• Published 3rd Apr 2022
  • 1,324 Views, 484 Comments

Alpha and Omega - Revel Montaro

For every beginning there is an end. Princesses Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer stand side by side as the rulers of Equestria, as beacons of hope against those that seek said end, as the darkness closes around them and the walls press in.

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Chapter 12: Catch the Moment

Luna could practically taste the dark magic the moment she entered the palace proper. She had gone ‘nose blind’ to the darkness surrounding the entire city. They all had. It was infuriating to the point Luna was having difficulty focusing her thoughts. How could I have missed this? How many minds did she ravage to find all the secret ways in and out of the castle? Curse her to the deepest pits of Tartarus! I swore an oath to Celestia that I would protect them! If they have come to harm… I’ll…

“Graaahh!” Luna growled.

“Little moon?”

“No time to explain. Just keep moving.” They had encountered no resistance in the foyer, no resistance at the first check station, which was also unguarded. Only when they rounded the central courtyard and came upon the junction to the hall of heroes did they meet their first roadblock obstacle. A group of thralls that were making their way towards the sound of fighting.

Upon hearing the clomping hooves on stone the ponies that had uniforms of castle maintenance turned with their clouded eyes. Luna did not give them a chance to react. A concussion blast threw all four of them back against the walls hard enough to crack the masonry. She had no doubt they had been badly injured and would require medical help once she had a better grasp of the situation as a whole.

Fighting could be heard down the long hall of heroes corridor. Not everyone had fallen to Datura's witchcraft. Luna raised her axe and smashed it to the floor causing a magical rippling shockwave to disorient the group of six or seven thralls. Once off balance, Luna and Clover began blasting each thrall in the head with sleep spells. Seconds later the pair stopped before an exhausted Isabella Windsong who dropped the staff and fell to her knees.

“About… time… someone… came… to help.”

“Catch your breath, brave Isabella, but do so swiftly. Where are Twilight and Sunset?”

“Twilight… Datura reversed the castle defenses. The princess was unable to teleport away. Then… she trapped us in the throne room… Twilight could not blast through… the shield. Not fast enough. I… I was taken. The ferronite blades were not enough to keep her out, not with her so close. It… Oh, ancestors… I’ve never felt so violated in all my life.” Isabella glanced at the ponies Luna and Clover had stunned. “If everyone is going to feel this way when they awaken… We are going to all need therapy.”

“I can sense there is a shield over the door and likely covers the entire throne room,” said Clover, pointing with a hoof. “It is strong, but not impenetrable.”

A scream, muffled by the door cried out painfully. The blood curdling wail penetrated the very bones of all who stood there before the throne room. Fog Gauge, who had just arrived with four other thestrals, yellow eyes widened, ears twitching from the nightmare inducing, throat destroying sound. To his dismay, he knew that voice well.

“That’s Tempest!” The thestral charged the door and before any of the others could stop him and struck the shield with his hoof. The shield discharged and threw Gauge back violently. Luna caught the night captain in her magic before any more harm could be done him. Not slowed in the slightest, Gauge picked up the fallen staff and prepared to strike the door again.

“Hold, captain.”

“But Mistress?!”

Luna unsheathed her axe once more. “No normal weapon can break this shield.” Luna focused her magic on her double edged weapon of choice. The blades began to glow blue and finally reshaped into a pick axe surrounded by pulsing blue fire. Luna passed the weapon over to Gauge. The Thestral felt the power surge through every fiber of his being. It was hair raising, but not unwelcomed. It was the power of his Goddess of the Night. He knew this power, as a piece of it flowed through his veins ever since he had committed his body and spirit to the service of the Lunar Guard.

“Focus your love, Fog Gauge, your determination to save those your care for. Channel all that you are through the weapon. Take my strength and add your own. Pray that we will be enough.”

“A soul blade,” said Clover in awe. “You have known how to conjure one the whole time?”

Luna ignored the sandy stallion and kept her eyes and magic focused on the weapon now in Fog Gauge’s hooves. The pick head shifted again to a pick on one side and a curved axe blade on the other, the weight felt good, balanced in his hooves. Flecks of yellow energy blended alongside the dark blue, the weapon managing to radiate hot and cold at the same time and yet neither felt uncomfortable.

“Like my beloved niece, I was trained in many arts including weapons and offensive magic. I am the defender of dreams. My heart burns to protect all my little ponies just as my sister’s once did. I may not be Ignis Ferrum Incarnate but I am Luna, I am an alicorn, and my enemies will know and fear my righteous vengeance.”

