• Published 16th Sep 2012
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Original Sin - NocturneD85

  • ...

The Black Cloud Over My Head

Original Sin

By NocturneD


After catching up with some of my old friends I hope to rebuild the bridges of our friendship soon. I called them out for breakfast despite after doing another round of drinking the previous night and you all know I suffer from some pretty bad headaches if I push myself too hard. The meet ups turned up better than I thought. I was worried that my old friends would not even want to deal with me but in turn they did throw out some stories of me ditching them for Cadance. I apologized. I thought they were just going to just tell me off, but they just sat there and said it was alright. They still wanted me to be their friend still. My heart lifted and I felt like I could take on anything. Surely this was a start of a great day.

Until I mentioned I wanted to see Rain. My old friends Teddy and Lancer just looked at me. Blinking. I asked if I said anything wrong. But in truth, they recalled me hurting Rain pretty bad for leaving her for Cadance. They used to be angry over it and wanted to bash my head in but now that I'm here to confront them I took their little chew outs, well if you can them that. Something from a few years ago does not have the same effect today. They were angry then, not as much now. I must have apologized a million times. But they lifted up a sympathetic heart and forgave me. I did not deserve it and I knew it, but I took it.

Lancer mentioned Rain lives in an apartment complex near the Wonder Bolt camp. Seems fitting as that is where they told me she worked and got the address. I paid for every ponies meal and set off the complex. I was bombarded with photographers. Them also announcing possible headline titles such as Shining Armor now a civilian or traded in fancy armor and clothes for a leather jacket and sunglasses. Seems rather fitting. My hair was not as fancy anymore and who possibly gives a damn? Some ponies said they could barely recognize between my royal guard self and current self. But with the photographers and media, they'll make that connection saying I was worsening by the day.

After taking a trolley to the other side of town and walking a block or two. I finally arrived at the Wonder Cloud apartment complex. Some weird feeling in the pit of my stomach had me going thinking Rain made some bad choices after I left her and was trying to survive in a ditch hole. But looking at this place. Wow. About four stories tall, excellent condition. Everything kept up to code. Very good assortment of flowers around, the owner must really take pride in their complex. I saw a small playground in the front area near the main office. Must allow kids I figured. Well the setting is welcoming so I guess they have nothing against kids.

I walked into the front office. No surprise no pony was at the front desk. I rang the bell and out from the back came a very overweight female pony with glasses. Smacking her lips while fixing her thick glasses as she oozed out of the back room. She kept chewing on something and man it was gross just focusing on her mouth area.

"What can I do for ya?" She talked in an annoying south side Manehatten accent.

"I need to know if a miss Rain Storm lives here?" I asked.

She kept on chewing whatever in her mouth. Made me almost want to gag. "Let's see... Rain you said?" She pulled out what appeared to be a clipboard with a list of clients. "What's your business?"

I asked, "What?"

"Delivering something? Family member? Something I could put in sign in sheet." She explained.

"Oh. Friend. Friend." I nodded.

"Let me buzz her in to see if she's home." She turned her wide body around to get on a PA system. "Room three zero four this is Mrs. Blaub." How fitting for a name. She spoke into the microphone again, "Room three zero four you in dear?"

Within five seconds I heard stumbling from the other end. "Yes I'm here Mrs. Blaub you need something?" That voice... I knew it was her.

"Oh good to hear you again dear." She smiled, "I got a gentle colt down here asking to see you. A mister..." She looked back to me. "What's your name?"

"Eh. Shining Armor." I answered.

"A Mr. Shining Armor honey. Just wants to visit you. Do you want me to send him up or come down here?" She asked.

A few seconds of silence cursed the microphone. I was nervous to what her answer was going to be. Would it be negative?

"Yeah I'll be down." The voice said.

"Alright dear. He'll be waiting." The large pony turned back to me with a sign up sheet, "I just need your signature for safety reasons and to keep things in check sir." With that I signed my name on the sign in sheet. "Just to keep track of new ponies who come in and out." Seems fair. I turned around and sat in a really uncomfortable single chair. My eyes scanned the magazine rack of last months editions of Carriage Weekly, Nintenpony Power, MAD and an assortment of other readings.

Just then the front door opened and... she walked in. The same pale silver haired blue pegasus I scuffed a long time ago. Cutie mark of a few drops of rain, just like in her name. She was just as great as I remembered her. Though I wondered if I managed to meet her at a bad time.

