• Published 17th Apr 2022
  • 426 Views, 409 Comments

Gusty the Great book 2- The crusades - Dianabel

Having accepted her destiny, Gusty embarks in the adventures that will change Equestria´s history.

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Chapter 10: A dangerous lunch

Author's Note:

Huzzah everypony! So glad to see you again after these two months. And there´s an explanation to why I didn´t update.

You don´t know this but I suffer from an anxiety disorder, most specifically OCD. I´ve been diagnosed with this disorder since I was 13 years old, so I´ve learnt to live with it. However, there are times, where there are external stressors, that causes me to have episodes. And I´ve been in a really rough one since ends of august, which got at its worse on october. That´s why I haven´t uploaded for some time, because I couldn´t focus or it was too painful to write. However, I´ve been going to therapy, and though I have to fight thoughts all day, I can function. In fact, I´m retaking this story, which I missed writing so much. All in all, thank you for your patience.

Now without much further ado, let´s go to this chapter, and prepare because this is a long one!

Buttons fidgeted with her hooves nervously while looking at the night sky, wondering why the sun didn´t come out yet. Despite being so confident and insistent on rescuing Fizzy, she realized that neither she nor her companions had enough energy to walk through the night anymore. So, she had no choice but to accept Glory´s advice and sleep. But right now, sleep was such an impossible task for her. Her mind couldn´t stop racing on Fizzy. Was she ok? Was she hurt? Or worse, was she dead? How could she sleep without an answer to those questions?

Then, she remembered what Gusty did when tracking down Fizzy´s hoofprint trail. How she felt somewhat better after taking some time to breathe slowly. Maybe it could work again. So, she closed her eyes, laid her hooves on her chest and started to inhale some air and exhaling it slowly after holding it for a few seconds. She repeated the same process again, and again until she felt no tension on her muscles.

When she opened her eyes, she found herself surrounded by the mares she used to work at Grogar´s castle. In fact, she was at Grogar´s castle! She looked at her clothes. She wasn´t wearing her armour anymore, instead, she was wearing her old blue dress. In front of her, there was a white shirt. Though she mainly sewed the same clothes, she remembered each detail that made each garment different, and she could even remember what had happened in the day she fixed it. And the shirt she had in front of her was very familiar.

“Wait. Is this-” she thought aloud.

“Done!” a familiar voice exclaimed.

Buttons turned her head to the right and saw Fizzy holding her garment. Though it was pretty badly sewn, Fizzy seemed very proud of her work. As a matter of fact, she was showing it to some faceless troggles.

“What in tarnation is that?!” one of them asked disgusted.

“It´s a shirt! But I added some personal touch. Instead of being like every other shirt, now it has some embroidery. And not just any embroidery, it´s the embroidery of the emperor!” she said with a huge smile on her face.

Buttons giggled.

“She did some embroidery.” she joined her hooves together, grinning in pride.

The troggle ruthlessly tore the shirt and threw it to the floor.

“Can´t you do a normal shirt?!”

“What are you? An idiot?!” the other troggle asked her.

With every word they spoke, Fizzy´s ears dropped and looked down ashamed.

“Hey, at least she has some creativity unlike others!” Buttons yelled to the troggles, outraged by how they were treating her.

Suddenly, she was on a different location. This time, she was in the kitchen. She gasped when she noticed Fizzy surrounded by mares. Like the troggles, they were faceless..

“Fizzy! We told you to watch over the bread!” one mare yelled at Fizzy while showing her a burnt bread.

“Well, I was watching over the bread, but since I saw that all of you were nervous about not getting bread to the emperor in time, I thought that if I added more coal, it would get done faster…”

Buttons shook her head, smiling at Fizzy´s silliness.

“Same old Fizzy…” she said.

“Seriously? You couldn´t think of something better?” another mare asked her.

“Why do you always do everything wrong?!” other asked her.

“Whoa, whoa. She might not be the best at cooking, but that doesn´t mean she never does things right.” Buttons walked to the circle of mares.

