• Published 10th Mar 2022
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Equestria Ninja Girls: Crash of the Titans - RainbowRaptorDash1

Get ready for a crash landing, because Mikey, Pinkie and Sonata's next adventure will be wumpa crazy!

  • ...

Episode 11: Shock and Awesome

After the smoke caused by the dynamites cleared from the explosion, everyone saw a strange door on the ground.

"Huh? What's this, dude?" Mikey wondered as he and all of his friends looked at the words that read on the steel.

"'SECRET FACTORY?!'" Everyone gasped.

"N. Gin! Why that little...!!!" Sonata growled.

"Calm down, Sonata!" Crash suggested as everyone entered the door, looking around, seeing the facility.

"Man, this place is a lot bigger than it looks." Mikey noticed as Sonata looked at a map on the wall.

"Seriously? A map?" Sonata deadpanned.

"N. Gin was never good with directions. At least we got means to know where we're going." Dingodile said.

"Looks like we'll have to get to the power station if we want to blow this place up." Crash suggested.

"But knowin' N. Gin, the power station is also where he orders the dumb missile-head apes." Dingodile responded.

"Just makes our job easier." Pinkie said, looking on the bright side.

"Alright everyone, let's move out because this place ain't going to be destroy itself with us standing around." Crash ordered while none of them noticed N. Gin was watching on the security monitors.

"Enjoy... your SCREAMING DOOM!!!" N. Gin declared as he pressed a switch, making something head for the heroes as Crash and his friends were heading in the direction of the power station when ice pillars appeared in front of them.

"Brr!!! It's cold in here!" Pinkie shivered.

"I'm glad I became a mutant!" Mikey said in relief.

"Uh guys, I think we're going to get a frosty welcome. Pun not intended." Sonata pointed out when something smashed through the ice pillars, revealing to be a rat mutant titan.

"Not again! This is like the Rat King all over again! Except this time, it's with a Ratcicle!" Mikey panicked, naming the new titan species.

"Rat King?" Crash asked in confusion.

"It's a long story." Mikey answered as the Ratcicle sent ice pillars to the heroes, but Dingodile melted them with his Flamethrower pistol.

"Heh. Ya know ice and fire don't mix, mate." Dingodile taunted.

"Especially lava!" Solava added as she stomped the ground, causing a fault line to shoot forward while leaking magma, stunning the Ratcicle.

"I got this." Sonata said as she rushed towards it, jacking the titan, causing a bright light to cover the Ratcicle. When the light faded, the Ratcicle's fur was moderate sapphire blue, the stripes on its arms were moderate violet, the claws were brilliant rose, and it had magenta tribal tattoos on its fur.

"Wha-What happened? !!! I can talk?! But that's scientifically impossible!" The Ratcicle guessed, finding this discovery unbelievable.

"Twilight." Mikey and Pinkie said, unimpressed that the titan had the same personality as their science friend with glasses.

"Who?" The Ratcicle wondered.

"Friend of ours." Sonata answered as she got off of the titan.

"How about we call you Micolda?" Pinkie asked.

"Actually, I think that name is the best choice. Anyway, thank you so much for freeing me! And I'll help you find the best probability to find and beat N. Gin!" Micolda said, ready to help her new friends as the intercom came on.

"You fools think you can destroy this factory. You're even stupider than you all look." N. Gin taunted.

"Says the half-brained two-faced personality cyborg." Crash countered.

"Ha! Good one, mate!" Dingodile gloated, making everyone else snickered as N. Gin growled.

"You fools! Even if you destroy the factory, we’re already ahead of schedule with the Doominator. And we'll more power when we take the Siren girl prisoner." N. Gin said, catching everyone's attention.

"You're after Sonata?!" Mikey and Pinkie gasped.

"Somehow, I'm not surprised." Crash deadpanned.

"Wha-Why?!" Sonata asked in horror.

