• Published 27th Mar 2022
  • 1,694 Views, 62 Comments

Northern Stars - Reviewfilly

Eons after being banished to an empty void, King Sombra is given one final chance in a world that has long forgotten about him and his time.

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Ch.3 - Of the Sour and the Sweet

I finally catch up to her just around the edge of the city. Immediately doubts begin to crop up in my mind. Can I be sure that no one else in the village will realize who I am? Are they all this foolish or was I just lucky to meet the village idiot?

I don’t have time to worry about it too much, as she grabs my hoof and practically yanks me inside.

I glean the name of the village from a nearby sign. Bridlewood, as they call this hovel, is disappointing to say the least. The crystals my unusual companion spoke about lie strewn around in haphazard piles and pale in comparison to even the most worthless of rocks one could find in my Empire. I’m convinced this place does not bear our heritage. There is nothing of the splendor of my home here.

Though, at the very least, I don’t have to worry about being discovered. As we walk past them, I notice some of the locals shooting suspecting glances towards me at first, but once they realize who I am with, they merely roll their eyes and go on with their business.

So I really did find the village idiot.

“...and this where we harvest our food, and this is where I almost tripped up as a filly. Hey, Mr. Dusk, are you even listening?”

I suddenly realize that the mare has been talking to me all this while. I think I must have tuned her out when the wild gesticulation began.

“Mh-hm, of course I am! Do go on,” I swiftly reassure her. At least while she’s talking about herself, she won’t ask any dangerous questions. “Say, where are we going now?”

“To my house, I just told you a moment ago, silly!”

This is what I hate the most about these ponies. Even when scolding me, she still speaks with this cloyingly sweet attitude. It makes my skin crawl.

“I have so many things to show you. It’s so rare I get to meet a new friend!”

So she considers me a “friend” already, huh? Good. It seems ponies are still just as easy to trust. Despite her aggravating antics, she has already provided me with a wealth of information. This will make my job easier.

“Lead the way,” I concede.

The trip to her house is fairly uneventful. As uneventful as walking with a hyperactive unicorn can be. One who constantly stops to tell anypony unlucky enough to be stuck with her about some inane piece of trivia, or to get distracted by a butterfly. Were I back in my throne, I would throw her in a dungeon for her lunacy or make her fight in some far away war.

My wishful thinking breaks, as she suddenly stops. I almost bump into her.

“We’re here!” she says, practically screaming. A few of the locals stare at us with open disdain. I feel embarrassed and, for a moment, a longing for the comforting silence of the void creeps into my mind. I chase the thought away as we walk inside.

I have to give it to her. As frivolous as her home looks, built into a tree, it is still far better than the shacks and sheds all the others live in. I take a look at the trinkets and baubles lying in haphazard piles around the house. Childish, but in a way, as much as I hate to admit it, charming as well.

“So! What should we do first? I make some pretty good tea, if I do say so myself! Or we could make some art together? Maybe play some games? I must warn you I’m terrific at bingo.” Her rant washes over me like a torrent. “Oh! You said you’re tired, do you want to lie down?”

The moment she finishes her sentence, my legs begin to feel like solid blocks of lead and the idea of a bed becomes incredibly inviting. I haven’t really slept for who knows how long.

“Yes, I think I should do that,” I tell her with a curt smile.

She nods understandingly and leads me to a bedroom. It is small and unadorned, nothing like the grand royal suite I remember. Yet in this moment, I could not care less. Even a ruler must learn to appreciate the simpler joys of life.

“Sleep well, Mr. Dusk! See you soon!”

She then leaves in silence, much to my appreciation.

I climb into the bed and lie on the soft mattress. As my head sinks into the pillow, I feel my consciousness slip away. This time, however, I’m happy about it.

What I’m less happy about is waking to the sound of loud snoring and an elbow hitting me in the face. I did not expect her to have the audacity to sleep in one bed with me.

No matter. It’s morning anyway. I remove the appendage and lightly shake the mare. No reaction. I groan in exasperation. What was her name? Oh, right.

