• Published 3rd Apr 2022
  • 1,324 Views, 484 Comments

Alpha and Omega - Revel Montaro

For every beginning there is an end. Princesses Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer stand side by side as the rulers of Equestria, as beacons of hope against those that seek said end, as the darkness closes around them and the walls press in.

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Chapter 19: The Chain

As Isabella Windsong had predicted, the days that followed the large scale mental assault on Canterlot had been extremely hectic. The physical damage to the city had been easily fixed. It had, after all, not been the first time the city had come under siege in its long history. However, unlike the vicious attack that Aethon and his fellow Athanatoi had conducted years before the toll on the individual was significantly higher.

The number of casualties had been amazingly minimal, but nearly all who had been involved, be it as a helpless thrall or stout defended, had sustained some sort of physical injuries. Even those cuts, bruises, and broken bones paled in comparison to the mental trauma. Doctors and specialists from all over Equestria and beyond were flown into the city regardless of the expense and made themselves ready to hear out any who needed to speak in private confidence or just a shoulder to cry on. That was expected to continue for weeks if not longer.

Security issues were immediately covered by the arrival of a detachment of the Crystal Empire’s best fast response unit. They, along with a platoon of personal guards had arrived with Princess Cadence to bolster the wounded and demoralized guard as well as see to the needs of the citizens. Cadence had taken the lead on efforts to organize group therapy sessions and made herself, along with Flurry Heart, available to any who needed to speak.

While the Solar guard had not suffered as much, some had been horrified to awaken from the nightmare and realize they had been attacking their fellows or just random citizens. The Lunar guard, however, was in shambles. They had sustained many losses and news of Luna’s “departure” had wounded their pride and sense of being. Without the Mistress of the Night many assumed they would be the last of their kind. A question that had fallen to Sunset Shimmer that she did not have an answer for. Of the many things Luna had taught Sunset about being a princess she had never shared the secret magic and ritual for how ponies were transformed into thestrals.

Twilight Sparkle dismissed the court session for the day at what normally would have been lunch break, but not enough nobles or guild members were fit enough to attend a full session and public hearings from the commoners had still not yet resumed for security reasons. Only cases that were deemed an emergency were allowed to be presented at the moment.

The newly repaired and repainted double doors to the throne room opened and the dozen nobles exited as Sunset Shimmer and Raven waited off to the side. They paid Sunset the necessary courtesy, which she nodded to them in turn. It may have seemed disrespectful, but one look in their tired eyes and ragged movements and it was obvious they were still recovering like many others. Twilight, however perked up a bit at the sight of her fiancé. Sunset smiled back before her head split open with a wide yawn and a shake of her head.

“I always love seeing you, but you don’t have to be awake,” Twilight said before happily nuzzling into Sunset’s neck. “I know you came back late last night from dream walking.”

“Even with the time dilation it’s so much harder to look in on everypony having problems without Aunt Luna. She was such a natural at this and way, WAY more experienced." Sunset shook her head again, gently patting her cheeks with her hooves. "I know I’m helping, but damn is it exhausting.”

“I tried to tell her to wait and I would have ordered food and coffee brought from the kitchen, but she insisted on meeting you here. Unsurprising, seeing you was more important than listening to me.”

Twilight smiled. “Thank you. Both of you.” Twilight turned to Raven who was once again hidden under a new illusion spell. The new opal broach was nearly identical as the last one and her wig and tail had not been badly damaged in the fight. Though Raven appeared just as perfect as she had before Twilight knew otherwise. “How are you doing, Raven?”

“I am well, all things considered. I still have an undeniable gait to my forward movement and there is a noticeable delay reaction when I try to make the body do a side step. The MAU’s gyro stabilizers are not operating at optimum and are tripping sensors from time to time. There is also still a dent to the skull just above where my docking port is, but thankfully the wig covers that.”

Sunset groaned and shook her head. “I tried to fix everything as best I could, I really did. But some of the microsensors and actuators were far too delicate to easily repair. I rewired and replaced everything I could, but some of the plastics were just so fragile that I was afraid I might break them trying to fix things. The body was just not meant to take damage like it did. Fucking witch.”

