• Published 27th Mar 2022
  • 1,700 Views, 62 Comments

Northern Stars - Reviewfilly

Eons after being banished to an empty void, King Sombra is given one final chance in a world that has long forgotten about him and his time.

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Ch.5 - Of the Past and the Future

“So why the visit?” I ask the two unicorns in front of me. I’m really happy to see Izzy, but the stallion next to her gives me bad vibes. He reminds me of somepony, but I just can’t place him.

His dark gray coat, piercing red eyes, and crimson horn send a shiver down my spine. Have I seen this pony before? I feel some faint memories trying to resurface, but that’s ridiculous. I haven’t known the unicorns for that long and I’d surely remember somepony like him. Maybe one of Dad’s stories had a character similar to him?

At least his smile is reassuring enough.

“I’m a traveling mineralogist,” he explains, “and I’m looking for a city of crystals. Legends say a pony with both a horn and wings ruled over it. An alicorn, I believe they’re called. When Izzy told me about you, I figured perhaps you may be... a relative of theirs?”

Did I notice an odd pause in his voice? No, he’s surely just not used to seeing a pony like me.

“Sorry, I’m a city pony and definitely not the relative of royals,” I tell him with an awkward chuckle. “I also haven’t really been to that many places either. The library might provide more information than I could.”

There is one place I can think of, but surely that’s not what he’s looking for.

“Please,” he says with a pleading voice. “Anything would help.”

I take another look at him. Although I still feel a bit uneasy, he does seem genuine. If he wasn’t, I’m sure Izzy would have already smelled him out.

Dad taught me not to judge a book by its cover. He never would have turned away a stranger in need.

I sigh.

Alright, Sunny, here goes nothing.

“I might have an idea, but I don’t think you will like my answer very much.”

Oh, his ears are perking up and he leans forward on the couch. I use this as an opportunity to sneak a peek at his cutie mark. It’s a dark crystal, hardly visible on his gray coat. Not very surprising considering he’s a mineralogist, but for some reason seeing it adds to my unease. A voice in my head whispers I probably shouldn’t continue.

I’m so silly.

“My father gave me a journal that talks about an ancient city like this. It was called the ‘Crystal Empire’ and before it was liberated, an evil unicorn king ruled over it. The journal mentions how its author, a princess called Twilight, with the help of her sister-in-law, defeated the king and brought Harmony to the city.”

Just as I worried, it seems like he’s not very happy with my answer. He’s frowning now.

“I’m sorry, the journal doesn’t say much about the place afterwards.”

I can tell that he likes this even less. I notice his frown deepening. He seems to be deep in thought, as he tugs at his mane.

We sit wordlessly for a few seconds. I’m not sure what else to say. At least Izzy doesn’t seem to be bothered. Her beaming smile puts me at ease a little. Still, where did she even meet a pony like him? She never fails to surprise me.

“Do you think it would be possible for me to look at that journal?” His words cut through the silence like a knife. “Perhaps I could find something in there that you missed.”

There is a hint of greed in his eyes, yet his voice is smooth like silk. The same voice in my head now objects much, much more loudly.

“I’m... I’m not sure that’s such a good idea.”

“Oh come on, Sunny!” Izzy interjects. “Don’t you love showing it off to us? I’m sure Mr. Dusk could figure out something interesting from it.”

“I also dabble in archaeology,” he concurs. I shoot a questioning glance towards him and he quickly continues. “For instance, that flag on your wall,” he says as he points towards a faded tapestry of two alicorns chasing each other, “represents the Kingdom of Equestria and its two rulers. Celestia and Luna.”

He names several other objects without breaking a sweat. Some of them I wasn’t even aware of. I have no idea where he got his information from, but everything he says lines up with the Princess’s journal.

Oh Stars, he actually isn’t bluffing, I think to myself as I become more and more excited. This could be a once in a lifetime opportunity to learn even more about the old world! Dad, if you sent me this miracle, thank you so much!