Fog Gauge focused on the single point his mind was telling him was a weak point in the door and barrier. With a ferocious snarl the bat pony brought the axe head down upon the barrier. The blade bit through with a flash and sizzle, gouging into the hardened wood beneath.

“Again, my child. With all strength and haste.”

Gauge did not have to be told and swung again.


Datura reveled in her victory. She had done what even an old god was terrified to do. She had taken the mind of an alicorn, twisted it to her whim, and used her to kill the weapon crafted by Celestia herself to defend the world. It had been a bit of a challenge, but not terribly so. Still, Datura smirked up at the horrified soul of Captain Tempest Fury who could do nothing to stop what was unfolding before her. Princess Twilight Sparkle, under mind control by the Red Clover, had stabbed her fiancé through the chest. Tempest was never trained as a field medic, but she knew battle wounds. The strike had been nearly identical to the one she had attempted on Datura just moments before. A piercing blow through the back and out the chest. There was no way Sunset Shimmer would survive long. Tempest tried to speak, scream her frustration at it all, but the magical leash around her neck kept her silent.

“Since I have a minute or two before the end, how about we satisfy a curiosity and add a little bit of drama to this theater. I’ve never seen an alicorn die. I am genuinely curious if it will look different than others.” Datura glanced at Tempest and smirked. “Let’s find out, shall we?”

With a flick of her horn, Twilight’s eyes returned to their normal amethyst color. A moment later so did her purple fur and wings. The dark saber that Twilight had held pressed down disappeared leaving nothing but a gaping wound in Sunset chest. Twilight blinked and began to assess the situation before her.

Sunset felt the blade leave her and immediately slumped to the ground with a painful grunt. Blood poured from her damaged heart and blood vessels like a broken water pipe. The goldenrod alicorn shook violently from physical shock, trying desperately to get her body to respond properly in these last few critical seconds while she still had consciousness.

Twilight was so beyond horrified that no noise left her gaping, trembling jaw. She looked down at her blood stained hooves. Tears immediately began to pour from her eyes as all the piece fell into place of what had just transpired. A nightmare made real. “…..aaaaaAAAAHHHHH!!!!! NO! NONONONONONO!!!! OH, SWEET CELESTIA AND ALL THAT IS HOLY, NO!!!”

Twilight focused all her magic on the wound and tried to heal it. While not a medical professional, she hoped she could at least stop the bleeding long enough to get Sunset some help. However, the morbid waking nightmare continued as the wound would not close. The precious red life fluid continued to spill forth at an alarming rate. Twilight’s mind flashed back to years ago when they found Flurry Heart in the very same throne room, broken and crying with Celestia in her hooves. The once mighty alicorn of the sun lay still with her pristine white coat stained red and a blackened hole in her chest where her life should have been.

Dark magic was called such not just because it gave it a chilling, ominous mystique to scare new students with. It was primarily forbidden from studying because it had only one ill purpose. To gravely wound a creature with full intention to kill. Because of the negative emotions and energies that were needed to cast such spells it was nearly impossible to heal with light magic alone. The two powers could negate one another, but few examples were known where one could properly overlap the other. They were opposites in every way and as such the spells would backfire or fail entirely when attempting to undo said damage.

“Oh goddess, no! Sunset, SUNSET! Please, nononono, don’t die! I’m sorry, I’M SORRY! I…”

Sunset Shimmer twisted around. It hurt to do so, but at that moment, everything either hurt or was going numb. She could not speak, her lungs were no longer working properly as they filled up with blood. With all her remaining strength Sunset reached up to a devastated Twilight with her shaky right foreleg and pulled Twilight’s head down towards hers. Focusing her remaining power, Sunset’s horn lit up and she touched it to Twilight’s. Both their eyes flashed bright white.

Twilight gasped and felt herself being pulled in, much like she had under Datura’s spell. For a brief moment she squeezed her senses shut expected to be mind raped again by the dark magic, but instead she felt only warmth and familiar comfort like two goldenrod wings and forelegs wrapping around her. She knew this magic and let it take her where it wanted to go.

When Twilight opened her eyes she found herself standing on a familiar green hill overlooking an amphitheater in the middle of Canterlot City on Earth. The sky was blue with an occasional passing cloud and the air felt and tasted spring time perfect. She looked down to examine herself but found that she was still an alicorn despite the humans moving about in the distance, too far to distinguish individually. Before she could inquire her ears turned to the sound of shuffling movement to her left.

