• Published 16th Mar 2022
  • 1,251 Views, 18 Comments

My Life with Nanaimo - Mike the Red

Michael Walker is no longer married -- and receives an unusual miracle in the form of a pony plush coming to life.

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New Clothes and a Bite to Eat

It took a bit of persuading Makwela to stop petting the pony, but eventually we left the physical body healer's shop and walked a very short distance to yet another storefront, one which seemed to have a white t-shirt on a large black square, but the front of the store was painted green. I was curious about this, but Vanessa assured me that this was indeed a clothing shop. Upon entering, we were greeted by a sales clerk, but I also noticed just how large the interior of the store was in regard to the seeming small size of the outside of the store. What sort of magic does this? I silently asked myself.

I walked around the store for a little bit, but noticed rather quickly that the selection seemed to have exactly what I wanted in exactly the right size -- everything from pants and shirts to underwear, socks, and even shoes -- I was particularly amazed to see my all-time favorite shoes on display on the shelves that had them, and also that the boxes had my exact size in a large quantity.

I had to try on several different sizes of clothes before I found the correct ones, but eventually I had exactly what I was looking for. I was stunned and amazed by the fact that not only did they have what I was looking for, but they had the perfect colors and sizes I wanted for everything. Nanaimo was staying close to me, checking out what I was choosing, and amazed by how well the clothes fit me, feeling as though they had been tailored to my new body. All of it felt silky smooth and soft, and the shoes provided amazing comfort as well. I was wondering how I was going to pay for my clothing even though I had no money. I expressed my curiosity aloud, causing Vanessa and Makwela to giggle, along with the shop clerk, who was also a dark-skinned female.

"You're new here, so I'll explain," Vanessa stated. "For every male, there are nine females. Since there are so few males, we females pay for everything for the male," she added. I expressed my surprise silently, absolutely stunned by this revelation.

"Um, how do you do payment?" I asked dumbly.

"Like this," she stated as she walked over to an odd-looking machine. Part of the machine was designed for someone to sit on it, looking like something between a scooter and a rocking horse. There were handles like a bicycle, but this was connected to a structure that looked like part of a water closet. It was the most bizarre looking contraption I had ever seen. I watched in amazement as Vanessa rode this device, seeming to expend a great deal of physical and psychic energy into it. The sight left me speechless, but also caused me to wonder what it would feel like to do that myself. Sweat poured down her body as she continued to make the payment for my clothes, a visible explanation of why she wore such little clothing. The machine stopped when payment had been completed. She smiled warmly at me. "So, looks like you approved the payment," she grinned, wiping sweat off her brow with the back of her left hand. I was stunned and left speechless at the display. I was also aroused by the sight of the girl, light glistening on her wet skin. She cast her gaze downward at me, then met my eyes again and grinned more widely.

"We can go to the sex shop later, Mike," she chuckled. "The way you stare it me, it's quite obvious you want to do some fun stuff with me -- and maybe Mawkela and Nanaimo can join in too," she added mirthfully. I was still stunned by everything I had witnessed, my seeming paralysis causing the others to express some concern. Nanaimo came over to me and tapped me on my shoulder by rising to her hind hooves. She faced me and gave me a quick kiss before returning to all fours.

"M-m-maybe so," I stuttered, shocked by the forwardness of the girl. Nanaimo's action seemed to indicate that she too was interested in the possibility. "Um, maybe we can get a bite to eat? I'm feeling kind of hungry," I added as my stomach growled audibly. "Also, I'm curious to know about this sex shop you mentioned."

The shop clerk overheard this and blushed quite hard, causing me to giggle at her reaction.

"So, you know about it too?" I asked her, grinning. Her blush deepened further still and she dashed off into another room. I turned my attention to my party at this point. "I guess that's our cue to leave, huh?" I asked, receiving a nodding of heads as a reply. We chose to leave the clothing shop at this point, an additional change of clothes in a bag I was carrying. To be honest, I felt like a new man wearing this brand new clothing. It was softer and more comfortable than anything I'd ever worn back on my home world and I wondered silently what sort of material it was made of -- it felt even softer and silkier than polyester, but had a firmness and durability stronger than denim. It felt even softer than cotton, which amazed me.

We traveled just a short distance before we came to a restaurant. I was able to determine this by the sight of a dinner plate with silverware on each side of it, but what caught my attention was the fact that the restaurant had words I could actually read. "Samantha's Kitchen" the sign read, with each word separated by the plate with silverware.

On the way there, Vanessa explained to me that the sex shop was where partners would go to have sexual intercourse or engage in similar activities that were not permitted in public. Even displays of strong physical affection were frowned upon but tolerated. Intimate physical contact of a more personal nature had to be conducted in a sex shop. These were painted black on the front and had either a red heart or a pair of red lips in a puckered kiss above the door. I also asked about what it felt like to pay for stuff, especially when it wasn't for herself. She let a few hearty laughs escape her mouth before she regained her composure.

"It's like I told you earlier, we girls have to pay for the guys, especially when he has chosen soulmates! Oh, and it's very intense, I love making payments!" she chirped.

