• Published 2nd Apr 2022
  • 372 Views, 2 Comments

Dear One - TheOnlySaneDraconequus

He's made many mistakes in his lengthy life, but none have cost this much. A "What-if" story if Cosmos won during the IDW Comics. An entry for the "A Thousand Words" Contest

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He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not...

Pain. Beyond what he thought was possible to feel. An Eternity, and yet over in a moment. All 12 senses assaulted by a cacophony of colors screaming, sounds burning cold to touch, smells blindingly bright.

Every atom of his being burned, flared, and exploded. He was slowly ripped apart down to the core of his being. There was a moment, only a moment, of cessation of existence, and it was a welcome oasis from the unbearable pain he was being subjected to.

Then he was carelessly spun back into physical form, landing in a tangled heap in front of the thrones. His ‘n Hers thrones made from sharp stone, a throne for the Ruler, and for the Pet.

Because that’s what he was now. No matter what she says, that is all he ever was, and ever could be, prey to be toyed with. One day, when she finally grows bored of him, and she will, she’ll dispose of him. The thought brings him equal amounts of hope and terror.

He licks his cracked lips, trying to catch his breath. “I-” he rasps, “I’m … s-sorry. My Love. My Light. My Reason for Being. Snookums…” A flash of teeth, sharp and quick as a knife. Good, he’s pleased her. He won’t be torn apart again. Yet.

On all fours, like a dog, he pads to his throne. His is far, far lower than hers, his place his at her feet. He curls up in his basket, the collar around his neck heavy. It doesn’t weigh much physically, but all that it stands for is a millstone on his soul.

Feeling what may pass for generous, she reaches down and scratches behind his ears. His lizard’s leg thumps wildly. Not out of any joy from the stimulation, but because he has carefully taught himself how to act. How to be amusing.

Oh, I’m glad we’re past that little misunderstanding. You know I love you…

You have a very funny way of showing it… He thinks, terrified she’ll hear. “Of course, and I’m the luckiest guy in creation to have you!”

She coos. Good. You and me? We’re the same. Two sides of the same rotten coin. How could you ever have deluded yourself into thinking you could want something lesser than my glory? You don't still think of that silly Pegasus, do you?

"I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he replies rattlesnake fast.

Hmm. Well, let’s jog your memory…

A warp of reality, the universe momentarily screeching in pain, and she’s back. Her beautiful sunny coat, and bright pink mane that frames empty aqua eyes. There’s nothing more that can be done to her, torturing her isn’t fun anymore, because she doesn’t care… She is utterly broken…

He doesn’t dare say it, doesn’t even think it, but with a look, he tells her, “I’m sorry…”

Her look softly replies, “I know…”

His first, his only true friend steels herself for whatever horrors are about to be inflicted on her. He wishes he were so brave.

The omnipresent, squirming tentacles that manifest around the current ruler of reality slither closer and tie him in place. He will watch this, he has no choice, and resisting will make it worse.

I suppose that if you’re Kindness, that makes you my opposite, huh toots?

Fluttershy looks upon the being that grew herself out of the bodies of Fluttershy’s friends. She doesn’t say a word. That is her final act of resistance, to not act.

An annoyed growl, a hiss that is a file scraped down the spine of anyone who hears it.

UGH! After all these years, after all this time, you’re so … BORING!

“Yes, she was always quite dull,” he replies. “Some things never change, Love.”

What shall it be this time? Drowning? Evisceration? Filling you with spiders? Oh! I know… The tone of voice sends chills down his spine. Dear One? Dispose of this garbage, please. As a sign you love only me…

No. Please, please no. He doesn’t even have magic anymore; she took that too. He would have to do it with his claws and teeth, slowly, painfully. If he had even a bit of magic, he could at least offer a quick death…


In that voice, the voice he hates, he can hear a bit of his old friends peeking through, every time an Alicorn has ever nagged him, or every time he annoyed Big Mac. She’s angry

He yelps, springing into action. Faust damn him for his cowardice!

He pads over to the chained Pegasus. He grins evilly. “Who could ever love something as utterly pathetic as you?” he taunts. He can hear himself from the Hedge Maze, the day he stole the Elements of Harmony.