“I’m not blaming you, mother,” Raven said while placing a reassuring hoof on Sunset’s own. “The fact that you were able to get the body up and moving again at all using only Equestria technology and magic is a minor miracle and far exceeded my expectations. Even the new chest plate meshes near seamlessly when seen without the illusion spell. It cannot be helped that the sensors do not recognize it. If it means I must walk with a limp for now until the body can be properly replaced then I fared better than most.”

“Yeeeeeah, that might be a while considering the human world just got a big fat look at me with wings and a horn thanks to Datura. Someone there, who works with the authorities, recognized me and that’s not good. There is no telling what that means for my finances, extra ID's, or descendants for that matter.”

Twilight nodded, smacking Sunset playfully with her tail as she walked pass. “Something to worry about later. Come on, since we’re all up might as well eat.”

Requiring no further invitation, Sunset fell into step beside Twilight with Raven and Isabella directly behind them. Once in the privacy of the small dining room the conversation picked up while the servants finished plating the modest lunch. They quickly adjusted to seeing both princesses and set out a second plate along with a large cup of fresh coffee. Both Twilight and Sunset smiled and thanked them.

“So,” Sunset began after taking a long drag of her coffee, the heavenly burn and aroma perking her up, “We didn’t finish talking about the modified wedding plans yesterday before I had to get to work.”

Twilight nodded. “I was mostly just rambling, thinking out loud so as to try to make a decision on the matter and now I have. I Think we need to postpone, for at least a few more moons.”

“You sure you want to do that? I mean, we already sent the invites and everything.”

Reluctantly, Twilight nodded. “After everything that has happened… I can’t put what I want ahead of the needs of the citizens of Canterlot. They need us now and I don’t know if a big fancy wedding is what they need. Not to mention we never did finalize a solution to the declaration made by the Saddle Arabian prince and his grand vizier before Lord Muhasib ran back to his train and fled."

"We could have sent word and had the train detained at the border," said Isabella. "That had been my first suggestion."

"I didn't want to create a bigger incident. I still don't, but I’m sure that’s going to come back and bite us in the collective rumps. It’s just… considering everything… I can wait. Do you not agree?”

Sunset nodded. “I agree that they come first. But… hmm. I guess neither of us have Pinkie’s party instincts. It would be nice to have a better hoof on the pulse of the people like she always did. What I do know is nothing has changed for me or how I feel. In fact, after nearly dying, again, I know I want to marry you and enjoy our life together more than ever.”

Twilight smiled and felt a need to wipe a tear that tried to fall. “Thank you, Sunny. That means everything to me to hear you say that. But I’ve waited this long I can wait another moon or two if need be.”

Sunset nodded. The conversation paused while they both happily cleared their plates. Raven stood quietly occasionally checking her ocular crystals to see what others were up to. Isabella simply sipped her tea, lost in her own thoughts.

Sunset set the plate aside and cleared her throat. “Hey, I haven’t heard any update on Tempest for the last few days. How’s she doing?”

Twilight grimaced for a moment before shaking her head slightly. “Better, so I’m told, but still recovering and adjusting to the broken horn. The arms master retrieved Tempest Shadow’s helm and chest plate, the ones you wore, from storage and that is helping with the magical surges. Unfortunately, she has a long road to recovery and not just the physical trauma. Tempest… already told me yesterday that she feels she may have to resign as Solar Captain.”

“Seriously? What for?”

Twilight rolled her hooves about as she gathered her thoughts. “Tempest feels that the captain must be the best of all the guard and that she is unsure if she can be the best anymore. I told her to just focus on recovery and relearning control before making such a life changing decision and that we would support her the whole way no matter what.”

“Of course. She saved all our backsides and deserves whatever help and support she needs.”

Twilight finished her plate and stared at the table for a long moment before finally turning her eyes to the small window. Unlike the secondary dining room with its large, floor to ceiling patio windows, the view from the smaller dining room was not as nice, but the room was not meant to impress guests, she remembered, before refocusing on what was truly on her mind.



“Are… are we going to be okay?”

Sunset quirked her head to the side. Even Raven and Isabella turned their attention to Twilight after such a simple yet profound question. Raven took special note of both their facial expressions to analyze later.

