• Published 13th Sep 2022
  • 494 Views, 10 Comments

"Hey!, Please Don't Leave Me!" - ItsYaBoiSatan

  • ...

"Hey, Look at what I found."

Pinkie woke up, in the dark. Not unusual, considering she was ALWAYS up at the ass-crack of dawn, before the sun had ever risen up. Today would've been like any other if she hadn't.

"Goood Moorningg!~ Equestria, I SO can't wait to bake so many delicious yummy nummy cakes today, after all Today's the Biiig~ Day Gummy."

But She hadn't, And She would Live for the consequences...


"Are you still in here gummy?"
Still no reply,

"I know you like playing pranks gummy, but this isn't funny!"

An Unfamiliar voice replies,
"Oh My God!, Can You Please Shut Your Big Mouth!"
A lot of unintelligible murmuring follows,

It continues,
"Well now look at what you've done. Well!, Geuss what Everyone!, We Got A New Girl!"

Someone else replies,
"Well can you keep it down!, Some of us are still trying to sleep!"

"Or we're still waiting..."
Another replied,

The first made an effort to distract them,
"Everyone, Shut Up!, Do you guys hear that."

Except for the mechanical Whirring that could be heard in the distance, there was nothing but silence, and it was still too dark to see.

The lights would stay off, until the day started.
"Thank you..."
"Now where were we..."
"Ahh yes, going back to sleep."

The lights were still off,
"So uuh hey!, where are we?"
pinkie had asked,

"On a Shelf..."

"What are we doing here?"

"Getting sold off..."

"What!, Why!?"


"Because Why!?!"

"Because I Don't Know!, maybe nobody wanted you!, maybe you were cast aside!, maybe we're just here to die!, Maybe I should've asked when I got here!, Maybe I should've found a way out!, Maybe we could bust out together!, I Don't Know!, Is that A Good Enough Answer for you!"

"Shut Up You Two!"
One of the others seemed to say,

4 words were the only things that could leave her mouth,
"Are You feeling okay?"


"... I'm Not."
He had admitted.

She wanted to help,
"Well, Maybe we can work through this together?"

He didn't need any,
"Your quite the optimist, aren't you?"

"I've been known to be called that."
She pried her way in just a little,

"Then sure, what've we got to lose, Right?"
He was at least willing to humour her.

He had let her in, and she had let him in, just like that...

Then the lights turned on, interrupting there conversation and unfocused eyes. They were both blinded by the harsh white light on their retina's, regaining their vision only after a bit of exposure.

All the unintelligible murmers from earlier became the groggy groans of waking up.

Rubbing her eyes with her forehooves,
"I guess we're okay to talk now, now that the sun's up and all."
Now taking her hooves away from her face, realizing that this isn't some lucid dream she was having.
"Oh, This is actually happening, I should probably start panicking now."
She then proceeded with screaming frantically for the next few minutes, until a familiar voice said,
"Yeah, what did you think was going on?"
"This isn't real life now?."

"This Is Crazy!, how am I gonna get back home to Ponyville."

"I don't know..."
"But we can figure it out, we can do it."
He strayed from the truth, just a tad.

It was okay, he would try, atleast...
"Well then!, How should we go about this?"
He asked,

"You're Asking Me!?!!?, You've been here longer than I have!!!"
That seemed to hit a note with him,

But it struck a chord,
He said.
"I've probably been here atleast a little longer than you have..."
He visibly shrunk, lightly curling up.

"Oh My Goodness, I'm SO sorry, I wasn't thinking about that..."
She wanted to Hug him, but they were still separated by a clear veil.

She noticed the clear veil was only there to torture them, she also noticed it was plastic.
Child's play, The Irony...

How was she gonna get out?, She had asked herself.
she couldn't leave!,

But for a different reason now,
"Hey, I'm really really sorry, for bringing that up..."
She was down on her fetlocks, looking to him for a hint of life left,
"...but now I'm left wondering if you, ya know, maybe you wanna talk about it?, A little?"

