• Published 29th Mar 2022
  • 1,537 Views, 64 Comments

Cardfight Vanguard EQG - MechaTomX

A teen will learn another definition of strength through a popular card game. thanks to which he will make new friends and have great battles.

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Dragon's Revenge

“SHINE YOUR LIGHT OF VICTORY, SUPERIOR RIDE,” shouted Flash as he placed a card on top of Drake, the card showed a bipedal yellow dragon with golden armor, it had blue spines on its back, shoulders, and knees, on its chest it had a shield that had a lightning bolt in the center, and, furthermore, the dragon wore a golden sword, “FLASH HEART DRAGON.” (PWR12000/G3)

"Whoa, that dragon looks awesome," said Spike.

"His best card," added Microchips.

Garble looked at the dragon with hate and concern.

"I hope you are ready, because Flash Heart and I will show you our power, our bond."

“Wow, so that's your best card,” Thorax said.

“Flash Heart Dragon skill,” said Flash (PWR 13000)

"Huh?" Garble asked.

Flash answered confidently, "Flash Heart Dragon gains 1000 more points if Dracokid, Wyvern and Drake are in the Soul and that's permanent."

“Very well, he secured his power,” Ember said.

“Now, I call another copy of Sentry Knight,” Flash said as he placed the card in the empty front rear-guard circle, “SENTRY KNIGHT.” (PWR9000/G2)

“Then I call 2 more copies of Flash Heart Wyvern,” Flash said as he placed the 2 copies in the last rear-guard circles on the back row, “FLASH HEART WYVERN.” (PWR8000/G1)X2

"Flash's field is full," Spike said.

“He is betting everything on a final attack,” Thorax said.

But Ember was still worried.

"My Sentry Knight's power goes up to 11000 if I have Flash Heart Dragon as a Vanguard." (PWR11000)

“Do you think that will work for you?” Garble asked.

But Flash ignored him, "Flash Heart Dragon skill, I pay 2 counter-blast and all my units gain +6000 until the end of my turn, basically 1000 for each Gold Paladin unit on the field."

"WHAAAAT?" Garble asked surprised.

“And not only that, by paying that counter-blast, Flash Heart Dragon gains an extra Critical,” Flash said, smiling.

“Oh My Bugs, No Mercy,” Thorax said.

"Seriously, Flash is very strong, I think he's as strong as my brother," Spike said.

“Time to finish this up, Flash Heart Drake supported by Golden Lancer attacks your Vanguard,” Flash said as he placed the respective cards horizontally. (PWR28000)

Garble smiled, "I defend with Magma Snake, it's not enough, I intercept with Sniper Wyvern."

Garble placed his units in the guard circle. (SHLD20000)

But the Flash didn't give up and positioned his other rear-guards horizontally, "I attack your Vanguard with Sentry Guard supported by Flash Heart Wyvern." (PWR 31000)

Suddenly Garble placed a card in the guard circle, it showed a robust wingless dragon made of metal, on his arm he had a huge shield "I discard a card and defend myself with Titanium Dragon."


“A perfect guard,” Thorax shouted in surprise.

“It means your attack is nullified,” Microchips added.

"But why didn't he use it for his Vanguard?" Spike wondered.

“Let's get this over with, FLASH HEART DRAGON, ATTACK,” Flash yelled as he placed his Flash Heart Dragon and Flash Heart Wyvern cards horizontally. (PWR 33000)

“If the attack hits, it will be the end for Garble,” Microchips said.

Garble with a serious face said the following, "No Guard."

Everyone was surprised, Garble only had 1 damage left and without the need for a drive check, he would take 2 damage.

Flash smiled, and drew a card from his deck, "Twin Drive, first check."

Flash smiled at what he brought up, "CRITICAL TRIGGER, SPRINGER THE POWERFUL JAKHOWL."

"3 Damage," Spike said in awe.

"Second check," Flash drew again and smiled again, "Yes, my deck is with me, it's another Springer."

He showed the card and everyone was surprised that even Thorax almost fainted.

“ANOTHER TRIGGER, 4 DAMAGE,” Thorax yelled.

"It's over," Ember said.

But Garble didn't seem worried, he smiled, which worried Flash, "Damage Trigger, first check."

Garble pulled a card from his deck and smiled, then showed the card, which showed a green Dragon carrying what seemed to be a lot of potions, but the most important thing was the green icon in the upper right corner, it was a Trigger, but no any Trigger, “POTION DRAGON, HEAL TRIGGER ACTIVATE.”


“10000 power to my Emperor Dragon and I heal 1 damage,” Garble said as he placed the Trigger into the Damage Zone and removed another of the cards from there. (PWR 23000)

“He was very lucky,” Thorax said worriedly.