Slowly walking up the hill towards her was Sunset Shimmer, also as an alicorn. She was free of her armor other than her helm crown, wings preened and folded nicely, coat clean and brushed, her long, fiery mane blowing to the left rhythmically with celestial magic.

Sunset came to a stop several paces away and smiled warmly. “Hey, Twily.”

Twilight ran and wrapped herself around her fiancé and cried into her fur. “SUNSET! I’m sorry! I’m so, so, so sorry! I tried to fight her! I tried so hard! I don’t know how she got in! I tried every mental defense technique I know and, and, and she still got in! It was like… these… things, like vines or tentacles they came at me, they… they… penetrated me everywhere! I thought I was going to die inside my own head! It, it all became dark and, and sometimes I could hear you saying something, I could see glimpses of you, but, but, but I couldn’t get control!!! The more I fought the more they hurt me. I tried. I TRIED SO HARD! They, they made me hurt you, and, and, and now…”

“Shhhh, it’s okay, it’s okay,” Sunset whispered as she stroked Twilight’s mane and kept her wrapped in wings and forelegs.

“IT’S NOT OKAY! STOP SAYING IT’S OKAY, IT’S NOT OKAY!” Twilight sniffled and cried harder. “It’s not okay… it’s not… I… I killed you. I… she made me kill you, but it’s all my fault! I wasn’t strong enough. Friendship… love wasn’t strong enough… and… and…”

Sunset continued to hold Twilight patiently while she cried and got all the anger and frustration out of her system. Sunset could only imagine how it must have felt to be violated so horribly. She wanted to swear revenge upon the Red Clover and all the best cliches. Perhaps later, but time was wasting. They had to get down to business first.

“Twilight. Hey, Twily, look at me.” Sunset waited until the purple alicorn got enough of herself back together to look up. “You’re right. It’s not okay, but this fight is not over yet. You are still in danger and you have work to do. But you were wrong about one thing. Friendship and love did not fail you, because I’m not dead yet and I’m going to help you take that bitch out.”

Twilight shuddered and sighed, her logic brain finally kicking back into gear as she looked around the cityscape once more. It was just as she remembered when they had last visited it only a year ago. It was beautiful, calm, there was even some light orchestra music coming from somewhere. It helped Twilight get ahold of her spiraling emotions. Twilight wiped her eyes and finally asked, “Where are we?”

“The place between our minds. Think of this as like my own custom built welcome center. It came out pretty well if I'm allowed to toot my own horn on this. To be honest, I always wanted to try this spell with you, but we just got so busy with other things it was not that big a deal and I figured… I figured I had plenty of time.” Sunset sighed and grimaced for a moment. “Like mom said. You always think you have plenty of time.”

“I’m sorry, you are going to have to elaborate. The place between our minds?”

Sunset barked a laugh at Twilight's perplexed expression of awe and disbelief. “Okay, so when Luna or I dream walk, we quite literally come out of our bodies and pass through the minds of all the sleeping ponies. Now, obviously if we were moving in real time that would not be possible to do in one night. But the dream walking works because it moves at the speed of thought which is basically firing neurons or about the same as the speed of light. I just combined the dream walking spell with my own empathy power and I can create a telepathic bridge directly between my mind and the mind of whom my horn is touching, well our horns. We have plenty of time here because time is basically at a crawl.”

Twilight nodded, understanding the gist of the magic. “That's... wow! It sounds like something Starlight Glimmer would have tried. She was an expert at mixing spells. So, what do we do now?”

“Well, first of all, we need to find out how that bitch got into your head and fix it, then we work together to strengthen your mental defenses so that no creature can ever get in again. Then, once we get you back into the real world you need to cast a preservation stasis spell over Tempest’s body before irreparable harm is done to her while she's not breathing.”

“Okay, then what?”

“Then you fight like you have never fought before. She has Tempest’s soul. You need to get it back.” Twilight nodded, but not enthusiastically. Sunset nuzzled Twilight for encouragement and comfort, her mind creating for her the scent of Twilight’s usual berry shampoo with lavender. “You have questions I assume?”

“Many, yes. My mind was clouded, but I saw Tempest stab Datura. How do I defeat her?”

