• Published 29th Apr 2022
  • 1,001 Views, 88 Comments

The Darkest Hour - Anemptyshell

An amnesiac Thestral awakens in the Everfree, under an eternal night sky. Only to be thrown into the deep waters of political theatre and a stirring Rebellion. The world is off, our hero knows that much, but how and why are left to be seen.

  • ...

The Hours They Wane

Five days until the deadline, Solemn had taken Blueblood's ultimatum rather well. Though if our little band got much better, we'd be hard-pressed to vanish into the night. Bright had been all for it, which wasn't anything unexpected. Now, we were left with prep and rote memorization. During these affairs, Sabre, Bright, Solemn, and I discussed the exit and the many ways it could go terribly wrong. We'd leave the night before, Nightmare's deigned night in court. Solemn had even snuck out a response to Shining this morning, rousing hour. I felt my muzzle crinkle as I once again cursed the verbiage of this perpetual witching hour.

All of that aside, a question had been tucked away in the back of my mind since yesterday's date with Blueblood. One that only rose back to mind when I'd found a particular pink feather on my floor when I woke. I'd forgotten I'd tucked it away, and there it lay a dash of color in the more subtle tones of my apartment.

"Solemn, I have a question, one not directly involving the many ways we might die in the not-so-distant future."

The fretting stallion had just finished or tried to finish explaining to Bright what it meant to be summarily eviscerated meant. It was far too many details. Bright's mood did not sour a single iota as Solemn ranted.

I think the old noble was thankful for the respite from Bright's infallible means to make even the worst of fates only a minor inconvenience. "Yes, Star, go on."

"Do you know a pink alicorn, or know of them, I mean?"

Solemn breathed in and pawed at his ear. "I'm sorry, I must have misheard you. Do I know of whom?"

I rolled my eyes. "A pink, winged unicorn, like that of our ever benevolent ruler. The only one I'd known of until yesterday. Is this news, or am I just missing something?"

"Missing something, dangerous, sir."

Sabre said, not even looking up from the documents. Solemn had him reading for the guard details on our night of exit. Solemn still looked somewhat taken aback. Sabre seemed to think it something to be wary of was all the more bemusing since he'd missed this oh so deadly perturbance of mine not seconds behind its finale.

"Oh, good. So, you're clearly not doing an excellent job at being a guard then. You know, since I met her yesterday, on route to Blue's chambers."

"Solemn looked to the ceiling and whined. "You did what?"

Sabre had finally looked up from his documents. His pupils had shrunk to half as he stared my way. "You did what?"

Bright snorted and nudged my side. "Somepony must be smooth. Not just anypony meets the Lady of Hearts. Nice job, Star."

"Wait, that was the Lady of Hearts?" I asked. My jaw joined both Sabre's and Solemn's on the floor.

"Of course, who else would it be?" Bright asked. "I mean, she's not very social and doesn't stay at the palace much, but I've seen her in passing once or twice."

I turned to Solemn. Who was now no longer staring at me but Bright. "This is the same mare you warned me of the first day we met, right?"

"The one and the same," Solemn said.

"Well, what makes her so scary. She didn't look all that evil or whatever when I saw her. She looked more distracted than anything."

"If the rumors are to go on. She's the one who hunts down traitors and rebels," Sabre said.

"Oh?" I asked.

"More than rumors, I'm afraid," Solemn said. He pointed at me, eyes narrowed as he lowered his voice. "I've heard the horror stories, seen the injured and dead. She may not seem it to you, but she is a monster as true as the moon above us."

"So, you think she'll be mad I grabbed a fallen feather she left behind?" I asked.

"You took a feather?" Solemn asked.

"That's so cute. Star is trying for a starcrossed lovers angle. That's daring indeed."

I found myself at a loss. I tried to blink away the stupid look on my face, but once again, Bright comes from left field to batter all reason into a smattering of paste. The fact the others seemed to find it one part amusing and another disquieting was no help.

"Do what now?"

He's reciting an old courting rite that pegasi used long before Nightmare's reign. A tradition in which the pegasus, or pegasi, would bequeath their beloved with a feather, enchanted to never ware or wither. A mark of their everlasting love and the like, sir."

"Just that, yes, bravo Light Sabre, exactly that."

Solemn seemed more interested in the fact our local guard knew the historical meaning behind Bright's joke than the meaning itself. That said, the context really didn't sit to face. I took a fallen feather, lost when I ran face-first into the mare.

"Right, okay then. So aside from our fair Lady of Hearts and Blue's choice to join us on our journey to Canterlot. We've decided on supplies and a time. So, the routes are all that's left, right? That and actually not dying on the actual journey."