He springs, claws and teeth bared, going for the throat. It’s funny, the mismatch of creatures he’s made of actually make him an efficient predator.

The coppery tang of blood fills his mouth as he rips and tears, putting on a show.

Because that’s what he’s always done, isn’t it? Put on a show, pretended to not be scared.

And now, it’s far too late for anyone to do anything. It’s cruel that she left him his mind, if their positions were reversed, he’d have hypnotized his conquest.

He shakes the corpse of his former friend like a rag doll. That’s all it is now. A corpse. A former friend. In another life, in another place, when he should have done the right thing.

His paw reaches down and he slices open Fluttershy’s chest, tearing out her heart. He presents it to his Queen as a sign of his devotion, not simply so that he could have held it for even a moment.

His “other half,” his “love,” his tormentor and prisoner smiles. He’d had no idea back when the world was young what she was.

Cosmos scarfs down the heart of her rival like a fine chocolate, and all is momentarily right with her world once again.
He silently cries.

Author's Note:

So ... not the kind of stuff I normally write. :twilightoops:
I prefer adding fluff to the world, not horror. :fluttershyouch:
But, there's a Grim prompt for the contest, and in all honesty, I think Cosmos could be the Worst-Case Scenario. The Personification of Malice, after all...
I'm not overly happy with this, but it's difficult to tell a whole story in so few words.
Oh, the story title is Cosmos's nickname for Discord. Chapter title is that game where you pluck the petals off a flower. Cosmos prefers to pluck the limbs off of Ponies...
Comments are appreciated to let me know what you think, or what I need to improve on!

Comments ( 2 )

Oof. An excellent bit of torment, though knowing Cosmos, I'm not sure she'd even leave that universe intact for daring to waylay her. Always nice to see someone work with the comics; there's some great stuff in there so few people know about. Thank you for this, and best of luck in the judging.

Then he was carelessly spun back into physical form, landing in a tangled heap in front of the thrones. His ‘n Hers thrones made from sharp stone, a throne for the Ruler, and for the Pet.

oof, love this mood. the irony in the contrast between what thrones normally mean and what they signify to Discord in this case

Because that’s what he was now. No matter what she says, that is all he ever was, and ever could be, prey to be toyed with. One day, when she finally grows bored of him, and she will, she’ll dispose of him. The thought brings him equal amounts of hope and terror.

this made me re-check the tags and expect the mother of all roleswaps, with an evil Fluttershy on this throne. dang, what kind of a story would that be!

Feeling what may pass for generous, she reaches down and scratches behind his ears. His lizard’s leg thumps wildly. Not out of any joy from the stimulation, but because he has carefully taught himself how to act. How to be amusing.

oof, that is dark, i love it!

Fluttershy looks upon the being that grew herself out of the bodies of Fluttershy’s friends.

oof oof oof

No. Please, please no. He doesn’t even have magic anymore; she took that too. He would have to do it with his claws and teeth, slowly, painfully. If he had even a bit of magic, he could at least offer a quick death…

augh, twisting the knife! such is what one must do in stories like this, and this is a good one

In that voice, the voice he hates, he can hear a bit of his old friends peeking through, every time an Alicorn has ever nagged him, or every time he annoyed Big Mac. She’s angry

and augh, that this being is made up of what used to be all their beloved friends!

He springs, claws and teeth bared, going for the throat. It’s funny, the mismatch of creatures he’s made of actually make him an efficient predator.

that is funny, in exactly the way this sentence intends

His paw reaches down and he slices open Fluttershy’s chest, tearing out her heart. He presents it to his Queen as a sign of his devotion, not simply so that he could have held it for even a moment.

His “other half,” his “love,” his tormentor and prisoner smiles. He’d had no idea back when the world was young what she was.

and oof, what a twisted form of the love and devotion that is otherwise so pure and good and makes life worth living! definitely makes the wrongness and grimness and horror hit even harder.

I'm not overly happy with this, but it's difficult to tell a whole story in so few words.

aww, i think you did a great job! the story did all that it was supposed to, giving us a slice of a very tormented and horrifically awful life that is the fate of this Discord and Fluttershy and, apparently, all of their friends as well. i enjoyed this like i enjoy overly spicy things, the pain is fun! thank you for it!

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