Sunset nodded. “Yeah, saw that too right before she… dammit, when you can check on Raven too. Her body might be damaged, but hopefully her PAAL unit is still fine. That’s the most important part. Anyhow, no thanks to Clover, we now know how Datura is still alive after all this time. She's not. She's a damn lich or revenant. Take your pick of your favorite undead on that one. I’m not sure if Clover knows that or if he does he failed to share that rather pertinent detail. Get on his butt later about it, but what you need to know is her soul is driving a dead body that she uses stolen life energy to preserve and keep it looking young. That means her soul needs to be nearby to operate it and I’m guessing it’s in that bottle she keeps at her side, but fortified from the ones she steals power from so as to not accidentally burn it up. That’s your target. It works double in your favor to do so because without it she can’t run off with Tempest’s soul either.”

Twilight nodded, looking far more composed than she had before. Sunset nodded satisfied to see calm determination and understanding in Twilight’s eyes again. “Okay, got it.”

“Well, if you are ready, let’s go take a little trip to your mind and see what is going on and what we need to fix.”

Twilight nodded before flashing a sheepish grin. “Annnnd how do we do that exactly?”

Sunset grinned. Her horn lit up and a large Persian carpet appeared on the grass. “On a magic carpet ride.” Both alicorns climbed on and were instantly teleported. The world twisted and turned and after what felt like a few minutes they both landed in the center of a massive library. Twilight gasped and turned in circles. She did not recognize which library it was, seeming to have elements from many different ones she had visited. The smell of paper, scroll parchment, and ink was real enough that Twilight began to joygasm at the sight of so many books stacked floor to ceiling in every direction on overflowing bookshelves. Sunset however, felt to the ground laughing.

“What?” Twilight said incredulously. Not appreciating that her inner mind was some sort of joke to Sunset.

After finally getting control of herself Sunset, with Twilight’s help, got back to her hooves. “Oh, it’s just, I want to shout, ‘OF COURSE IT’S A LIBRARY’ to the fact that your mind palace is a library!”

“My, my mind palace?”

“The accumulated data of everything that makes you, well, you. Knowledge, personality, subconscious and so on, and so on. This is who you truly are. A massive source and repository of knowledge of every imaginable kind. Warm, inviting, the kind of pony and place you can curl up next to and never want to leave.”

Twilight blushed a bit, nodded and smiled then arched a brow. “Why? What does your mind palace look like?”

Sunset looked up and sheepishly tapped her forehooves together. “Ummm…” A large book fell between them from nowhere, opened to a double page spread image of a massive red throne adorned with gold accents and a two toned sun emblem, behind it was a round, floor to ceiling window to the stars inside a massive spherical battle station the size of a small moon surrounded by every conceivable, popular science fiction warship every created. “Yeeeeeah, kind of like that. Though somewhere in there should also be a concert hall and gourmet pizza parlor. ”

Twilight closed the book and gently placed it on the nearby table. She turned back to Sunset and smiled. “You are not allowed to call me a dork anymore, Miss Shimmer.”

Sunset shrugged. “Fair enough. C’mon, let’s head outside and get to work.”

“What exactly are we looking for?”

“Well, from the looks of this place it doesn’t look like Datura wrecked your core mind, which is good. Your inner self probably retreated into here and shut all the doors to protect that which was most important, which was probably why you couldn't regain control. That means Datura probably retreated out the same way she got in when she released her spell. We need to find the gap in your defense and seal it. Then we’ll practice some repelling techniques.”

“Are you sure we have time for all that?”

Sunset signed and touched her chest, eyes downcast for a moment before she hardened her resolve. “Honestly, I don’t know, but we will use every second we do have.” Twilight’s eyes started to glass over again, her bottom lip quivering. “No, come on. Keep it together, babe. We got this.”

Twilight quirked her head at the use of that particular pet name, aching a brow. “I thought you didn’t want to call me that.”

Sunset smirked, leaned in and kissed Twilight. For a dreamscape Twilight had to admit, her mind made it feel real enough. Enough that she happily pressed back and moaned at the pleasurable distraction. Sunset finally broke the kiss and nuzzled into her fiancé’s ear. She lifted Twilight's hoof and gently pressed it to her goldenrod fur covered chest. Much to Twilight's amazement, she could feel Sunset's thumping heartbeat. Or at least the idea of it.

“You know, I didn’t for the longest time because I was afraid that when I said it I was thinking of Twi. But that was just a lame excuse even if an understandable one. She’s gone even if never forgotten. You, Twilight Sparkle, are the love of my life now and I am no longer afraid to call you babe, sweetie, honey, sugar rump, the hottest piece of Equestrian booty this side of the universe, and I love you with every fiber of my being. So, when I say it, when I say any of those things know that I am not thinking of anyone or pony but you. I am yours. You are mine.”

