• Published 10th Apr 2022
  • 299 Views, 6 Comments

Bon Bon's Discord - Rhonie8k

While enjoying a casual stroll with her beloved through the Canterlot Garden Maze Bon Bon accidently frees the agent of Chaos.

  • ...

A Walk in the Park

Author's Note:

Years ago I wrote a story well most of a story I never gave it an ending back then. It led to another story one that was left mostly resolved Those stories are mentioned in the description for this story. I'm proud to say I did finish the first story recently have a long absence from this site. In finishing that story I found myself still with the urge to write so I put in some work on a third completely unrelated story that was also left unfinished when I was struck with the realization I still had access to my old incomplete thoughts and ideas saved elsewhere. It was there that I discovered I had wrote the first chapter of a sequel for the completed story I had absolutely forgotten about. It was unedited and extremely sloppy but I very much enjoyed the idea behind it and what it could lead to. This is that chapter. This is my new story.

Celestia’s sun hung high in the early, afternoon sky. The clear sky signaled another peaceful day in Canterlot. The palace garden was quiet only catering to a few small groups of ponies. Among the garden's occupants on the warm summer afternoon was a nervous, yellow pegasus mare accompanied by a poised unicorn with a dazzling white coat. The pair casually strolled passed the statutes that inhabited the garden’s labyrinth sharing in friendly conversation and enjoying each other's company.

Hiding in the shadows of the statues was a cream-colored earth mare. Her eyes never truly left the timid pegasus. When the pair would begin to drift out of sight the earth mare would quickly dart to a closer hidden nook or cranny, careful to always remain unseen. A camera hung around her neck. When she was certain the click of the camera would go unnoticed she would hastily snap a picture of her precious subject.

“Oh dear look at the time.” The unicorn exclaimed suddenly after examining a watch she extracted from her saddlebag. “We must hurry if we don’t wish to be late.”

The pair took off in a hasty trot for the maze’s exit before the earth mare could properly grasp the situation. She took a moment to let out a sigh trying to calm herself and put away her camera. It didn't help though with her stuff put away and knowing the object of her affection could be just about anywhere in Canterlot by now she only felt angrier.

“Fiddlesticks!” The earth mare muttered to herself as she let out a kick with her back hoof. The kick had managed to land itself on the statue she was hiding behind. A small crack appeared where her hoof made contact.

The mare's eyes widened in guilt-stricken panic. With a quick look around to make sure her actions had gone unnoticed the mare took off at a brisk pace and quickly rounded a few corners. When she finally felt enough distance had been placed between herself and the statue she took a seat on the grass and let out a sigh.

“I saw you kick that statue. " A squeaky voice that could only belong to a young colt spoke. "You kicked it and it cracked. You broke something in the royal garden and I’m telling on you.” A mysterious colt exclaimed having suddenly appeared next to the earth mare.

The mare gave the mysterious colt a quick look over. His coat was brown with a few grey patches and his mane and tail were white. His flank was blank he didn’t even have a cutie mark. No sooner than the mare had noticed this than a cutie mark appeared. It was some sort of bird she couldn’t recognize.

“Would you look at that?” The colt's voice had changed. It lost its childish appeal and had grown menacing. “This bird is a tattler, so tattling must be my special talent.” His big yellow eyes were bright with a hint of wickedness.

The colt suddenly reared up on his hind legs. His cutie mark vanished. Slowly everything about the colt began to change. First his hind legs, one became green and lizard-like while the other looked like it belonged on a goat. His forelegs changed next, the right taking the form of a lion's arm with the left becoming a powerful bird's talion. His tail became scaly and dragon liked while his body became long and thin. A pair of wings sprouted from his back; one bat like the other could have been found on any pegasus. His face grew older and slightly distorted as if it belonged to a larger type of pony but with a pointed fang and a beard. The transformation was completed when one deer antler sprouted next to a blue goat horn from the top of the creature's head.

“It's not every day you find a respectable dishonest pony such as yourself. You ponies always seem to be doing the right thing. It is just so boring and predictable. If I may ask, what is your name?” His voice was cold but carried a strange sense of clear interest.

The mare stood quietly in shock and disbelief at the creature before her. It couldn’t exist, not here not like this, but somehow it was. The creature in front of her was the spitting image of the statue she cracked, only it wasn’t made of stone anymore.

“You break things and you’re rude, I’m liking you more and more. Please call me Discord." He paused briefly to give the mare another chance to respond. "Oh well, I guess you are content with ignoring me. That's fine. I just wanted to thank you for freeing me from that cursed stone form. Celestia probably hadn’t realized the magic has been weakening over the last millennium since that time she banished her sister all it took was one small crack to free myself.” The draconequus had taken her hoof in her hand and was shaking it with both his arms. “Well thanks again but I have chaos to cause and dissonance to devise so I best get going.”

“My name is Bon Bon.” The mare’s voice was shaky and surprised. Bon Bon was unsure why she had given the creature her name.

