• Published 5th May 2022
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MLP G5 Sunset: Tell Your Tale: Season 1 - JesusG0987

What IF: The adventure continues as Sunset now joined the New Generation as they embrace the magic of friendship.

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Chapter 60: Scent Of Adventure

Chapter 60: Scents of Adventure

At Mane Melody, Pipp and her friends are on stage as Pipp speak through the microphone with a product that is covered with a small tarp next to her as she speak to the crowd.

“Welcome, everypony, to the launch of my all-new, all-natural scent!” Pipp announced as she removed the tarp to reveal five new scent products as the crowd look in awed. “It's delicate!” She said with a smirk as sprayed out a green essence from the product.

But then rumbling sounds can be heard as everypony looked around in confusion while Pipp looked nervous, not sure what is happening.

“Uhhh... it's elegant!” Pipp said nervously as she sprayed again as the rumbling shook stronger as the balloons flew away and the backstage product behind them as the ponies looked in nervous.

“Okay, what’s going?” Sunset asked in confusion as she tried to keep her balance. “Is it an earthquake?” She asked Sunny and Hitch.

“I don’t think that’s an earthquake. Hitch?” Sunny asked in confusion as Hitch shrugged, not sure as well.

“It's magnifique!” Pipp said nervously as she sprayed some more.

The rumbling stopped as everypony turned and saw a bunch of critters at the front door as they looked on in confusion.

“Huh?” Pipp asked, not sure why the critters are here.

“What are the critters doing here?” Sunset asked as the others shrugged in confusion.

The critters sniffed the scent that Pipp sprayed, and then they started chittering excitedly as they rushed to the stage. The crowd move out of the way as they rushed to the Mane 7 as raccoonicorn pounced on Pipp and her products as they fell to the floor.

The bottles fell as some of them were sprayed by the critters as they sniffed the scent happily, rolling around the floor of a cracked bottle.

The crowd the sniffed the scent in the air, but then they cringed in disgust as Posey gave a look at Pipp. “Really?! This perfume launch stinks!” Posey called out as she and the crowd quickly exit out the door to get away from the critters and the smell.

Pipp crunched down while covering her head from the cutters, before they were suddenly levitated off the ground by Sunset, Izzy and Misy using their magic as they levitated them out the door and quickly closed it.

“Okay, so that was strange, but not unexpected compare to what we been through everyday.” Sunset commented, “But still, the perfumes stink? That’s not how they should be.” She said in confusion, since usually Pipp’s products are great.

Sunny then picked up on of the remaining bottles in thought. “Yeah. That's weird. Well, this perfume was a hit, all right.” She started as she then sniffed it as she cringed a bit before she gave a sheepish smile. “With every critter. Wonder why.” She thought.

“Here, let me see.” Sunset said as she took the bottle Sunny was holding as she opened it and smell the content as she cringe a bit. “Hoooweee! Posey was right, this stuff is rank.” She commented as she held her nose. “It smells like some garbage got into the contents.” She added.

“What?!” Pipp asked in confusion and shock by that. “But how did they got in there?! I didn’t put any garbage into them!” She pointed out as she looked into her bottles.

Izzy laughs nervously as the others looked at her. “Oh, well! I guess it's always just gonna be a mystery!” She said nervously while sweating a bit.

The others looked at her suspiciously while Sunset raised a brow. “Izzy? What did you do? Because you usually don’t laugh nervous or talk nervously unless you’re hiding something.” She pointed out, knowing that Izzy might know what happened to the perfumes.

Izzy looked nervously as she saw the looks her friends are giving her before she sigh. “Well, I…?” She said sheepishly as she remembered how it happened.


Earlier, Izzy was listening to some music in her headphones as she danced around in Pipp’s supply closet. “Ooh!” She vocalize as she twirled around, but as she did a kick, she hit a trashcan next to her as it flew off. “Oopsie!” She said.

And then the trashcan flew into the jug of glitter perfumes Pipp made, when the trash fell in, the glitter turned green.