Twilight smiled brightly, wiping a lone tear away. “That was… that was so beautiful, Sunny. ‘There is no you or I, there is only US.’ That… I was going to include that quote in my wedding vows to you.”

Sunset beamed. “I like it. I would tell you to write it down, but of course, I know you already did.” With a playful hip bump Sunset made her way to the nearest double doors and threw them open. Outside of the massive structure was a great grassy field of rolling plains under an afternoon sky where the sunset was just minutes away. In the distance, Sunset could make out the top of a structure. Sunset squinted and pointed to get Twiight's attention. “I bet that’s your mind’s primary barrier. We need to inspect all of it.”

Twilight spread her wings and took to the air. “Then let’s go.” Sunset happily grinned. She felt a painful stab in her chest, but fought it down, focusing only on maintaining the spell. She wanted to stay in this moment for as long as possible. Keep Twilight happy and distracted from the grave reality for as long as she could. When her magic finally failed and she drew her last breath, Sunset would die knowing that she did everything she could to keep her love safe.

Sunset pushed those thoughts to the side for now. She focused on the wall which turned out to be just that. It was a simple stone structure of average size and height. From what she had seen in the dreamscape while peeking in on the occasional pony head with Luna this was a common interpretation of the mind barrier. For someone like Twilight, this was weak and piss poor. Most likely a left over remanent from her early unicorn studies under Celestia that she never considered fortifying. If not for her alicorn nature and quality energy shields Datura would have likely taken her mind in the first push.
She needed to beef up her defense and they still needed to find the breach.

“So, what are we looking for?”

Sunset glance to Twilight. “You’ll know it when we see it. Your mind is giving us this interpretation as something that is not physically real, after all.”

Twilight looked left and right and then sighed. “I know I am going to regret saying this to you, but why is so much of my mindscape empty?”

Sunset snickered and Twilight rolled her eyes. “Sorry, you did set yourself up. Anyhow, don’t take it personal. From what I have read, which means you have too, we don’t use all of our mental power at once. Think of those grassy fields as potential processing power for use. I mean you saw all those book in the library you practically drooled on. That was your accumulated knowledge, which was waaaaay more than the average pony.”

Twilight took that notion under consideration while she examined her wall. It was smaller than she would have expected. She focused her attention on a section of wall and imagined a lookout tower. The blocks shifted and grew and reformed to a tower with generic looking solar guards coming up from below to stand as lookouts.

“Hey! There you go!” Sunset said proudly. “I was going to go over subconscious defenders once we fixed the wall, but it looks like you already got the idea. Ever the studious student!”

Twilight beamed and giggled before returning to her serious, 'all business' face. “But how do I maintain them? Obviously I can’t rebuild all this while I’m being attacked.”

“Well no, but it does have a lot to do with imagination. You told me once you overcame Discord getting in your head and twisting your friendships by focusing on the good times you shared with the others. It’s kind of like that. You imagine a shield when you are being attacked and your mind develops one. You repel the invasion with something you know will work against the enemy. This is the battlefield of the mind where strength is measured in sheer will.”

“But I did that!”

Sunset flew closer to nuzzle Twilight who happily accepted the distracting affection. Sunset then looked out and spotted what they were looking for. “That wasn’t your fault. Can’t properly defend yourself when somepony leaves the backdoor open and you get hit from behind.”

Twilight followed Sunset’s gesture. The grass ahead was scorched black as were the edges of the brick wall with the gaping hole. Sunset landed on the lush grass and Twilight followed suit and they both carefully approached the dead grass. The moment Twilight set hoof on the blackened soil black tentacles erupted and tried to seize her. Twilight screamed and tried to form a shield. Sunset was suddenly adorned in her armor and her sword formed with a golden blade.

Sunset slashed and cut and annihilated everything that tried to touch them. Twilight shook her head and began to back Sunset up with horn blasts. Each successful attack pushed the darkness out of the grass, which magically restored to its previous simple beauty. Sunset landed next to Twilight and the two fired their horns into the grass and purified the field, pushing the remaining darkness out past the wall.

“Quick! Fix the wall!”

Twilight focused her mind on the gap and lit her horn. Blocks grew from the ground and interlocked with the existing wall. Seconds later the wall sealed shut as if they had always been there and grew another two meters in height. Twilight sighed, wiping her brow. Sunset hip bumped her again and cheered.

“Nice job! Now, think you can add more of those early warning towers or maybe a few other fancy defenses?”