“Yeah, because you are around to help her.”

“If it wasn´t for you, I´m pretty sure Grogar would have disposed her.”

Buttons gasped offended.

“You just did not say that!”

Once again, her surroundings changed. Now, she wasn´t in the castle since she could see the sky. However, Buttons couldn´t tell the exact location, due to the many unicorns around her. Nonetheless, she got some clues of what was happening from what the ponies were whispering.

“Poor mare. She didn´t stand a chance.” a male unicorn said.

“Where are the friends she pledged loyalty to?” the unicorn next to him said.

Suddenly, a loud voice started speaking.

“The prisoner has been found guilty of the crime of treason. She is a traitor to the emperor, to the empire. To all of us! The sentence is death!”

Buttons´ ears dropped in fear.

“Oh no.”

She made her way through the crowd, not caring if she upset some ponies in the process. She finally reached a spot where she could see what was happening. She gasped horrified when she saw Fizzy tied to the wooden post standing on a pyre. Buttons´ eyes filled with tears when she saw how terrified and alone she looked.

“Fizzy!” she cried her name.

No matter how loud she screamed, Fizzy didn´t hear. She was too focused on seeing how the torch went down to light the wood under her.


“Buttons?” a familiar voice asked her just before the torch reached the wood.

Buttons gasped as she opened her eyes. She grabbed her chest as she panted heavily.

“Are you ok?” Gusty asked her as she offered her a comforting hoof.

Buttons took some time to reply. She was wondering where everypony had gone, why she was laying on the ground, and why she was surrounded by trees and not buildings. Then, she realized that she was only dreaming. She left out a sigh full of relief when she saw Gusty, Glory, Lancer and Starswirl instead of the indifferent ponies in her dream.

“Yeah. I am.” she took Gusty´s hoof and got up. “It´s just I had a nightmare.”

“Don´t worry. We figured.” said Lancer.

“Was it about Fizzy?” Glory asked her.

Buttons nodded her head.

“Don´t worry. We´re closer to getting her.” Gusty reassured her. “Starswirl, how long do you think it will take to get there?”

“I´m not sure. I know this is the way, but I´ve never taken it myself. However, I´ve heard it takes one day approximately.”

Buttons sighed. Gusty patted her back.

“Then let´s waste no time!” she said confidently.

Several hours passed. Judging from how much the sun was beating down, the unicorns deduced that it was afternoon. They panted as they struggled to walk with so much heath in their body. They felt how the sweat fell down their face.

“How are you all doing?” Gusty asked like she did from time to time.

“Can we get some shade please?” Glory panted heavily. “I don´t think I can take the sun anymore. Not with cloak and clothes over an armour!”

“Is that ok with you Buttons?”

“Yeah. Of course.”

After they spotted a tree with a shade big enough for the five ponies, they sat underneath it, sighing in relief.

“My hooves are killing me!” Starswirl complained.

“Mine not really, honestly.” Lancer shrugged. “Though that´s because I´m used to walking for long periods of time. But I must admit that with clothes over the armour, I´m finding it more difficult.”

“I hope we don´t have much path left…” Buttons fidgeted with her hooves.

“Yeah, me too.” Gusty replied. “But if we keep up with this rhythm and there´s no interruptions, maybe we´ll get there soon!”

Suddenly, her stomach growled.

“Oops, sorry about that. I´m a little hungry.”

Then, Buttons´ did as well.

“Apparently, me too.”

Lancer´s, Starswirl´s, and Glory´s did at the same time.

“I think we all are hungry.” Glory smiled.

“Doesn´t surprise me.” Lancer looked up at the sky, shielding his eyes from the sunlight with his hoof. “If you pay attention, you´ll see that the sun is brighter, which means it´s lunchtime.”

“Then I guess it´s time for berries!” Gusty said as she took out her bag of berries. “Again…” she sighed. “I don´t mean to be whiny, Lancer, but I wish we had more food.”

