• Member Since 23rd Dec, 2014
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Comments ( 348 )

Wait. You posted a new story!? Congratulations! Let me track this right now and claim the first comment of this story! Huzzah!

Also, let me guess, Prisoners of War is that other story hm?

Liked this chapter, it sets up the paths that this new arc, 'Bound by Blood', will take!

I think we can all agree that Beatrix needs to figure out how to stop her magic from distorting dimensions. I don't think she's ever visited Shadow's world??? And yet the changes still occurred. That's very, and I mean very powerful magic. No wonder why a simple subconscious wish caused Midnight's dimension to fall into its deadly state.

Hope to see a moment where a remedy is found, though what Iclyn says is very damn true. Just don't travel anymore. Take care of Aba, the daughter you corrupted dozens of worlds for. The daughter you loved so much that you literally made an entirely new timeline where she exists. The daughter who you loved so much that you got the Nice Job Breaking It, Hero! achievement by making the Burning King appear, and thus result in many soldiers' deaths and the injury of several of your friends. Your friends!

Iclyn might not be the most liked in the group, given that she's been rebuking what Beatrix and Oona constantly, but damn I can't deny that what she says is true. But then, it's not entirely Beatrix's fault. Shadow's world was changed even with Beatrix not going to it. Zeloph had a part in making Aba and starting the prophecy. Really, everyone had a fault, but most importantly the Necronomicon was the true culprit of things, it always has been, and Beatrix's simply someone who had to cope with these things, not really understanding the gravity of her actions until so much has been changed. Also the Necronomicon was where Zeloph found Aba??? And it was where Moxxi stored Zeloph? And then it was-

Yeah, screw the Necronomicon, somebody find a way to burn it cause it's been the problem always, and it will continue to be the problem (not that anybody could burn it but you get the point)!

Moxxi now knows what Bellatrix has been doing, and let me say, I was surprised by the extent of rage when Alma began to taunt her. We know that Moxxi has been holding back for so long to prevent herself from falling back into Anarchia, to the point where it became a transformation rather than a natural state. I hope that Moxxi and Bellatrix don't slip up around Alma, cause even if she's weakened she's still a great threat.

Yeah, there's a lot of ambiguous characters that still exist within this story, especially Omen. Though there's a greater than equal chance that he will turn against the team, I just hope that this has been a misunderstanding, but it's not like we've seen other stags to suspect of. And his final line at the end of Lightendark doesn't help his position.

Hope to see how things fare with Midnight and his herd planning to go back to his world. There could be some serious things going on that they need to attend. RIP to everyone who died there by the way, the death toll from such a brutal war would probably be very enormous. Of course, it wouldn't be as large as the multiple Necronomicon Wars in Beatrix's world or how Cerise's world has been decimated by eldritch and demi-gods. But still, it would be large!

Ah! Suspense at the final sentence of this chapter! I hope that Shadow and Zeloph prosper together and fend off against those who want to kill them. Also it's nice to see Shadow's real name again. I know that this story centered between the two will be very fun!

Beatrix visited Shadow Scythe's world in The Last Sunny Days of Equestria, where they first clashed.

Ah. Dang it! I'm reading the first story of that three-part series, so I didn't know yet. Curse my lack of knowledge!

Erm, not sure what context you read, but Moxxi wasn't angry because she couldn't control herself. It's been well established that Moxxi can flip between imp and succubus shape whenever she feels like it.

  1. Esmerelda smirked when they descended the stairs as a pair and shook her head. “Alas, dear Camellia. Unable to relinquish her vendetta against men after years of abuse by her ex's hand. A shame, really. I often miss being pampered by credulous chaps~!” She tittered at a subdued snarl from her partner before picking up a peculiar scent. “Say, Camellia,” the slender thestral paused, taking quick sniffs of the air. “Do my senses deceive me, or do you smell that too?”

    Now I'm curious.

  2. “Ooh! Do forgive us,” teased Esmerelda, who leered. “Perhaps we came on far too sharply.”

    Typo here. It's "Esmeralda".

  3. With dinner set, everyone took their places where a steamed feast was served. Soon hands wandered to the silverware. The marionettes laid out scrumptious cuisine, the room filled with succulent aromas that made mouths water. Just then, another guest arrived through the double doors. A zebra huntress named Nyeusi, or in the common tongue, Ebony Ivory.

    Alternate plural: "aromata".

  4. “But surely, having your child again was worth all the lives sacrificed, right Belladonna?” the deer woman sarcastically asked Beatrix, visibly soured. “Or are we ignoring the fact that calamity follows you wherever you wander?”

    Is she really trying to make Beatrix feel guilty? She should be grateful that more didn't die!😠

  5. Beatrix remained quiet, a tang of guilty washing over her. If she were in the deighdyr’s hooves, the witch would be just as upset!

    It's "guilt".

