• Published 29th Apr 2022
  • 999 Views, 88 Comments

The Darkest Hour - Anemptyshell

An amnesiac Thestral awakens in the Everfree, under an eternal night sky. Only to be thrown into the deep waters of political theatre and a stirring Rebellion. The world is off, our hero knows that much, but how and why are left to be seen.

  • ...

The Chase Was On

Two days passed in relative peace. Well, relative to what would come. It made sense. We needed supplies and time to catch our breath. So, when Shining had told us to wait, we did. No, the waiting was fine, the company, though. It was a mixed bag. Shining, Chrysalis, and Thorax were more than accommodating. Thorax had taken to tour guide, I think, solely to relay his status to anyone and everyone else.

Solemn had a better reception than Bright or myself. Sabre had been off with the changing guards doing whatever guards do, besides following you wherever you went. Bright had been getting stories from the rebels, the few that would answer him anyway. Blueblood had been forced to sidle up alongside Shining and his lieutenants for information and schematic layouts. Blueblood had thought ahead and had brought several schematics for the Everfree Palace. Spade well, seemed none too perturbed by any of the goings-on. He'd been sucked into this whole thing at the last second yet rolled with everything like he'd been there since the start.

I, well, I watched the rebels leer and sneer at me at every chance. I watched them make silent threats and whisper amongst themselves. This was mainly the regular ponies. The changelings seemed slightly less volatile. I suppose they'd had the same treatment, if not worse, before the sunset. I didn't really know what to do with the time I had. I'd been left reliving my last dream over and over. The voice, as fresh as the second it spoke in my mind. It sent a chill down my mind every time I replayed it.

Thorax had almost taken Sabre's position of following me around. He didn't say out loud anyway why he had latched on to me. If it was anything to go on, Thorax wasn't very popular. I'd heard more than one conversation about his brother. Pharynx was a hero, so brave, a hero. It started to grate on me, and I'd just got here. I couldn't imagine how bad it ate away at Thorax. So, I let him join me, he showed me around, and for the most part, we just talked. I'd have almost been relaxing if I wasn't plagued by what was to come.

It was the third night or sleep time? When it all went awry. Because, of course, it did. I was ripped from my dreamless slumber with a sharp pain in my side. Then another. I hissed and swiped at my attacker.

"Sir, Get Up!"

My sleep-addled mind had me slowly stir. I pushed myself to a seated position and mumbled some unintelligible sleep talk. I was met with another prod to the side. I hissed and opened my eyes properly.

"Okay, I'm up."

"Sir, get your things. We have to go now."

Sabre's command finally broke through my brain fog. I turned to find Sabre fully geared and repeatedly glancing between me and the door.

"Sabre, what?"

Sabre held up a hoof. "No time, sir, Canterlot castle is under attack. We have to go now."

I jolted up and scrambled out of bed. "it's what?"

"Nopony has said so, not since I woke minutes ago, but I believe they're after us."

I restrained a wail. Nightmare, it seems, was more vindictive than I thought. She had known where I was going and had taken all the time she needed to make our pursuit all the more insane. Faust help us if she'd come herself.

"For the love of," I said as I scrambled to throw my pack together. This was the point where not wearing layers helped. We'd gotten most of our gear together already, so hopping up and throwing the rather hefty pack on my back only took a minute.

Then Sabre ushered us out the door. Lo and behold, the others were already in the hall. I suspected Sabre had woken them first or attempted to wake me for longer than I'd been aware. Blueblood, in particular, looked both the most anxious and the angriest.

"Everypony, ready?" Sabre asked.

Affirmed by the others, we were off. We weren't following the path to the main foyer or the throne room. That made sense. The issue was, where were we going. The sounds in the distance were not comforting. Yells, screams, the sounds of explosions and crumbling stone. If it had ever been in doubt, the languished cries we were moving away from wiped away any suspicion of Nightmare's assault.

"This is nonsensical."