Izzy looked down as she cringed in disgust “Ugh!” She groaned before she gave a nervous smile. “Well…” She slowly said, not sure how Pipp will feel when she found out while not sure how to fix this as she gave a nervous chuckle.

End of Flashback.

Izzy laughed nervously as as her friends looked at her in shock while Zipp gave a glare to Izzy for ruining her sister’s products.

“You did what?!” Misty asked in shock at Izzy accidentally did.

“Izzy! Seriously?!” Sunset yelled out in shock, now understanding how all this happened. “Can’t you be more careful while in Mane Melody?! You know how hard Pipp did to make her products!” She pointed out.

Izzy gave a sheepish and guilt look. “I keep forgetting sometimes. Sorry.” She said sheepishly.

Pipp, however, took it hard. “Nooooo!” She cried out dramatically as she was about to lay back before Izzy grabbed her.

“I'm so sorry, Pipp!” Izzy said in guilt for her screwup. “B-B-But don't worry! We can fix this!” She said with a wide smile as she got close to Pipp’s face.

Pipp however, feel nervous when it comes to Izzy trying to fix things after she made a mistake.

Sunset saw this as she as she sigh. “Maybe I should tag along.” She suggested. “You know, for precautions and extra help.” She said with a small smile.

“I wouldn’t mind, Sunset! The more the merrier!” Izzy cheerfully said while Pipp nodded, feeling some comfort that Sunset is coming with them.

A little bit later, Sunset, Izzy and Pipp are walking through the forest of Bridlewood while Izzy led the way as she picked up a flower.

“Bridlewood is full of amazing, sweet-smelling blooms.” Izzy said as she held up in front of her two friends as they sniffed it before the flower burst out some air, which made them cringe back as they continue on. “We'll find you one just right for your next perfume, Pipp.” She assured.

Pipp highly doubt that. “Yeah, as if we're just going to stumble across a flower never before discovered by— “ She was cut off when she tripped. “Aah!” She yelped as she fell in a bush in a thud.

Sunset was surprise by this. “Pipp?” She asked as she looked through the bush for her.

Pipp got her head out next to Sunset as she coughed up some leaves. “Ugh!” She coughed before she saw something that she smiled with sparkles in her eyes. “Oh, my glitter!” She cheered as Sunset followed her gazed while Izzy joined them.

What they saw is a spot filled with silver colored flowers as the area sparkled and shimmered around.

“Oh my feathers.” Sunset said in awed as she and the others walked into the field. “This is the beautiful spot next to the Luna-Bloom.” She said as she turned to Izzy. “Izzy, what are these kind of flowers?” She asked.

“I don’t know.” Izzy said in awed as well. “I've never seen flowers like these before. So awesome!” She cheered.

Twilight then appeared from the necklace as she smiled at the sight. “These are beautiful flowers. I’m sure Fluttershy would’ve love this sight.” She said, knowing how Fluttershy would get when she saw this.

“That is so true, Twilight. Like animals, Fluttershy love the plant life for nature.” Sunset commented with a smile, knowing Fluttershy well that she would do just that.

Pipp then went close to a flower as she sniff it. “Oh! Smells of strawberry ripple smoothie! And a million hooftaps!” She called out with a wide smile with hearts in her eyes at the smell of her favorite smoothie and with a bit excited look at the thought how many hooftaps it would be.

Sunset then sniffed next as sniffed. “Really, because they smells like spending time with your friends, and a little bit of Applejack’s Apple Cider she used to make to me.” She commenced with a small nostalgic smile.

Izzy got her head in a huge pile of flowers as she sniffed them as well as she got her head out. “I'm getting glitter and Unicorny Flakes!” She said with a smile and hearts in her eyes before she had a thought. “Wait a sec! These flowers must smell like your favorite things!” She theorizes.

Twilight have a thought. “Well, these flowers are new to me, but what I saw you three are sniffing your favorite things differently, it make sense.” She said, finding Izzy’s theory pretty accurate.