  6. “I don’t wish to keep you prisoner,” confessed Bellatrix, trying to keep a neutral face, thankful her crimson skin hid a faint blush upon her cheeks. “As my consort, I’d imagine you’d serve my court well. I only want your compliance. Give me that, and I’ll provide the freedom you seek.”

    Trying to make a Vice Lord your consort?? Tell me how that could end well.🙄

  7. Bellatrix was about to say something with pursed lips before the imp spoke up first. “ Don’t, ” Moxxi said flatly. “When I’m ready ter talk abaht it, I’ll come ter ya.”

    That does make me wonder. Is she afraid of letting Zeloph go? If so, why?

  8. "The Vorpal Blade," she commented once she took the needle-like sword from the wall, adorned by a ring-like hole on its end. "I was but a foal when I used it to make my first kill. A mythic creature known as the Jabberwocky."

    Wait, wait, wait! Did she take on the alias "Alice" during her travels!?😮

  9. The couple left the scene hand-in-hand, utterly unaware that the stallion in question had been observing them from a distance.

    So why is he hiding from his daughter?

1. As am I. Always happy to have new characters to explore. :twilightsmile:
2./3./5. Great suggestions!
4. Hard to fault her given Beatrix still hasn’t gotten a grip of her anomalous prowess. Iclyn may not a nice person, but she be spitting facts.
6. Alma’s not out for needless destruction anymore so… maybe? :twilightsheepish:
7. It’s a bit complicated.
8. Don’t think so, but that would be hilarious! Pretty sure it’s just a reference.
9. There’s a chapter in Bewitching Hour that explains this. But we’ll soon learn why in this story.

You know that this arc will as intense as the previous one if the second chapter has a boss rush.

I love the character interactions as always! So it seems that the vamponies want to ally themselves with Alma eh? I guess this would be the perfect distraction for them now.

This scene would be very cool to see animated with every villain appearing. Ah, and once again the Necronomicon will be one of the many troubles that they'll have to face. Like seriously, how many times did that book screw everybody over? I know it's indestructible but come on! It has to be destroyed or at least sent to a dimension/void so far away that it's as good as gone.

Maybe destroying the Necronomicon or severing Beatrix's connection to it would help remove the distortion around her as well as weaken the book a lot? That book has followed her since day one and if Beatrix is going to have her anomaly trait fixed, then the Necronomicon should be addressed as well!

Oh dear, Changelings still exist in Midnight's world, ready to strike back again! Reminds me on how the Foal Bearer became the leader of the Necronomicon Cult and soon reinitiated the Necronomicon Wars after 12 Years. Considering how strong Beatrix influenced her timeline onto Midnight's, it wouldn't be crazy to assume that the time at which the Second Changeling Invasion begins is the same amount as the time between the First and Second Cult Wars.

Not a lot is known about his world, but if this is true, does that mean that Midnight was 6 when the war ended? His mother and sister did die in a camp raid (strong parallels to the Camp Massacre in Shining Force 1)

This makes me so excited to see what more parallels will be made between Beatrix's world and Midnight's world :D

Good thing that backup came for Beatrix as well! Otherwise, things might've been already over at that moment. Oh, and Natural Selection wanting to go after Oona, that struck a lot in me *chills*

Good thing that Omen is on our side! (Right?) (I know that it's still in the air where he is, but if he's helping us now that's a good thing!)

If it's true that they were killed, I bid Stygian and Somnambula farewell.

Can't wait to see what happens next!

blitzer informed me about this, interesting

you're welcome! Was confused as to why you didn't show up but now you're here!

  1. The witch looked down before cupping her hands over her face. “Okay, unwarranted hostility aside, Iclyn’s clearly concerned for Oona’s safety as I am. And… she’s been making fair points. I don’t know what I’m supposed to do about my’ problem’. Is it that bad of me to want to continue my expeditions? It’s part of who I am!”

    The spacing here is misplaced for the opening quotation.

  2. Zeloph shrugged. “All the more reason to find a solution quickly. If you can remove your abnormal properties, you restore all the spacial oddities that followed you, including Midnight’s ‘hyper-stallionism!’ I’d say it’s worth a shot.”

    If there's a chance that something like allowing Midnight to live a full life can happen, I'm in.🙋

  3. “Do it, and I’ll remove your lips,” threatened Shadow Scythe, who lightly pushed the witch off her boyfriend. With a teasing titter, she walked away with an extra bounce in her step.

    Yeesh, Shadow. Was that really necessary?😒

  4. “Wisdom does not come to a wandering spirit like Beatrix,” the demi-human countered. “It must be found before it can be nurtured. I’m sure Lady Ewe picked up on that when she first took her as a student. But stay in one place for too long, and you’ll go mad. I know that from experience.”

    I second this. Sure, Iclyn has her concerns about what would happen if Beatrix continues frolicking across the multiverse, but is her insistence that she simply stop any better an option?

