• Published 16th Mar 2022
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My Life with Nanaimo - Mike the Red

Michael Walker is no longer married -- and receives an unusual miracle in the form of a pony plush coming to life.

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The Physical Body Healers

I don't know how long I stood in silence as my mind raced, my thoughts mainly contemplating a possibility of returning to my home world and working such wonderful magics on my fellow humans. I was snapped out of my reverie by my pony, who tapped me with a forehoof. I turned my attention to her at this point and noticed she was giggling at my reaction. The other two girls appeared quite bemused by my display.

"Mike, what were you thinking about? You were zoned out for like five minutes there," Nanaimo chuckled.

"Mmmh, back in my home world, we could only wish to have people who could work medical miracles, like making people young and skinny if they were old and fat, and curing ailments that had no cures or treatments, as there are plenty of illnesses in my home world that cannot be cured," I answered. "If the physical body healers here are as good as Vanessa says, I just ... I hope they can work a miracle on my poor old body," I added.

"You don't look very old," Vanessa opined as she took a moment to check me out. "In fact, you look no older than me, or Makwela, or your pony companion," she added. "But if you want, we can go to the physical body healers and they can check you out better than me. I'll lead the way since you're new here." Makwela stole a quick kiss from Vanessa at this point, eliciting blushing and giggles from the very thick nearly nude dark-skinned girl.

"I hope I can get a change of clothes, too, and something to eat as well, I'm feeling hungry all of a sudden," I announced in a hopeful tone.

"I can show you those places as well," Vanessa responded confidently, turning her head in my direction and smiling at me.

"Um, we don't have anywhere to stay, either," I added, my confidence flagging a little, my tone giving away my apprehension. Both girls turned to us and beamed wide smiles.

"You two can stay with us! We have plenty of room at our place for you two," Makwela chirped almost too eagerly. "Mmmh, I hope to pet you some more, pony girl," she added warmly, eliciting a soft smile from the mare. "By the way, what's your name?" she asked as she approached the mare, now showing a hopeful expression on her face. Seems she was addicted to the human touch.

"M-my name is N-n-nanaimo," she stuttered, blushing hard at the girl who had now knelt in front of her and was once again running her hand down the pony's back.

"Nanaimo, would you be upset if I started petting Vanessa the same way?" I asked rather cheekily. Might have been the wrong time to ask that, I mentally fretted. The brown mare sighed in contentment as Makwela rubbed her back, scratched her ears, and ran her fingers through her mane and tail. She heard my question but I think she was probably zoned out, but she nodded her head dumbly. Was that a yes or was that her succumbing to that girl's touch?

I moved towards Vanessa at this point, who was a little taken aback by my advance, but she noticed me smiling at her so she relaxed a little and smiled back at me. Makwela and Nanaimo seemed to be focused on each other at this point, the girl staring intently into the mare's purple eyes.

"So, Mike, was it? You like how I look?" she asked somewhat hesitantly. She continued to smile warmly despite her apparent trepidation.

"You look amazing," I replied, nodding my head and stood next to her, putting a hand on her shoulder. Her skin was amazingly soft and supple, yet firm with her muscle tone under it. She blushed upon my touch, her smile widening.

"Thank you," she demurred softly as her blush deepened. "I'm honored you chose me out of so many other girls around here," she added even more quietly. I was surprised by this assertion, not knowing what she meant by it. I was oblivious to the customs and cultures of this new world and had no idea that by simply touching this girl, I was choosing her to be my human mate. What she said next caused me to freeze on the spot. "Y'know, it's something really special when a guy chooses a girl to be his soulmate," she stated proudly.

Makwela stopped petting the pony immediately. "You!" she shouted at me. "You took her from me!" she practically screamed, her face contorted in rage. Nanaimo stood dumbstruck by this display, wondering what had precipitated such a hostile reaction from the girl. She worried about causing the same reaction towards herself. I readied myself, then started to move towards her. Before I knew it, I had closed the distance to her and put a hand on her shoulder. She gave me a shocked look for a moment, then grinned broadly. I silently pondered the wisdom of this move but had no time to react to her statement, nor to her subsequent actions.

"So! You've chosen me as well! Thank you so much, Mike!" she chirped as she hugged me tightly and kissed me on my lips. Not content to let Nanaimo suffer any further humiliation, I turned to her and put a hand on her shoulder as well. The look she gave me caused me to giggle and I had to catch myself for a moment as multiple emotions played across her face. At some point she began to smile very warmly at me as well.