Solemn sighed and closed the files he'd been looking through. "As of the moment, yes, though, I am still plagued by your's and Blueblood's tale of lost land in the ice of the north. If it is true, that place would be ancient. At least a thousand years passed, if not more. Of all the times for Nightmare Moon's obsession with deleting the past completely to play against us. I say fie to those fools who willingly let our past die."

"Yeah, that is a bit of a bother. I trust Blue, though. If there is anything that unicorn knows, it is maps and geography. It's almost scary at some points."

Sabre nodded. "Anal Retentive doesn't begin to describe it."

"Then there's the dreams you spoke of. The ones that gave you the idea to search the frozen north. I know little of such things, but it seems too impeccable to be mere happenstance. Would; don't you agree?" Solemn asked. He tapped the tabletop, and I nodded in kind.

"Yeah, most likely. Whatever they are or were, it feels too convenient. I almost worry they are the queen messing with my head. She can do that, right?"

"Yep, the queen can peer into almost any sleeping mind." Bright Pitch said, wrapping a limb around my withers and populating with the other at the nearest window and the moon beyond it. A shiver ran down my spine as the celestial body stared back at us.


"There are means to defend against such acts if one is skilled in magic. That is why the rebels have not been completely culled as of yet. That, combined with the fact that she can only view one mind works to our advantage."

"Great, now I can't even trust my sleeping mind."

"As opposed to trusting your waking mind, sir?" Sabre asked.

Thus we fell back into our studies. The plan was set, and hopes were as high as one could hope for. The clock was ticking, and my heart pounded in tandem with it. Time seemed to stall, falling to a painful creep. Two more days dragged by. Though upon midday night, the crawl became more of a sprint that accompanied the pair of guards that stood before Sabre and me on our jaunt to eat. The irritated look on both of the thestral guards didn't help much.

"Can I help you?" I asked.

The two guards exchanged a look of decisive disinterest. Sabre had taken to stepping up and eying the two as well. They seemed even less interested in my guard if that were possible. My ears flicked as we waited. When the two did decide to speak, they certainly made it right to the point.

"You're Stargazer, correct, sir."

That wasn't a question. The first thestral stepped forward and sneered. Sabre did not like that. I wasn't too keen myself. It was at this moment that a thought struck me. This had all the makings of a snuff film. The issue is, I have no idea why I knew that. I wasn't even entirely sure what a snuff film was, just that the flags going up in the back of my head screamed it at the top of their lungs. Which still barely rang louder than all the alarms.


"Sir, we need you to come with us."

"Under whose orders?"

Sabre pushed me behind him and met the closer stallion muzzle to muzzle. The thestral guard seemed all too happy to meet him halfway. The second thestral guard rolled his eyes and pushed between his partner and Sabre.

"Under the direct order of Lady Rarity. I suggest you not keep her waiting. I've seen far more important nobles than you not live to regret her wrath."

"Oh gee, that makes me feel so much better," I muttered to myself. "Fine, lead the way, gents. Like you said, don't want to keep the lady waiting."

Sabre looked over at me like I'd gone and grew a second head. I wasn't terribly happy myself. However, Rarity hadn't given any reason to earn her wrong side, and if it was something that serious, I neither think I'd be asked nor that Nightmare Moon wouldn't have sent for me or came and got me herself.

"Follow," the politer of the guards said.

The atmosphere as we walked left me jittery. Sabre was worse. He seemed a single ear flick away from pulling his blade out and stabbing something. I really hope he didn't do that, in public, at least. It's a lot easier to hide a body without a dozen witnesses.

When we arrived at our destination, it was at a guest room in the west wing. It wasn't too far from Soelmn's chambers the one or two times we met there directly. The guards didn't say anything. They simply took posts to each side of the door and watched as I gave a tentative knock at the door.


That was Lady Rarity, all right. That voice wasn't one you could mistake. The inflection either, I felt colder from just hearing her speak. Sabre and I did as told and opened the door. The room wasn't much different from my own chambers. A simple and clean foyer led to the main living area. On one of the room's couches was Lady Rarity, sitting, a teacup floating just shy of her lips. She gave me a cursory glance and motioned for Sabre and me to join her. The second we'd made it in, the door was closed behind us.

"Good, the others have been waiting."

I went to ask about her unnecessarily cryptic greeting. When I was met with Bright leaning over the couch opposite Rarity waving merrily. There was something wrong with that stallion, I swear.

