• Published 30th Mar 2022
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EQG: The Jokerz - Grand-Galvatron

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Chapter 3: Rainbow on the Move, an Unwanted Reunion.

In the Dark of Night, Rainbow-Dash was in her GCPD Patrol Bike as she was going on her daily patrol, just to see if everything was alright in Gotham City.

"Sigh, Gotham never changes," Rainbow said as she was looking upon Gotham's dark and gloomy sky. "Well, at least we have people like Batman here to protect us from these so-called super-crooks, even though I think that Batman should stay out of Police Affairs."

Rainbow then heard a voice come from her walkie-talkie, revealing it to be her partner, Soarin Blitz.

"Hey Rainbow, you there," Soarin said.

"Yeah, what's up," Rainbow replied.

"There's been a disturbance in one of the local bars," Soarin said.

Rainbow let out a frustrated sigh, "I know who it is, don't worry Soarin, I'll come by the bar and take her home."

Rainbow then hung up as she got closer to the Bowery Bar and Casino.

As Rainbow entered the Bar, she saw her old friend Applejack holding a broken beer bottle and swearing at other patrons.

"Sigh, not again Aj," Rainbow said to herself as she approached her friend.

"Hey, gi-git away from me, ya hear," Applejack said in her drunken stupor.

"Aj, calm down, it's me, Rainbow-Dash," Rainbow said as she tried to calm her down.

"Rainbow, what are *hic* you doing here," Applejack murmured. "Waiter, I want another one."

"I think you've had enough Aj," Rainbow calmly said. "C'mon, let's take you home before the manager calls security."

"Wha*hic*Whatever," Applejack slurred as Rainbow carried Applejack to her patrol bike.

"Man, she's been like this ever since Sweet Apple Acres went out of business," Rainbow Dash said to herself. "Well, it was inevitable due to all the lawsuits she had since Applebloom and her friends did that Anon-A-Miss crap."

Rainbow felt sorry for her old friend, as she had become a drunken shell of her former self.

Once Applejack was securely put in the backseat of her patrol Bike, Rainbow then got on and drove her home.

"Aj, you've been off your depression meds again, haven't you," Rainbow said as she was driving.

"Why do you care, I'll just*hic*take it when I feel down," Applejack said.

"You know that's not how the medicine works, you're not well," Rainbow said. "Besides, you shouldn't be drinking, don't you know that alcohol is bad for your body."

"Y-You're talking just like Rarity," Applejack said. "I never wanna see that bitch again."

"Hey, don't talk like that, Rarity was our friend," Rainbow said.

Rainbow then began to think about her other friends. She then thought about Fluttershy, who had to be sent to a mental institution due to attempted suicide. Rainbow hadn't seen Pinkie Pie since Anon-A-Miss was revealed.

"Oh, I'll never forgive them for *hic* taking my Applebloom away," Applejack slurred.

"She deserved to be taken to Juvenile Detention," Rainbow said. "The CMCs are the ones that tore our friendship into pieces, just because they weren't getting attention from us! I mean, how petty is that?"

Applejack couldn't do anything violent since she was put in handcuffs.

Rainbow then stopped by a nearby apartment complex, just as Applejack had fallen asleep from the Alcohol.

"I'm sorry it had to be this way AJ," Rainbow said. "But we can't change the past, all we can do is see what the future will hold for us."

Once Rainbow had put the Sleeping Applejack onto the couch of Applejack's Apartment room, she quietly closed the door behind her and went to the Police Station to finish her night shift.

Suddenly a group of bikers zoomed right past her patrol Bike.

"Oh, you made a big mistake, speeding in my city," Rainbow said as she put her sirens on and chased after the bikers.

"HEY, YOU'VE BEEN BUSTED PUNKS, GCPD, STOP YOUR BIKES AND PUT YOUR HANDS IN THE AIR," Rainbow said as she spoke through a megaphone.

Rainbow saw that the bikers were wearing clown masks.

"These must be some of Joker's men," Rainbow said to herself. "Don't tell me he broke out of Arkham again."

Suddenly the Goons took a sharp left towards a neighborhood, and Rainbow followed them in hot pursuit.

Suddenly, Rainbow saw Lightning Dust come next to her.

"Lightning, what are you doing here," Rainbow asked.

"Thought you would need me as Backup to take these clowns," Lightning said with a smile.

Rainbow then pulled her Double-Barreled Revolver and shot at one of the goons' tires making him skid and crash into a fence.

"Lightning, go after the others, I'll question this dirtbag," Rainbow said.

"Alright, you got it," Lightning said as went in pursuit of the others.

Then Rainbow approached the crashed Joker Goon and began to interrogate him.

"Alright, Dirtbag, we can do this the easy way or the hard way," Rainbow said. "Where's The Joker?!"

"Which one," The Goon said with a smirk.

"What," Rainbow said in confusion. "What do you mean which one?"

"There's always been more than one Joker," The Goon said.

"So how many are there," Rainbow said.

"Seven," The Goon said.

"S-So, where are they, TELL ME!" Rainbow said.

Suddenly a voice came from behind her and said, "One's Behind you, hello Dashie."

This brought a chill down Rainbow's Spine, as she had not heard that voice in 5 years.

Rainbow then turned around, and when she did, the blood in her veins ran cold when she saw the person's face.

"S-Su-Sunset," Rainbow said with a face full of terror. "What did Joker do to you?!"

"What, that's it," Sunset said with a face of disappointment. "No how have been Sunset, Oh you're new face looks beautiful Sunset, really Dashie, I'm hurt."

"But really, I'm happy to finally see you again, we've got a lot of catching up to do, old friend," Sunset said.

"But, first, you're going to be taking a nap," Sunset said as she slammed her Crowbar into Rainbow's head, knocking her out.

"Alright, you load her into the Car, I still have a lot of catching up to do with her," Sunset said as she giggled when she got on her Joker-Bike and went straight to the Jokerz lair.

(Will continue in Chapter 4: Sunset's Revenge-O-Rama, Inside the Laughing House).