The fat pony pointed me out, "You got a gentle colt here for you."

"Thanks Mrs. Blaub." She smiled and thanked the large pony as she oozed back into the back room. She turned to me with a blank expression. "So..." That was all she could say. I admit this was awkward meeting her.

"Hello." I smiled, "I was back in town and figured I get to know the old gang agai..."

"Mmhmm." She crossed her forelegs. "Sure you did."

"I... Uh... You see..." I was lost what to say next. She did not appear too angry. But not in the brights of moods. Okay she was expressionless waiting for my next move. Slowly she was inspecting me. Knowing of my nervous twitch.

"Just came for a visit?" She smirked and then walked over to me.

"Uh yes." I nodded.




She shifted her shoulders. "Alright. Sounds cool."

"Wait what?" I asked in disbelief. Here I thought she was going to come down with a frying pan and try to hit me with it or try to beat me down.

She turned her head to face me. She walked over and punched me in the shoulder playfully, "Come on. You said you wanted to catch up with some friends." Was she mad inside? Did not appear to be but maybe two and half years of pent up rage might be resting inside.

She lead me up to her apartment. Nothing to fancy from looking on the outside as her place was on the third floor. I noticed some toys left out. She apologized saying the the neighbor kids sometimes leave their toys out and don't bother picking them up until something happens. I stretched my legs over a couple of dolls, some blocks and a tricycle. Rather cute but having kids this high up sounds pretty risky. I walked inside. Pretty normal place. Modern. A Wonder Bolt's salary really comes into mind once I saw that flat screen television standing on the podium on the other side of the room. Nice black leather couch. Some paintings. Pictures of other Wonderbolt related things. A few other pieces of furniture. A nice wide kitchen. From what I saw I think was two bedrooms and one bathroom of all places. Pictures of males I did soon come across while walking along the wall to see. Then again, I would not be surprised if she moved on and started dating again. She deserved better.

We sat down in her living room finally. She served me some ice tea and got herself a glass as well. One of my favorite beverages besides powerade. I started the conversation off simply by asking how she was doing and let her talk. After all, I owed it to her. Want to know what she's been up to. In a calm expression like I remembered she would usually be she would tell me what she did the past two years.

"So. College was not working out for me as I went to work full time for a friend's uncle who happened to be a Wonder Bolt. Started off by just cleaning up and secretary work." She set her ice tea down. Her expression changed as she looked at me, "Then within a good years time I worked with the kids who would sign up for the training camp. We get ponies of all ages from child to young adult. I competed in some races and only won a few out of the twenty I was in. Then I went back to training the kids after let's say an accident that prevented me from flying to quickly and carelessly."

"Uh huh. Two years of being an instructor. How's that?" I asked.

She eased back into the sofa, "Great actually. Just to see those eager faces wanting to fly and them being thankful in the end." She cupped her own chin and smiled, "I must have taught so many ponies to fly that I lost track. The children would sometimes come by and bring me deserts their parents whipped up."

"They really loved you that much huh?" I rested my hoof on my cheek as support on the sofa arm.

She rolled her eyes playfully, "Yes. The experience really helped and I loved them equally in return."

"Anything you don't like about the job?" I asked.

She frowned. As if she really thought about this one, "Not a whole lot. Just some co-workers that like to taunt but other than that it's a great job. It pays well, I can flex my hours, I can afford most things, can afford food, hot water, electricity, utilities."

"So I take it you're doing alright for yourself?" I asked again with a smirk. I'm glad she was doing alright.

"Oh yes." She nodded. "How about yourself. How's what's her face doing?"

"Cadance...? I..." I choked a bit, surprised she did not remember the name. "Well... Should be well known now that Cadance and I are..."

"Separated at the moment?" She blinked. Nor did she look opinionated at the news. "Well sometimes its good for couples to spend some time away." Alright. I knew she was playing dumb.

"Yeah we decided to spend some time away from each other. So far we needed it... Badly..." I frowned, "She uh... She um.." I stumbled.

"Shin... Don't play alright?" She told me plainly. "The magazine... The videos..."

"You saw them too huh?" I sighed.

"Who hasn't?" She frowned.

"You going to rub it in saying I was stupid for going with her?" My frown went deeper.