“None taken. In the army, we usually had enough food, but there were times where we ran out of supplies due to attacks. And believe me, none of us liked it.” he shook his head.

Starswirl stroked his short beard as he thought of possible ways to solve a problem, turning his head around in hopes to find clues. Fortunately, he did, his eyes shining in joy.

“Maybe we could go to an inn!”

Starswirl pointed at a sign. The unicorns approached it.

“The.. Dus…ty´s.” Gusty read. “Sounds like a great place to eat. And look, I think it says it´s a few inches away. What do you think about it?”

“Well, I guess in order to get to Fizzy, I must have enough fuel.” Buttons commented.

“I don´t know…” Glory said insecure.

“Oh!” Gusty exclaimed surprised. “Is something wrong, Glory?”

“Not really..” Glory took a few steps back. “It´s just… Um…”

The more she talked, the more self-conscious she got. To comfort her, Lancer put his foreleg around her.

“She isn´t comfortable around strangers.” he finished for her. “Especially in places where she could be the centre of attention. And right now, we are a very easy target of attention. Not only that, but we are also unicorns around earth ponies!”

“Well, but they won´t notice we are unicorns, because we are in disguise, right?”

“I know, what if something happens and they discover we are unicorns? I don´t think they´ll take that lightly.”

“The key is not to use magic.” Starswirl intervened. “The spell doesn´t have a time limit. It only breaks if you make use of magic. And I trust that you are wise enough to follow my advice, so there´s nothing to worry about.”

Lancer and Glory shared glances. They smiled at each other, telling each other that everything was going to be fine with only their eyes. Then, they turned their gaze back to Starswirl and Gusty.

“Well, I suppose being around earth ponies in disguise can´t be as bad as not having food.” Lancer scratched his nape.

“It´s just a few minutes. Maybe I´ll have everypony staring at me a few seconds, but I don´t think they´ll be constantly staring at me. Unless I do anything stupid.” Glory bit her lip nervously.

“So, I guess that everypony agrees.” Buttons concluded. “Très bien. Now,” she walked behind everypony´s backs and started to push them. “let´s not waste more time and let´s go to that place. The sooner we get there, the sooner we´ll save Fizzy!”

“I don´t mean to offend, but wouldn´t we be quicker if you didn´t push us and let us walk?” Starswirl asked politely.

“Oh. Right.” Buttons blushed and giggled embarrassed. “I guess it´s the nerves.”

Everypony shook their heads or rolled their eyes playfully.

“You know what? Aside from Lulu, who definitely inherited he mother´s shyness, I thought I was the only pony that got nervous around strangers.” Gusty told Glory in their way to the inn.

“Well, you´re not. I hate being around strangers. Especially if they are looking at you. You never know what they´re thinking.”

“Really? Because when we first met, you were quite natural.”

“Actually, I was feeling very nervous deep down that time, I always was when Majesty sent somepony to the castle! I just hid it well. I sometimes felt ashamed of it. But then I told myself that these ponies and Majesty were counting on me and that there was nothing to worry about. Plus, I have the theory that maybe that is why Majesty chose me as the leaders´ spy since I never talk to strangers.”

“Could be. I don´t think it´s far-fetched.”

The two unicorns giggled. Gusty smiled as she stared at Glory. Just when she thought she had completely known everypony around her, there was always something more to discover. And no matter what the discovery was, it always reassured her that she was not that different from everypony else.

Finally, after some time, they arrived at their destination. It was a very old building that seemed to be falling to pieces at any moment. The window under the roof had a piece hanging, the facade was full of cracks, and there were several roof tiles lacking. In fact, one of them slipped and fell off, breaking in front of the unicorns. The unicorns blinked emotionless and shared glances. No word was said between them, but they could tell they were all regretting the decision they made.

“Well… On the bright side, at least they have food.” Gusty giggled nervously.

“That is if we can enter.” Lancer replicated. “Because I feel that by simply by rubbing that door, it´s going to turn to dust and bring the whole building down.”