Twilight lit her horn again and towers popped up every so many meters all the way around the wall beyond the horizon. Each tower was then also armed with various simple defenses and some sort of crystalline tube that Sunset did not recognize. Twilight let out the breath she was holding.

“That should do. What are the tube things?”

Twilight brightened. “Oh! I had an idea once about harnessing the power of friendship and the elements into a portable, one time use weapon. That way, in case I was busy, others could use rainbow lasers without me. I never got it past the drawing stage, but in here…”

Sunset smiled knowingly. “All you need is your imagination.” Sunset pulled Twilight into her with a wing and nuzzled her fiancé. “You really are amazing.”

Twilight blushed and smiled, nuzzling into Sunset neck. “I couldn’t have done this without you. I… I don’t want to…”

“Shhhh… I know.” Sunset sighed and broke the embrace, turned, and faced Twilight. “Now that the barrier is take care of and the last of her leftovers are on the outside, we need to work on your ability to repel mental magic invasions. You already know the basics that Celestia taught us both. You just need to practice and exercise those defenses in a controlled simulation. Think of it like a mental workout session.”

“Okay, so how do I do that?”

Sunset flapped and jumped up onto the wall. She turned and looked down at Twilight. “Well, even with time slowed down we are under the crunch to get you combat ready. Sooooo… I’m going to have to call in a friend for this one. I… apologize in advance.”

“What are you…”

“Hey, purple smart.” Twilight’s eyes widened as she slowly turned her eyes to her left. Standing next to the purple alicorn was exactly who she was afraid she had heard. “You ready to get your mind fucking blown like a virgin on her first fat cock?”

Twilight glanced between Demon Shimmer and Sunset Shimmer, who at least had the decency to look abashed, while her jaw hung open. “How… how can you be in two places at once?!”

“Because I’m me and that bitch is,” Demon Shimmer threw Sunset the double bird with her fingers as she flew up on the wall to stand next to the alicorn, “my darker self image.”

“Id, super ego, tulpa, the badder, hotter version with more perky tits and a tighter ass that only gets to come out and play on occasion. Take your pick. Or take us both. That would be pretty hot too because you should know I do EVERYTHING you can imagine including the no-no hole. Bet you didn't know my special talent is I can make my tongue super long.” Without having to look up from having buried her face in her hooves Sunset could only imagine Demon Shimmer was giving Twilight a full demonstration of said 'talent.'

“You, you have had this thing in your head the whole time?!”

Demon Shimmer blew a raspberry. “Thing? Really?”

“Alright, enough you,” said Sunset, regaining control of the situation. “Look, we can discuss my questionable mental issues another time. Right now, I need her. She and I are going to throw some attacks at you. You need to use these prepared defenses and your own fortitude to beat us back. Don’t hold back, we can take it.”

“But if I don’t hold back won’t I kick you from my mind and break the connection?”

“Nope. You might kick me back to our shared space, but you would have to press the attack from that shared space to break the spell. That’s the weak point of the spell. Remember, our horns are touching. We are not just connected through magic, but by physical bond as well. Right now, we really are of one heart and one soul.”

Twilight blushed and smiled. “It sounds so romantic when you put it like that.”

“Oh, puke. Heads up, princess!” Demon flew up around one of the towers and formed a fireball in her palm. She wasted no time throwing it at the new defenses.

Sunset in turn lit her horn and fired a blast at Twilight herself.

Twilight gasped and dodged the horn blast which scorched the grass. The fireball obliterated the tower and Demon laughed maniacally. Sunset waited for Twilight to make eye contact. With a deep, calming breath in and back out, Twilight spread her wings and lit her horn. The tower immediately fixed itself and Demon stopped laughing. Twilight flapped her wings and raised to the air, switching her attention between the two Sunsets, careful not to focus on either one too much. As soon as a confident grin spread across Twilight’s face, Sunset Shimmer knew it was game on. Cannons fired rainbow lasers, horns and claws spewed powerful energy blasts, and the practice fight was on.


Datura watched as Sunset desperately reached up to pull Twilight down towards her. She was expecting them to kiss, give final declarations of love and saccharine whatnot. She was instead surprised and intrigued to find that their horns touch with a spark of bright white light that also caused their eyes to light up. Datura blinked. She glanced to the floating spectral form of Tempest who was also gazing upon the two princesses locked in a silent magical embrace. At first, she was pleased because it silenced Twilight from her tearful blubbering. But now, after almost a minute Datura was beginning to suspect something else was going on.

