• Published 10th Mar 2022
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Equestria Ninja Girls: Crash of the Titans - RainbowRaptorDash1

Get ready for a crash landing, because Mikey, Pinkie and Sonata's next adventure will be wumpa crazy!

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Episode 9: Operation Overboard

In Dimension X, Leo and the others were discussing the problem with the Utroms.

"Bishop, is there any chance you tracked them to where they ended up?" Leo asked.

"I am certain they are alive. However, you cannot go to where they are." Bishop answered, angering some of the heroes.

"WHAT?!" Raph, Rainbow Dash, Applejack and Casey shouted in unison.

"We tracked their dimensional pathway through several Quarantine Dimensions." Rook said.

"Quarantine?" Donnie wondered in confusion.

"There are several dimensions and Earths that are strictly off-limits to dimensional travelers due to high level dangers." Queen explained.

"Like what?" Raph asked with skepticism.

"Anything from freezing to death instantly to cannibalistic maniacs." Pawn answered, scaring some of the heroes, especially Fluttershy.

"EEP!!!" Fluttershy yelped in fear.

"Fortunately, you came at a unique time. Akano, they're in here!" Bishop called out, making the turtles, rainbooms, dazzlings and their allies turned to their left, only to see a floating purple mask.

"What the?!" Sunset gasped.

"Wait a minute, that must be Akano." Twilight asumed.

"Tur... tles... Rain... Booms... Daz... zlings... Follow." Akano simply said, when a quantum rift opened, revealing Lani-Loli.

"Akano! There you are!" Lani-Loli said in excitement.

"Now Lani-Loli, don't be rude to the children." A female voice advised as the source came through the rift, revealing to be a yellow and white mask, seeming to have a sundial as a part of her.

"Oh, sorry about that Kapuna-Wa. It's just I'm always like this when I'm panicked." Lani-Loli apologized.

"But we're all glad to know that Meadowbrook is still alive, thanks to being in the limbo for a thousand years, brother." A male voice added as he was revealed to be a mask that was green on the upper half, and turquoise on the lower half.

"Yeah, no kidding about that, Ika-Ika! No wonder none of us have sensed them, because they were in the limbo, a place where none of us can enter." Lani-Loli agreed, before Ika-Ika turned upside down, closing his eyes and opening another pair, letting out a depressed sigh.

"It must be great to have someplace that we can't get to." Ika-Ika said in an unmotivated tone.

"Huh?" All of the heroes asked in confusion, before Ika-Ika turned back right-side up.

"Oh, don't mind grumpy gus. He's always a downer." Ika-Ika joked before turning back upside down. "Yeah, don't mind me. I don't matter. Nothing matters." Ika-Ika said in depression before turning back right-side up.

"Back up a bit. You guys know Meadowbrook?" Leo asked in confusion.

"Yeah, she's a friend of ours we thought we lost a long time ago." Lani-Loli said in relief.

"Thank you." Akano said in gratitude as Karai noticed something.

"Not much of a talker, are you Akano?" Karai asked.

"...No." Akano simply answered.

"Short and to the point. Love this guy!" Lani-Loli said, admiring his brother's simplicity as Kapuna-Wa floated to the ninjas.

"If you're all wondering what or who we are, we're known as Quantum Masks. Lani-Loli is the Quantum Mask of Space, Ika-Ika is the Quantum Mask of Gravity, Akano is the Quantum Mask of Matter." Kapuna-Wa began introducing her brothers.

"That's right! Old dark matter himself!" Lani-Loli added, explaining Akano's powers further.

"And I'm time! I see everything! And I mean everything. You all have some strange developments in your future, your very near future! Shocking events that could change the course of your life!" Kapuna-Wa declared dramatically, scaring all of the heroes, before being cut off by her brother.

"Yeah, I'm just gonna stop you right there before you tell them how they all die!" Lani-Loli said in a panic, with that last bit left the heroes in shock.

"But I can tell you all that your friends will be coming home in a few days." Kapuna-Wa said, soothing all of the heroes' nerves.

"Really?" Leo asked, filled with hope.

"Yeah, otherwise we would be stuck taking the long route." Lani-Loli answered, as the good news made all of the heroes sigh in relief.

"You kids go home to Canterlot and wait for your friends. They'll be home soon." Kapuna-Wa said.