“Well, alright,” I finally tell him, after finding my jaw on the floor. “I’ll show it to you. But I must warn you to be careful with it. It is an old and precious artifact.”

“Perish the thought! I’ll be extremely careful.”

His theatrics are odd, but I can’t help but smirk at his eager reply. As a fellow historian, I understand what he must be feeling. I trot over to a nearby shelf and open it. The journal lies there, as beautiful as it was the day my father gave it to me.

It takes me some effort not to reel back upon seeing the loathsome emblem on the journal. It’s her cutie mark. As I continue to stare, the room around it dissolves into blotches of colors, which then bleed away into nothing. I feel the suffocating darkness of my empty prison collapse on me and my vision fades to black. I struggle as the air attempts to flee from my lungs once more.

I cannot feel anything under my hooves anymore. The pain of becoming incorporeal wracks my body and my ears are assaulted by a thousand mocking voices recalling my failures amid cackling laughter.

“Mr. Dusk? Are you alright?”

As if a match was struck, the void recedes. The voices disappear and the air returns. I feel solid ground below myself. I’m back in the room. I am still alive.

“Yes, I’m fine,” I manage to say with some effort. “My mind just wandered off for a second. This truly seems like a remarkable relic.” My voice rings with very real awe.

“Don’t judge a book by its cover,” she chides me playfully. We trot over to a nearby desk and she gingerly opens the book before placing it in front of me.

If only you knew how true your words are.

As I glance down to the table, I notice with a bit of annoyance that she opened up the book at the appropriate page, robbing me of an excuse to skim through the entirety of it. Oh well, it won’t matter soon anyway. I feel my horn tingle with power. Just a little more.

I begin reading. I can’t help but chuckle a little. If there is one thing I can’t fault in her, it’s her preciseness. Despite the unusual format for a historical document, the text does not spare detail. True to Sunny’s words, the section detailing the beginnings of my Empire features my reign as well. King Sombra, ‘the Tyrant.’

Right, I scoff inside. Believe that if you want.

I decide to skip forward. I really don’t need to be reminded of my failings again. I had plenty of time to ruminate over them. I also don’t want them to accidentally see any pictures that could give away my identity.

As I reach a new chapter, my eyes fall on an image depicting a young alicorn mare in battle-armor. She is standing in front of an army of thousands. Her pastel-colored, curly mane betrays her ice-cold stare. What’s this? I hum to myself silently. That little gremlin grew up to be such a warrior? Good on her, she could have been a great commander under me.

I turn a few more pages. Reforms, celebrations, the names of utterly insignificant nobles. My excitement gives way to frustration. This isn’t what I need. I need answers! I skip over larger and larger amounts of pointless trivia.

Suddenly my eyes fall upon a faded image. It depicts an aged, yellow pegasus, whose pink mane is tied up into a neat knot. She is tending to some animals in what appears to be a cottage of sorts, with an unbearably tender and loving smile. Unlike her I can hardly even force a neutral expression on my own face. I bite down on my cheeks as the rage boils inside me. I don’t remember her name anymore or even what her voice was like, but I know her. I could never forget her face. She was one of them. One of the Six.

So they all really went on to live happy and fulfilling lives, while I... while I- The thought is interrupted by an echo of the void collapsing down on me. The room begins to darken, but I quickly push back and it recedes. I cannot show weakness. Not now.

After composing myself, I take a better look at the picture. As I lean closer I notice another figure lurking in the background and I suddenly forget about my anger towards the pegasus. No wonder I hardly even noticed him. It is only a small, blurry silhouette, but there can be no mistake. Those unnatural features, those mocking yellow eyes. There is only a single being who looks like this!

That damned Snake! He survived! I scream inside, struggling to keep myself from slamming my hooves into the table or tearing the journal to shreds. I cannot believe it! Even this one accomplishment of mine turns out to be a farce!