“Talk about smelling your favorite things in the air.” Sunset commented.

Pipp then gasped excitedly with sparkles in her eyes. “Izzy, this is perfect! Grab as many as you can, you two!” She called out excitedly as she got in front of them as she suddenly brought out a shovel and was about to dig.

“Hang on, Pipp.” Izzy stopped Pipp before she done anything rashed as Sunset grabbed the shovel from her. “You gotta be respectful of the forest.” She said to her.

“Yeah, Pipp. Messing with nature is not right.” Sunset said, finding Izzy’s words true. “And if Fluttershy was here, she would stop you from messing with the environment.” She added.

And if you mess with nature, nature might mess you back.” Twilight added, having experience when messing with nature can lead to consequences from time to time like when Fluttershy tried to make her Animal Sanctuary. “So it’s best to respect the law of the environment.” She added.

“Yeah, Pipp. So you really should only take one.” Izzy said as she picked up a flower and handed it to Pipp.

“But…” Pipp whined before she saw Sunset’s stern look as she gave a sigh. “Okay, if you say so. Only one.” She said, having feeling that it might not be enough, but she could at least try it out.

“Come on, let’s get back to Mane Melody.” Sunset said as she walked off the field before she picked up a flower. “But I’m taking this one as well for a decorative at the Brighthouse.” She said with smile.

“Great idea, Sunset.” Izzy cheered as the three walked out of the field and back to Maretime Bay.

Sometime later, Pipp tried her announcement again as she held up a silver bottle that was made of the flower.

“I announce my new new scent with hints of... whatever you like best!” Pipp announced as she prayed the perfume on Hitch’s face.

Hitch sniffed the scent as he gave a smile. “Smells of law! And order!” He called out with a determined smile.

Jazz was sprayed next as she smiled. “Mmm! Smells like a freshly polished hooficure! Sign me up!” She called out with a determined smile.

“Sign me up first!” The Pippsqueaks, Seashell, Glory and Peach Fizz called out excitedly to Pipp as they waved their arms with sparkles in there eyes.

Pipp then sprayed the perfume again, but then it only gave out small scents as she got anxious. “Oh, no! It's all gone! Uggghhh! You don't get much from just one flower!” She called out, since he only had one flower to make one perfume as the crowd got nervous as they glared at Pipp as she got nervous. “But... I... I can get more! Everypony, you just wait here! Wait here!” She called out with a look

Pipp rushed out Mane Melody as Sunset is walking by as she saw Pipp rushing out as she raised a brow. “What got her this worked up?” She asked herself as she then followed Pipp.

Back where they found the flowers, Pipp looked at them anxiously.

“Just one extra can't hurt.” Pipp said to herself as she as she look at the field. “Or two. Three will be fine.” She said as she picked up two more.

But then, Pipp started picking up more and more flowers as she filled the the three baskets as she gave a manic giggle while looking at the last flower. “Okay, and just one more!” She called out as she was about to pick the flower.

“Pipp!” Sunset’s voice called out, which made Pipp flinched as she turned and saw Sunset as she gave a disappointed look.

“What did you do?! The whole field is ruined! You picked up all the flowers!” Sunset yelled out as she notice all the flowers in the basket.

“I’m sorry, Sunset! But I have to for my new perfume products! I don’t have enough with just one flower!” Pipp explained desperately. “I needed more for the costumers and for my perfume!” She added.

“Pipp, Izzy specifically told us to respect the forest! This is bad for nature! Especially to a new bloom of flowers!” Sunset pointed out in disappointment. “You picked enough flowers, let’s head back and find a way to replant them if they grow on seeds.” She said sternly.

“Okay, but just one more would be no harm!” Pipp called out as she grabbed the last flower.

“Pipp, don’t!” Sunset called out, but it was too late.

Pipp has picked the last flower, which made the broken stem on the ground to withered as the ground around them began to turn brown as the other stems began to die as well.

“Uh-oh!” Pipp cried out in shock.