A noise behind Datura caused her to look back. Had that robot fallen over or was it already like that? The throne room doors rattled hard, followed by the sound of splintering wood. Someone outside was smashing through her barrier and the door itself. Datura scowled at the two alicorns and approached. “I think this game has gone on long enough. Time to collect my prize and vamoose as some of the kids like to say.”


Sunset stopped firing and stumbled a bit, moving a hoof to her chest. The fur just above her heart had darkened considerably. Demon Shimmer turned her glowing eyes to the sky and growled, flashing her fangs. They had been sparring for what felt like hours, but at the same time Twilight did not feel tired. She had to assume it had something to do with the fact that they were in her mind and possibly to do with the time dilation. The possible applications to such a spell were possibly endless, Twilight thought. Then, her giddy smile turned upside down, taking note her Sunset Shimmer's demeanor.


Sunset pressed on her chest over the wound, closed her eyes, and extending her senses to beyond the mindscape. She could feel the darkness approaching, in more ways than one. Both, however, sent shivers down her spine. “She’s coming. I guess she got tired of waiting.”

“Okay. So, what do we do now?”

Sunset tried to smile, but her tear filled eyes betrayed the comfort she wanted to instill. Sunset pulled Twilight close and kissed her passionately. The love and warmth caused the entire mindscape of Twilight’s synapse projection to briefly light up. Slowly, Sunset released Twilight's lips, moved up to her ear. and whispered, “You are going to kick that bitch’s ass is what you are going to do. You are going to save yourself, and Tempest, and every other creature because that is what you do, Twilight Sparkle. You save the day.”

Twilight smiled and nodded. “Okay, but what about you. How do I save you?”

Sunset shook her head. “Twily… I… can’t be saved. I’m dying. I have a hole in my chest. Worse still, I can feel the dark magic spreading like necrosis. I’m pushing back as hard as I can, but I can feel myself slipping away little by little.”

“NO! I can’t accept that! I WON’T! I did this to you, I have to find a way to fix this! There has to be a way!”

Sunset took a step back, looked up to Demon Shimmer who nodded knowingly and soberly before wrapping herself in her leathery wings and disappeared. Training was over. “Twilight, look at me.” Sunset waited until glassy amethyst eyes met hers. Goddess, did she love those gorgeous eyes. “Twilight, sweetie, remember when this is over to take time for yourself. Don’t get bogged down in all the work again like you were when I came back to Equestria. Take a break from time to time, go to a beach… just not a cursed one.”


“I love you so much, Twilight Sparkle.”




Raven felt her eyes come back online. As soon as she had enough processing power after restarting she began to run damage diagnostics. The witch had hit her so hard that her PAAL hardware detected the increased G forces and shut her core system down into safe mode just before the MAU body collided with the wall. As far as initial scans could detect, her PAAL was undamaged. Unfortunately, her MAU was. Worse yet, in Raven’s opinion, the undead ghoul had destroyed her opal broach. That had been a gift from her mother. She would pay for that.

Power levels, PAAL: 98%, MAU: 53% Core systems stable, cooling system, ok, hydraulics… WARNING: leak detected. WARNING: armature stabilizer damage detected. WARNING: frontal plate structural damage detected. Integrity compromised. Recommended shutdown until replacement parts are installed. Do you wish to begin shutdown procedure?
Raven scowled internally. Her chest plate was badly damaged. One more good hit would crack her body wide open and expose her hydrogen power core. That would likely render the MAU completely unusable and carried the possibility of a small explosion that would certainly destroy her PAAL. Amazingly, the back plate was still intact even after impacting with the wall and all her other sensors were giving her green lights. However, both her forelegs were broken. The witch had fired through her struts at the shoulder joints and damaged wiring as well as the hydraulic micro cylinders that allowed her to stand and walk. Her back legs still worked, but that did not leave many options as far as moving. Still, Sunset was in danger. She had to do something.

Override shutdown.

Slowly, Raven rolled over so she could see what was going on. Sunset was down and it, though difficult to see, appeared she was gravely wounded. Twilight was, as far as she could see, back to normal and standing protectively over Sunset. There was no time to be subtle or cautious. Raven pushed herself forward using her hindlegs, sliding slowly across the floor on the right side of her face. Raven was thankful she could not feel pain. If this was the end, then she would meet her oblivion knowing she fulfilled her primary objective. To always be there for her user.

Twilight Sparkle gasped and blinked her eyes. The first thing she did was look down at Sunset Shimmer who fell back to the floor and coughed out more blood as she tried to breathe, her teal eyes rolling back in her head as unconsciousness began to take her and soon death.