I slowly realize that I’m slightly shaking. As I force stillness on my body, I silently pray the other two haven’t noticed my narrowly-avoided outburst. My patience has long ran out, but I cannot allow myself to act rashly. I still know far too little about the current state of the world. Any slips on my part could hurt me greatly in the long run.

I must focus.

In an attempt to calm myself, I turn my attention inwards and tap into my magical reserves. This time there is no rebound. That trickling flow of mana has since swelled into a torrent in me, filling my horn with newfound power.

I glance up at the others. Their faces speak of anxiety and anticipation. Perhaps a more direct approach will lend me more information.

“So, tell me, what happened to the author of this book?”

“I have no idea, sadly. The only thing I know is that this journal has been passed down for several generations in my family. It used to be my father’s.”

Her inflection and downcast eyes make it clear what she means, but I’m more interested in how that accursed upstart in a princess’s trappings seems to be gone.

“And what about the other alicorns?”

“As far as we know, they are all gone as well. The journal doesn’t say why. I’m probably the only pony who still knows who they even were,” she adds with a sad chuckle.

My entire body feels like it’s burning as magic courses through my veins. I can hardly restrain myself anymore, but there is one more thing I have to make sure of.

“Are they all dead?” I ask quietly.

“That’s the most likely explanation. I’m sorry.” Her voice is subdued and empathetic.

In a split second the mask breaks.

I throw my head back as laughter erupts from me. The others watch me in shock, but I don’t care.

“That’s just what I was hoping to hear!” I yell between two laughs. “And here I was thinking I’d need to use subtlety and manipulation to achieve my goals! It might have taken me an eternity, but finally I win!”

I step back from the desk and allow my power to finally come forth in all of its glory. The room visibly darkens several shades, despite the bright sunlight pouring in from outside. My eyes light up with their familiar purple flames. With a flick of my horn the journal lands squarely between my hooves.

“Oh, how I longed for this moment!” I bellow, before turning to Sunny.

“I am deeply offended you didn’t even realize it was me! Perhaps you should have read that little book of yours a bit more carefully,” I tell her with blatantly feigned hurt in my voice. “Alas, you won’t have the chance to do so again.”

“What?” she asks me flatly, still in shock. I watch with glee as her eyes slowly go wide and terror creeps on her face from the realization. “No... It cannot be possible.”

My gloating is interrupted by Izzy’s trembling voice.

“Mr. Dusk, what are you doing?” she asks with disbelief. “Why is your luminessence so black?”

I glare at the unicorn in front of me. As her eyes meet mine, they begin to quiver from fear. I, however, merely feel immense relief that I won’t have to listen to her inane ramblings anymore.

“’Mr. Dusk?’ Oh please, it was obviously just an alias. My real name is King Sombra,” I correct her. “Now, if you’ll forgive me, there will be a crowning in the North soon. I simply must attend.”

This breaks Sunny out of her stupor.

“No... No! You can’t do this!” she screams as tears begin to fall from her eyes. “That journal is the most important memory of my father! You can’t take it!”

“And what exactly do you plan to do about it?”

My challenge doesn’t go unanswered. I can see Sunny’s body tense up. Her face contorts into a scowl, as she pounces. A desperate attempt to tackle the journal from my hooves.

What a noble, but foolish idea.

Before she can do as much as lay a hoof on me, my magic envelops her for a second and I effortlessly fling her away. I hear her crash into the chair she sat in before, but I don’t bother to check.

I glance at Izzy. The poor, poor mare is shaking from terror.

As she should be.

“So, tell me, are you going to try to be a hero as well?” I ask her.

She gives me no answer, just takes a step back. Good.

“Don’t feel too bad,” I call out to the room. “I will be back for you soon, and then for the entirety of Equestria.”

Having given my goodbye, I cast a teleportation spell. Shadows envelop me and I’m whisked away to a faraway land.