  5. “Me too,” Zeloph nodded with a smile. “Now, let’s hurry to the library before my sister and Demi-Trix learn of our return~!”

    And this is why you're no fun.😑

  6. “Careful,” purred Alma, a deadly smirk spreading her lips. “Look all ye want, ladies. But A’m afraid ye can’t touch~.”

    Is this a prison cell or a strip club?😖

  7. “Is that so?” snorted Esmerelda, who noted the tendrils poised like snakes ready to strike. “Hmm… Before you alert your mistress, may we offer a boon?” She reached into her satchel and removed a wrapped up arm, little more than a slab of preserved meat^ which she unveiled.

    You could use a comma here.

  8. “Yes~! Delicious, is it not?” Camellia smiled, her mask cut to show her ruby lips. “We can provide more if you keep this little encounter a secret.”

    Ok, if bribing the manor with meat is that easy, then we have a big problem.

  9. “ ...ꋪ꒤ꋊ! ”

    Abadonna's going to have a blast with a dad like that!😆

  10. Beatrix couldn’t help overhearing this and instantly blamed herself for this surprise attack. Had she not traveled to all these places and made so many enemies, this wouldn’t have happened.

    It's "travelled". Also, while Beatrix did make many enemies, they were only united thanks to Mortis.

  11. Iclyn, the stoic, cold-hearted bitch, was in a fetal position on the floor. Her aurora green eyes stared off into space, her body shivering. Oona was still in bed, trepidation, and agitation clear on her face when her eyes found Beatrix’s.

    Oh, shit. What did Omen make her see?

1./7./10. Oh, nice!
2. And, y'know, stop accidentally altering innocent lives.
3. Zeloph is the one good thing going in her life, so she doesn't want anyone taking him away from her. That being said, Shadow Scythe will likely need to learn not to be so clingy.
4. Ultimately, no one knows if either option is correct.
5. I take it you never had an annoying sibling/relative that drove you up the wall :rainbowwild:
6. It shows how seriously Alma's taking her imprisonment~.
8. The Manor, probably.
9. A dad that knows everyone's greatest fear and is likely a cannibal? Yeah, totally a rad fellow!
11. 😶

In Shadow Scythe's case, I figure she was half-joking...although if Beatrix did make a real move on Zeloph, I'm sure the results wouldn't be pleasant!

As for the manor, since it originally fused with Bellatrix on the agreement she would take care of it, between using it as a weapon and being forced to hold back all the time, it's seriously considering alternatives...

Dion knocking out Natural Selection was good for Ebony, bad for Natural.

Uh oh! Seems that Bellatrix found herself at the same situation that she was in the Manor! Trapped.

Yay! Moonlight can have a chance to get her wings back!

Yeah, just how many years Midnight had burned off? And looks like Omen is here, as an ally that everyone is sus of. His ability is cool at least. And oops! Sorry for interrupting you, Ashen and Rheneas! That fusion does seem very overpowered not gonna lie.

Things do look to be very hectic, not only with the many external threats but the small cracks/instabilities within their own group.

NO! Is that Zuri, Kali, and Tisha?! No!

Seems that everyone who I make and then gets exported here will suffer some type of terrible fate! i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/881/867/6f6.jpg

Do you guys wish to receive another OC from me? I do have an open policy that any OC I make can be used if that's your wish. Not that I'll be spamming OCs just to add another, but any OC that you think could fit this series that has or will have a major role in my series is open to be used.

That sounds like something you should have asked ahead of time. There’s a lot more characters yet to appear and we don’t wanna add too many people to follow. Part of the reason where splitting the story in two is to dedicate focus to each tale as equally!

Well, I think Midnight, Moonlight, any references to Midnight's past life (mainly his family who's role is being dead), the Royal Zebrican Family (Sahel, Zuri, Kali, Tisha) and maybe Midnight's father Thunder Storm (if he's even included in the thought process) are enough characters, and I'm happy that they're in the story.

Like, the OC that could've been added probably already died, and if not, I don't think he would have any relation to this Midnight like he would in my story. I just added that last line as a joke, as well as a reminder that any OC I have could be used, but I think those OCs will be the only ones who'll be used right? Which is fine with me! I'm already interested with what could happen to the Zebrican Princesses!

Would they be tied in with Zeloph's story, given that they'll be experimented by Varys, or will they be tied in with Midnight's story, given that they were created by me? Or maybe in another plot, like maybe with Ebony / The Zebrican?

A mix of Zeloph and the Zebrica plotline.

Alright! Then I can't wait to see what will happen next!
Though unlikely, given that neither would remember their past lives (and this is assuming that Midnight's timeline simply went on a glitched loop until we got the Lightendark variant, and not that it's different AUs. I like the glitched loop theory btw), it would be a tad interesting to see the Zebrican princesses scratch their manes upon seeing Midnight, as if they remember each other. But of course, we know that they couldn't remember him unless some weird stuff happened that allows them to see some memories that weren't theirs but feels like they should.