"M-m-mike," she uttered just barely above a whisper. At this point I knelt so I could be at eye level with the mare. Her purple eyes mesmerized me, drawing me in. She gazed into my eyes as well, her smile never faltering. I put both hands on her shoulders at this point, causing the girls to gawp at me, because for this world, such a display was the strongest statement of love possible. They began cheering and clapped their hands in approval at us.

"Nanaimo, I love you," I answered her softly, still gazing into her eyes and holding her shoulders with my hands. She blushed hard as her smile widened further, threatening to split her face. She closed the distance between us and kissed me softly on my lips. We maintained this passionate display for quite some time and at some point, Vanessa cleared her throat to get our attention.

"It's really sweet and amazing for you to show her such a strong love, I can only hope you might be willing to show me the same level of affection," the thicker girl opined. "But we have to get going if we're going to visit the physical body healers!"

Her announcement broke us out of our trance, but not before I stole one more quick kiss from the mare. Vanessa motioned for us to follow her again, and she led us toward a walkway that led closer to the skyscrapers. I saw many buildings of various colors, but ones that stood out were painted either black or white. Vanessa stopped in front of one such white building, though it was little more than a few storefronts, one of which had a red plus symbol above the door. One of the things I noticed as we made the relatively short journey from the park to the shop was just how many females and how few males were present.

"Red cross, must be a medical clinic," I mused aloud. Vanessa and Makwela giggled at this mention. Nanaimo expressed curiosity -- her eyes met mine quite briefly, but I could tell she wanted further explanation. "In my home world, the red cross was a symbol worn by doctors and nurses, who did their best to help people with illnesses and ailments, or at least, this was the symbol most commonly associated with those in the medical field."

I turned my attention to Vanessa at this point. "I take it this place is where the physical body healers do their thing?"

She giggled again. "Yes, this is one of the many physical body healer shops around the city," she stated proudly, smiling broadly. "Are you going to just stand there or are you going to come in?" I grinned sheepishly in response to this question. She opened the door for me and motioned me to go inside. "Come on, we can all go in," she added mirthfully.

The first thing I noticed about the shop was that the waiting room was pretty small, only big enough for the four of us to sit down on a couple of couches. A doorbell chimed as we entered, alerting the physical body healer, who entered the waiting room from another door, which presumably led to an examination room. I was struck by the similarity of this person to several of the other girls I had noticed on our way here. She smiled warmly at me.

"So, how may I help you?" she asked, her smile widening.

"Um, I would like to be made younger and skinnier, and I would like some improvements to my hearing and vision -- um, there are a few other things I'd like to have taken care of as well," I offered somewhat hesitantly.

"You look pretty young already, how old are you?" she asked.

"Um, I'm 55 years old," I replied. This admission stunned everyone present, and even the physical body healer herself was somewhat taken aback by my confession.

"I find that hard to believe, come with me, I'm going to check you out," she said as she regained her composure quickly. "By the way, what's your name?"

"My name's Michael, but I prefer to be called Mike," I replied, noting the girl's appearance. Much like Vanessa and Makwela, this girl was also dark-skinned and fairly thick, and also looked to be in her early 20s -- a common trait among quite a few of the girls we had seen earlier. I was puzzled by the seeming lack of guys running around as well.

"My name's Sharmeequa, and it's a pleasure to meet you -- please, follow me, I need to examine you more closely," she intoned warmly, still smiling at me. Nanaimo flashed me a worried look as I rose to follow Sharmeequa into the back office or examination room or wherever it was we were going. She tried to follow me but Makwela started petting her again, causing her to stop and turn her attention to the girl, then start cooing again as the girl's touch worked its magic on her. Sharmeequa closed the door behind us as she motioned me to another small room with a low black bench as the only item in the room. The air was somewhat chilly, the light almost blinding, the whiteness of the walls adding to the reflection of the bright light. She turned the brightness down a bit when she saw me wince.

"Okay, lay on the bench and remove your clothes, I need to conduct a full examination," she stated in a dull monotone, something that almost caused me to giggle because it seemed so cliche. I was reluctant to disrobe, but because I trusted her judgment, I chose to do so and laid on the bench, which was quite cold, but the upholstery was fairly soft. The bench almost lulled me to sleep, deceiving me with its comfort. Sharmeequa waved her hands over my entire body, from my head down to my feet as she circled the bench for the initial examination. She frowned for a moment.

"You wouldn't happen to be dead, would you?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Um, I died in my home world and was escorted here by a small group of undead druids or clerics or -- whatever they were," I replied.

"Okay, just as I thought. I can't help you, but you don't need to worry about getting older or suffering any ailments -- indeed, you don't even need to worry about dying anymore," she added.

