• Published 30th Mar 2022
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EQG: The Jokerz - Grand-Galvatron

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Chapter 2: A Maddening Trip down Memory Lane, The Comedy Begins

"Ahh, home at last," Joseph Kerr said as he parked his car near a purple and green-painted house known as The Gotham Clown-House. "Wanna hear a little fun fact, This used to be the old Gotham City State Orphanage until it was abandoned in 1986 after a caretaker named Lazlo Valentine went crazy and chopped up his entire staff with an ax, plus two of the children that lived there."

"What happened to Mr. Valentine," The Patient said.

"No one knows, he disappeared before the police could apprehend him," Joseph Kerr said. "But let's not think about an old Gotham Folktale, let's think about what's happening right here right now."

Joseph then knocked on the door and said, "Oh honey, I'm home."

"Coming Mr. J," A woman's voice said from the other side of the door.

Then the door opened to reveal a blonde-haired woman with glasses and a white coat.

"Oh, this is Dr. Harleen Quinzel," Joseph Kerr said. "She helps with not only taking care of the children but also helping them recover from any mental trauma they may have faced in their childhood."

"Dr. Quinzel is there a spare bedroom for her to sleep in," Joseph Kerr asked.

"Yes, there is a room available for her," Harleen said. "She can be Twilight's Bunk-Mate."

"Twilight," The Patient said to herself. "Why does that name sound so familiar?"

"Now Child, please give me a minute," Joseph Kerr said. "I need to go to the restroom to change, finally be rid of this make-up and black hair dye."

"Oh, I think you should change clothes as well," Joseph Kerr said. "Unless you wanted to go out in public wearing that hospital gown."

"Ok," The Patient said as she went into the bathroom in her bedroom.

Then she saw Twilight sitting in her bed quietly giggling to herself while petting a baby Spotted Hyena she named Spike.

She also saw an orange-haired girl who had a horrid Glasgow smile, the name on her bed said, "Adagio Dazzle."

When she entered, she saw that there were clothes already neatly folded and waiting for her.

The clothes were a green undershirt with a purple Biker Jacket and purple Biker Pants, followed by a piece of red lipstick.

"Well, as they always say, The Clothes make the man, or is it the Clown," The Patient snickered to herself as she changed out of her hospital gown and into the clothes on the sink counter.

As she did so, she began to regain her memories, and what pain was as unbearable then regaining bad memories. She remembered her name, Sunset Shimmer, she remembered the cause of her present predicament, Anon-A-Miss, She even remembered all of her old classmates' bullying and jeers towards her. Sunset clung to her head as the mouth of madness began to envelop her completely, making her body quiver as she laughed maniacally while doing so, as she realized that friendship was nothing but a cold cruel joke put on her. It was all just a dark twisted demented gag.

Once she had gotten into her new clothes and biker attire, she applied the red lipstick, and once that was done, her smile then resembled that of a devilish clown.

She then wanted to change her name because she thought the name Patient wouldn't be threatening enough, so she changed it to The Punk.

"Lookin good Sunset, Lookin good," The Punk said. "You're gonna knock them dead...literally, heh heh heh."

The Punk then saw a Barbed Wire Baseball Bat sitting next to the place where she found the clothes, and once she got it she left the changing room.

"So Mr. J, how do I look," The Punk said.

Joseph Kerr turned around to reveal white skin and green hair, and he was now wearing a purple suit.

"Oh kiddo, you look perfect," Joseph said. "Oh and you don't need to call me Joseph Kerr, that was just an alias, just take away a few letters, rearrange a few, and you get...JOKER, HAHAHAHAHAHA," The Joker said.

"Yes but, who is the Joker really," The Punk said. "Because I think we both realize that The Joker is not just a single individual, but is an idea and a philosophy of pure madness, hahaha."

"Yes, exactly," The Comedian said.

"However, all those sane and rational bottom-feeders would think otherwise," The Punk said. And they would rather bully, jeer, and shame us to the point where we would just sit near a corner, crying and begging for the suffering to end...just like what they did to poor little Sunset Shimmer, she's dead because of them, and in her ashes, a new Joker is born."

"However, this tale isn't a tragedy, it's going to end in a comedy...well, for me that is," The Punk said with a maniacal grin. "And soon all those responsible will pay for the actions that destroyed Sunset Shimmer."

The Punk then got out her phone and wanted to send a little message to her old friends and spread this message worldwide.

(As Sunset was in a private room, she started the audio recording)

Hello, my old friends, Long-Time-no-see, I guess most of you may have forgotten the name of whose talking to you right now is, if not, then that makes me very happy.

I guess you all heard about the accident that occurred in ACE Chemicals the other day? Yeah, I remember it too all too well, heh heh heh, you all must have been laughing your little heads off huh? I know you were and I know how that feels all too well.

It's contagious, isn't it, laughing at the poor and defenseless, well guess what shitheads, now the Jokes are on you. The Jokes are on all of you. I hope that all of you are prepared for the fun and happy days that are ahead for all of you, Especially you Rainbow-Dash, aka Captain of the GCPD.

Soon Sunset Shimmer will be avenged, and all those that are responsible will pay for all those heinous acts and crimes that destroyed Sunset Shimmer, and the ones who destroyed the rest of us shall suffer as well.

You all better get ready, because The Jokerz are coming for all of you. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!

With Smiles, Your former friend,

Sunset Shimmer.

"Before we go, I would like to introduce you to the Head Honcho who started this whole Joker Gig in the first place," The Comedian said. "Say hello to the Criminal."

The Punk then saw an older man wearing a purple trench coat.

"Well, it is a pleasure to finally meet you, my new Joker," The Criminal said. "Let's hope you make a great advancement to serve our goal, to show everyone in this wretched world the true meaning of the Joker."

Now the everyday high school girl Sunset Shimmer was no more, and in her place was one of many psychotic maniacs and murderers that will be known by many. Those who would dare try to speak the name of this group of people would tremble in fear that they were going to come for them too.

These psychopaths were known as the Jokerz.

(Will continue in Chapter 3: The Jokerz strike, This Joke will just Slay you!).