  1. Natural Selection scoffed at the twins, casting a leer at them. "What kind of man allows wenches to fight alongside him!? Perhaps after dealing with you, I'll claim these trophies for myself and properly break them in-"

    And just for that little bout of misogyny, I'll give you a brief warning (Primes SAR-21 rifle): I may have never fired a gun in my life, but that doesn't mean I don't know how to use this!😡

  2. “Oh yes, it was,” countered the gray stag. “You think words of encouragement are going to help? If each of your plans on getting through this calamity, you must accept one fundamental truth that you refuse to believe in.”

    It's "you".

  3. His statement made Shadow Scythe shudder as she turned to Oona. “Why do you indulge with such abysmal suitors? Surely you could have done better! Uhh, no offense, Belladonna.”

    It's "in".

  4. Wispy snarky added, “Nooooo, really? Where’d you get that idea?!”

    Replace with "snarkily".

  5. “ Especially Grimmwald,” insisted the charcoal deer. “Don’t let his nobility fool you. He’s a cunning warlock and a sociopath, able to convince you that his desires are righteous. And before you realize it, you’re already the latest pet in his menagerie of Grimms. So take heed the next time you visit Canterlot, Beatrix. It might not return as who you were….”

    Did you mean "you"?

  6. With their missions realized and nothing left to lose, everyone went to their respective groups and began preparations to tackle the next journeys ahead.

    It's "journey".

  7. Bellatrix is going to have to come clean with what she's been doing in the basement soon, or they'll all die. What's it going to take for her to learn that she's been hurting the manor more than she's cared for it!?😟

1. When will pigs learn you can’t treat women like that cx
2./3./4./5./6. Huh, a lot of errors focused this round. That’s a little sad.
7. It may already be too late.

7) So is Bellatrix already a dead woman walking?

Very good chapter! So I guess the story will split now or soon? And oh dear, seems that them in Manor in trouble. Yeah, seems that Bellatrix's bet has turned into a full blown blunder.

I love the hot talk, and every moment just feels so great. I hope that they're able to let Moonlight fly again!

This story deserves more attention. Like truly. Best M Rated series I've read. A good mix of clop and story is what I like!

  1. "Apparently, it was forged from a legendary steel material that no longer exists,” she explained while tracing her finger over his bare chest. “It cuts so finely, it can breach the barriers between dimensions. Maybe that's why it proved so effective against the Jabberwocky I slew many years ago. Not even the sturdiest of armors could withstand its blows!"

    Wait, how does that work? Materials can't go extinct.😕

  2. Her brow rose before she leaned in to answer his challenge with a kiss. Once their lips pressed together, so did their bodies as she fully straddled atop him. Zeloph’s face flustered as she slipped off the strapless bra, her dark nipples erect. What little sexual attraction he felt sprouted as his member hardened against her grinding pelvis.

    Did you mean "flushed"?

  3. She pulled away with a heated sigh. "A shame most of my secrets aren't pleasant ones. I've already confessed my crimes, but that won’t change what happened. I think it's partially my fault Midnight awakened his hyper-stallion nature, too. Back when I once bonded with this accursed mansion and battled Beatrix."

    Maybe not, but the fact that you acknowledged your crimes entirely on your own is a good step forward on the road to redemption.🙂

  4. "Don’t be ridiculous," the demi-human cupped her head to stare directly at her with a loving gaze. "You never played on Beatrix’s insecurities just to have your way with her. Nor did you manipulate thousands of people into blindly following your scheme. Only then to try and erase everything that despised you.”

    Replace this full stop with a comma.

  5. For all his cheesy dribble, Zell knew exactly what to say to make her heart swoon. So Shadow Scythe happily rewarded her silver-tongued lover with a deep, passionate kiss as the two rolled over in the covers. With him on top, he trailed his kisses down her neck, caressing every inch of her lithe form with the lightest touch and the sweetest kiss. The reaper shuddered as he suckled her hard nipples, briefly taking a moment to appreciate her tiny yet supple tits before continuing his seduction south.

    Getting some of that growth potion from Beatrix is still on her bucket list.🙃

  6. Zeloph glided his fingers over her soaked mound, sliding the soiled garments off her slender legs before bringing his mouth to her thighs, inching closer and closer to her dripping marehood. And once she felt his tongue make contact, her body arched up, and an enlightened gasp coaxed ^ out her vocal cords. Warmth and ecstasy flowed throughout her being once Shadow Scythe brushed through Zeloph’s midnight locks, pushing his face further into her pussy.

    Add "its way" here.

  7. Muffled slurps resounded from her feathery eared lover, whose nose lightly brushed against her clit for further stimulation. The pressure in her loins continued to build with each stroke and lick until Atalanta couldn’t hold back a loud moan, rewarding the fallen one with a splash of fem cum, drenching his mouth.

    Hyphenate this phrase.

