• Published 29th Mar 2022
  • 1,537 Views, 64 Comments

Cardfight Vanguard EQG - MechaTomX

A teen will learn another definition of strength through a popular card game. thanks to which he will make new friends and have great battles.

  • ...

Little Dragon, Big Destiny

Author's Note:

Welcome to my new story, like Chaotic's, this one will be very short but unlike that one, this one does have guaranteed sequels.

As always, I've wanted to make a YuGiOh fic, but I still don't have the skill to write it, so I chose a slightly simpler but just as epic card game, also, I feel this page could use another Vanguard fanfic .

The rules of this game will be based on the 2018 remake, I feel that it is the version that I would have liked to see when I was a teenager, although I think the original is the best, the 2018 remake also has its charm, I hope you enjoy it.

We are in the house of a happy family.

"They're amazing Twily," said a man in his early 30s, with dark blue skin and dark blue hair with amber eyes, he was wearing a blue striped flannel shirt with an orange tie under a navy blue sweater, and he had slacks. blue-grey khaki and black sneakers.

That man is called Night Light and he was amazed to see the grades of his daughter, Twilight Sparkle, she had passed all her exams with perfect grades, in all the sheets you could see the letter A+ marked with red ink, even in one of her exams was written A++.

Twilight Sparkle was flattered by the compliment, she was a 10 year old girl, she wore a light blue button down shirt and a purple skirt, she wore black school shoes, her skin was a purple color, her hair was two tone purple with a pink line and her eyes were magenta, she replied a little embarrassed, "Thanks dad, but, its no big deal."

“It most certainly is!” She was answered in high spirits by a woman in her mid-30s, with light gray skin, moderate purple and lighter gray streaked hair, light arctic blue eyes, and wearing a lighter gray long-sleeved shirt under a gray sweater vest over a red shirt, a purple three-star necklace, reddish-purple khaki shorts, and dark reddish-brown pants. purple dancers, that woman is called Twilight Velvet, the mother of Twilight Sparkle and wife of Night Light.

Twilight Sparkle giggled, "Hehe, thanks mommy."

“Twily, these are incredible grades, and you should be proud of your talents, you are very smart, much smarter than most adults we know,” Twilight Velvet told her.

“That's why we're so proud of you,” Night Light said as he and Velvet pinched each other's cheeks.

"Mommy, daddy, stop it," Twilight said, still smiling.

After Twilight's parents placed her tests in the refrigerator, the three of them headed to the living room.

But without realizing it, behind them was an 8-year-old boy, with purple skin similar to Twilight Sparkle's, he had green hair and eyes, he was wearing a purple shirt, green shorts and sport shoes, the boy seemed be sad.

That boy's name is Spike, he was the third son of the family, Twilight Sparkle's little brother, he was holding a drawing which he was going to show his parents, but Twilight had shown them his grades before he could speak.

In the drawing there was a small purple dragon that had a sword and a cape, in the lower corner of the drawing the name Spike was written and in the upper corner of the drawing the letter A- was written in red ink.

Spike felt inferior, he was not as smart as his sister, the only thing he believed he could do was draw decently, Spike would have liked his parents to see his drawing, even so, he decided to put it on the refrigerator next to Twilight's exams.

But when he tried to put his picture on the fridge, he noticed that it was full because Twilight's tests were taking up all the front space, so Spike couldn't put his picture on it.

A feeling of sadness invaded Spike, he also wanted to be special like Twilight was, he wanted his parents to be proud of him, but then he thought, "How can they be proud of me, I'm just a weakling who has nothing special. ”

Then Spike went to the trash can and opened it sadly, he threw his drawing inside, after that, he went upstairs and went to his room trying to hide his tears.

But miraculously, her parents and sister heard his footsteps.

"Honey, what was that?" asked Night Light while the 3 of them were in the kitchen.

“Mmmm,” Velvet murmured as she saw the door where the trash can was ajar, she opened it, then opened the trash can and saw that inside there was a crumpled drawing.

Velvet teared up at the cute drawing of Spike, "Oh Night, come check this out."

Night Light walked over, and saw the crumpled drawing, "This was made by Spike, wow, that's amazing."

"What is it? What is it? I want to see,” Twilight Sparkle asked curiously to which her parents showed her the drawing, “Daww, it's so cute, did Spike draw it?”

Her parents nodded, to which Twilight wondered why the drawing was in the trash.

"But why…" Twilight asked as she glanced at the refrigerator full of her tests, "Oh no."

Twilight took the drawing, went to the refrigerator, removed one of the tests, and placed the drawing there in an attempt to show that Spike was special, too.

Night and Velvet were moved by such action of their daughter.

“That was very nice, Sweetie,” her mother told her with a tear.

"Spike deserves some credit too," Night Light said with a smile, then asked, "How about we congratulate him on getting an A- on that awesome drawing?"

The two nodded and Twilight ran straight to Spike's room.

Before leaving, Velvet and Night Light had a little dialogue, "Poor Spike, he must have felt rejected."

"I think we have not given it the attention it deserves, are we failing as parents?" Velvet asked.

"We can change that, we'll let Spike know we're proud of him too." Night Light replied as they made their way to Spike's room.

But when they arrived, they noticed that Twilight was knocking on the door, but receiving no response.

"Spike, open the door please," Twilight requested.