She shifted her shoulders. "I would... But word around the water cooler says that you heard enough of the gossip."

I put my hoofs over my eyes and moaned, "Where did this all go wrong?"

"I dunno. That's something you have to answer for yourself." She frowned.

I moved my hoofs away from my eyes and just glanced at her. That was so typical of her. "You're pretty neutral with this after what Cadance did huh?"

"Shin..." She looked into my eyes. "I gave her a chance to be friends with us. I respected her, I let her hang with us, to get to know us. I knew under all that sugar plum exterior she was a good pony who just wanted to have some friends around her own age. Whatever little insult she threw, I knew she would be sorry about it. When she got hurt, she winced. She felt sad, she would show it." She sighed. "Next thing I noticed... months later you drop out and sign up to be a guard."

I felt ungrateful when she got to that part. "Look Rain about that..."

Her head hung low. Her voice sounding groggy, "Just... We took her in..."

I could not excuse that. Rain was the one who tried to keep reaching out to Cadance during her time at the university and we all know where that went down. I hated it. I hated reliving that moment. "I know... and I... Left..."

She lifted her head. Her face, pained but yet trying to manage. "If you wanted to break it off then why couldn't you just say so? Instead of running off like that?"

"Because I was not thinking." I grunted. Really that was the only excuse I could give. Would she buy the whole hypnosis story?




Her face remained that way...

"Why?" She shook her head.

"She's the princess of love? Her magic is based on affection spells?" I tried to say.

Dumb idea...

"Even so..." Her face saddened, "I tried to make you snap out of it. Our friends tried to convince you to stay. Your own parents tried to make you wake up."

I lowered my head this time.

"What do you want me to say?" I asked. "Sorry? Because I am..." I waved my hoof lightly, "I can apologize a thousand times and I feel like it won't be enough."

She shook her head. "Three years almost... Do you have any idea how lonely it was? Going through the things I had to do?" Her voice started to crack. "What's worse is that the necklace my mother gave me... I let you take it to your relative to fix and before I know it the princess has it around her neck on her wedding day!"

"Wha...?" I tried to think back. I did remember Rain was given some sort of necklace was a present on her birthday about five years or so ago. Was nice with the gold finish and played music. Was even old it was a family heirloom passed down from generation to generation in her family. Great. The one thing I forgot to take during the move out. Or did Cadance even have that thing on? I remembered she had a lot of jewelry. "Look... if I can get it back will it make things alright?"

Her eyes trailed off, "As much as I want it back to give to my own daughter one day... I would very much like it back... but if you can't..." She looked down and sighed, "It's just a material possession... I can live without it..." She nodded, "I lived without it for years..."

That would be my next priority. To set this right.

I just sighed. "Might be possible. I just don't know about Cadance anymore."

Rain was not even looking at me, "You were so in love with her back then... What brought this on?"

I have no idea. The fact is that I married a pony that I sort of knew and did not knew at the same time. I woke up months prior to the wedding to discover I ranked pretty high on the guard listing and was being paid well. And engaged to another pony. I did what I could to get off but work prevented me from leaving the castle and constant threats from afar kept me on guard. How do you get your life back from that? Before I knew it, I was getting to know Cadance little by little. I just can't believe it. A pony I barely knew less than talked to was getting married to me. I should be happy. Every pony was happy... But not every pony. The wedding invitations were a dead giveaway as Cadance and I sorted through them. Some of them she was not very happy on seeing the RSVP messages as some of my friends wrote some insults by crossing her name out and writing Princess Whore, princess Cunt, Thief, Bitch, Streetwalker, Liar... Yeah you can guess who those are from. She did cry and I just threw the RSVP letters away out of anger. For a while I was getting irritated that Cadance was getting mocked by a minority wondering how they could say such things about her. You all know the rest of the story. Got married and lived somewhat unhappily ever after.

Now. I'm sitting with Rain again. I should feel fine but something was getting at me. Guilt maybe? We talked and talked like we used to but it just felt empty. Usually we would snuggle close but something was preventing me from doing so. Confusion and uncertainty. Hell I did not even know if she found a stallion friend and started over. Even if she does not what am I supposed to do about it? What about Cadance? I'm still married to her after all.

But Rain just insisted, "Do you love her?"

I did not give an answer.

"Seriously... Within the two years there had to be something." She told me.