“Pipp, what did you do?” Sunset asked in shock as the spot around them began to die and turn lifeless.

“I-I don’t know.” Pipp honestly said as she as she looked around and look at the flower in her hoof. “Uh... Oh, I'm sure it'll grow back.” She said as she replanted the flower, but the moment she did, the flower immediately died as the two ponies gasped in shock.

“Pipp, I don’t think these are your ordinary flowers!” Sunset called out in shock. “I think the moment you picked them up and ruined their spot, they died out as soon as you replant them! I told you messing with nature is bad!” She pointed out.

Pipp gave a panicked look at her mistake. “Izzy can never know!” She called out.

“Ooh, hi, friends!” Izzy’s voice called out, which surprise the two as they turned and saw Izzy behind them as Pipp grew nervous and got even more panic then before. “Just have to water that glade of amazing flowers we found, but… Hold on a second” Izzy stopped when she saw that the flowers are gone and the land looked lifeless as she gasped as Pipp tried to hide the flowers while Sunset gave the Pegasus a look. “This can't be it! Not this dry, wilted, shriveled-up, old place that could never sustain life!” She called out as she got in front of her two friends.

And then some trees suddenly came crashing down as the three saw this.

Pipp realizes how bad is it as she cried in guilt. “Oh, Izzy! This is the spot! And it's all my fault! I picked all the flowers!” She confessed as Izzy gave a deep gasped in horrified.

“I tried to stop her, but Pipp’s desperate greed of her products got the better of her and ruined the flower spot!” Sunset called out while looking around as more trees fell. “But what in the name of Celestia is going on, Izzy?! Why is the forest suddenly falling apart because of Pipp picking all the flowers?!” She questioned desperately since this is happening after Pipp picked the last flower.

“Because the delicate Bridlewood ecosystem has been unbalanced!” Izzy answered in hoffied and panicked as she shake her two friends.

“Say what?” Sunset questioned in shock.

And then suddenly the ground starting to shake as cracks started to form, making the three ponies backed away as more trees came falling down.

“Okay, this is new! But now I get it! Mess with the laws of nature in Bridlewood and the whole place will collapse in on itself!” Sunset called out, now getting what Izzy was saying earlier. “I thought it would just harm the animals or other environments, not literally!” She called out as she dodge an incoming tree.

“Trust me, Sunset! Bridlewood is not one of those normal forests!” Izzy called out as she jumped over a crack.

“Good point!” Sunset said in agreement.

Pipp then started whimpers in fear and guilt for her mistake as she looked at her baskets. “We need to get these flowers back in the ground!” She called out.

“No time! There's too many of them!” Izzy called out in anxious.

“By the time we do, this whole forest is gonna come down!” Sunset called out. “And even with my Earth Pony magic, it won’t be enough if these flowers are magical!” She added, since after seeing this, the flowers have their own magical properties if Bridlewood is collapsing.

“Sunset’s right! We'd need a small army to help us!” Izzy added, knowing Sunset is right and that they needed help.

Pipp then have a thought as she gave a smirk. “A small army, huh?” She asked them as she brought out her stinky perfume.

Sunset saw this in confusion. “What’s the stinky perfume gonna help for, Pipp?! Last time that happened, the critters came rushing in like a tone of…” She trailed off as her eyes widen in realization. “Oooh. Now I get it.” She said with a smirk. “Spray in the calvary, Pipp!” She announced.

“Aye, aye, general!” Pipp replied back as she giggled and sprayed the stinky perfume in the air.

A short time later, the critters came rushing to the source of the stinky scent Pipp sprayed as they came rushing through the forest, while dragging Sunny and Hitch along with them.

“Uh... wait, what? Umm…” Sunny asked in surprise and confusion while holding a smoothie as she tried to talk them out to put them down.

“I was literally about to put my hooves up when these little guys came and dragged me away!” Hitch complained before Sunset, Izzy and Pipp came to them as the critters put them down.

“Sunny! Hitch! No time to explain!” Sunset called out desperately. “Bridlewood forest is about to collapse on itself if we don’t stop it!” She called out.