“Oh,” came a disgustingly sultry voice that set Twilight’s insides ablaze, “she’s as good as dead, darling. I would not worry about her. In fact, considering what I have in mind for you, I am actually being quite merciful to her. I hope you enjoyed your little moment together because you will not see her on the other side in Elysium.”

Twilight’s horn burned with bright magenta fury.

Datura’s horn lit up in turn. “Time to go, princess.”

Twilight felt the dark tendrils lash out once more. Just as Sunset had predicted, the witch tried to sneak back into Twilight’s mind at the same place as before. And was met with prepared resistance. The attack completely failed. Twilight cringed as she attempted another assault, then another. Finally, with burning will, Twilight screamed in defiance and purged the tendrils from her mindscape. Datura was thrown back and screamed in surprise. Dark blue eyes blinked with disbelief. “So, that’s what she was doing. She reinforced your mental defenses. Clever girl.”

Twilight was not in the mood for banter. The purple alicorn stood and spread her wings. Magic was pouring forth from her enough that her entire body began to glow with bright iridescent colors. Twilight’s mane billowed angrily, her wings, now at full extension, took on a rainbow sheen.

One tight beam from her horn shot forth and quickly wrapped Tempest Fury’s body in a cocoon of nurturing preservation/stasis magic. Another beam shot downward to Sunset and wrapped her body, focusing on her chest wound. A third beam shot towards the ceiling and shattered the magical barrier over the throne room.

“I am Princess Twilight Sparkle. I am the heir to the Solar Throne of Equestria, the first Princess of Friendship, and bearer of the Element of Magic gifted by Harmony. I like to believe that every creature in this world has good in their soul and is worthy of the bonds of friendship, love, and harmony. Worthy of a chance to experience this beautiful, wonderful gift. You, however, Datura have proven to me otherwise. You have done nothing but harm and kill and destroy. More than that, you enjoyed it.”

Datura stepped back and had to shield her eyes from the energy radiating from Twilight as spoke. Her words were calm, even, as if simply lecturing an auditorium, but reverberated off the walls and penetrated with the power of an angry, vengeful goddess. For the first time in centuries, Datura felt herself tremble all the way down to her hidden soul. This was not the easy prize for the taking she had been promised. This was what an alicorn was supposed to be.

Sunset felt a warmth wash over her and gasped for air. In response, her lungs evacuated the blood that had been pooling there. She coughed, which burned something terrible, but that pain was soon replaced with a familiar embrace in her chest. She could feel her limbs, they tingled with pins and needles of sensation, but she could still feel. Pain was good in this case. She was not dead. Not yet.


“Datura,” Twilight said with complete contempt in her voice, her power causing a small dust storm to swirl about the throne room, “Red Clover. You hurt my brother, Spike. You hurt my niece, Flurry Heart. You stole my captain and one of my best friend’s soul. You killed my subjects without a single iota of remorse or hesitation. And worst of all, you made me hurt the love of my life. MY fiancé. MY Sunset Shimmer. I am not a violent pony by nature, but you have severely damaged my calm. Now, even with all your crimes laid raw and bare before this court I will allow you to leave as you are if you return Tempest’s soul to her body and help me undo the damage to Sunset you have wrought. This is your LAST chance.”

Datura shifted her posture to a defensive stance and lit her horn. “No, I do not think so. You are strong, child, but you are still a false god, a mortal being. And I will take what I am owed. It just means I have to work for it. And from the looks of your beloved I better work fast. Real gods are not patient creatures and Void will happily devour me alongside the rest of you.”

Twilight sneered darkly before glancing briefly down at Sunset whom she was still standing protectively over like an avenging angel. Twilight was pleased to see her lover’s eyes open and wide with awe. “Hey, do me a favor and try not to move much.” Twilight flashed a warm, loving smile. “I’ve got you.”

Author's Note:

Welcome back and hellooooo weekend. I finished up Chapter 18 yesterday. There will be a 19 that will conclude Part 1 before the Intermission.

For those of you who were thinking I was not giving Twilight Sparkle her due, you're welcome. In both the second season and in the comics we have seen Twilight get brain whammied more than once. That was a fact that I both exploited and felt needing to address considering we have a baddie here who specializes in mind domination magic.

So, why does Sunset have a demon in her head? Well, mostly because I just think it's funny in that whole "shoulder angel and demon" sort of way. They get along for the most part and Sunset does not stick her in a box like Twi tried to do with Midnight.

And Raven is okay! Mostly.

It's not over yet.

Questions? Comments?

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