“Izzy!” I call out to her and in response the snoring stops abruptly.

“Mmm, what? Oh! Good morning, Mr. Dusk! Did you sleep well?”

“Yes, except for the-” I stop myself from stooping so low. Even if I’m in disguise, I have to maintain some dignity. “Nevermind that. Izzy, there is some information I wish to know and I hope you might be able to elucidate me.”

She blearily blinks once or twice before the realization slowly blooms on her face. I brace for the worst.

“Oh! You want to play quiz! Sure! Just wait until I make some breakfast.”

“That’s not really what I meant and breakfast is really not necessary,” I reply quickly. The last thing I want is to be indebted to a pony like her. Yet my grumbling stomach betrays me and asserts its will over mine.

Of course. I never had the chance to eat in the void. No wonder my magic doesn’t work. It’s a miracle in itself that I’m even able to stand on my legs.

“You know what, actually breakfast sounds great.”

Her face lights up as she listens to my words. She jumps out of the bed and hurries off to fulfill my wishes.

Oh, how I envy those who can be made happy with so little! I think to myself, as she disappears from my sight. Alas, some of us have to bear the weight of greatness.

I take some time to make myself presentable before I follow her to the kitchen. As I enter, I’m suddenly hit by the sweet smell of pancakes. I see my host in front of me as she’s preparing the dish with devilish speed. Another grumble of my stomach gives away my presence.

“Ah, there you are! Don’t wait for me, take a seat,” she says while motioning towards a table on the other side of the room.

I oblige and soon I find a heaping pile of pancakes in front of me. She sits on the opposite side with her own stack. I can’t help but wolf down the delicacy. As the sweet taste spreads in my mouth, I find myself admiring her cooking skills. Once I have taken my rightful place, I should pluck her from this backwards place to be my personal confectioner. I would be doing her a favor really.

Soon our plates are empty and she levitates them off the desk to be washed. I feel a low buzz in my horn and a sliver of mana beginning to trickle inside my body. It seems my magic is slowly returning. A smile creeps on my face. It is merely a matter of time before I regain my power.

“So, you wanted to ask me some questions?” she asks, as she works on the dishes. I assume she’s just trying to make small-talk, without even realizing how important of a conversation this will be.

“Yes. Who leads the ponies currently?” I ask. It’s a huge gamble. Such things should be obvious to even a foal, but any other question would likely raise even more suspicion.

Yet, to my surprise, Izzy didn’t even flinch.

“Oh, you mean Alphabittle! He’s the closest thing we have to a leader. If you want, I can introduce you to him. He runs a tea shop nearby. We sometimes hold poetry-nights there, you might enjoy that.”

I suppress a sigh of exasperation.

“You misunderstand me,” I say, putting great effort into keeping my voice low. “Who’s the current royalty?”

She raises a questioning eyebrow at me.

“Royalty? Umm, I guess one of those pegasi in Zephyr Heights is a queen? Also Pipp and Zipp, her daughters are princesses and my friends,” she adds with a dumb smile. “Do you mean them?”

This is ridiculous.

“No, I mean an alicorn.” My words spill out like gravel from my mouth.

“An ali-what-now?”

My hoof wants to slam into my face. Or perhaps hers.

I need to focus.

“You know, a pony with both wings and a horn,” I explain slowly, as I point to my back and head.

“Oh! That sounds exactly like my friend Sunny!” she says as her eyes light up. “Though she’s no queen,” she adds with a chuckle.

This is... unexpected, I think to myself. She didn’t know what an alicorn is? But then who’s moving the Sun and the Moon? And what’s more, there is a young one who’s not a princess?

I put on a kind smile, as I begin plotting. With her help, taking over Equestria should be a breeze. If she’s anything like Izzy, I won’t even need my magic to influence her.

“Fascinating. Would it be possible for me to meet this Sunny?”

Yes! Her face visibly brightens.

“That’s an excellent idea, Mr. Dusk! We should visit her! It’s been a while since I’ve seen her anyways.”

“We should head out as soon as possible then,” I recommend helpfully.