  8. While away from prying eyes, their affectionate moans were audible to the room next door. Beatrix’s ears perked up when she overheard her friend’s romantic endeavors and the thump of flesh. “Hehe~! Who would have guessed the merciless death goddess and the false messiah would make sure a cute pair!” She tittered.

    Replace with "?".

  9. "Ah pray mah old friend will come around," admitted the dream faun, a hand resting on her belly. "Ah know she is difficult, Ceann Oga. But deep in her core, Iclyn is as soft as snow. Try tae be on yer best behavior, an' show her what ye're capable of."

    Ah, yes. The Snow Analogy: Cold & unwelcoming at first, but harmless as soon as you learn how to understand it.

  10. Oona giggled. “Haden is a stout an' assiduous lord, but A’m sure he’ll adore ye an' Abadonna. Though Ah must confess, A’m a wee bit worried about what he’ll think ov me fur bringin' Omen intae our affairs. It's tough tae convince mah father tae stray from tradition. Just ask mah brother.”

    Tradition, the source of about 50% of drama plots. Can't they all learn that it's just like rules? It's made to be broken!:facehoof:

  11. “O-ooh! Well, that’s nice of him,” said Beatrix, partially disappointed. "Although it makes me wonder if he’s been watching us sleep all this time. Not gonna lie, ^ kinda creepy!"

    Add "it's" here. At least Omen does it for good reasons.

  12. “Relax, babe! I’ll clean you up~,” Beatrix said with titillation. Helping Oona slide the straps down to expose her mountainous breasts, the witch eagerly ran her tongue over her lips upon seeing her lactate. Gently kneading and massaging her lover’s swollen chest, Beatrix attached her mouth over one inverted nub to suckle out more creamy milk, making Lady Ewe moan in relief.

    Now Oona has 2 babies to deal with.🙄

  13. "Go Moonlight~," called Cerise, hands cupped around her snout to help her voice carry.

    Add "!" here.

  14. “Or something else is holding her up,” Omen considered before stepping towards the witch and a fallen angel. He held up two glimmering pendants in his clawed hands. "I've infused these with a telecommunication spell. You should be able to contact each other, no matter what dimensional plane you’re in. But please keep in mind that if you use them too much, they’ll need to be replenished. So I advise you to reserve them for emergencies!"

    I'm surprised that he was the only one to grow suspicious.😕

  15. Bellatrix watched while her companions were taken away before glaring up hatefully at Alma. "I should have fed you to the damned manor at the first opportunity," she bitterly stated.

    You pick now of all times to think of killing her!?😤

  16. “Trust me, Bella,” Alma lowly cooed, breasts pressed into her pinned prey's tits beneath. “Ah know this all seems bad now. But ye’ll soon learn tae relish life as mah sweet concubine~!"

    I hope they all find a way out of this mess. What can Omen do that won't result in them killing Abby!?

  17. If Bellatrix gets out of this alive, she will have a lot to answer for. She kept a Vice Lord imprisoned and tried to make her her concubine without telling anyone, friend or family, only for Camellia & Esmeralda to break her out, giving Alma free reign to make Bellatrix her slave! It will be a miracle if anyone forgives her afterwards, most of all Beatrix!

1. Not extinct. Just no longer available in her world, most likely.
2./4./6./7./8.13. once again, thank you for the grammar suggestion. Though can I ask that you DM me them next time? Sorta feels like your more focused on them then you are the actual story content :twilightsheepish:
3. Indeed! Just need to not be so self destructive with criticism.
5. Nonsense, she’s perfect the way she is!
9. Classic Tsundere :rainbowwild:
10. The past is very relevant to Haden once we finally do meet him.
11. Not always.
12. Plenty of milk to go around given the size of Oona’s bosom :P
14. He likely already knew something bad was going to happen. He’s a prophet, after all.
15. No, she heavily considered killing Alma. But her ego and feelings got in the way.
16. I mean, he’s a carnivorous deer. They’re not too different in a way.
17. Yeah, when Beatrix and the others find out, there will be hell to pay. But I don’t think what Bellatrix did warrants too harsh a lashing. This would be the third time a heroic character fell for a baddie


2./4./6./7./8.13. once again, thank you for the grammar suggestion. Though can I ask that you DM me them next time? Sorta feels like your more focused on them then you are the actual story content :twilightsheepish:

Well, personally, it saves time for me if I don't DM you the corrections separately. I'm not doing this to be condescending, I just want to help you and others as to where grammar correction is due.😊And no, I don't focus more on grammar errors, if that's what you're worried about. There are just times where I don't have much to say about the plot, that's all.

15. No, she heavily considered killing Alma. But her ego and feelings got in the way.

As if we didn't have enough Greek Tragedies in life.😒

Sorry, I mistyped my last reply. I meant to say it takes less time if I post everything in the comments & not DM you the corrections.

(uses the rating) You deserve better, this is interesting!

