I just loved space without a second thought. It was all I ever talked about—all I cared about—I could see nothing wrong with it. However, after becoming a pony, I started to make sense of space. There are things I don’t like about it. I hate how cold it is, and how hard it would be to travel through space. But for some reason, even after I realized there are things I don’t like about space, it makes me like it even more.

“It’s almost as if, though there are things I don’t like, it makes what I like stand out even more, and even knowing all the bad things about it, I would still go back into space without a second thought. It’s just so…” Space went quiet, trying to find a word.

“Tranquil?” Space turned to Fluttershy. He smiled.

“Yeah, tranquil. I like that word.” He looked down at the ground. Was it a trick of the flames, or was he s

“You surprise me, Space Chaser. I would think you prefer loud and noisy.”

“I would think so myself,” Space responded. “But sometimes, I like quiet. Just you and your thoughts.”

“You are nothing like Hoops.”

“Who’s Hoops?”

Fluttershy took a deep breath. “Well, back when I was in flying school, there was this one little colt, Hoops. He was handsome and everypony liked him, but he was mean. He was never mean before, I knew him from kindergarten. But for some reason once he became popular, he thought it was okay for him to be mean. Especially to me. He kept calling me Klutzershy, and laughing at me because I couldn’t fly very well. And I know it sounds mean, but I thought you were like that, too; well-liked by everypony but mean to others. But you aren’t. You’re different. I don’t know what it is about you, but you are really nice.”

“I try to be nice to everyone.”

“I can see that.” She scooted closer.

“You know, up there, on the moon?” He pointed with his hoof. “You see that dark spot right there?”

“Yeah?” Fluttershy answered, following Space’s hoof.

“Humans called that the Sea of Tranquity. It was the first place we visited when we went to the moon.” Space lowered his hoof, and set it very close to hers. “And I was there.”

“What was it like?” She turned to Space. He was already looking at her.


Fluttershy never felt a second move slower than at this exact moment. She could almost feel his every breath. What was happening? Was he going to kiss her? She would be a fool to deny the atmosphere that had been building tonight between them, and every fiber in her told her to lean forward just a few inches. She looked into his eyes, so bright and yellow, so loud and at the same time so calm and inviting. Was he going to start? Did he even want to kiss? Maybe he was just being friendly and she was overthinking it. Yes, that had to be true. Then why wasn’t he moving?

A minute passed, two minutes, possibly an hour. Space was the first to talk. “You know, we should probably get to bed. Big day tomorrow.”

“Oh, yes. You’re right.” Fluttershy stood up and began to walk back to her tent.


She turned. “Yes?”

“Thank you. For listening.”

“Good night,” she said with a smile.

The desert was hot, but Chell seemed to know exactly where she was going, because it had been less than an hour between exiting the desert, wandering into a large field, and finding the entrance to Aperture Laboratories. A shack built of metal with many holes was all she could see of this so-called laboratory. It was a smaller place than Twilight pictured, only big enough for two ponies to fit uncomfortably. Was this their ploy? Trap them in the shed and leave them for dead?

“Come along Wheatley!” Space called as he galloped into the shack.

“Right behind you,” called Wheatley, closing the door behind them.

Twilight turned to Chell. “Care to explain what is going on?”

Twilight,” Chell answered, “This is our way in.”

“But this looks nothing like any scienctific laboratory!” Chell walked towards the shed.

“No, this is just an elevator. We have to go down.”


“Come on Twilight,” Fluttershy consoled, following Chell’s lead, “we can trust her.”

She wasn’t sure she wanted to, but she entered the shed. As soon as she closed the door, the ground shook. Before she could react, she had the sudden sensation of falling. The ground disappeared beneath them. As they fell, Twilight looked up to the small circle of light above her, wondering if this was the last time she would see the sun.