“You and me? Yeah. As far as other godly alicorns coming after us? I want to think we gave Void or whoever reason to pause. I mean, Luna killed Samael or turned him into her bitch or something. That has to give the rest of them, however many of them there are, a moment to consider their life choices. I want to believe that.”

“So many unknown variables,” said Twilight with a sour pout on her face. “I hate unknown variables.”

Twilight’s eyes widened and she arched a brown when she heard her fiancé break into a giggling snicker fit. The sight and sound of it forced Twilight to blush and smile. “Something funny, Miss Shimmer?”

“Nah, just enjoying you being you. You make me smile.” Sunset stood, walked around the table and pressed her lips to Twilight’s. Not concerned in the least that their mouths tasted of ranch dressing. In fact, it tasted better that way, Sunset concluded. “I love you, Twilight Sparkle.”

Twilight smiled, happily locking her eyes with her lover and wife-to-be(eventually). She giggled, enjoying the warm sensation that filled her heart as she stared comfortably at the beautiful mare standing next to her. Twilight concluded that Sunset did in truth look amazing no matter how long or short her mane was. That was kind of unfair. Maybe I should have mine cut back too. I have let it go for quite a while now.

Then, they exhaled, and their breaths fogged as if they had just stepped into a cooler.

“I’m detecting a sudden drop in the ambient temperature,” said Raven, moving to stand next to Isabella who already had her claws under her wings, grasping her dagger handles.

Sunset’s face twisted instantly to an angry sneer, teal eyes taking on a bright glow. Sunset took a step back and her wings ignited, Godslayer formed next to her. The black blade was immediately engulfed in red fire and held steady in telekinetic magic. Any thoughts or concerns about how using the sword actually consumed bits of her life were completely forgotten.


The goldenrod alicorn kept her eyes searching about. She tried to keep her breathing steady but felt her heart pounding with each passing second. She could feel the shift in magical fields and was certain Twilight could as well. Her assumption becoming fact when Twilight pointed towards the corner.

“Do you see…”

The mage lights overhead flickered and failed.

When Sunset blinked and looked back, standing in the corner was Luna. She was adorned in the same long black cloak with a hood that was pulled back as they had last seen her in. After a few seconds Luna smiled and bowed her head. Sunset, however, did not lower her sword.

“Be at ease, beloved niece. I am not here for any creature.”

Twilight and Sunset exchanged a silent conversation before they nodded together and Sunset disengaged. Sunset Shimmer was torn. She wanted to desperately run over to her aunt and wrap her in a warm hug, but at the same time had to remember that the creature before her, while was Luna, was not only just Luna. She was now the Alicorn of Death and keeper of souls. Merged completely with an alicorn god that probably was not happy about his current state. Still, curiosity ultimately won out over caution and both Sunset and Twilight came around the table to stand before her, albeit at a respectable distance.

“Sorry about that. It’s good to see you. I…” Sunset hesitated and was eternally grateful for the large purple wing that was immediately draped across her withers. “After you left with Datura I thought I would never see you again. Well, you know, until I was dead that is. I just... well as you can imagine we are all just a little on edge.”

“A reasonable assumption considering our parting and my… transformation. Truth be told, there is no rule that states or binds me beyond my new calling to see to the security of The Well and the souls themselves. I need not hide myself in the Underworld all the time like Samael chose to do. Perhaps if he had socialized more our confrontation would have been avoided. Ultimately irrelevant. I did, however, need to come to terms with and better understanding of my new role and make a few personal changes there within. Plus, it was nice to see Celestia again. I had to explain to her what happened, to try and make sense of it all and what to do next. We talked over the chess board. She won," Luna stuck out her tongue and pouted, "as usual. We conversed at length about many things. Mostly about you, of course.”

Sunset smiled and fought down tears that tried to spring forth. “H-How is mom?”

“She is… happy is not the right word. I would say content better fits her feelings on all matters at the moment. Your father has been keeping her company, as you can imagine.”

“Can souls have sex?” Every set of eyes in the room turned to Raven who simply blinked at their varying degrees of incredulous, jaw hanging shock. “What? It’s a perfectly legitimate question that I do not have an answer for.”