And vorpal Blade, amusing, a friend's OC uses this as name

I take it your friend is a fan of the Wonderland stories :twilightsmile:

But thank you!

you're welcome and maybe, he never told me much about the background of said OC

(1) Well yeah, Varys has definitely become an even more powerful threat than before thanks to his newly acquired Demi-Human genes.
(2) I couldn't help but snicker at Shadow's description of Moxxi.
(3) Also I couldn't help but laugh as Zeloph groans about hearing their conversation about their assets
(4) PFFT!! Lol, the roasts against Midnight continue to accumulate! XD
(5) Hmm, I find their contrasting views over love, sex, and intimacy, interesting
(6) Again, interesting how the characters reacted to the charity + nuns event.
(7) Well, if you have the luck that Beatrix has, then everything sort of works out at the end. Though to be fair, not all the outcomes were desirable.
(8) Ah, Mortis's party is here to end the party.
(9) RIP all the observers. Yeah, Mortis's quest is very twisted. Violence just breeds more violence tho.
(10) While I'm glad that Quicksilver isn't completly soulless, it's sad that he's definitely under Mortis's control.
(11) Okay so basically the Master won't let them do anything until their main objective is complete? Huh. Well, it's kind of good because that means that as long as that objective isn't complete they can't, or at least shouldn't do anything (but then yet again Natural Selection did try to hunt down Oona so it's... hm). But well that also means that if everyone is defeated, well, RIP
(12) Well, it looks like Moxxi's comment about Nuns is now turned upon its head because their savior is a demi-human who belongs to that faction. And again, if Mortis simply allowed everyone to do as they wanted, well the story would've been over already... pretty much from the start? Huh.


5. As much as I love open relationships, having a couple devoted to each other is a touching change of pace.
11. it’s heavily implied that Mortis will continue to kill even if he succeeds in killing Shadow Scythe. His underlings will never be free so long he remains active.
12. Felt like a nun based character was missing among our cast. A lot of interactions await ^^

5. Well I like all the pairings
11. Oof, well I hope he does get stopped as soon as possible without having more observers die. Yeah, seeing Quicksilver in that state was sad.
12. Hmhmm, when the nuns first appeared with the charity I felt that there had to be a reason, and I was pleasantly surprised when our demi human was the Head Nun. Can't wait to see what will unfold!
But damn talk about great timing! I wonder how far in power have we gone to.

  1. “Yeah! You definitely sell the sensitive bad boy rockstar,” the nekomata purred, her slit pupils tracing over his bare torso and abs. “Almost like someone I used to play with~!”

    Musically or literally?😦

  2. “Maybe it needs a phrase? loike ‘by the will of Celestia’s ample butt cheeks, I am blessed wif cosmic radiance!’ or sum shite.”

    Really? Using Celestia's butt as a prayer? :facehoof:

  3. “Bitch, please! Any thicker, and you’d need a forklift just to keep that thing from wobbling all over the place~!”

    More like she'll leave impact craters just by sitting down.

  4. "I-I am not," assured Kitsune, who withdrew her hold and looked away. The cyber kunoichi strained to hide her loneliness and the need to find someone who understood her. She offered Shadow Scythe the black hood of her outfit for the final touch. "This should also help."

    Relationships 101: Whenever someone's lying about their inner feelings, they stutter.

  5. Wispy returned her smile as the nekomata's striped twin tails looped around the demi's below. "Well..." She watched her sister trail away to investigate the area and keep watch. “She uses a special brand of shampoo that gives her tails the extra fluff factor. Has to go through bottles daily~!”

    Surely there's a way to do this more efficiently and economically?

  6. “Oh, come off it,” the neon demon puffed. “I can’t fuckin' stand nuns and their ‘holier-than-thou’ charade. Only desperate girls take up the 'abit. I reckon half of them 're skanks!”

    That last reply of yours was still unnecessarily rude. The least you could have done was decline politely!😒

  7. “Were you so merciful when slaughtering our kin?” asked the undead warlock. “Or how about the countless lives you stole to empower yourself? Was that an ^ of mercy?”

    The word "act" is missing here.

  8. “Know that I do not take pleasure in all of this,” announced Mortis. “I merely wish to enact justice to the one evading it. And for that to be acquired, I must take what you love the most.”

    That is a fat lie! You're enjoying every second of this!😠

  9. “It's okay, friend,” she assured the pale reaper. “Come with me, and we'll get you to safety."