Blueblood growled from ahead of me. He and Sabre had taken the lead. Blueblood seemed on the verge of kicking a wall. It was not my wish to wake the beast from his slumber. Yet, here I am, aloof to his rage.

"You think so?" Bright asked.

"Left," Sabre said. The group turned into a stairwell. A stairwell that went down, very down. So down the lower levels were lost to the dark. It was precisely the stairs that horror stories emphasized as ones you should not be going down.

"Spooky, I like it."

Spade said with a dour chuckle. I rolled my eyes, and whether I wanted to or not, we made to climb down only to have a voice call from behind us.


I cursed under my breath as I nearly jumped out of my skin. I leered at the stallion as clad in his own armor, he struck a defining presence. It was none other than Shining himself. Oh, what glory and luck.


He nodded, and both Solomon and Thorax turned the corner. There was a hoofful of Shinings soldiers as well. "We don't have long. So, I'll keep this as simple as I can. I'd given instructions to a messenger when the attack began. It seems Light Sabre received them."

"Of course, Captain," Sabre said, pulling to full attention.

"The stairs ahead of you lead deep into the mountainside into a series of crystal mines. From there, there's a secret exit on the other side of the mountain. You can go from there. Thorax, are you ready?"

Thorax nodded. "Yes, sir."

"Ready for what?" Bright asked.

Shining looked over his shoulder as a series of explosions sounded from back the way we'd come. "Thorax will be guiding you through the caverns. We only have a few who know it exists and less than no the direct route."

"Maze of death, very minotaurs, I dig it," Spade said, followed by a brow wiggle.

"So, it'll be the seven of us?" I asked.

"Six," Solemn corrected.

"Wait, Solemn--"

The older thestral held up a hoof. "Now, now, you young heroes hardly need an old bat like me slowing you down."

"Sir, surely--"

"No, my purpose was intel and ally management. I am not a hero. I'm a diplomat. The lot of you have my unwavering faith. So go before it's too late."

I wanted to protest, to argue we could all make it. The shouts and crackle of spell flinging begged to differ. We were out of time, and if we were going to get to the far north, we'd need to go before we wasted our one chance.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"I am. I'm proud of all of you. You'll find this city of yours, Star, I haven't a doubt in my mind. Now, for the last time. Go, go save the day."

Shining stomped once. "You heard him, gents. I can't say for certain if there's a magical crystal city where you're going. But, If there is one, then find it. We'll hold the line until then."

That said, Shining motioned for him and his forces to go back the way they came. Solomon followed, sparing a look back and a sad smile. The old bastard better not get himself killed. I'd learn necromancy just to bring him back and scold him for failing in his duties.

"So, everyone ready to go?" Thorax asked.

"As we'll ever be," Blueblood huffed. "That stupid fool is going to get himself killed. He always had to play hero, even back when my cousin took an interest in him."

"Okay, well, um, follow me then, please."

Thorax took the lead, and we followed him into the belly of the mountain. We'd managed to get this far without the forces of Nightmare Moon catching up. That was a good start. We were swallowed in the dark and left Canterlot Castle behind. We left Solomon behind. My gut felt like lead the deeper we went. It was Solomon who'd gathered this band of morons, so it didn't sit right that he stayed behind.

"Are we okay with this? The idea of leaving no pony behind comes to mind," I asked.

"Would it matter?" Sabre asked.

"No, not really," Spade agreed.

"This isn't a fairytale, Star."

I was caught off guard by Bright wrapping a hoof over my neck and tutting. "You're not worried about Solomon? Come on, he's our friend."

"Who said I wasn't upset?" Bright asked.

"For the love of Celestia. Star, we do care, each of us to some degree. Stop creating cyclical conundrums none of us have a say in. Solemn stayed by his own merit. A respectable pro of any pony. So, focus on what we can control."

