• Published 16th Sep 2012
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Original Sin - NocturneD85

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Breaking the Camels Back

Original Sin

By NocturneD

The pale white unicorn's hooves reached out to me and cupped my cheeks. Demanding that I snap out of my weakened state and just look into those sweet blue eyes of hers. I was fool. Made myself to look look and gained sympathy from one of my sister's friends because of my sob story. I hated myself. A strong captain, now reduced to a blubbering mess who needs alcohol to numb the pain.

I will remember those words that Rarity said to me; "Be alive with me tonight..." Not just the words but... how she said it like she was purring. Her voice with a low purr, no doubt she was coming onto me. At first, I wanted to turn her down but then I remembered all the crap I went through. Finding out I have been living one big lie, as well as finding out I had a daughter this entire time. The mother does not want anything to do with me. To finally gain something only to be ripped away from you so quickly, you don't know what to do. It makes no sense. Let alone my own parents did not even tell me about Sprite... or did they? I don't know anymore. I should be mad but all I am now, is numbed with pain.

What happens next is I was launched into a situation where my morals come into question. I was respected among my guards and superiors, even my family and relatives no question about it. Royalty as well, Celestia praised my work even Luna gave me a compliment. Cadence was the sole reason I was here though, without her I would not have gained such a respected position but then again... I question her. What exactly did I marry? Cadence was the symbol of love, not illusion; that's Chrysalis for Celestia's sakes. Just where did all of this go wrong? How could she just pull the curtain over my head like that? Her power was said by many other ponies that she brings out the love that already exists within, I call bull on that... It's a double edged sword and no pony ever considers the bads because love is so good.


I weighed my options but I did poorly on that. I wanted revenge, I wanted out of this castle to go pursue my baby girl again. That was heaven! This was not. You look at Canterlot and first thing you see is a very well developed and preserved town, as well as it being the capital of all Equestria. Rarity always wanted to be part of Canterlot and there is no doubt about it. She saved up enough to buy a building here that would be staggering to pay monthly. Canterlot has a strict karma rule and if most of Canterlot does not like you, then you're pretty much in for a wild ride of not getting any business because of bad reviews and ponies who won't even bother giving your business a second thought. Then again, there is always a high possibility of Celestia coming in to save the day. Every pony follows Celestia, leading by example. Well... I don't know how it came to this, it just lead one thing to another. I made sure my door was locked, the lights turned off, my terrace left a jar. My guards who were still under my order were told to allow no pony past the door. I left my terrace open, hoping it would send off some sort of romance cheesiness but that's where my biggest mistake is going to happen.

"I will... my lady..." I muttered. I leaned in and kissed her. I let your imagination play out the rest as we got really close and started performing on each other. There I was, a unhappily married stallion and highly respected captain having relations with another mare. Well this next part I won't go into exact detail as she did me, I did her. I did her from behind, I did her facing her. And man... her moans were like something else. I often heard from my sister and her friends that Rarity had that shriek to her sometimes whenever she got upset or felt like be a drama queen but... Something about her when she squealed in delight and pleasure just makes me enjoy it. First she said I was a roughian but how she said it with such joy in her voice. Her saying I was a great lover but really I was just venting my pent up frustration on her marehood. I must have lost myself about three times into her. Each time, breathing harder and harder. I just had to have more of her. I loved every aspect about her, she begged me, she called to me, she loved me. Other than the well rounded huge flank and perfect large baby feeders, a little meat on her... Ka-ching, she was perfect from top to bottom along with what's on the inside. I just loved her personality, most ponies would find a personality like that would often be from a bitch but Rarity was generous. We had breaks in between our little love romp sessions sharing stories of our upbringing and adventures and found out, we loved talking to each other. I learned a lot about Rarity that night and found out she really had heart. Then again... I knew ponies like this...

I told her to lie on her stomach, she did so. I positioned myself on top of her and started thrusting. She jiggled in all the right places, she begged for more and more. I delivered, I don't know what came over me but sharing the night with Rarity, just made things seem easier. Letting myself ooze within her, she gasped and cooed. I felt a draft from the terrace window.

"Strange..." I thought, the wind must have blew it open.

I lowered myself back onto Rarity and continued pumping in and out of her. She turned her head the best she could, I did my best to reach her as she whispered little bits of encouragements into my ear. "Shining darling... Don't ever let any pony say you're scum... Or pitiful... OH!" Sorry, I thrusted. "Oh you big strong colt OH! You're perfect the way you...OHHH!" With another thrust or two, I released myself again. Still going in the slow motions, she kept moaning.

Until I heard...


I quickly turned my head to see Cadence walking out of the shadows. Eyes lit with raging fire and her teeth grinding. Quickly Rarity pulled the covers over herself to hide while I was to face the music. Well it was good while it lasted, maybe a little taste of your own medicine huh? And what luck, the necklace Rain mentioned was proudly hanging around her neck like a prize. I had to get that back.

"Oh hey Cadence." I smirked.

"Don't hey Cadence me!" She growled and started shouting, "You know how horrible I felt the past few days over what I did but here you are doing it! Slamming into Rarity's ass like she's a two bit whore!"