    Now I want to know who this new Demi-human is.😯

1. Yes~
2. I'm certain a religion would exist to worship Celestia's fine derriere
3. Can you tell I had a lot of fun coming up with this lewd nonsense? :p
4. It's hard to find love when most of your body is made of palpable liquid metal. Kitsune definitely got the short end of Varys' experiments.
5. Hey, when you're a pop sensation that makes likely 10k per concert, using shampoo bottles daily is second nature.
6. Unfortunately, polite is not in Ana's vocabulary.
7. Damnit.
8. Revenge is a dish best served cold, as the saying goes.
9. You will in the next chapter! She's one of the many new characters I'm excited to bring into our stories. :pinkiehappy:

I like this chapter a lot! It gives another example of Shadow loving Zeloph by staying by his side, to everyone supporting Shadow, stating their own sins, and showing that they've all improved. Moxxi's interactions and lines are quite funny, you can feel how she wants to change the mood of the monastery from the puritan vibe. Zeloph fucking Shadow in the ass was very hot, and it showed another way of Shadow loving him. Moxxi listening in was interesting as well.

Oh, poor Zuri! At least Tisha and Kali are asleep, but I imagine that there's little hope that they'll be able to be free from Varys with only hours remaining until their transformation is complete. I really hope that Sahel (or however he's named here)'s current decisions are only the product of timelines going into Hardmode / the universe getting a massive reset. Or maybe Varys is using Sahel's words and giving them a new twisted meaning that he never intended, or given that it's a hologram, it might not even be real! It's just to give Zuri emotional damage.

Damn the Necronomicon! I would suggest that a certain Sunset (Sunny) should be invited. Having Sunny either do a mind reset like with Shadow or maybe cause those memories to resurface would be a good idea. Characters have regained their memories back (like Sunset from Force 2), so maybe there's hope that at least they can get their personalities back.

I imagine that Kali, being the more militaristic sister, would be the stronger of the trio, maybe having more armaments or just heavier weaponry due to the fact that her body can carry a bit more than her sisters. Likewise, Tisha would be more on the seductive size, she might not be as big as Zuri, being a D compared to a DD (in my lore), but given that she's younger and shorter, she's technically more curvier. Zuri can be a more balanced one.

With the Necronomicon and dark technology fusing together, there's no telling how far Varys will go with the trio.

I wonder what would happen if the sisters met Midnight. They were after all together in one loop. I doubt they'll remember each other, but perhaps there could be a need for an Awakened Hyper Stallion that can produce a ton of foals so that Varys could use them in his experiments. Realistically if Varys wanted to, he could probably find a use for every single character if he captured them all and denied others the chance to spill their blood.

It's a wishful thought, but I hope that there's a way to reverse the damage that the universe has experienced. So many worlds have lost countless lives, could it be possible to find something that can return things to the way they should be?

Like I said, wishful thinking. I know such a thing is impossible, or at least wouldn't make sense story-wise because it'd make all the achievements and all the losses mean nothing anymore.
Still, I am happy with where the gang is right now. They've grown so much from their origins, and it makes me happy. :pinkiesmile:

  1. “Mortis and his goons would have won had she not interfered,” admitted Shadow Scythe darkly. “H-he almost kill-”

    No offence, but this seems to be a running cliche in movies/stories, where the villain almost succeeds in killing the hero when something/someone saves them at the literal last second, however little/much that makes sense storywise.

  2. “I dunno about you, but I’d be happy knowing I died between a nice set of badonkers~” the tigress teased.

    Dying means that the pleasure is short-lived. I'd like to savour badonkers for as long as I want, thank you very much!😠

  3. “Pft! Speak for yourself,” scoffed the neon demon, hands on her wide hips. “We could 'ave taken ‘em if we 'adn't split up….” Ana looked to Wispy, who sheepishly looked away before casting a dirty glance at the mother superior. “And ya! I bet you're expectin' us ter convert into your adam 'n make-believe religion, in'cha!?”

    You could captialise it as "Adam 'n Make-Believe".

  4. Julianna smiled back and replied, “I detected a lot of negativity bottled up inside your sister. So I thought to release it with a tiny prick of my tail.” She lightly patted the head of the snake. “Like you, I too have a special touch that bestows the contactee with unbridled joy. My joyous touch, if you will~!”

    So her venom induces...laughter? I don't know what to feel about that.😕

  5. “I feel… loike a kungfu fighter,” she puffed as Wispy helped her up to her feet. Whatever anger and resentment she had been erased with a sense of giddiness, much to her dismay. “Okay, I'll lay off. Just don’t do that again! I’d prefer gettin' tickled than me nipple bein' nibbled!”

    Oh, please! Like you don't enjoy being nibbled.😒

  6. “Mother superior,” a mare rose up, and they recognized her as one of the nuns doing charity work. “I’d like the record to state that she provided a coin to our charitable cause. Surely something a nihilistic death bringer would never consider!”

    The power of testimony.

  7. “Ha~! Deny those fuzzy feelings aw ya loike, but everyone's got desires they want fulfilled. Imagine 'a 'enlightened' you’d be takin' off those dingy clothes and gettin' saucy every Sunday morning~!” She made sure to bend forward and wave her ass at the abbess, who appeared unfazed by her provocative attempts.