“You got your voice back. Pity I can’t stay and talk you took too long.” Discord put on a dark pair of sunglasses and looked right into the sun.

“I’ll tell Celestia your free.” Bon Bon questioned the words that came out of her mouth. Did she just threaten whatever this thing was?

Discord turned back to the mare a smile on his face.

“Tsk, Tsk, Tsk. Is that really such a good idea. Think about it I’ve been imprisoned for thousands of years and you're the pony that set me free." He paused briefly to let his words sink in. "Do you think Celestia would let you go unpunished for that? She would have to throw you into some deep dark dungeon. That or maybe she would make a statue out of you as well. By the time they even found me my power would be great enough to avoid capture. You would be imprisoned and I’d be free. Instead, we can both be free. I won’t tell if you won’t.” He turned and began to walk away

“I want a favor. I set you free you owe me.” Bon Bon abruptly demanded. Why was she saying this? Why didn’t she just run away? She questioned silently to herself.

Discord began to laugh hysterically he was on the ground, pounding his assortment of limbs against the cold hard earth as maniacal laughter poured from his mouth. This lasted a few minutes before he finally regained his composure.

“That was a good one. I like you. So here is what we’re going to do. I’m going to let you hang out with me." He placed his taloned hand on the mare's shoulder. "I need a place to stay, you know to lay low for a while so I can regain my strength, being trapped in stone for thousands of years is no vacation. I’m going to stay with you at your place. How’s that for a favor.” The draconequus wore a sly smile as he spoke.

The mare nodded in agreement, once again unsure why she was doing what she was doing.

Discord snapped his fingers and suddenly the pair were standing in Bon Bon’s bedroom.

“You must really like this mare.” Discord said coyly as he looked around at the countless pictures of a yellow pegasus.

“I NEVER SAID YOU COULD BE IN MY ROOM!” The mare was mad, her face had gone crimson and her tail twitched back and forth with agitation.

Discord stood in disbelief, she shouldn’t be able to tell him no like that. He had placed her under a compliance spell when they teleported so she couldn't suddenly change her mind. Something about her sudden change in temperament must have overpowered it. Was her will somehow more powerful than his own? Discord asked himself as the mare quickly pushed him out of the bedroom into the hall and then into the next room. It was a simple bedroom with just a bed and a dresser.

“You can have this room, but never go in my room.” Bon Bon threatened her voice sharp enough to even shake the lord of chaos.

Discord just stared, he watched the mare cross the hall and into her room slamming the door loudly behind her. A thought crossed his mind, one he never thought he would have. I like that pony.

Comments ( 6 )

Well this is a pretty interesting story here so far add I'm assuming this is during between season 1 and 2 so it looks like bon bon is following Fluttershy and Rarity but mostly Fluttershy and she's been taking a lot of pictures of her lately but when both of them disappeared Bonbon out of frustration kick the statue which unfortunately that is the statue of Discord and freeing him and now she's kind of stuck with him because knowing to the situation she is kind of in trouble but I do like how bonbon fight over the mind control that Discord tried to put on her and it looks like he really likes this one I wonder what's going to happen next

I have to assume you didn't read the previous story or at the very least skipped the chapter of of Luna's Lessons that I pointed to in the description. So this is my set in my own universe where Luna returned relatively naïve and was also sent to Ponyville the adjust to the modern world and be kept away from from nobles trying to use her for her influence. There she befriended Lyra and it feels almost a given when your story has Lyra it should have Bon Bon but i don't ship them and I wanted to give Luna a roommate. Without spoiling to much certain events have led this universes Bon Bon to develop a completely normal and totally healthy crush on Fluttershy. To a very modest extent certain events in universe follow the show, the main example being I gave a totally rational reason for the events of "The Ticket Master" to have occurred. Beyond that I never fully delved into the timeline Luna did discover what nightmare night was and in the show that would have been after Discords first release but that never happened here. Although this part could actually be set just before that part of the story as it was after Bon Bon developed her crush but I'm going to say that this actually happens some time later because if Discord was free during the later events of of that story he would have got himself involved.

Is your story going to continue on

Yes but there may be a little bit of a wait. I got really caught up in working on a different story and then I took a break from it to do a story for a contest and I've been in a bit of a slump since then. I still want to work on the other story first while I outline the next few chapters of this in my head as I know where that story is going and this one i have ideas for but not sure where I want to go with it long term and I want to plan more before resuming with it.

TLDR Yes just not sure when yet.

Bonus good news though when I do post the next chapter [possibly before] I should have some splendid cover art for it.

Wow I like the picture cover and that's another rare pairing up kinda almost like a friends forever comic

Glad you like the art I was super excited when my friend showed it to me. I think it captures the dynamic pretty well, at least as it stand now. Discord intends to get under Bon Bon's skin and Bon Bon just want's be left to her own devices. At the same time it could easily represent a friendship where either just knows all the right buttons to aggravate the other in a non malicious way.

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