"I think it's because of that red aura." Aku Aku theorized.

"Uka Uka knows who you are. And once we get you thinking correctly, you'll be back on the right side." N. Gin said as Sonata felt her anger grow at his words.

"That Uka Uka...! He's just like the Shredder!!!" Sonata growled as she started gaining that red aura again.

"Yes! Let your anger grow! Prove that you belong with us!" N. Gin cheered, making Sonata realize what she was doing and what they were planning.

"No... I won't lose myself to anger." Sonata said as she breathed in and out slowly, calming herself and making the red aura fade.

"Nice try, stupid." Mikey said with a confident smile.

"Like our friend is going to join you." Pinkie added with the same smile.

"Ha! How'd you like that, N. Gin?" Crash taunted.

"It would seem Sonata's caught on to you, Nina and Uka Uka's plan. Well she won't fall for it any longer." Aku Aku said.

"Yeah! In your metal-flesh face!" Dingodile cheered, making N. Gin growl in frustration.

"ALL SECURITY TO THE POWER STATION OF THE FACTORY! Also, please note that tomorrow is Hawaiian Shirt Day. Please find a festive yet tacky shirt to wear." N. Gin informed, causing a dead silence as a tumbleweed rolled by.

Mikey decided to break that silence. "Let's just focus on the first part. Looks like we'll need an attack plan."

"Agreed." The kunoichis agreed as everyone snuck to the Power Station and saw mutants and Doom Monkeys ready for a fight.

"Scorgomid, we'll need you, Sonata, Foxer, Dingodile, and Crabusk keep their attention on you all. The rest of us we'll sneak by and set the TNT." Crash ordered.

"I believe I'll be more assistant with the assault them." Micolda suggested as she thrusted her claws into the ground, causing ice and frozen spikes to erupt and spread in front of her throughout the whole room, freezing all of the enemy mutants and Doom Monkeys, as well as making Mikey, Pinkie, Sonata and Crash's jaws drop.

"Or we could do that." Crash uttered.

"Are they okay?" Sonata asked in concern.

"Don't worry, I analyzed the potential of my abilities, so I only made them immobile." Micolda answered.

"Dingodile, set the dynamite." Crash ordered as Dingodile started setting the TNT with Micolda doing calculations on how much time they have to escape.

"How long do we have to escape?" Mikey asked.

"From the looks of things and my calculations, about 10 minutes!" Micolda answered.

"That should be enough time for them to escape." Sonata said in relief.

"N. Gin probably isn't too far." Crash noted before the intercom came on.

"Fools! Did you really think that was the only power station?!" N. Gin asked.

"What are you talking about?" Crash asked in confusion.

"Tsk-Tsk-Tsk...! The Secondary Power supply is more than powerful enough to fuel the factory. And I didn't map it, because I'm with it!" N. Gin gloated.

"Crikey! I didn't think he could smarter?!" Dingodile said in shock.

"Everyone learns from their mistakes." Crash reminded.

"Good point." Grihoga admitted.

"I know every square inch of this factory. Follow me." Micolda urged.

"Okay. Lead the way!" Foxer said with Micolda lead the way as everyone followed, before she spotted something ahead.

"Oh, shoot! I forgot! The only way to get to the other power station, is through that wall!" Micolda remembered with a face-palm.

"This'll be hard to knock down." Foxer admitted.

"Yeah... But, maybe... A RhinoRoller could help us get through here! Armalion, we'll need your help!" Micolda said to the RhinoRoller.

"Say no more, sugarcube. Let's roll!" Armalion declared when everyone got out of her way as Armalion bouldered through.

"Now THAT was bulldozing through those steel walls." Sligeon said, impressed by that.

"Glad she's on our side." Dingodile replied in relief.

"Alright everyone, stay close and watch each other's backs." Crash instructed as the heroes and titans went forward, going through rooms, beating Doom Monkeys and freeing other mutant titans.