“Either that or a tile falls upon us.” Glory added.

“Maybe my idea was not a good idea after all.” Starswirl paced back.

“Non, non, non.” Buttons said as she walked through everypony. “We are not turning back!” she stomped her hoof. “I won´t let this waste of time that could have been used to walk to Bridlengton be in vain. We are entering and you won´t change my mind!”

She raised her hoof violently as she hissed. Everypony closed their eyes, expecting Buttons to fail somehow, whether by breaking the door or getting harmed herself. However, to everypony´s surprise, she simply knocked the door with a confident smile and eyes closed. Seeing nothing was happening, she blinked, and raised her eyebrow confused. She knocked again.

“Huh. They should have answered by now.” she turned to her companions, who quickly changed their expression of relief. “Hello is anypony there?”

“Yeah! Right away!” a voice from inside replied. “Just one mom- AAH!”

After the voice´s yell, the sound of dishes breaking, and casseroles rolling was heard. The unicorns closed their eyes in pain, feeling concern for whoever was inside. Seconds later, the pony opened the door. She was a pink earth pony with a straw, blonde mane, and blue eyes. She panted heavily, as she was carrying many casseroles. When she looked at the ponies, she blushed embarrassed and laughed nervously.

“Um… Uh… Hi! Uh… What can I do for you?”

“Could you provide us with some food?” Buttons said as she signed at herself and the other unicorns.

“Of course! Of course! Please, come in.” she welcomed them with a gesture as she walked away to let them pass.

Much to Glory´s horror, the inn´s main entrance was quite crowdy. Many earth ponies were sitting around the rustic tables the inn had to offer. They were either drinking, eating, chatting, or laughing.

“Oh…” Glory stepped back. “This is worse than imagined.”

“Oh my… After being alone for so much time a crowd of ponies this big feels very overwhelming.” Starswirl laid his hoof on his mouth.

“Don´t worry. We have another lunchroom.” the earth pony reassured them. “And it´s empty, so you won´t have to worry about crowds.”

Glory and Starswirl sighed in relief.

“Thank goodness…” Glory muttered under her breath.

“Hey! Where´s our beer?” a pony yelled.

“One moment please!” the earth pony replied to them. “I´d accompany you but I have so much in my plate right now. It´s on that door to the left.” the pony signed.


“Coming!” the earth pony answered somewhat upset. She picked both the broomstick and dustpan with her tail hanging from the inn´s stone wall. “My, I wish ponies were more patient.” she muttered as she walked away.

The unicorns looked at each other, shrugged and started walking to the door the earth pony signed them. As they did, some ponies threw them suspicious glances. Glory covered her head with her hood and kept her eyes on what was in front of her. Lancer stared with fear and ears dropped. Starswirl moved his eyes away, and slowly turned his head around to avoid eye contact with the piercing gazes. While intimated, Gusty simply raised her eyebrow in confusion, wondering why they had that look on their faces. Buttons was the only one to challenge them.

“What are you looking at?” she said with her head raised.

Immediately, the ponies stopped staring at them. Buttons smirked and scoffed triumphantly.

“Peureux.” she mumbled.

They entered the room and gazed in awe. They couldn´t explain why, but it gave them such a feeling of comfort. Perhaps it was the wooden furniture, or the little paintings in the wall of a family of earth ponies. It was very tidy, every plate, cutlery, and glass had their own space. There was also a window with wonderful view of the trees, the road they had crossed, and the wheat fields.

“Definitely much better than the other room, right?” Gusty turned to everypony.

Everpony nodded in agreement. Right after, the earth pony that had attended them, came back panting.

“Ok….” she widened her eyes when she noticed the ponies were still standing. “Oh! You still haven´t sat down. Ugh, you didn´t need to wait for me to say so.” she smiled sweetly.

“Oh, we know that.” Gusty replied. “It´s just we were hypnotized by this place. It´s just so cozy.”