    I swear, Ana, your lust will be the death of you.😑

  8. “Sing? W-wait, I don’t think that’s entirely necessar-'' Zeloph tried to protest, yet the nuns ignored him and rose to join Julianne in a choir song that filled the entire chapel with sound.

    Eh, I prefer the Sister Act version of Hail Holy Queen.

  9. "Yeah, you’re right. But at the first sign of treachery, we're out of here. Lovely as she may be, there’s something suspicious about Julianne…"

    Maybe, but you've only known her for 1 day. Maybe give her a little more time before you decide if she's another enemy.

  10. "H-holy…" he sighed in ecstasy. "For someone who doesn't have much experience, you sure know how to work the shaft. Not even Beatrix tried to take me in her mouth~."

    Has Beatrix seriously never done that? How!?😕

  11. “Heh~! Knew she'd be a butt slut,” Ana huffed to herself, her pointy ear pressed against the wall, tuning in to the scandalous love-making happening next door. While she took solace that her brother and Shadow Scythe were soiling this ‘sacred’ monastery, the neon demoness couldn’t escape the dreadful feeling of being left out. Despite her best attempts to heed Zell’s advice, she found her deepest, darkest desires overruled her flimsy morals. A slave to her passions.

    But you can't make babies with that hole.

  12. Her cheeks brightened as her fantasy gave a face to the man pinning her in a mating press, driving his cock into her tight depths. Zell’s face.

    You can replace the full stop with a colon here.

  13. Dark energy began rippling around the demi-human, pink and blue shimming around the flowing black aura; eyes shut tightly as she murmured her brother’s name under a heavy breath.

    What's stopping her from joining them in a threesome?

  14. The demoness’ memories trailed back to a particularly stormy night at a club, where she'd snapped back to awareness naked and soaked in blood, barely a trace of the man she spent her time with left behind. Nor at that moment did she eviscerate a gang of rapists to save that poor girl, only to be labeled as a monster.

    Who was that girl?

  15. Wispy snorted. "Stands for ‘Sadistic Lesbians United Together.’ I’m sure they’d enjoy having your company."

    That sounds oddly dark for a band name.

  16. "We’ll make 'rrangements sum ovver time. Na, less yappin’, more lappin’~!” She ground her cunt against the abyssian tigress' maw, then shook her shapely hips and butt while driving her tongue in deeper. “Ooof~! wot a rough tongue! It feels amazing~! ”

    There's no capitalisation here.

  17. Kitsune tried to transmute her hand, only to find it harder than ever. Her eyes watered with ambivalence, realizing that the more time spent outside her world, the more flesh-and-blood she’d become. It was a dream she had longed for to come true… but not like this! How was she to protect anyone without her full power?

    That's quite a dilemma. Which is worse? To give up the very powers that keep you & your loved ones alive to regain your flesh, or keeping them & forever remaining a cyborg?

  18. “No! NO! NOOOOOO!! ” Zuri angrily yelled, struggling to keep her head above the bubbling fluid until it enveloped her. After a few moments of struggle, the zebra princess went unconscious as IV tubes were reattached to her body to maintain her health during the procedure.

    I hope they can all be saved from Varys's cybernetic torture.

  19. “Calculating,” the A.I briefly surveyed every document and image pulled before responding, “Analysis; completel.1000 people required for the production of Project: Nephilim.”

    There's an "l" at the end.

10. Beatrix didn't try that with Zeloph, but she's done pretty much everything with someone! (Or something!)

13. Don't think Shadow Scythe would appreciate Moxxi butting in, she's already pretty insecure, and Moxxi annoys her more than anyone.

15. Well, S.L.U.T. is an incredibly edgy band (From the cyberpunk universe, which is already edgy), basically they're an abrasive mix of Death Metal, Punk, and everything noisy/screamy mixed together. I figure everything in the future is taken to 11.:rainbowderp:

1. Yeah, my stories tend to use that trope a lot.
2. It ‘twas a joke :rainbowlaugh:
3./12./16./19. Gosh darn it
4. It’s actually pretty terrifying if one thinks about it.
7. Death by SnuSnu ain’t a bad way to die either~
9. Zeloph’s just as put off by Julianne and her covenant as Ana/Moxxi, due to it resembling his time as a zealous cult leader.
10. Their sexual encounters were more about reproduction than love, so foreplay wasn’t that big an interest. Still, if ever given the chance to have sex with him, I’m sure Beatrix would try it, if only to say “I blew an angel once~!”
11./13. It’s been stated numerous times that Shadow Scythe doesn’t want babies, for personal and biological reasons. She also doesn’t want to share her newfound relationship, especially with Zell’s over abnoxious sister, whose not in the best of mindsets this story.
14. Read the Neon Demon chapter in The Bewitching Hour for context.
15. Idk, having a full lesbian band can be empowering if the image and songs are right.
17. It’s a good thing there exploring their yokai roots, so that Kit can still be powerful, but finally enjoy flesh and blood again.
18. They’re hardly the first. And they won’t be the last.

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