I just slid into the couch further, "Maybe there is. Maybe there isn't."

"So you just went ahead and married thinking that there was something?" She asked.

"It's confusing..." I admitted.

She just shook her head, "Look. I'm not trying to force you back into accepting her because I thought you were happy with her. I want you to be sure of yourself before you'll make any regrets."

"I do..." I just looked at her.

"Please..." She looked away. "You're married..."

"And?" I was not trying to imply an affair but to her that was certain.

"What do you mean AND?" She got a bit defensive. "Shining Armor. I hope you don't plan on just coming back into my life just in hopes to continue ways like they used to."

My face fell.

"I'm sorry but... I moved on. We all moved on since you left for the guard." She said sternly.

"Is it wrong to be curious then? Just to see how things were going then?" I asked.

"N..no." She stammered. "But Shin. As much as you hurt me, I don't want you hurting yourself with high expectations of things just going back to the way they were." Again she looked away, "Cadance screwed up big time... and if you want to be the great husband in mind then you can look into your heart about it. Give her the chance to explain herself."

She had a point, I did nothing but yelled at her and wanted nothing to do with her. For what she did, I hated her. I was willing to give her a chance after I came to sudden realization that my life was never going to be the same again. And then this happened.

"Well... I guess I'll be going then." I hoisted myself up from the couch. "It was nice talking to you. Would you like to meet up for lunch tomorrow or sometime?"

"Eh..." She grinned, "I got training tomorrow."

"How about the next day?" I asked.

"Maybe..." She blinked.

"So yes... No?" I used my hoofs as a scale.

She put her hoofs on her hips, "Come back this weekend. I have the Saturday open."

I nodded, "Alright." I smiled. I turned to leave but then stopped, "By the way... my parents mentioned something about sometime after I joined you came to them with an envelop."

"Yes I remember." She nodded.

"But then you flew away before you could tell them something..." I explained. "What did you want to say?"

She looked at me. "It... Doesn't matter anymore."

"What does not matter anymore?" I asked.

"Nothing..." She said.

"Come on." I insisted.

"Nothing." She repeated.

"Seriously... Rain." I walked up to her and looked into her eyes. "If it was something important back then and it made you fly off crying I want to know."

She sighed, "Can it wait until Saturday?"

"Does it have to?" I asked.

"It would be better because of the day off." She grinned.

"I'd still prefer if you tell me now though." I insisted. "Because..." I sighed, "I know it hurts to relive those days..."

I hear sudden little pamper of small clopping from one of the rooms just to stop behind Rain. I turned my head to look behind her and saw... a light blue filly with blue hair along with two adorable blue eyes. I stared down at the filly with curiosity, "Hello?" I greeted gently. The filly hide behind Rain more. "She's cute..." My face showed that I adored the little one but my heart sank with the thought of this belonging to a stallion. Who might be one of the occupants of that room, sleeping alongside Rain at night while the filly was in the other room.

"I'm sorry honey did mommy wake you?" Rain turned to the filly. The filly just stared. Made sense as she seemed like she did just wake up. The filly only nodded while a piece of blanket was clenched in her little mouth. With a big scoop with her powerful wing the filly was cradled and brought up to my view. "Sprite... this is a friend of mommy's. His name is Shining Armor and he works for the princess of Equestria." The hint in her voice is that she was trying to play me up as something great. Was sweet of her but it did not really fit.

"Hello there." I inched closer to the filly. "Sprite is a very nice name."

She only covered herself with her blanket. Poor thing was afraid of me. Only within seconds she would try to pull down the blanket to peak if I was still there. I was curious. Everything on her was blue, even her eyes. She really rivaled my own father in the blue department who I thought was the bluest thing on this side of Equestria. I know what you're thinking. This was the thing that Rain was trying to tell my parents about. Well. That is only half true. Sprite let out a small coo as she touched my snout with her little hoofs. I let her. Get a feeling.

"She's adorable." I chuckled. "Her father must be very proud of this little cutie."

Rain smiled. "Oh... I bet he is."

I picked her up. A bit nervous at first and so was she. I'm a giant to the little sprite.

"So..." I asked. "How old is this little angel?"

"She's three." Rain replied. "Three wonderful years with this little sprite. My life had meaning again..." She gently rubbed Spite's hair.

"I..." I frowned, "Is...she...?"