The pony widened her eyes and gasped in surprise.



The earth pony smiled with a blush. She noticed a tear forming in her eye, so she wiped it before anypony could see.

“Oh well… That´s how just it´s always been here. Our motto is: Make everypony feel like they are home. I´m glad I´m living up to that. Speaking of which, what do you want for lunch?” she asked them as they sat down in the chairs.

“What do you have?” Buttons asked her.

“Many things! I have brews, soups, porridge… Oh! The last one is the specialty of the house.” she said excitedly.

“Then serve us 6 porridges!” Buttons asked.

“With wine, beer or water?”

“Water, please.” Gusty answered.

“And if you could give us some for the trip, we would be very grateful.” Glory said softly.

“Of course. Your porridges will be made as soon as possible, although I´m afraid it won´t be quick. I have so many clients to attend and cook their foods, and clean the dishes…”

“And you do it all on your own?” Buttons asked shocked.

“Yes, but recently. I used to have a friend that worked me but… let´s just say that she was fired for rumors… Don´t ask.”

“Oh my goodness!” Buttons exclaimed horrified. “Don´t worry, I´ll help you.”

Lancer widened his eyes and threw an angry glance at Buttons.

“Oh no no.” the earth pony shook her head. “I am the one who is supposed to serve you, not the other way around.”

“Chérie. Before you opened the door, we heard some dishes break. And from what we´ve seen, it´s very possible that happened because of work overload. Let me help you.”

As Buttons spoke, Lancer started shaking both his hooves and head to shush her, but the mare didn´t notice.

“Well… I suppose help would come in handy.” the earth pony shook her nape. “On one condition, you eat first. I´ll make your porridges right away.” she said as she left.

“Très bien!” Buttons exclaimed.

“What are you doing?!” Lancer asked Buttons angry once the earth pony was no longer around them.

“Helping her. Isn´t that evident?”

“But why would you do that? She´s an earth pony!”

“An earth pony who is clearly very stressed and takes care of us.”

“But that´s because she doesn´t know you are a unicorn. What if she discovers you are a unicorn?!”

“Starswirl has said it before, as long as we don´t use magic, there´s nothing to worry about.”

“In that case, how good are you at working with your hooves?!”

“Don´t worry, I´ll simply attend the ponies. You don´t need your hooves for that.”

“And what about Fizzy, hey? You were so insistent in saving her as soon as possible!”

“I´ll help her while you eat. Then, once you´re finished, we´ll go. You just have to get up and tell me.”

Lancer sighed as he stroked his forehead.

“This will end in disaster.”

“Alright! There you have your porridges. Enjoy!” the earth pony entered and served all the dishes. She looked at Buttons. “As for you, take all the time you need to-”

“Finished!” Buttons licked her lips. “It was delicious.”

Everypony blinked in shock.

“How did you eat that fast?” the earth pony asked confused.

Buttons laughed.

“In my previous job, I had to eat very fast. I´m used to it.”

“But what about your tummy?”

Buttons started pushing the earth pony to the door.

“A tummy-ache won´t stop me from helping you. Stop worrying and accept my help!”

“Ok! Ok!” the earth pony accepted begrudgingly.

Starswirl, Gusty and Glory shook their heads and smiled at Buttons. On the contrary, Lancer kept stroking his forehead.

“Oh, we´re doomed.”

“Ok, so I was thinking I could attend the ponies and clean while you cook and wash the dishes. Sounds good?” Buttons told Shady.

“Actually yes. The recipes are family treasures, and I want them prepared the same exact way.”

“Ok. What´s your name sweetie?”


“Mine´s Buttons. Ok, Shady, As much as I´d love to say here forever, my friends and I have a very important matter in our hooves and have to leave as soon as possible, so whenever a friend warns me, I´ll have to go. Is that alright with you?”

“Of course. No problem.”

“Very well!”

Buttons walked to a table of four earth ponies with empty dishes and glasses.

“Hello dears. Did you enjoy your lunch?”

