• Member Since 7th Mar, 2022
  • offline last seen May 16th


Comments ( 52 )

Good start. Looking forward to more updates.

wow way more down votes than this should have

“Pftt.” I let out, unable to contain my laughter. “So you’re homophonic.” I observe, grabbing the soldier's collar and spinning around so I’m the one pinning him to the wall. I lean in to make sure my face is as close to his as possible without touching. “So, you think that just because I had knowledge of a world you didn’t bother learning before we knew it existed. Unfortunately for you, you little closeted bitch, I’m straight.” I make a point of leaning in and whispering those last words into his ear.

There's no way a soldier would let himself get grabbed and thrown into a wall by a civilian.

Comment posted by Archon8081 deleted Apr 20th, 2022

I noticed that you missed 7 and 8 in the introductions.


Nice catch. That was intentional, there will be an explanation in one of the next chapters.

There's also no way a soldier would act like that in the first place... unless they're a fictional soldier in a fictional world.

So... no training, no preparation, just toss him to the wolves? Also, no one was curious about why the General was so insistent on the whole 'no sex' thing?

interesting wonder what is going to happen next

Given the precautions Anon had set for himself, as well as how he conducted himself at the base and with the soldier, my observations tell me Anon was a former Military Brat (with perhaps at least one parent being an MP or working in INTEL, maybe both, given how he "Left his phone at home" as well as locking his hard drive in a safe box (probably a caged safe box)) with some basic combat training from his parents (either from the parents teaching him through a controlled environment, or from said parents being total douchebags and teaching through experience).

Given the actions of the soldier, he was likely from a civilian family and fresh out of boot camp, so the rookie mistake of leaving an opening was pretty prominent.

While it would be obvious to say that the soldier is a fictional soldier in a fictional world (considering this is a fictional story), there have been plenty of instances where there would be some Enlisted (and especially some Commissioned Officers) with Big G/Small D Syndrome, one example coming from a Navy Dive Locker when some Officer, whom was NOT in charge of said Dive Locker, decided he wanted to put some men in the water, without supervision. One of the Master Divers of the Locker caught wind of what was going on and confronted said Officer, who in turn decided they wanted to pull rank (even going so far as pulling on their own collar giving the "I outrank you, so you do what I say!" Bullarkey. The Master Diver then responded by picking up the Officer and throwing them in the water. When the incident reached the HMFIC of the Locker, said Officer was never allowed back in the installation.

“Fresh produce.” the other guy says, also scooting over next to the girl. “So, where did they find you?”

A take on "Fresh Meat"

“I’m Marie.” The girl says. “This guy next to me is Marco.”

Something tells me these two might be siblings, but it's best to give the benefit of the doubt

Two things in response. First, for a posting like this, there would be a thorough vetting process. Someone of his demeanor would never be allowed withing a thousand miles of that place. Second, that story sounds like someone made it up. Any officer would know there are instances where their rank means jack shit.

For example, I was an Machinists Mate First Class in the Navy, on board one of the Nimitz Class nuclear carriers. No officer that wasn't authorized to be down in the engine room would ever try to go down there and expect to be allowed in. They also know that any enlisted down there can and will gladly remove them if they tried to force their way in.

I'm really loving this can't wait for the next chapter

I definitely see where you are coming from. I also feel that he is a tad bit detached from his emotions, with how he is constantly thinking analytically the way he does. This could also validate your theory, as well as his distasteful demeanor towards the government. He is spiteful towards the government because of how he was raised by his military parents, but still puts their "teachings" into practice. I am lucky my parents weren't like that. Their stories from their time in the military still left me hating the government though.

Why isn't there a slice of life tag?

This is a fun read so far, can't wait for the next chapter!

I'm up to chapter 4 after the general set the rules and the final one stuck out to me "under no circumstance will you engage in sexual intercourse with them" then i reread your tags and saw that "sex" was one of your tags. Then i started thinking how you characterized Anon. He seems like a straight laced if emotionally detached person.

So i have to ask will there be actual sex with him and a pony later in the story or are you only adding the "sex" tag just to make sexual innuendos and sex jokes with sexual teasing thrown in?

Because if so and you are just using it for that only, then you can remove the "sex" tag and change it to "fetish" instead and still maintain everything you've established so far and whatever you plan for the future chapters of the story and it won't change a thing. Heck you could drop it down to a "Teen" rating and not change a thing

Still good setup now let's see the payoff

Spoiler Warning: read at own risk.
Without giving to much away, all I can say is that even if one does not seek out sex for their own pleasure they may still use it as a tool when it comes to others that do. All I'll say for now is that Anon knows how to manipulate people and ponies and will use any means to do it, however he does not do so with malicious intent.