"Go away Twilight," Spike replied, trying to hide his tone of voice.

The 3 of them could tell by the tone of his voice and because he seemed to cut himself off as he spoke, it was obvious that Spike was crying behind that door and he didn't want to be seen.

"Honey, we saw your drawing, it was beautiful what you drew, a cute dragon," Velvet spoke to her through the door.

"Yes, you are talented Spike, you draw very well," said Night Light trying to cheer him up.

"But seeing how applied Twilight is, I realize that a stupid drawing is worthless," Spike said through the door, this time not hiding the fact that he was crying.

"Spike, that's not true," Twilight replied.

"Spike, your father and I love you very much, and you are not only Twilight's little brother, she considers you her best friend, you know that's true," Velvet told her to which Twilight nodded.

Spike thought about it, he knew that all those things were true, but even so, he didn't dare to open the door.

His parents and sister did not know what to do, they just stayed near the door of his room, but at that moment, someone arrived.

"I think I can help," said a 14-year-old boy with white skin, blue hair and blue eyes who was wearing the Crystal Prep uniform, that boy is Shining Armor, the eldest son of the family and Twi and Spike older brother.

"BBBFF," Twilight said.

"Spike, he's feeling less Shiny, maybe you can help him," his father said to which, Shiny nodded.

He walked to the door, called out to Spike, but there was no answer.

“Spike it's me,” shouted Shining Armor.

“BBBFF? What do you want? Spike asked.

“I just want to talk to my LBBFF,” Shining replied, “Can I come in, Spike?”

A few seconds passed, but finally Spike opened the door.

Shining walked in, he could see that Spike had been crying due to the tear marks on his face, he sat down next to Spike, quickly asking him what was going on, "Hey, what's making you feel bad little brother?"

“I…I, I feel like I'm worthless,” Spike replied.

"Why do you say that?" Shining asked in surprise at such a revelation from Spike.

"Because I'm not special, no matter how hard I try, I can't be as smart as Twily," Spike said, pausing, "I'm not even as strong or brave as you."

“Spike, you don't have to compare yourself to us, we're all different in our own way,” Shining continued, “But Spike, why do you want to be strong like me? I don't see any point in it, you have a great talent in drawing, you should be proud of that."

"I know brother, I'm just saying there are times when I feel like my efforts will ultimately be in vain," Spike said holding back tears.

Shining Armor stared at him.

"I, I don't hate Twily, on the contrary I love her like a big sister," Spike continued, "But I feel that I will never be someone important like she will be, it is clear that she will be very successful in the future, she will surely become some scientist or whatever, while I'm just a failure."

The moment he heard that, Shining sprang into action.

"Spike, look me in the eye," I stare at Spike, "You're not a failure, you never will be."

"Even if things look bad, I know you can always move on, I know you Spike."

Spike listened curiously with great attention.

"Even if it looks very different from mine, you have the strength of your greatness, and with that you will be able to find your way, follow it, no matter how it hurts and no matter what path you choose, mom, dad and Twily will continue to love you."

At that moment Shining Armor had an idea.

Shining took out a card from his pocket, it seemed to be from a Trading Card Game.

“You should have this Spike,” Shining said to Spike as he handed him the card.

Spike saw the card, in it was a kind of purple anthropomorphic dragon without wings, which used a crystal armor which covered his legs, arms but leaving much of his chest and torso exposed.

Spike continued to see more details of the card, in the upper left corner the number 2 was marked, a little further down was a shield emblem with the number 5000, and at the bottom was another number that said 10000, Spike assumed it was the power of the card, and above was the name.

"Crystal Scale?" Spike said out loud.

“He is a very powerful warrior,” Shining told her.

"Uh?" Spike asked.

"What's wrong? Cheer up,” Shining said to Spike with a big grin.

"Imagine it Spike," Shining continued, "Imagine yourself as big and strong as the warrior on that card."

"Shining, that's impossible," Spike replied a little hesitantly.

“It may seem impossible at first, but if you picture that warrior in your mind, you will become great and powerful,” Shining said spiritedly.

Spike smiled and said to himself, "Very powerful."

“As powerful as the little guy who possesses it,” Shining said.

Spike, feeling moved by Shining's words, decided to open the door and the first thing he received was a group hug from his entire family.

“Oh Spike, we're so proud of you, no matter what, we're always proud of our children,” Velvet told him.

“And we're sorry you felt less, you won't feel that way again,” Night Light told him.

At that moment Spike cried again, but with a feeling of guilt, "I, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have..."

“Shhhhh, it's okay Spike, it's okay,” Velvet told him.

"Spike, come with me," Twi took Spike's arm and they went into the kitchen together.

Upon arrival, Spike witnessed his drawing on the refrigerator, but not only that, but he was also in the center.

"Great jobs should be there, that's a rule," Twilight told her.

Spike had no words for this, he was so happy that the only thing he could do was give Twily the biggest hug.

"Daww Spike," Twily hugged him back.

The whole family had been moved by the scene.

Hours passed and Spike was in his room asleep.

He was dreaming that he was the legendary warrior Crystal Scale, in that dream he was fighting against other evil dragons, but none were a match for him.

What Spike didn't know was that this card would take him on an incredible adventure in the future, one where he would grow up.

And while he slept, he left the Crystal Scale card on his table and although no one saw it, the card began to glow.