A stallion raised his eyebrow confused.

“Where´s Shady?”

“She´s in the kitchen. I volunteered myself to help her, since the poor mare is so busy. I assume you know her.”

“Oh yeah. All Catnada knows her. But for the wrong reasons.” another stallion replied.

“What do you mean by `for the wrong reasons´?”

“Well, she didn´t do anything wrong. It is her witch friend.”

“Witch friend?”

“Yeah! Nopony has seen doing that, but everypony believes that she uses potions to do spells, going against her nature as an earth pony and trying to be a unicorn instead.” the first stallion said.

“That poor mare doesn´t know what she´s into. Some ponies were seduced by this whole witchcraft thing and provoked illnesses! I hope she finds the light, repents her ways, and leaves all that world behind. Doesn´t she know that unicorns are dangerous sorcerers who made a deal with evil spirits to be granted their magic?”

Buttons stayed silent, amazed and confused at how little earth ponies knew of unicorns.

“Where did you learn that?” she asked them.

“Well, that´s what we´ve always been told! How come you don´t know it?” the first stallion asked suspicious.

“Are you a witch too?” the second stallion accused her.

“What? No, I am not a witch. It´s simply that where I come from, there never have been ponies who worked with potions.”

“Well, you are lucky. But in case you see that mare doing witchcraft, tell us. We are witchhunters. We are the ones who investigate the rumours of witchcraft and decide whether they are guilty or not.” the first stallion explained.

“And what do you do with the witches?”

“We burn them inside their houses.”

Buttons widened her eyes, realizing that this place was more dangerous than she and her friends previously thought. She started laughing nervously.

“That seems a bit extreme, doesn´t it?”

“To protect our kind, we must do what is necessary.”

“Well, it was nice meeting you. I hope you have a nice day.” Buttons said as she quickly picked everything up and took it to the kitchen.

“Is it me or does she look suspicious?” the second stallion whispered to his companion.

The first stallion narrowed his eyes.

“We´ll keep an eye on her.”

“Oh, I must check them. Lancer was right, it´s not safe for us to be here.” Buttons said to herself as she ran to the other room.

“Do you have much left?” Lancer asked everypony.

“Not really. Just a little more scoops.” Starswirl replied as he tasted the porridge.

“A little more spoons? You just ate half of the porridge!” Lancer pointed at his bowl.

“I´m sorry, it´s just so delicious and I like tasting my food slowly.” Starswirl apologized with a nervous smile.

“How about you two?” Lancer looked at Gusty and Glory.

“Half finished.” Glory answered.

Glory nodded her head in agreement.

“Good. The sooner we finish, the sooner we´ll be safe.”

“How fun.” Gusty giggled. “Now I can say I met an earth pony. I always wanted to meet one.”

“Why would you want that?” Lancer raised his eyebrow.

“I don´t know. I had married a pegasus so why not meet an earth pony?”

“How can you not be scared of ponies that are not unicorns?” Glory asked curiously. “You married a pegasus after all.”

“I suppose it´s because I´m just curious about them. We are different but at the same time we are ponies. So I suppose there´s nothing to be afraid of.”

“That makes sense.” Lancer commented. “However, all the interactions recorded between earth ponies and unicorns have resulted in being thrown stones.”

“But why? There must be a reason they are afraid of us. We haven´t listened to their point of view.”

“If you think about it, the only contact they had ever had with magic was with Grogar and Katrina. As a result, they must think magic as a bad thing. And unicorns are the only ponies that can use magic.” Starswirl suggested.

“When you put it like that, I´d also be afraid of anypony with magic if I was an earth pony.” said Lancer.

“I wish we could show them the beauty of magic. If we did that, they wouldn´t be afraid of us. And we wouldn´t be afraid of them.” said Gusty

“That sounds sweet, but I don´t think they would trust us that easily. We can´t erase years of history just like that, you know that right?” Glory reminded her.