I hope he got canterlot or ponyvile also great chapter

“That would be me.” One says, taking a step forward. He turns to her and once again takes a brief bow. “It is an horror to meet you, your highness.” One surprisingly extends his left hand, to offer a hoof shake.

I curl up slightly on the bed before remembering my luggage. “Where did I put it again?” I wonder, glazing around the bunkroom.

I quite agree, now I want a doughnut though.

Thank you for mentioning Crystal Wishes, I somehow missed that post. She will indeed be missed.

And the last most important rule, absolutely under no circumstances are you to engage in intercourse with anypony. However for the purposes of research you are allowed to form relationships with different Equine species as long as they do not pass second base.

Given the tags of this story, this can only end one way

There are idiots everywhere. They act like jerks when those above aren't watching.

“Can’t wait.” I say picking up my bags. I turn around and blow Jacobs a kiss, which seems to make him angry, before following the General inside.

Oh snap! I think Trollestia has some competition. :trollestia:

On her left is a big sporadically fluctuating blue rift surrounded by big machines to keep it stable.. On her left is a set of fifteen solid metal lockers.

Shouldn't one of those lefts be a right.... Or I guess both would be right though one meaning correct and the other being the direction.

No no, you're right. I don't know how that went so long without being noticed, I fixed it.

Great chapter. Now I have 2 questions i hope the story answers. 1 Why can he hear and feel magic while the other humans can't? 2 How does he have so much control over his dreams and dreamscape? I hope these get answered as the story progresses

Very nice story, ill be watching this, so good.

Honestly it's your story and your choice. I'll personally enjoy the story either way.

I don't mind it is your story and who know maybe it might make your story flow better or maybe not, but you'll never know unless you try.

Also do i sense a bit of a romance forming between our protag and Luna or will it be a deep and meaningful friendship?

Thanks again T-O-P-T for another great chapter. Changing the Tense of the writing sounds fine to me, it's your story after all.

And so, Phase One of Celestia's "Social Experiment" draws to a close... can't wait to see how this fans out

Please update.

In fairness, concerns about alien STDs and unintended offspring that would only complicate matters (”But they’re horses, there’s no way...!” “One word: magic. We don’t know shit about what could happen.”) are pretty legitimate reasons to have a ‘no nookie’ rule at this apparent stage of contact even before pulling the whole ‘no fraternizing with the natives because military discipline’ card. How long all the recruits actually stick to it, now...

No worries. You have a life to live. You are not obligated to write like you do, and I personally appreciate what you do when you have the time and inspiration. Take care of yourself first and foremost and worry about providing us entertainment never. While I appreciate (won't say we because I can't speak for everyone) when you post, I understand that you do it because you want to.

What’s the adventure tag for?

This was well worth the wait.

Things yet to come, I’d personally imagine. There’s no canon timeline to follow in this Equestria anymore since it’s already well past where the show ended, so who knows what might happen.

“That doesn’t change the fact that I don’t know how to work this thing.” Luna retorts, holding up hand to examine her finger. “And why did thou feel the need to change it in the first place?”

Lets go luna is the best

I cannot imagine a human government openly complying with the request for regular people. They’re more likely to get the best liars to say they’re regular as those are the ones typically employed by them anyway.

“If I had jumped at the opportunity I would have looked suspicious, not to mention it would have given them the perfect opportunity to regulate what I see.” Celestia walks over to one of the windows lining the throne room and pears out over Canterlot. “I just want to protect the ponies of this kingdom, and I need friends to do it.”

Why would this have looked suspicious? I think it would have looked very reasonable and for the exact reasons you listed: to protect your ponies.

“You’re a colt of many surprises.” Celestia lets out a sigh and stands up. “Although I must say, I’m a little disappointed that you’re not willing to make a concrete deal with me. I could use an ally in the loop right now.”

He said he was willing and open and that there’s no rules against it. That sounds like he’s ripe to make a concrete deal to me.

I wonder what narrative purpose is in introducing the rest of the team right now if they’re going to be scattered across the country for the next five years…

This history drop makes me think most of the team will perish.

MC seems to have a lot of meta-knowledge about this situation and unpracticed control over himself and his environment. Most characters’ traits so far are flat out stated rather than shown.

“There’s nothing wrong with wanting answers,” I say, finishing the long braid and tying it off, leaving the rose in. “but you need to know when you’re going too far to get them and you need to stop.”

Guy chastises the Princess as though he knows better than her? If her wisdom said to be curious, then she has that right as a native and a ruling alicorn of Equestria. He may object, but she is the authority here -legally and morally.

That was a nice scene at the end!!

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