"I'd kind of like to experience that myself," I mused aloud. Vanessa grinned at me.

"Mmmh, the physical body healers could turn you into a girl -- but I don't know if they'd be able to change you back!" she chortled.

At this point, I decided to drop the matter, though it made me wonder how many times Vanessa was going to pay for my stuff, whatever it might happen to be. We entered the restaurant and were greeted by another girl, one who seated us immediately and brought out a menu for us. Said menu was the size of a phone book.

"If it can be made, they have it on their menu," Vanessa stated proudly, smiling warmly at me again. For some reason or other, I couldn't tear my gaze away from her -- I was worried Nanaimo would be upset by this, but the mare was quite content to let Makwela pet her, and it seemed to me as though the two of them had developed a bond as strong as the one I felt for the thicker girl. Maybe the four of us are meant to be together in a polyamorous relationship, I silently mused. I decided to flip through the menu to see what might appeal to me. I was surprised a little by some of the offerings, but noticed they also had my all-time favorite foods as well. I made a mental note of them for when the waitress would return. Vanessa and Makwela didn't need to look at the menu, but Nanaimo did -- and was able to find what she wanted and put the book back down on the table. The waitress returned with glasses of water for each of us and took our orders.

"May I have my salad before the meal?" I asked as the waitress returned to the kitchen to give the cook our orders. A moment later she returned with a prepared salad in a bowl for me. Nanaimo looked at me with envy, her mouth watering at the sight of my salad.

"Mike, I wish I had ordered a salad like that," she opined in her disappointment.

"Nanaimo, you ordered a salad already, they should be bringing it out shortly," I replied. I was stunned to see the waitress already having returned with a large bowl for the pony, the greens looking even more delicious than the salad I had been brought.

"Your food looks quite tasty, too," I noted warmly. "Perhaps we can share?"

Vanessa and Mawkela gawped at us, their mouths agape with shock and surprise. I raised an eyebrow at this display.

"Sharing food is only for intimate lovers!" Vanessa exclaimed, astonishment coloring her tone. She turned to Makwela who blushed deeply.

"So you two share food with each other?" I asked, both of them blushing very hard. It looked a bit unusual on dark-skinned girls when they blush, but this was unmistakable. Their blushing was so obvious, even the legally blind could detect it. Before we could go any further with the discussion, the waitress had returned with the orders for the young ladies. Vanessa had ordered two cheeseburgers with fries and Makwela had ordered chicken tenders, fried shrimp, and fries as well. Their food looked and smelled amazing, too. My mouth watered at the sight.

"Mike, this is our food! Yours will be out soon!" Vanessa giggled. The two girls took turns sharing their food, although their sharing was on a more intimate level. Nanaimo and I had simply swapped bowls to eat from them before returning our original bowls to ourselves. The waitress had returned yet again, Nanaimo's order of a hayburger with hay fries looking much more appetizing than I had imagined. My order was for a seafood sampler platter, with shrimp scampi, shrimp creole, blackened salmon filet with a rice pilaf and steamed broccoli whetting the appetites of all three ladies. The scent of the garlic was very impressive, the food seeming to melt in my mouth.

"Aw, Mike, let me try some of that! You can have some of my hayburger," Nanaimo offered. She wilted when I shook my head to reject her offer.

"Humans can't eat hay, Nanaimo," I replied. "But maybe the waitress can bring you a little sample or something," I added in an attempt to improve the mare's mood. In fact, it seemed as though she had read my mind, as she had brought out a small dish with a sample of some shrimp scampi. She took one in her hoof and started chewing, savoring the flavor of the garlic and butter. I expressed silent surprise at this, as I had somehow remembered ponies generally didn't eat meat. I chalked it up to seafood being different from standard meat. I took another bite of the salmon, relishing the flavor of the burnt part. Presently we finished our meals, and I watched both Makwela and Vanessa pay for us, although Nanaimo felt compelled to chip in as well. She seemed to enjoy making payment -- perhaps more than she should have, because her smile when she got off the machine spoke volumes.

"Mmmh, I see why you two like paying for stuff," the mare opined, trying to catch her breath after her exertion. The other two girls chuckled and nodded their heads in agreement. I had simply observed the three, silently wondering how much more of this I could stand without succumbing to the temptation all three of them seemed to offer while paying for our dinners.

"How does that psychic energy compensate for actual material goods?" I asked, though my question wasn't specifically directed to anyone in particular.

"You have quite a bit to learn about this place," Vanessa replied quite mirthfully. "But I know who I can take you to who will answer your questions."

"Sounds great, are we going there now?" I asked, a hopeful tone causing my voice to rise. My curiosity of this place seemed to grow exponentially with each revelation of something I had never expected or experienced. My pony was also showing curiosity as she sidled to me once we had left the restaurant. We started traveling towards the gleaming skyscrapers at this point, my curiosity growing further still.

"No, we're going home, it's going to get dark soon and we need to be home before that happens," she replied. Her tone seemed to indicate the matter was quite serious, and I wondered aloud what would happen if we didn't get inside before dark. She shuddered visibly. "You don't wanna know," she replied, her voice filled with worry.