“I know, but I wish I could do that. Personally, the only thing we should fear is Grogar not ponies different to us.”

Glory and Lancer widened their eyes.

“Or maybe Katrina in this moment.”

She pointed at the window. Gusty and Starswirl turned around and took a quick view. They saw silhouettes of cats approaching.

“Oh no…” Gusty muttered.

“Seriously. Can´t we have a moment without being chased?!” Lancer thought aloud frustrated. “What else could go wrong now?”

“We have a problem!” Buttons exclaimed.

“Me and my mouth.” Lancer muttered to himself.

“We also noticed another problem.” Gusty said as she approached Buttons. “We have company.”

“What do you mean by company?”

“Katrina´s soldiers. They are coming.”

“Curse every soldier and security force in the empire!” Buttons whispered very angry. “They couldn´t have come at another moment, no… They had to come right when there are witch hunters around us!”

“Witch hunters?” Glory asked confused.

“It´s a long story. All you need to know is that if they knew we were unicorns, they´d kill us.”

“I told you this was a dangerous idea!” Lancer reproached everypony.

“Buttons? Is everything alright?” Shady entered the room without anypony noticing. She gasped. “Oh! I see you have finished. That was quick.”

“Yeah! And we need to go right now. But there are soldiers approaching.”

“What? Why?” Shady asked panicked.

“Doesn´t matter. The thing is that soldiers terrify us, and we don´t want to bump into them when getting out so just talk to them at the main door and we´ll get out through the window, is that ok with you?”

Shady´s ears dropped. Only a pony that had committed a crime would want to run away from soldiers. But at the same time, she knew that most of the times that soldiers captured a pony was trying to revolt against Katrina or for stealing. Katrina wouldn´t care about a murderer that killed her subjects, so they couldn´t be murderers. As for stealers, it couldn´t be either, because they weren´t carrying a bag. So, they had to be rebels.

“Hey, it´s ok. I´ll give you protection.”

Everypony widened their eyes.

“Ah, Thank you, thank you.” Buttons answered distracted. “Wait. You- You would?”

“Of course. I know who you are, you are rebels. You are working so hard to dethrone Katrina. And it´s a cause that many of us support.”

The unicorns looked at each other. She wasn´t far from the truth. If they dethroned Grogar, they would dethrone Katrina. Gusty realized she could be a pony they could trust. Somepony they could tell the truth.

“Not exactly.” she started to speak “We are working for something bigger. We are aiming to-”

“There she is!” one of the ponies Buttons talked to said to the soldiers. He pointed at Gusty. “That´s the pony you´re looking for.”

“Of course, she had to be the worst kind of witch: a unicorn. And so are you and your friends, huh?” the second stallion said to Buttons, who glared at him.

“You´re unicorns?” Shady looked at Buttons confused.

“I…” Buttons tried to explain her but couldn´t find the exact words.

“Get them!” the captain of the soldiers ordered his subordinates.

Immediately, Gusty lit her horn and conjured up a gust of wind that sent every soldier against the other room´s wall, leaving every earth pony in shock.

“Let´s go!” she signed everypony to jump through the window.

Shady looked astonished at how all the unicorns left. Suddenly, one of the witch hunters grabbed her by the foreleg.

“You brat. You can´t stop befriending witches, can you?”

“Let me go!” she begged him.

“We know your friend is a witch too. Lead us to her or we´ll burn your inn with you inside!” the other witch hunter threatened her.


He raised his hoof to hit her, but Buttons kicked them both because they could a laid a hoof on her.

“Don´t you dare touch her!” she yelled at them.

Immediately she grabbed her hoof and teleported her and herself outside. When they reappeared, Shady held her chest, trying to understand what just happened.

“Follow us! You´ll be safe.” Buttons told her as she ran away.

Shady took a glance of her inn. Something told her that maybe this was the last time she´d be able to look at it. Her life was about to change. Even though, she wasn´t fond of that idea, it was her only chance of survival. So, she decided to follow Buttons.