Luna snickered and eventually burst out into gut clenching laughter and nearly fell to the ground. “Oh, friend Raven! Thou art still a treasure to this world as always. To answer, yes, a soul, the life energy of what we truly are, is still capable of intertwining with another as you can imagine. So, while not driven by the biological need to breed and populate souls still enjoy a ‘roll in the hay’ as the old saying goes. After all, what is the point of Heaven if not to enjoy our time with those we miss?”

“Well,” Twilight said while settling back and shrugging, “I guess now we know.”

“Indeed. And while I could speak at length on many topics that you no doubt have questions about, I cannot stay for too long. I have reapers who assist in my sacred work, but I am the keeper of the city and the pit, which should not be left unattended for long. I did however have reasons for my arrival and wished to inform you that I will visit from time to time because I can and because I want to. I was also asked to pass on a message to the both of you.”

Twilight and Sunset turned to one another before both shrugged and Twilight asked, “What message?”

Luna made theatrics at clearing her throat then, quite accurately, spoke with Pinkie Pie’s voice and said, “Hey now, don’t be silly you two! Of course you still need to throw a super big, amazing wedding and afterparty reception and I mean pronto! Seeing a wedding of two princesses will put a hop back in their steps and a smile on their faces! You want it, they want to see it, SO DOOOOO ITTTTT! Kay, thanks, byeeeeeee!”


“Those were her words. Not mine,” Luna said after a few seconds of stunned silence.

“But, how did… nope, not going to say it.”

Sunset laughed as Twilight shook her head and rubbed her temples. “Of course, we’ll get it done as soon as we feel is best. How could we say no to Pinkie Pie?”

“Good. Now I must leave for my other business.” Luna’s eyes flashed all black for a second and it sent a chill down Sunset’s spine. “I intend to find Void and tell him that this ‘game’ that he, Samael, and Aine had going is over and that I will take great offence if he chooses to attack my niece and Equestria again. I will not tolerate it.”


The dark expression disappeared instantly as she smiled and turned her attention back to Twilight. “Yes, Twilight?”

“When you do speak with Void, if it is all possible, can you ask him to release Discord. Datura said, ‘his father wanted to have a word with him’ or something to that extent when he tried to rescue me. I have to assume she meant Void. I know he may tell you no, but Discord is my… our friend and I would like to see him released unharmed.”

Luna nodded. “I will try, my friend.”

“Aunt Luna?” The dark alicorn turned to Sunset Shimmer. “I… I’m sorry for yelling at you before. I know you were just trying to help. To save me, but… I was… I was just so damn angry at everything. It hurt. It always hurts when we lose people, er, ponies we care about. What I'm trying to say is I love you and I am sorry that this happened.”

Luna smiled warmly. She took a step forward before hesitating and then having to step back. “I understand that all too well, beloved niece. Do not dwell on regrets of past mistakes. They are poison for the soul. Know that I love you everlasting and that I forgive you.”

With nothing else to add to the matter, Luna pulled her cloak hood over her head and stepped into a shadow that enveloped her before returning to just a shadow on the wall. The light overhead once again started working.

Sunset sighed, feeling a weight on her heart lifted that she at least got a chance to apologize and though Luna could not help her with dream walking or just being around it was nice to know she would at least stop in from time to time. It was something at least. Perhaps, with the new management, she could arrange a visit to the ruins of Tartarus and visit her mom and dad as well in the future. That thought put a smile on her face and she leaned over to nuzzle Twilight who moaned at the delightful physical contact.



“I have an idea.”

“I’ll get the fire extinguisher,” Isabella said quickly, having recovered from her statuesque shock of seeing Luna again.

“I’ll hide the alcohol,” added Raven without missing a beat.

Sunset pouted her lip and pretended to be offended at both of them, which sent Twilight into a hysterical giggle fit. “Seriously, I want to make some calls right now. The caterers, the florist, the bands, the papers, every creature. I want to tell them the wedding is still on and will just be pushed back an extra week, but that every creature is still invited and that we are going to make sure all of Canterlot gets the day off to celebrate and party. Give out free cake and ice cream or something. Make it a celebration of life for those we love and lost and not just about sad remembrance. A huge event on new beginnings. We move forward, all of us. Together. What’d ya say, got a list or two we can put to good use?”