"Hey Star, Sabre, how are you two today?"

I offered Bright a short wave and looked back to Rarity, who seemed unamused by the energetic thestral as he seemed ready to bounce off the walls. "You allowed him sugar in his drink, yes?" I asked.

"I did and thusly regret my error. I apologize," Rarity said, giving Bright a stink eye before looking to the next of her guests.

"It seems we've all been brought here. An arrangement of interesting presumptions. I am glad to see you, both," Solemn said. The older noble took a still sip of his drink and shook his head in dejected fatigue.


Blueblood sat beside Solemn and looked less pleased than you'd hope. He sat forehooves crossed and glaring down at his own cup. This was bad. That much was obvious, coincidence be damned, more like a setup if I'd ever seen one.

"Right, so, nice to see you again, Lady Rarity," I said.

"Please, have a seat. I promise this won't take long.

So, I did just that. As usual, Sabre forwent a seat on the sofa and stood behind it, to my right. EH was still itching at his blade's hilt. I had a feeling he'd either not need it or have the chance to draw it should this become a less pleasant meeting.

"So, let us begin," Rarity said, taking another sip at her drink.

"Lady Rarity, surely this is some sort of misunderstanding."

Solemn said before being cut off by a single raised hoof. Lady Rarity was not here to chat. She was here to dictate. I swallowed hard. The thought of the door behind us opening for a plethora of guards and Nightmare marching in played across my mind.

"So, you aren't a band of hapless rebels planning to abscond before the week's end? You aren't seeking to make your way to Canterlot in hopes of joining the ex-captain of the royal guard and his motley crew of insurgents? You would have me believe that my network of contacts is wrong, that I gathered you here tonight to waste both our time?"

"I, I, Lady," Solemn lost all control of his vocabulary. This was not good.

"Fie to all of this. You pulled me away from my chambers, so you could play inquisitor?" Blueblood asked. He was the only one in the group who looked more angry than fearful. He pointed a hoof at Rarity and sneered. "This whole facade is a waste of our time. So, quit hiding behind that mask of yours and get to the point."

"Blueblood," Solemn hissed.

"Very well, as you wish, Sir Blueblood," Rarity looked unperturbed by Blue's outburst. If anything, I could almost faintly see the curve of a smile.

"So, what happens next?" I asked.

Rarity sat her teacup down and tutted hoof on her chin. I could hear my heartbeat, or maybe everypony's heartbeats. The room felt all the more enclosing. I still awaited the marching guards and the very real chance of summary execution.

"You will gather what you need, and leave, tonight. You've precious minutes before the queen's informants deliver the same information I collected. I'm afraid the Lady of Hearts will be the first to act. You," Rarity said and pointed to me. "Have gained her interest, for what I've no idea. So, in just a moment, I will leave this room. You will quickly decide what needs to be done, and then you shall act. Is that understood?"

"Wait, what?" I asked.

"Lady Rarity is trying to protect us, silly. That was pretty obvious. I mean, why else would she tell us what's happening," Bright said, still bounding in his seat.

"Very astute, sir Bright Pitch," Rarity said. She then rose and started toward the door.

"Why are you helping us?" I asked.

"Sir, we don't have time," Sabre said as Rarity passed him.

"Your guard is correct. I have my own reasons. Let us leave it at that. So, I suggest you act quickly. The clock is ticking as it is."

So with that, Rarity left, closing the door behind herself and leaving a room of stallions very, very confused. Bright wasn't confused, and Blue seemed more angry than confuzzled. So, Solemn, Sabre, and I were confused.

"What do we do?" I asked.

"We move, now," Blue said, standing and huffing. "Gather yours, and meet by the southern gate. Come now, gents, the charlatan has spoken."

There was something to Blue's anger. It felt far too broiled over to be the heat of the moment. Either way, he was right.

"Right, right, everypony, move."

Sabre placed a hoof on my shoulder as I blinked away the shadows in the corner of the room. Solemn jumped to his hooves, and Bright was right behind him. I shakily stood and watched as my friends made their way out of the room and to the halls beyond.

"We need to go, sir."

"Right, southern gate. First, we grab my saddlebags, then we leave."

I more muttered to myself than to Sabre. We were in for it now. The shadows seemed to creep even as we made it to the halls. They sat at the edge of my vision. I took a deep breath and started on a trip back to my apartments. This would very likely be the last time I ever saw them. Sabre had already stored his in my rooms as well. It made the grab and dash from before simpler. It was even more convenient now. The whimsey of hindsight. The clock had struck twelve, and the hour marked our only chance at freedom.