“Sunset’s right! We need you to help Sunset to do your... Earth pony stuff!” Pipp quickly explained as she pointed to the flowers they and the critters replanted as they are all dead on contact with the ground. “And quickly!” She pleaded with her hooves together.

“We need to combined our magic if we need to restore the natural order of Bridlewood! So focus your magic together!” Sunset called out a she readied her hooves as it turned green.

Sunny and Hitch looked at each other, now understanding the situation as they nodded and join in Sunset as the three ponies stomp their hooves down hard as their Earth Pony magic spread across the field, which is tough as they stomped again for a second attempt as the magic glowed stronger as the flower came to life again as they sprouted and then some vines seal the cracks and lifted the trees up back into their foundations

The five ponies looked around with smiles of joy as the field is back to normal and Bridlewood is now stable.

“Whew. That was close.” Sunset said in relief and joy that things are back to normal as the others nodded in agreement.

But it was not over yet as suddenly the center of the field began to glow as they all stood back as vine roots grew and purple petals sprouted as it spread across the the filed as the five ponies looked in awed.

“Wow.” Sunset said in awed.

Izzy sigh in relief. “Natural order is restored.” She said before she saw Pipp seeing the tree with sparkles in her eyes, not noticing that some petals are filling the basket as Izzy smiled. “Awww! I guess this is the forest saying ‘thank you’.” She said.

“And I think it also a way of saying that it forgive you for trying to ruin it’s natural order, Pipp.” Sunset siad with a small smile.

Pipp now notice the basket filled with petals as she looked at the tree with tears of joy. “Thank you, forest! I promise to only ever take what I need and to look after and protect you.” She promised.

Izzy gave a giggled. “Now you're gettin' it, Pipperoni!” She said as the two gave a hooftap.

“I’m proud you learned your lesson, Pipp.” Sunset said with a proud smile. “Just remember to respect the forest and make sure that it’s treated fairly without ruining it.” She added.

“Don’t worry, Sunset. I learned my less.” Pipp said before giving a guilt. “Sorry for not listing to you two. I guess I was desperate to get my new products going.” She apologized.

“That’s okay, Pippy. We understand.” Izzy said cheerfully.

“We know you just tried to get your product going, Pipp.” Sunset said in understanding. “But know that there are some things that we can’t mess with nature with, like Twilight said, mess with nature and nature will mess you back. And from what we saw, it literally can.” She said with a chuckle.

“Well, it sure prove it point all right.” Pipp joked as the five ponies laughed together, glad that things are now back to normal and nature is back in order.

Sometime later back in Mane Melody as Pipp looked at the crowd again while holding up a ne perfume bottle.

“My brand new, totally organic, all-natural perfume!” Pipp announced. “I call it ‘Harmony’! Because I want all my products to work with nature, not against it. And I pledge to plant a tree for every bottle sold.” She said as she gestured to pots of sprouted trees next to her, promising to treat nature fairly, with her friends behind her to support her.

Har-mo-ny!” The Pippsqueaks sang as the three fillies brought out some money, as did the crowd as they cheered Pipp on, wanting to buy the product.

“Now this is more like it.” Sunset said with a fond smile.

“Whoa. One tree for every bottle sold?” Sunny asked Pipp in surprise as she and Sunset turned to her. “You're gonna need a small army to do all that planting.” She pointed out with a small smile.

“She’s right, Pipp. That much trees is a bit much, even for you.” Sunset added in agreement.

“Luckily, I got just the thing.” Pipp said with a smirk as she held up her first stinky perfume as she sprayed it.

And then rubbing sounds can be heard as they all know what that means as a bunch of critters towered over Pipp, who looked in wide eyes.

“Critter avalanche!” Sunset called out.

“INCOMING!” Pipp yelled out as the critters came close, bracing for what comes next.

End of Chapter 60.

Author's Note:

A/N: Get ready because on Sept18, Chapter 5 of MYM is about to start

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