Blueblood leered over his shoulder at me. He'd lit the tip of his horn to help with the dark of the stretching stairwell. The light glinted off his eyes, giving them a subtle glow. The others fell into a silence. While I was left to chew on the situation. I wanted to yell, but I didn't. I wanted to stomp and buck, but I didn't. I wanted to save the day, but I haven't.

When we reached the bottom, the magic light Blue had been using was no longer necessary. The sum of the cavern that stretched out before us was lit well with glowing mushrooms and the refracted light of the crystals covering the walls, floor, and ceiling. In all directions, shimming incandescence was awe-inspiring. It was mesmerizing.

"Wow, this is amazing."

Bright trotted about prodding the shrooms and gems he passed.

"You really shouldn't touch those. Heaven knows if they're poisonous," Blueblood said.

"I'd hope not. We've been cultivating the mushrooms and crystals in these mines for months. I'd hate to think we poisoned our friends and allies."

Thorax shuddered at the thought as he prodded a nearby shroom tentatively. The look on Blue's face was between guilt and amusement. For all his pleasantness, Thorax wasn't very perceptive when it came to sarcasm and idiom. He, as I see it, trusts too easily. It was as if he was so desperate for acceptance he went out of his way to believe everyone around him.

I pat Thorax's shoulder. "Blueblood was kidding. That said, what's the plan, oh humble guide of mine?"

Thorax perked up just a bit. "Right, so first we'll bank a left at the rose-colored stalagmite and then--"

"I'm afraid I can't let you do that."

Oh gee whiz, it looks like something else has come to rain on my parade. We get to within an inch of getting out of Canterlot Scott free, and boom, plot twist. I wasn't angry, nope, not the least bit irritated by the infinite quandary that was my life.


Blueblood gasped. He took a half step back and shook his head in distress. The object of his response leisurely walked through the path we'd tried mere minutes before. My heart jumped in my throat as I connected the dots. Blueblood's reaction was reserved compared to the initial responses that ran through my mind.


I managed not to yell at the top of my lungs. Whatever messed up, god was screwing with us. He had a sick twisted sense of humor. There as if nothing was amiss, stood the pinkest alicorn on Equis. The Lady of Hearts herself. Cadence, the same mare I'd bumped into not long ago in the halls of Nightmare's capital.

"Language," Cadance said. Her voice was restrained. It seems I wasn't the only one having vocal urges that would be rude at best.

"You'd think I'd be surprised. I'm not, but you can think it. It's princess Un-not-refreshed," Spade said, earning a look from almost all present, Cadance included.

"I'm sorry?" Cadance said.

"You know, double negative. The opposite of Cadance is refreshed, so I used a roundabout instead of your real name. I guess it was less obvious than I thought, my bad."

Cadance shook her head. "I see, back to the matter at hoof. I'm afraid your journey ends here. Queen Nightmare requires your group back in Everfree. So, if you would kindly--"

"No!" I said.

"--Come with me." Cadence finished. She hadn't even stuttered over my interruption.

"No can do, My Lady. We're on a mission," Bright said.

"I'm aware. I'm sure the Rebels have all sorts of plans at work."

Sabre stepped forward, placing himself directly in front of the bemused alicorn.

"Our answer stands," Sabre said, drawing his rapier, eyes never leaving his would-be opponent. Cadence sighed in response.

"I would really recommend you do this the easy way. It'll be far less messy."

"Cadance, please. If there was ever a time to honor our aunt, adopted or not--"


Cadence's ample use of vocal augmentation, something Nightmare took great pains to use as often as possible, nearly blew Blueblood out of his shoes. The rest of us were left Stockstill as the now very irate Cadance glared over at her cousin.


"Enough, Blueblood, I've tried to help you see. I've begged you to rise up. Yet, here you are with the lowest of the low, a pawn in a game you can't win."

In Blueblood's appeal, it seemed he'd drawn Cadance's full attention. So, while the getting was good, a good idea was ideal. I scanned the cavern, heart pounding a mile a minute. There were just the five of us, that and crystals, lots of crystals.