I refused to look at her. I simply put my hoof over the sheets, Rarity was shaking underneath them but I assured her. I would not let anything happen to her, never. I could not look at Cadence anymore, sure I felt a little bad for getting back at her but if its to make her feel horrible then bullseye. A lying bitch princess who has the power to make ponies fall in love.. Please...

"I SAID LOOK AT ME!" She demanded.

I rubbed my hoof against Rarity's back one more time before finally turning to her. I narrowed my own eyes. "You know what Cadence. There is no excuse for what you did, I don't care if you got drunk. I heard everything before you even went to that party saying I was lame and shit." I marched up to her, "Of course there's no excuse for what I even did just now. Well buck you then. We're not happy! FACE IT!"

Cadence heaved, "I WANTED TO FIX IT!" She got right up into my face, "BUT NO YOU DON'T WANT TO COOPERATE WITH ME!"

"What is there to cooperate with? I'm not letting you put that spell on me again if that's what you're planning!" I shouted back at her.

"I WOULD NEVER!" She scoffed.

"Did not stop you the first time." I replied back. "And thanks to you, I'm not getting my time back."

"OH PLEASE GIVE IT A REST!" She hollered.










"I WANT THE WHORE OUT!" Cadence demanded. Her magic aura tried to engulf Rarity, I was not going to take a chance on my wife hurting Rarity.

"DON'T YOU TOUCH HER!" I growled, soon my magic wrestled with hers in a battle of wits. A tug of war and pushing was involved but little no effort at all. I was slammed through the giant doors of my room to outside the hallway. I moaned in pain as my back really slammed into the castle walls. Oh man... That's smarts. I heard Rarity screaming for Cadence to back away, I heard pounding. Oh man I can't let Cadence do this. Immediately the guards I had stationed outside the room came to my side to help me up, I told them, "Don't worry about me, just apprehend Cadence!"

"ROGER!" The two guards saluted me then ran into the room. Only for one to get quickly thrown back out of the room while the other one howled in pain. My back twinged with the shock of pain but I did not care. Even if I was demoted, I was still a guard and I am to protect the citizens of Equestria no matter what. I galloped in there and slammed into Cadence as hard as I could. Dropping us both to the floor, I wrestled with her. I saw the anger in her eyes and I knew she could with mine. How much I wanted her to pay for everything but her magic was still miles stronger than mine because of her alicorn species.

"RARITY!" I growled. My head turned to the scared mare on the floor, "GO GET YOUR FRIENDS AND THE PRINCESS!"

"GRAHHHH!" Cadence slowly was going to over power me soon.

"GO!" I yelled and with that she did.

And so... I'll admit, Cadence used her magic to whip my ass. Slamming me into walls, the ceiling, the floor. Sure go ahead and say I deserved it, but what she did to me has to be getting at her conscience, no pony is that deceiving and can't feel guilt. As I got slammed back and forth, the more anger I felt from her. This torture, she bounded me so my arms were not free. I tried shooting off my own magic but it would fail to even hit her.


Oh Celestia...




Let this end!


She screamed, "I WANTED TO SEE YOU!"


She cried as she kept mashing me up against a wall, "I wanted to say I'm sorry... WHY?!"


Think I see heaven right about now...


Whoa... I see grandpa Draco.


And grandma Lucrecia! Oh wow heaven is going to be great, I always liked her cookies.


Could you speed it up Cadence? The blood gushing out of my cracked skull isn't killing me any faster.


"CADENCE!" I knew that voice belonged to Luna, "STOP THIS AT ONCE!"

Maybe this was not a good time for her to say that? I landed on the bed but still broke it under my weight because of the height I was dropped at. Oh man I'm aching all over. I moaned in pain as I tried to get back to my hooves, I have to do this for Rain... I want that necklace back so she has something to pass onto Sprite...

"Shining Armor!" Twilight gasped, her and her friends raced to my side.

"Mi Amore Cadenza..." Luna heaved. "Thou has a lot of explaining to do!"

Cadence didn't even bat an eye, she was still enraged, "My husband slept with his sister's hussy friend! I caught them doing the deed here!"

My legs felt wobbly, but then Twilight spoke up, "Just like how we caught you doing the deed in Apple Jack's barn!"

"FOR THE MILLIONTH TIME!" Cadence shouted as she cried, "I WAS DRUNK! INTOXICATED! HAD TOO MUCH!" Silence hit the room, "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO SAY IT?!"

I noticed Luna's face did not show any emotion. Something seemed off, it would be natural for a family member to race to their grieving child or niece's side and immediately take sides.

"I wanted to come in and speak to Shining Armor. Hopefully convince him that I can be a better wife b-but I c-come into see him..." She was breaking down even more, "I see him having relations with his sister's friend. We argued and I'm sick of it!"

"You... intoxicated?" Luna raised an eyebrow.

"What?" Twilight looked up at the night princess.

"Well the Apple Cider is pretty strong stuff yur majesty." Apple Jack brought up.

"And alcohol once ingested without food can really do a number on one's actions." Twilight added.

"Alicorns like my sister and I can't get intoxicated." Luna came out and said it. Every pony froze, Cadence just stared at us. She fell to the floor, tears streaming down her face.