Twilight smiled brightly. Her horn lit up and a scroll appeared in her magenta aura. “I love it and you know I do!”


It was an acceptable world. It had great potential, that much was certain. It was not much different than what Equuis had been when she had first made it long ago. Years beyond counting. The only real difference was how things started. This was not of her creation. It was just a world like the billions of others other among the stars. Formed from the cosmic dust, a star born in a nebulous cloud of hot gas and then, over time, coalesced into a solar system. Like a partially complete clay sculpture that just needed a little refining. The finishing touches to get things moving.

It was… interesting to see the results of the natural creation process, devoid of her manipulation with magic. Her intervention. She was not needed and for some reason that was sad and comforting. Still, while the world had great potential, much like an empty house that was nothing by bare walls and good bones, the world needed a personal touch to truly make it a home. She could feel it in her soul. This was going to be a good world.

Aine had explained to her children what she wanted to do and so, they had started to it. It would be more difficult without Balius, but not impossible. Her child of water was so crucial to the proliferation of life, but nothing beyond a little magic and help to get things started. She could form a new master of water, but it still hurt too much for the moment. Perhaps later.

“Mother, look!” Aine looked up as clouds formed and moved on the breeze. Scylla was happily flying along, her wings mowing the air with each flap. The innocent enjoyment brought a smile to the large black and white alicorn’s face. For too long had it been since she enjoyed the simplicity of watching ponies play. She should have done this centuries ago. Perhaps if she had Celestia would…

There was… a presence nearby.

Aine turned her head and focused her senses. The ground shifted and opened and a pink alicorn popped out from below like a groundhog.


Aine forced a smile at Epona to keep the pink alicorn calm. Her attention was once again on the horizon. Something was near… something familiar… and yet…

The shadow near a tree grew dark. Aine focused on the shadow and it took shape before her eyes. Once it fully formed, two hooves reached up and pulled the hood back to reveal the head of a bat pony with fluffy ear tuffs and a red mane with black stripes styled to one side. Her eyes were closed for several more seconds before they opened and focused on the alicorns before her. The irises were a shocking white color against black sclera, vertically slit like a serpent.

“A reaper?” Aine said with part surprise and disgust in her voice. This demonic creature had no business here. Aine was about to expel it when the small bat pony in the cloak stepped aside to reveal a larger cloaked pony. Two black forelegs rose up and threw the hood back revealing a midnight blue alicorn with stardust ethereal mane. Her expression mostly neutral, but still bordering on anger.

Then, Luna glared harshly at the three smaller alicorns who had gathered together behind Aine. It was possible they may have recognized her from the time they had traverse from the river shores to the surface. They were of no concern at the moment. Her attention instead returned to the black and white alicorn standing with a rigid posture, her massive wings unfurled and entire body glowing slightly with gathered power.

Aine squinted. She knew that robe. She knew that scent… and yet…


“I am not Samael.”

Aine’s jaw hung open. “Luna? W-What have you done?”

The dark blue alicorn emerged from her shade. Each step she took on the new, fertile ground left a dead and blackened hoofprint on the grass and soil. When she came to a stop, Luna glanced over Aine’s shoulder to the others, pleased to see they had not been foolish and attempted to interfere. Her attention returned to the large equine before her.

“Hello, mother.”

“Luna… how… I see you and yet… you are not as you were. How can this be?”

“I have much to tell and you much to hear. I think it is finally time you and I had a nice, long chat.”

End Part 1

Author's Note:

And that was Part One: Red Clover.

I think one of the things I will do, maybe after the intermission is a Wrap Up post of part one, just so I don't have to wait until the end of the story in case I forget some of the thoughts and rambles that went into this. I SHOULD have the intermission up some time this week, probably Wednesday I think, but if it has to wait until next weekend then so be it.

Thank you for everyone who has made it to this point, I have to admit I would not have likely made it even this far without your comments and support. Your interest in this story series is what has driven it forward and I look forward to making it to the finish line.

*Derpy steps away from the counter*


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