Rain nodded. "Yes. She is... yours."

My eyes widened. At first I was filled with uncertainty but the more I cradled Sprite. I knew she took after her mother with the sudden wings I felt. So tiny. I asked if she speaks. Rain just told me she was shy around other ponies. She was just so cute as I patted her head to set her down. But something felt weird.

"Rain? Does... Sprite have a bump on her head?" I asked.

Rain sighed. "There's another thing you need to know." She inched closer to Sprite's hair and brushed a little aside. A small bump turned out to be a still growing chubby small horn.

"She's an alicorn?" I almost shrieked.

"Well..." Rain rubbed the back of her neck, "The doctors said it was a hormone imbalance during the pregnancy that is... pretty rare. So she's not quite officially one."

"So... the horn is for show then?" I raised an eyebrow.

"I don't know..." She lowered her head. "Said it might work if she had the proper training. And I really don't know a lot of talented unicorns besides your family."

Then it hit me.

"Does my family know about Sprite?" I asked.

"Just your folks..." She smiled nervously.


We're going to have a long talk mom and dad.

"Oh man I don't want to leave her." I smirked. A lot of pride was running through me. "I got to tell my crew about the good news!"

"Um... about that." Rain grabbed me before I could think about leaving. "Since... you're still married to Cadance I really don't want her getting wind of this."

"Why not?" I blinked.

Her head lowered, "I... just can't let her take anything else away from me. The necklace... You..." She was about the put on the water works, but she was tough. "How do I know she won't want Sprite and try to pass it off as her own secret love child?"


"That's ridiculous." I chuckled, "There's no way Sprite will be taken from you. Let alone can even pass off as a secret love child between me and her."


Her face saddened.

Cadance has pulled some low blows and it made sense. Sprite was in the shape of an alicorn... but in name only. I have no idea if the horn even works. Her little wings can flap though. I can see where Rain was coming from. And I had to be careful around what I said to any pony.

"Does every pony know about her though?" I asked.

"That she exists sure. But not every pony know she's an alicorn." Rain scooped Sprite up with her own arms and moved her hair back into place.

"But you're living in secret." I replied.

"Not entirely... I just don't want Cadance getting wind of her." She snuggled Sprite with her snout.

"Who knows... that magic she used on you might be casted on Sprite..." She hugged Sprite closely. "I'll just die..."

And with that... I decided to leave this a secret...

I visited every day before the big party at the castle... Getting in whatever visitations I can... I bought Sprite toys. Took her to the park. Fed her ice cream. Gave her a bath. Things were starting to look up. I introduced her to my sister Twilight and her friend. I also introduced her to Ghendi who just adored her. Though she tried to eat his tail. Mom and dad admitted taking care of Sprite whenever Rain could not. I even asked why this was not even brought up during the wedding. They simply just replied. To keep her safe. I was going to make my decision on if I should stay with Cadance or not.

But things started to turn sour... And somehow, Sprite being an alicorn in name only got out with pictures on magazines. A lot of mystery was talked about and I tried to help protect the interest in Sprite. I was asked for interviews as pictures showed that I was entering Rain's apartment and playing with Sprite outside when suddenly some of her hair would flap exposing her horn. Rain would be approached at her job being asked questions over and over again disturbing her sessions with the children she taught. I just don't understand how this happened. But soon, magazine titles started to show their worst. Claiming I might have been having an affair the whole time when I was with the princess. Love child exposed.

Well... the day of the party. I was going to convince Rain so we can clear the air with every pony on how Sprite came to be. But... she packed up her bags and told me to buck off. She said she knew she could not trust me in keeping Sprite a secret once she started getting letters from the kingdom asking her to bring Sprite. One especially from Celestia. Though worded nicely, she offered to take in Sprite and give her the things she needed. But Rain knew this was another ploy to get another thing stripped away from her. Or at least feared it would be. I tried over and over to at least let the princesses see Sprite for positive purposes. I vowed to not let anything happen... But... I tried chasing her down but with Sprite on her back I really had to hustle. Rain slapped me, told me I was a good for nothing. Said I was still working for Cadance to rip everything away from her. She told me to just go back to Cadance. She did not want to look at me anymore. She did not want to hear from me anymore. She said she would move if she had to and hopefully never come back. And all she ever wanted to do... was to show that she did not need a stallion weighing her down to achieve and that she did... She raised a filly by herself and had help when she needed it from friends but to me... it was dreaded.