“His luck will run out, if he wants to win, he'll have to roll another 3 Heal Triggers in a row,” Microchips said.

“Second check,” Garble said as he drew another card, he smiled again, because he had the same copy of the previous card, “HEAL TRIGGER, I BOOST MY VANGUARD.” (PWR33000)

“ANOTHER,” Spike yelled.

"Something is wrong," Ember thought.

“Third check,” Garble again drew a card and surprise, “HEAL TRIGGER ACTIVATE.” (PWR 43000)


“What can I say, I think the goddess of fortune is smiling on me,” Garble said, then took another card from his deck, “Final check.”

Everyone was waiting for Garble's last card, if it was another Heal, Garble could make a comeback.

Garble put the card into the Damage Zone and revealed it.

"No way," Spike said.

“It can't be,” Microchips said.

“Oh rubies,” Ember said.

While Thorax passed out.

But Flash didn't say anything, he kept calm and just looked at him with a serious face.

“HEAL TRIGGER ACTIVATE,” Garble said. (PWR53000)

"This is insane, he actually was able to draw 4 Heal Triggers in a row" Spike said concerned.

Unable to do anything else, Flash said the following words, "I'm done with my turn."

“Nobody beats the Great Garble, that's a fact,” Garble said as he stood and drew a card from his deck.

"Just don't let your guard down," Spike told Flash.

“No, he won't be able to defend himself,” Ember said realizing what Garble had planned.

"Huh?" Spike reacted.

"The blue girl is right, you won't be able to defend yourself," Garble said, then yelled, "EMPEROR DRAGON SKILL."

Here it comes, Flash thought.

“I can only use his skill one turn after it appears, it's time, I'll pay 5 counter-blast,” Garble said as he flipped all his cards in the Damage Zone.

“This turn I will be able to have an extra drive, which means, instead of drawing 2 cards, I will draw 3, but I will not be able to attack with units other than my Vanguard.”

"That's weird, he's taking a lot of risk, Flash could have a perfect defense in hand," Spike said.

“No, it's much worse,” Ember told him.

Flash just thought what was coming would not be pretty at all.


“NOOOOO,” Spike yelled.


Flash just frowned.


"Triple Drive, first check," Garble said and then pulled out a Trigger, "Critical Trigger."

“Uh oh,” Microchips said startled.

"Second check," Garble said, saw that it was a normal unit and frowned, "Nothing."

"I can still survive, as long as he doesn't pull a critical," Flash thought.

“THIRD CHECK,” Flash yelled as he pulled out the card with all his might, it was so strong that he accidentally ended up hitting Spike.


“OUCH,” Spike yelled as he fell to the ground.

Garble didn't even bother to apologize for being focused on the card he took out, but seeing it, an evil smile formed on his face, he showed the card and...


But Flash Sentry still wasn't giving up, if he also managed to pull out a Heal Trigger at the last moment, he could win.

“Damage Trigger, Triple check,” Flash said as he drew 3 cards.

But when he see them...

"I could have been stronger."

Even though it was a card game, Flash could feel himself getting hit 3 times by the Emperor Dragon.

"No Trigger."

Garble:5 (Winner)

“This is how this ends,” Ember said.

“Looks like you won,” Flash said still trying to process everything.

“Of course I beat you, I'm a national champion, whereas you shouldn't even be called a cardfighter,” Garble replied.

Flash was upset by his comments, he was going to say something, but someone else did it first.

"Hey, be more respectful, he may have lost, but he did his best," Spike (he was still on the ground) told Garble.

“A loss is a loss, brat, and all who face my deck suffer that fate,” Garble responded, pointing to his deck.

“You only won because you got lucky,” Spike said as he got up.

“It was more than luck, it's called skill, and that's something he'll never have for being a loser, the same applies to all of you, you're losers,” Garble replied.

Spike was fed up with Garble's attitude but he saw something that caught his attention, he saw that there was another Heal Trigger in his deck, then he saw the Damage Zone and sure enough the 4 Heal Triggers he took out were there.

"What the...?" Spike wondered.

“And now, this belongs to me,” Garble said taking Flash Heart Dragon.

"WHAT?" Flash said, "Hey, neither agreed to bet cards."

“Well, too bad for you, I like this card, and you lost, so now it's mine,” Garble replied.

"You're a..." Flash said but then Spike quickly grabbed Garble´s deck that he had left on the table when he took Flash Heart Dragon.

"Hey, what the hell are you doing?" Garble asked as he tried to take his deck from Spike but was stopped by Ember.

Spike started to check Garble's deck and saw something that caught his attention, "I knew it."

“Uh-oh,” Garble thought.

"Look at this," he showed Garble's cards to the others, "He's a cheater, half of his cards are Triggers."