"Thank you, Kapuna-Wa." Leo said in gratitude as he and the other heroes went through the Utrom portal back into their dimension.

Meanwhile in Crash's world, he and his friends were spying on the Doom Monkey Village.

"Wow, it is like the movie." Mikey awed.

"Now's not the time for that, mate." Crash reminded as Pinkie and Sonata came back from recon with the siren's glowing red.

"Anyway to sneak through?" Crash asked.

"You give the bad news, where's our leftover dinner?" Sonata sarcastically asked with hissing anger.

"Seriously Sonata, please just calm down. Uh... Cupcake?" Pinkie nervously asked, holding a cupcake to Sonata, helping the siren cool down as Sonata started eating it. "There's no way to sneak pass the village that leads to the village. Worst part is they got huge mutant chained up down there." Pinkie pointed out as everyone looked over, seeing a big gorilla/scorpion hybrid mutant titan.

"That's one big monkey!" Sonata said.

"If we jack that thing, we'll be able to take them down easily." Crash said in realization.

"Dingodile, think you can handle the Doom Monkeys with Armalion?" Mikey asked.

"Sure thing, mates. We'll take care o' those missile-head blokes." Dingodile answered with confidence.

"This is gonna be one fun rodeo." Armalion agreed with excitement.

Meanwhile, the Doom Monkeys were tucking at the creature's restraints till they saw Dingodile riding on Armalion.

"Come and get some, boys!" Dingodile taunted, making the Doom Monkeys notice him.

"Unleash the fury!" A Doom Monkey ordered.

"Monkey rage!" Another Doom Monkey yelled as Dingodile started firing as the others started sneaking to the Gorrila creature, making it roared at them as it prepared to attack, with Mikey seeing what was going on with the Doom Monkeys.

"They're going bananas! No... They're going ape!" Mikey punned making everyone look unamused at the jokes, even the gorilla creature was looking unimpressed. "Et tu, Pinkie and Sonata?! That's just cold enough to make me hibernate!"

"Focus, everyone." Crash said as the gorilla creature broke its restraints and angrily pound its chest.

"Too late!" Foxer dreaded.

"Time to break out the heavy artillery. Crabusk!" Crash ordered.

"Right, Boss!" Crabusk agreed as he turned into a Shellephant mask, which Crash donned, transforming him into a human sized and shaped Shellephant/Bandicoot hybrid, becoming Ashbusk.

"Still, I don't think that Scorporilla will be easy to stun." Mikey pointed out as Ashbusk threw the Scorporilla to the ground hard and kicked it stunned.

"Here I come!" Pinkie said as she jumped onto the arm, then the shoulder, and then the head, jacking it, only for a light to erupt. And when it faded, The skin of the Scorporilla was pale light grayish olive, its fur was pale, light grayish rose, with the scales on its tail being moderate opal, and had light rose-quartz tribal tattoos on its fur.

"Ooh... What happened *Gasp!* Oh my! I didn't hurt anyone, did I? I'm so sorry!" The Scorporilla titan apologized greatly.

"Fluttershy." Mikey and Sonata said in agreement.

"Hey, we need your help right now." Pinkie requested as she pointed to an overwhelmed Dingodile.

"Wh-Who is that?" The Scorporilla titan timidly asked.

"He's a friend, Scorgomid!" Pinkie answered as Scorgomid charged to the rescue and swatted them off Dingodile.

"Sorry, distant cousins." Scorgomid apologized as she swatted them away with her tail.

"Monkey over." A Doom Monkey said in defeat as all of the Doom Monkeys fled in terror.

"I definitely don't regret switching side. Thanks, lass." Dingodile said in gratitude.

"Oh. Uh, I didn't do much. Ooh... I hope they don't hate me..." Scorgomid whimpered.

"I'm sure they'll be fine." Mikey reassured the giant titan mutant as Ashbusk took off his mask, turning back into Crash and saw the path ahead.

"GUYS, GRAB YOUR WHEELS!" Crash said to the ninja trio.

"OKAY!" The three goofballs responded.

"What about me?" Dingodile asked.

"Scorgomid, carry Dingodile and the carriage around the mountain. We'll meet up with you later." Crash told Scorgomid, who scarcely nodded her head, and taking them with her while she leapt away. And after that, the Four Friends got ready for a friendly race.