Comments ( 39 )

Nice long chapter full of budding relationships and giggles, with a little foreshadow for good measure! Enjoy! Feel free to point out any errors. And remember, each favorite/thumbs up I get puts money in my bank, and I need to eat!:fluttercry:

Hadn't the aperture entrance been in a big field of wheat?
Yeoman, out

1393047 I knew that...:twilightblush: just clarified it a little better!

Space? :trixieshiftleft: What are you up to? :trixieshiftright:

What's Space planning? I feel bad for Wheatly.

Actually, don't tell me. I like the insanity that cliffhangers provide :pinkiecrazy:

My question is why does chell want to go back?

1393047 Well, it was kinda a few hundred years or so. It probably died.

1393112 Hey, she still thinks this is some coma-enduced hallucination, remember? And even then, living in a world like that only appeals to the biggest of bronies!:eeyup:

1393127 hhhmm world of ponies? Or crazed AI trying to kill you every minute? Hard decision.

I read Aperture in My Heart a while, ago, nice to see a sequel.

"[GladOS] isn’t scary really, just mean."
So Wheatley was right from the beginning. Chell really does have brain damage, just not the type he thought.

hey hey hey they should have stayed away from that shed

1393088 thank ya kindly. :eeyup:
Yeoman, out


In other words, write more, right now, I have a right to read the stuff you write, even if it isn't copy write. Right?

1393800 Well, in my mind, with the plot laid out perfectly as to what happens in each chapter coming ahead, it's pretty simple what Space is up to. :trollestia::trollestia::trollestia::trollestia: But I'll try and update quickly!

“I don’t trust them. They’re like Chell. I give them an inch, and I’ll regret it.”

Do you mean 'like GLaDOS?

1393810 ...


On a different note, it's nice to see someone who actually listened to what the Space Core says when you pick him up...

'Wanna see me in space? Buy a telescope. Go to space. In my spaceship. Space.'

1393826 I downloaded the sound file for him. I just listened to him talking about space over and over again.
Fact core was fun as well.
Fact, Space does not exist.

1394716 Space does exist...


Bam! Space?! I'm going to space trial, find me guilty! Of being in space! Play it cool, play it cool! Space cops are here to take me to space!

1394747 Oh! your going to meet the sun! What do you say? Hi sun?
I love you space. Dad? Are you space?

1395696 Hey, it's a legit question, and I think that would make for an amazing season 3 episode. Maybe Pinkie had a little too much party and wound up in the Equestria equivalent of Mexico in a Hangover-esque parody!


LOL HotDiggityDemon joke!:rainbowlaugh:

Wheatley blushed

He can blush!?

I'm surprised that Chell would be so willing to go back to Aperture.

"..... oh, it's you. It's been a loooooooooooong time ... I thought I told you not to come back."

PLEASE tell me Twilight and Wheatley end up together in the end. Oh yeah, and also Fluttershy and Spacely.

Dern shipping... :twilightangry2:
Oh well. The end of the chapter seems intriguing enough, even if i had to skip a couple paragraphs to get to it.
1402453 Mother of Celestia...

space and luna freinds seems legit

Why hasn't this updated? It's been months! :raritydespair: :raritycry:

I really like where this story is going, please keep writing. :fluttershysad:

Wow, Wheatley talking to Twilight is exactly how I am when I talk to girls.

I really want to know what Space is up to now, and does anyone else think it's kinda weird that Chell is so willing to go back to Aperture? And speaking of which, are Aperature and Equestria like on the same planet?

Please update this soon, it's an amazing story.

More please.

When is this gonna be continued? Just askin'

This is a good story. Need more story. Putting the story on trial. Guilty. OF BEING AN AWESOME STORY.


2194670 Months? More like 3 years! Wait... It's been 3 years since this was updated, the first chapter was released on the 15th, and 15 divided by 5 is 3... That means...


6049564 Sorry! School has been crazy, finals coming next week... but ill have the summer just to work and write!

where is next chapter of great story

Since it is likely that this won't be continued, may I ask how would this end for this story?

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