The others saw the deck and it was true, they said it had about 12 criticals, 8 stands and 10 heals.

"So, you cheated," Flash told Garble.

“Hey, I don't think that's cheating,” Garble replied with a bored look.

"GRRR OF COURSE," Ember replied angrily, "The rules only allow you to have 16 Triggers, and you can only have 4 Heal Triggers."

“With a lot of triggers, he was able to secure an easier win,” added Microchips.

But Spike was taking it more personally, his brother taught him that Vanguard duels were fun, but the most important thing was to respect and learn from your opponent, create bonds, and always aspire to be better, that means being a cardfighter, but Garble it was the opposite of what Shining Armor taught him.

“I thought you were a national champion, and as far as I know, winners don't cheat,” Flash said.

“This isn't a tournament, so I can do whatever I want,” Garble replied.

"Even so, that wasn't a fair match, where is your honor?" asked Flash.

“Hehe, Honor?” Garble said, "Honor my ass, the only thing of Vanguard i want is the victory."

“Now, if you'll excuse me, the Great Garble has other business,” Garble said as he left the shop with the Flash Heart Dragon card.

Flash was going to say something but again Spike did it first.

“Great Garble? You are not the Great Garble, you are the Pathetic Garble, not only that, you are just a coward who has to depend on his traps to play this game, you say you are strong but you are a weakling, and you know it is true, you should not be called Cardfighter, you're just a big asshole who doesn't know how to play,” Spike said surprising everyone in the store.

Hearing that Garble started to turn red with anger, even redder than he was already, he approached Spike and practically yelled in his face, "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU CALL ME?"

Startled, Spike answered as best he could, "Umm, wimp?"


Spike at one point armed himself with all the courage he could and replied, "You're the one who disrespected Flash by stealing his most precious card, you don't know what it means to him, I can clearly see who the great idiot is."

Garble was about to punch Spike, but suddenly he saw a card coming out of his pocket, he took it, "What is this?"

“Hey, give it back to me,” Spike ordered.

Garble looked closely at the card and couldn't believe his eyes, "It can't be, it's a Crystal Scale with original artwork, I've always wanted one."

The others looked at him with contempt knowing what he was up to.

"And I've finally found one," a wicked grin spread across Garble's face, "Yeah, I think I'm keeping this too."

"There's a limit to how low you can go," Ember said.

"Keep Spike out of this," Flash said.

Garble, fed up with the comments, approached Spike, "Okay, enough, we'll make a deal."

"A deal?" Spike asked.

"We'll have a Vanguard duel, you and me, of course I won't cheat this time, I'll rebuild my deck, if you win I'll give you Flash Heart Dragon back."

"And if I lose?" Spike asked.

“I'll keep your Crystal Scale and his Flash Heart Dragon, but it won't be just that, since the two of them made me angry I'll put another condition,” Garble said.

Spike looked at him carefully still scared.

"If I beat you, in addition to keeping the cards," Garble paused and continued, "I'm going to break your arms."

"WHAAAT?" Spike yelled in fright.

“That will be the price for offending the Great Garble,” Garble said.

Spike started to think about it, but was interrupted, "Umm, I'm not sure if I should accept a duel like that, maybe if we come to an agreement…."

"Of course he agrees, you think he'll let you break his arms, he'll beat you," Ember said.

“Ember,” Spike yelled.

"Don't worry Spike, I know you can beat him," Ember said.

"And if I lose?"

"Umm, you have health insurance right?" Ember asked.

Spike gulped as he sat down at the table.

"You can beat him Spike, I believe in you," Flash told him.

Garble began rearranging his deck as Spike shuffled his.

Spike was nervous, how he could beat a national champion?, and then he thought that if he lost the fight, not only would his arms be broken, but Flash would lose his Flash Heart Dragon.

"I don't know if I can do it," Spike thought.


Spike began to remember Shining's words, "Imagine you're as strong as the warrior on that card."

Spike could only think about what Shining had taught him, he realized that it was his duty to teach Garble a lesson, it was his duty to protect Vanguard from cheaters like him, but above all, it was necessary, to be as strong as Crystal Scale.

"I'm ready."

"Wow, where did that confidence come from?" Garble asked.

But Spike ignored him.

At that moment the 2 placed a card face down in the Vanguard circle and shouted.


But this time Spike added something to his sentence, in honor of his brother.


“Hehe I thought you'd run away at this point,” Garble told him.

"No, I won't run from someone like you, I won't run from a coward," Spike replied making Garble angry.

Then, the battle began.

Author's Note:

Well, some already guessed it, Flash lost, but that was because Garble cheated, at least he won't cheat in the duel against Spike.

Now it's all up to Spike.