"Sure, I guess, if it'll make you feel any better." he said through light sniffles,

"I think it'll help you a little bit, hopefully."
She said sitting straight up,
"You can start whenever your comfortable..."
And she waited.

And He Began,
"We've All lost track of the time or the date, or the fuckin year, it doesn't matter. We all came from someplace Different, unfamiliar to one another."
"And we All wait on the shelf..."
"...Until something takes us away..."
"We don't know where They go,"
"But anywhere Is better than here."
"and that's just how it's been..."
"But that's Ssooooo Ss-saaad!"...
"I'm So Sorry that that happened to you and everypony else in here!, It's not fair!"

He knew it was a shitty situation placed upon them all,
"Well you shouldn't be sorry about it..."
"It already happened, it's in the past now and It's not your fault..."

"But it's also in the present, and I'm here too..."
"I wanna help you!, because I'm here too."

"But what can we do..."
"The only thing we have to do is just, sitting here,

Speak of the Devil

Stepping is heard, loud and clear. Clearly making an entrance into the aisle of the shelf on which they sat. The steps are slowing down as they approach, until a figure is clear.

They stand there, blocking out the light for what seems like forever. Bringing out what looks like a chocolate bar with rubber covering until...


"Ahh Celestia!!!, My eyes..."
covering her eyes with her hooves, she feels blinded, then she feels the ground beneath her shift.

The figure is a mess of blobs and splotches now,
"Hey, look who it is?"
An earthquake happens around as the figure shakes the plastic confine Infront of another smaller figure.

They don't answer, they only laugh and put up a dismissive look.

It hurts a lot, the irony that is.
"Ow, everything hurts."
She probably took a bruise or two, but that wasn't anything yet,
They set pinkie back down laughing, something's funny but pinkie can't seem to see it.

They get ready to walk off, before the smaller figure comes back. He just stands there looking at pinkie, and then to her new neighbors. He looks absentmindedly then grabs the one sitting right next to her.

Her mind drifts to possibilities,
It's taking a look over him.
"No, please No..."
It takes a step back.

Her friend looks back at her,
"Hey!, It's going to be ok, he's just looking at me, we can still look for a way out together."
The figure takes another step back,

Pinkie knew better,
"No it's not..."

He looked doubtful,
"We're going to get out of here, trust me, we're gonna be fine."
Running is heard down the aisle.

The larger figure returns.
"Hey we gotta go, moms done with groceries."

The smaller nods, and begins walking away.

"No...no..no No! No! No!, You can't do this to me!, Mister Giant!!, Come Back!, Please!............."
tears were streaming down her pink cheeks.

"come back please......"
The last thing she sees is a pair of blobs turning away from the aisle she sat in.

"it's not fair....."
She curled up into a fetal position, her tail was wet with tears now...

"No, it's not..."
Was the last thing she heard.

Author's Note:

"Have you ever truly loved something, if you're not willing to let it go."

An Age Old Question...

-Ya Boi Satan

Comments ( 10 )

Good concept, would it continue?

Honestly I just meant for it to be a one shot, but maybe if I find any good inspiration.

-Ya Boi Satan

I stock overnights.
I've stocked these.
You are officially the best/worst salespitch yet.

*sees thumbnail of pinkie in a clear cylinder shaped object*
*sees T rating*

Is this a compliment?

I honestly don't know.

Thanks for understanding it was not anything too profane...

Given context, personal bias abides.

I always do find myself drawn to stories that give personality into the merchandise, especially since I worked backroom at Target back around 2016. So many things sitting on shelves in the backroom waiting to be put out on the sales floor for a chance of being sold.

Try working in a warehouse. And I mean a real warehouse, not Costco. Nothing says dead product like finding something that’s not in the system.


I mean, it certainly prompts one to buy those little drinks to rescue the toys... But it does so by stabbing you directly in the feels. So... Nice work and diabolical sales plan at the same time.

Yay two of my favorite activities!

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