"What do you mean?" I asked, showing a great deal of surprise at her answer. She smiled at me again.

"Apparently, this is your afterlife, this is the world you chose to spend the rest of eternity inhabiting -- I must admit, I'm surprised to see that pony with you, those are a rare sight around here," she chuckled. "Normally, the ponies would be living in Ponyville."

"Wait, you mean such a place actually exists in this world?" I asked, my shock and amazement quite obvious in my tone and my facial expression. She giggled and nodded her head. "Would it be possible for me to go there?" I asked, my tone now more hopeful than before.

"Normally, we humans don't go there except to spend a day on vacation or something like that -- but since you have that pony with you, they might let you stay longer than a day. I'm not really sure how well they'll receive you there, though. One other thing you have in your favor is that you're male -- most of us are female, there's about nine of us for every male around here -- not sure about Ponyville, but it might be about the same ratio," she admitted. "I was hoping you might stay here in Sh'Koggo a bit longer, I could use a little company myself," she offered warmly, closing the distance between us and pressing her body against mine. She was also wearing very little, much like Vanessa, even though she wasn't as tall or as thick. Since I was still laying on the bench, she had chosen to lay on top of me, preventing me from standing up.

"Depends on how long you're wanting me to stay here," I chuckled. Don't touch her shoulders, I chastised myself, reflecting on the reactions of my female companions who were still waiting in the front room for me. Sharmeequa kissed me on the lips, the sensation causing me to see stars in my eyes, the softness of her lips mesmerizing me, and then she touched my shoulders with her hands. The shock of this action left me dumbstruck. "Um, maybe you shouldn't do that, I'm already with three other girls," I opined half-heartedly. The feeling was very intense, it sent shivers of pleasure down my spine, and it felt like this girl truly loved me -- I silently wondered if this was what my girls felt when I did this for them. "Is this part of the magic of this world?" I asked as she continued to gaze into my eyes. She simply nodded in response.

"Mike, I want you to stay here in Sh'Koggo for as long as possible," she said softly as she kissed me again.

"Um, is this because there are so few other guys in this town?" I asked. I was hesitant to kiss her, as I had already chosen two girls and the pony to be my soulmates. I felt somewhat guilty about the possibility of adding yet another girl to my group, but she was very effective at breaking down my resistance, her beauty quite entrancing -- that, or maybe the magic of this world was causing me to want as many girls as possible.

"Well, yeah, that's part of it, but I really like you, too," she replied softly as she kissed me again. Her breasts rubbed against my chest and it was I could do to refrain from putting my hands on them, the softness of her skin, the way the light glistened on her skin, the soft scent of her skin, the weight of her body pressing down on me, everything just seemed to click, her innate magic calming me as she kissed me yet again. She got up off me at this point, but stood next to me and ran a hand up and down my chest. I was shocked to see I no longer had a pot belly, but the classic six-pack abs of a well-toned athlete.

"That's about all I can do for you, but please, come back soon!" she giggled. "Oh, and you can put your clothes back on," she added mirthfully. "You're quite handsome!"

"And you're very soft, thank you," I responded as I put my clothes back on. I noticed they no longer fit me and hung loosely on my body. "Mmh, I'm going to need new clothes," I observed.

"Your companions can help you with that, Mike -- I'll show you back to the lobby, but -- please -- please come back soon," she said, her tone indicating a very strong desire.

"I hope to do so, Sharmeequa, but I'm afraid I can't make any promises," I replied.

"Okay, but, um, I'll be waiting for you!" she giggled as she led me back to the waiting room. Makwela was still petting Nanaimo and Vanessa was giggling at this sight before she saw me.

"Um, Vanessa, you said something about a clothing shop?" I asked somewhat hesitantly. I turned to Sharmeequa. "How much do I owe you for your treatment?"

"Nothing, it's free, Mike! Just -- please -- um -- come back whenever you can," she offered softly. Vanessa giggled at me.

"Mmmh, looks like you've added another girl to your harem," she chuckled.

"Vanessa, I'm not trying to do that," I protested weakly. She erupted into full-blown laughter at my response. Makwela and Nanaimo flashed me a grin and the healer flashed a look of disgust on her face. Upon seeing this, I turned my attention to her. "Sorry, Sharmeequa, I didn't mean it like that -- um, I will try to come back when I can," I said, causing her to smile warmly again at me.

"Mike, you're welcome back here any time you like! I'll be waiting for you," she chirped, her happiness seeming to be quite infectious. I turned my attention back to the thick girl.

"Okay, Vanessa, the clothing shop?" I asked. "Um, I hope they have what I'm looking for," I opined hopefully.