"You'd rather I a pawn in Nightmare's game, an accomplice in her evils?" Blueblood asked. He'd made it back to all fours and joined Cadance in a glare-off.

This wouldn't go on forever. Think Star, think. Five of us, one path in, one out. Five? Wait, that didn't sound right.

"Since when did the scion of Canterlot grow a spine? You were all too happy to stay blind in the basking rays of the sun."

Cadence stomped, her horn lighting up, for whatever high-level spellcraft she had that we certainly didn't. Blueblood didn't budge. My mind had caught up with me. I managed a jaded smile. Five, there were six in the caverns.

"You're right. I was a worthless fraud. I still am, but at least when the light faded, I didn't close my eyes and pretend it'd always been dark."

"You have no idea, what I've done, nor who or what I am."

Blueblood's fire died and what was left was a very tired, somber stallion. One that reminded me of the day I'd met Blueblood, the shell of a stallion who woke up to who he'd been and what that had meant.

"All this for a stallion, all of this, over a broken heart."


Cadence roared, and her horn throbbed with power. The sum of the path between her and us was filled with a very hefty chunk of carbon. Everything stopped. The crystal that had blocked Cadance's wrath had left everypony stumped. Well, I was left puzzled and more impressed.

"We need to go, now."

Thorax flew down from the cavern ceiling where he'd patiently cut through the stalactites overhead. Some of his brother's fire might be left in the runt of his litter. Thorax looked ready to cry but was still overhead, ushering us deeper into the caverns. Even as the others put two and two together and Thorax managed to get us moving, the howls of rage from Cadance's side of the blocked path were unmistakable. It wouldn't take her long if I had to guess to get through. If nothing else, her level of raw power would break through eventually.

"Go, go, go!" Sabre said as we ran.

Thorax buzzed ahead of us, unable to stay still. The twisting paths of the deeper labyrinth were starting to blend together. Yet, there Thorax went as if nothing was amiss. I couldn't help a smile. Blueblood, for his part, looked shellshocked, a sentiment I did not envy.

"Up ahead," Thorax pointed.

Our group came to a stop at a dead end. Thorax landed and beamed.

"Okay, now what?" Bright asked.

"They'll never find our bodies," Spade offered.

Thorax landed and pressed a hoof into the side of one of the larger crystals covering the wall. There was a sound like shattering glass, and the crystal vanished. It was replaced with a new path. A path barely big enough for a pony at a time. A floodgate if I'd ever seen one. Not a half-bad fake either. It might even buy us enough time not to be spattered throughout the cave by a very angry demi-god.

"I have to hold the glyph to keep it open. So, one at a time, no pushing."

Thorax waved from us to the path. So we went. Bright, then Spade, Sabre, me, and finally Blueblood bringing up the rear. Thorax put his free hoof in front of Blue as he went to pass.

"Um, Blueblood."

Blue gave Thorax a listless look. "Yes?"

Then Thorax wrapped his free leg around Blue's neck without warning and pulled him in for a very awkward and poorly timed hug. "I can taste your fear and sorrow, even your regret. I just wanted to let you know it'll be okay. You're not alone."

Then Thorax drew back and let a stunned Blueblood pass, his seconds behind. The path's deterring wall replaced itself, and though snug, we moved forward, and while I can't speak for the rest, I prayed Cadance didn't find us anytime soon.

We now had two angry alicorns who wanted our plots. All things considered, we're better off than we have any right to be. I suppose having an Erovore around wasn't all too bad either. Thorax had really saved our bacon today. It might have helped Blueblood as well.

"Next stop the bitter cold of a forsaken speck of ice in the north's tundra. It's no El Dorado, but hey, it could be worse."

"L what, O?" Bright asked from ahead of me.

I blinked. Why did I know that name? Where did that come from all of a sudden?

"Nevermind that, less talk, more move," Sabre ordered. So we complied.