"Ready mates?" Crash asked.

"Three..." Mikey started.

"Two..." Pinkie added.

"One..." Sonata continued.

"GO!!!" The four heroes shouted in unison as they were off!

Crash and his friends rode the slopes through the mountain and discovered toxic waste barrels.

"Guys, watch where you ride. The last thing we need is any of us growing a third arm." Crash warned.

"Yeah dude, already been mutated once, and that's enough for me." Mikey agreed.

"Growing a third arm... funny, but scary thought. I'll stick with two." Pinkie noted.

"No way am I getting hit by toxic waste!" Sonata said as the heroes dodged the obstacles without even a hint of waste on any of them and rode off of a ramp, ending with Pinkie landing first.

"Whoo-hoo! I win this time!" Pinkie cheered as Sonata landed second.

"Yeah! We got ahead of them!" Sonata agreed as she and Pinkie gave each other a high five.

"Girls rule!" The kunoichis cheered as Mikey and Crash tied for third.

"You cool with a tie, Crash?" Mikey asked his fellow mutant.

"Don't mind at all mate." Crash humble answered before Pinkie noticed something in the waste, it was some kind of Chameleo/Slug/Pig hyrbid mutant titan.

"Whoa! That one looks like Muckman!" Pinkie pointed out as the others saw what she was talking about.

"Yeesh, that’s on nasty looking Sludge." Mikey said.

"I can handle jacking this one." Crash responded.

"Alright, but make sure you don't get sick from touching him." Sonata warned Crash.

"Here I go, mates!" Crash said as the Sludge throw its arms and tried to hit Crash, but he dodged every swing. "Somersault Kicks!" Crash called out as he landed a few kicks in the Sludge's face, stunning it. "Something tells me I won't be able to hold on to the head." Crash noticed before jumping inside the titan and jacked it.

"Nasty." The girls gagged, before the Sludge glowed in a bright light, and when it faded, it showed the slime of the Sludge to be orange with brown bits, and had blue tribal tattoos on its body.

"Oy, that was weird." The sludge titan before letting out a gasp, closing its mouth with its hands. "I-I can talk? YAHOO!!!"

"Can I get out now?" Crash asked, allowing the Sludge Titan to spit Crash out of his body.

"Sorry ‘bout that, mate." The Sludge titan apologized.

"It's cool. Every titan we jack just means one more we save." Crash brushed off with a smile.

"How would you like the name, Sligeon?" Mikey asked.

"Sounds that that name suits me just right, mate." Sligeon answered.

"Alright everyone, let's move out towards the factory." Crash ordered, only to be briefly stopped by Sonata.

"Just a second." Sonata said, throwing a Shurikin at a Spybot, destroying it. "So much for a sneak attack."

"Wow! Did you gain a Sonata Sense?!" Pinkie asked in excitement.

"Nah, just my ninja instincts." Sonata simply answered with a shrug.

Meanwhile N. Gin growled at another destroyed Spybot.

"Grrrrr!!! That siren girl makes me so mad! I could rip out my missile!" N. Gin growled as he was yanking the missile on his head.

"Just make sure she remains unharmed." Uka Uka ordered.

"And the others?" N. Gin asked.

"Do what you will." Uka Uka answered.

"Besides, we're gonna be going to Uka Uka's lab to make more loyal mutant soldiers." Nina added as she and Uka uka left with N. Gin getting on the intercom.

"Attention Doom Monkeys, prepare for battle! Shower them with fisticuffs! Or is it cutifists? DAAHHH, just hit them!" N. Gin ordered.

To be continued...

Author's Note:

Aku Aku's Guidance:

The Scorporilla
Stay sharp, guys, and watch out for her gargantuan arms, crushing feet, and her huge scorpion tail! Maybe you should just stay away from her altogether, okay?

Next time on Equestria Ninja Girls...

Crash: We're almost there!

N. Gin: They're getting that look in their eyes again!

Sligeon: Don't worry, I'll make sure none of you will get sick from me.

Mikey: Phew... That's a relief, because I didn't want to get another Shellacne.

Sonata: Let's have some target practice!

Foxer: I thought you'd never ask!

Pinkie: Let's do this!

Aku Aku: Episode 10: A Sludge Too Far