Before I knew it... Rain placed a restraining order on me telling me not to come anywhere between five hundred feet of her and Sprite. It crushed me. It killed me... My parents were devastated when they heard the news. The grand daughter they were help raising was gone. I just wondered... How did this all get out?


Guess I'm a curse... My friends still talked to me but were still as distant. It was that hour. I did not even want to go. Hell this all happened the same day. How can you gain something you missed out on for so long and just have it taken away from you?

I tried not to think about it. I can't afford to make myself into a bigger wreck and I had to get on my superiors better side again in hope to back into the groove. So I escorted my sister and her friend to the party. We ate, drank, socialized. Well I could not concentrate. I felt dead inside. But I kept smiling. Twilight and Rarity remained at my side. Twilight would sneak off to chat with Ghendi. I kept somewhat of a close eye on those two while Rarity just chatted my ear off. I did not mind it. Normally girls like this would annoy me but not Rarity. Everything about her seemed endearing. But still my world seemed empty.

By at this time... Cadance herself walked up to me. Looking. Fit... Or beautiful.

"Shining Armor?" She paused in front of me.

I put a plain look on my face, "Oh... Hey. Enjoying the party?"

"Er... Yes sort of." She rubbed her elbow.

I don't know why. I lost everything in just so few days. I took a swig of my drink, "So how's it like back in the castle?"

"Fine... Just fine." She frowned sadly, "So how have you been?"

"Well... being captain put a lot of strain on me and my performance started to suffer." I remarked, this was not easy to admit but my record was not looking good as it used to or what was left of it. I did anything to change the subject and not wanted Cadance to ask about my daughter or if she even knew.

"But you were happy being captain were you not?" She asked pretty desperately.

"To be honest... At first it sounded great but the job was far too demanding." I admitted. "I was thinking about quitting."

"I'm... sorry to hear that." She apologized. She looked very sincere.

"Yeah but look where all this got me." I scoffed.

"Surely you liked something about the job." She asked. I knew she was trying to make me stay.

"I like the teaching aspect." I said. "A real challenge and something I can sink my teeth into."

"You would make a great teacher." She said.

She buttered me up. But after losing Sprite for a very short time. I just felt empty. But I knew what

I wanted. I wanted to dedicate my life to getting Rain to see that I'm sorry and want to be in Sprite's life. But... Rain wanted me to never see her again... She told me to go back to Cadance and just continue life as a guard. Cadance brought up the question if we could get back together. I just shook my head in disagreement. Easily letting her down. Telling her that, that we took it too quickly. Her response was typical. Crying... I tried to ease her down. But it did not do any good. She was spouting that I wanted a divorce but I tried to quiet her down.

My sister came to my rescue. She was not in the best of moods. When she found out that Cadance cheated. It devastated her as well. To her Cadance could do no wrong. Or so we thought. It did not take too long for Twilight to hear my story. She really liked Sprite as that was the first time she felt the joy of being an aunt. She tried helping me to get Rain to see that the world outside is inviting. But with Cadance doing what she did back then. She was really angry about it. To take some pony away from another just like that because of jealousy and wanting. I swear...

Twilight laid down the verbal assault on Cadance calling her a whore and all sorts of other names. I tried to get her to stand down but she did nothing. Princess Celestia herself would intervene and scold Twilight. She just stormed off. Celestia demanded my sister see her in the study. Oh man. I would have to sneak away to help her later. But Cadance... was crying still. Still crying. I felt terrible. Almost sorry that a princess of love represented the fairy tale style of love but yet could not find it herself... She was beautiful don't get me wrong... But I was angry. Angry at myself... I ruined a life... wait... not one but two... I was not there for Rain or Sprite... I was mad at myself because I could not break away from the spell earlier. I was angry...

Just then a red stallion walked up to Cadance and offered her a hanky. She said his name. Big Macintosh. A very familiar name. With the sudden urge I gritted my teeth as I asked his name... He replied truthfully that it was his name and I rewarded him with a punch to the face... I said some things... The red stallion stood up again and brushed off my assault like it was nothing. I was so full of rage. It would not be long until we threw down.

I lost everything... My life... My baby... Daddy is sorry...

You were actually warming up to me...

I knew you were shy but you finally said "daddy..."