"Okay, next, we should head up that vent." Micold said, pointing to a path going straight up, literally.

"Perfect. Hey Sonata, if you want to hang back. It's okay." Crash suggested.

"Yeah, we can handle things here." Mikey added.

"No. I don't leave my friends behind." Sonata said, filled with DETERMINATION.

"The rest of us will go ahead and meet with you later." Crash told all of the titans as he and the other heroes with Aku Aku jumped up the vent.

"He has a good point, because I know where our two paths can meet up." Micolda remembered as she lead the rest of her mutant friends a different path to meet up with the others.

Later, Crash and his friends got ahead to the next room, only to find it a public shower.

"C'mon dudes! Let's go!" Mikey declared as he was about to go in, only to notice no one moving an inch, not to mention Pinkie and Sonata's faces are red as tomatoes. "Dudes? What's wrong?"

"Not a word." Pinkie uttered.

"Mention this to anyone, and you will regret it." Sonata threatened as she had a dark aura and Pinkie had flat hair.

"I'd take their word for it, mate." Crash said as the three heroes and Aku Aku went ahead, leaving Mikey behind.

"What? What did I do?" Mikey asked in confusion.

"Mikey, this is a Men's Public Shower!" Sonata said in anger.

"You better promise that you won't tell about this to anyone or we'll beat the tar out of you!" Pinkie threatened.

"Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." Mikey said, doing the signature Pinkie Promise, calming the kunoichis.

"What was that?" Crash asked in confusion.

"A Pinkie Promise." Pinkie answered.

"Mikey can't break it or Pinkie Pie will beat the snot out of him." Sonata explained.

"Again, I won't question it." Aku Aku simply said.

"Again, good call." Mikey agreed as the heroes fought their way through the shower to an elevator. "Well dudes, we made it."

"Yeah, pretty good fight." Dingodile agreed as he wiped his forehead with his arm, before Crash sniffed the air.

"Anyone else smell Wet Dog?" Crash asked as everyone instinctively looked at Dingodile.

"What? C'mon mates! I'm half dingo! Who'd ya expect? Milton Berle?" Dingodile rhetorically asked.

"Got any cologne in your hair, Pinkie?" Sonata requested as Pinkie dug through her hair.

"No, but will spray-on deodorant work?" Pinkie asked.

"Close enough." Sonata answered as Dingodile took the can and started spraying himself.

"Hey Dingo, out of curiosity, what are you going to do when were done?" Crash wondered.

"Honestly, I'm thinking about openin' a restaurant I'll call, Dingo's Diner!" Dingodile answered, putting a bit of dread on Crash and Aku Aku's faces. "Spice Cheese Nachos, Chilli Fries, 50 Cheese Pizza." Dingodile described, making Crash and Aku Aku relax at the sound of edible food.

"DUDE!!! That's my kind of diner! Sign me up for bein' the first customer!" Mikey cheered.

"Me, too!" Pinkie agreed.

"I call Taco Menu!" Sonata added.

"Phew... Better now than in the future." Crash said in relief.

"Agreed." Aku Aku said, also relieved by the news.

"You two okay?" Dingodile asked.

"We'll explain it later, buddy." Crash answered.

"Right now, let's get into the elevator." Aku Aku informed as everyone got into the elevator and rode it down.

To be continued...

Author's Note:

Aku Aku's Guidance:

The RhinoRoller
This armor-plated beast rolls himself into a ball to knock down enemies, or even friends that look at him funny.
Next time on Equestria Ninja Girls...

Everyone: There it is!!!

Skunture: Doesn't look like we can take it out on the outside though.

Scorgomid: Oh... What'll we do?

Mikey: Find a way to get inside!

Pinkie: Indeedy!

Sonata: Take out the core, take out the station!

Crash: N. Gin's probably at the core too!

Dingodile: Righty-o, mates!

Aku Aku: Episode 12: Weapons of Mass Construction