• Published 1st May 2022
  • 2,859 Views, 54 Comments

The Dragon Sisters - Mechazilla88

A group of dragons have suddenly appeared in Canterlot City and they seem to be looking for something... or someone.

  • ...


Near a donut shop was a large Winnebago that had just entered the city of Canterlot and stepping out of the shop was its driver. The driver was a man who looked somewhere in his early forties. In appearance, he had brown shoulder-length hair with a single gray streak that is tied in a ponytail, a bushy mustache, and brown eyes. For attire, he wore a Hawain jacket over a white shirt, gray cargo shorts, and black sandals.

After grabbing his breakfast, the man looked at the map on his phone and said, "Okay, I'll pick up Spike first and then I'll-" his thoughts were suddenly interrupted when he saw several cop cars quickly drive past him with their sirens blaring. "Whoa, where's the fire fellas?!"

Canterlot Highschool

The other Rainbooms just stare at Sunset with shock from what she just said.

"A-A dragon…" Fluttershy stuttered. "As in like an actual dragon?"

"I'm afraid so Fluttershy," Sunset said as bent down to take a closer look at the footprint, "And judging by the size of this footprint, this thing has to be like ten, maybe twelve feet long."

"I told you!!!" Zephyr shouted in the distance.

"Woah, hold on, let's back up a bit here." Rainbow Dash said, "Don't magical creatures usually turn into humans, dogs, and whatever else when they cross from Equestria and to our world?"

Sunset could only sigh, "Your guess is as good as mine Rainbow. Somehow, this dragon was able to retain its original form when it crossed over."

"Hey, what are those other students looking at over there?" Twilight said as she noticed other students gathering around and looking at something.

The girls rush to see what it is and are shocked to find a rather large hole in the ground.

"There's only one thing that makes a hole that big." Pinkie said as everyone turned to look at her, "A really, really fat gopher!" Her friends and the other students just gave her unamused looks, "Well I don't see you guys coming up with anything."

"So Sunset," Twilight began as turned toward the fiery haired girl, "Can a dragon do something like this?"

"It's a possibility." She replied, "Though, I don't think a dragon can dig this deep."

"Uh, I just had a thought," Applejack said, "If this dragon came out of the Wondercolt statue's mirror, then wouldn't that mean that it had to go through the one at Princess Twilight's castle to do so?"

Sunset's eyes instantly widened when she heard that and suddenly made a mad dash back to the school. She kept running until she reached her locker and pulled out a certain book where she began to write frantically on it.

Twilight! Are you there?!? Something has entered our world through the Wondercolt’s mirror and that would mean it had to go through your castle to do so. If you're ok, PLEASE reply back.

After Sunset was done writing, she paced back and forth for a couple minutes before the book glowed and vibrated. She quickly opens up the book and it reads:

Sunset! I was just about ready to contact you. But yes, me, Spike, and Starlight are alright but we're a little shaken up by what happened last night.

What happened?

Five dragons broke into my castle in the middle of the night. They were tearing the place apart which woke us up.

Wait a minute, FIVE!?! You mean there's more than one!?

I'm afraid so. Starlight and I tried to stop them but these dragons, Sunset, they were different. They had these gems on their chests that can make them use magic just fluently as a unicorn.

I never heard of dragons that can use just as much magic as a unicorn, especially with gems on their chests.

Neither have I. Though, I know some dragon friends that might tell us more about these certain drakes.

Ok but back on track, what did these dragons want?

We didn't know at first but then we realized too late that they were looking for the mirror portal. We tried to go after them but one of them left behind a "little present" that disabled the portal.

Can the portal be fixed?

Yes but it's going to take quite some time before it's fully operational. Until then, I'm afraid that you and the other girls are on your own. I'm sorry Sunset.

Don't be. I'm just glad you and the others are safe and at least we now know what we're dealing with. Though I'm curious, do we know what these dragons even want? I mean they had to have a reason for crossing into this world.

Your guess is as good as mine Sunset. For now, the best I can do is try to fix the portal and ask around to see if there's anything I can learn about these particular dragons. Until then, all I can say is good luck.

Thanks Twilight. You too.

After that Sunset closed the book and placed it in her backpack.

"Sunset!" She heard one of her friends call out. She turns to see them all rushing towards her.

"So… what's going on?" Twilight asked, "What did… the other me… had to say?"

Sunset sighed. "Girls, it's worse than we thought. There's not one but FIVE dragons loose in this world."

"WHAT?!?!?!" Most of the girls exclaimed.

"Oh dear…" Fluttershy muttered.

"It gets worse, apparently these aren't Equestria's average run-of-the-mill kind of dragons either. Thanks to some jewels on their chests, they can use magic."

"I reckon dragons in Equestria can't do magic?" Applejack asked.

"They can but their magical prowess is limited. Very limited. Princess Twilight said that these particular dragons can use magic just as much as a unicorn." Sunset explained. “She’s gonna try to dig up and see what kind of dragons these are.”

“So you're saying that there’s not only five dragons but they can use magic too?!” Rainbow exclaimed. “Ah man and summer vacation is just around the corner too!” The other girls just gave unamused looks. “What? We have plans for this summer and I don’t wanna waste it chasing around a bunch of fire-breathing reptiles!”

Applejack turned back to Sunset and asked, “So do we know why these dragons came to our world in the first place?”

Sunset sighed and shook her head, “No we don’t. It’s a complete mystery right now.”

The girls then heard the bell ring, signaling that their first class was about to start.

“We’ll worry about it later,” Twilight said, “Right now we have a test to do.”

“Ah man.” Rainbow grumbled.