• Published 1st May 2022
  • 2,859 Views, 54 Comments

The Dragon Sisters - Mechazilla88

A group of dragons have suddenly appeared in Canterlot City and they seem to be looking for something... or someone.

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Mall Brawl PT 2

A squad of several SWAT team members have entered the Canterlot Mall and made their way down the hall.

The leader turned on his earpiece and said, "Commissioner, we have entered the mall and have yet to find anything."

"Keep me posted if you find anything out of the ordinary." Magnus said through the radio.

"Yes sir." The leader nodded as he and his squad proceeded further in the mall. Little did the SWAT team know that something was watching them and was quietly following them.

Scorpan was driving to one of Spike's friend's house with the latter sitting next to him in the passenger seat.

"So, uncle," Spike began, "How's Vee Vee been doing?"

Scorpan chuckled, "Still quite the little firecracker. She still snuggles with me at night and all that. I'm sure she'll be more than happy to see you." He replied.

Just then, they stopped at a house where a boy, who was around Spike’s age, was waiting out front with a couple of bags and a surfboard. In appearance, he had black hair and vivid opal eyes. For attire, he wore a black jacket over an emerald shirt, orange cargo shorts, and red tennis shoes.

The boy entered the Winnebago with a couple of his bags and a surfboard of his own. Spike got out of his seat to greet his friend, "You ready for summer Thorax?" He asked.

"You bet I am Spike." Thorax replied. He gave Spike a fist bump before the two stored the former's belongings.

The next house they stopped at belonged to a nerdy boy with a moderate scarlet hair with moderate orange streaks, moderate vermilion eyes, and light brown skin. For attire, he wore a brown jacket over a white t-shirt that had a picture of a Nintendo controller on it, gray cargo shorts, and brown slip-on shoes.

This was Button Mash, and he was busy playing Splatoon on his Nintendo Switch until he heard Scorpan honk his horn. Button instantly got up, grabbed his things and entered the vehicle.

The next house they stopped at belonged to an athletic boy who was kicking a soccer ball in the air to kill some time. In appearance, he had two shades of dark grayish sapphire blue hair and grayish purple eyes. For attire, he wore a light gray tank top, dark gray jean shorts, and red tennis shoes. This was Rumble and when he saw the winnebago pulled up, he immediately grabbed his things and ran to the vehicle.

The last boy to be picked up was Pipsqueak. In appearance, he had light brown hair and deep reddish-brown eyes. For attire, he wore a simple white shirt, brown sweats, and green shoes. After seeing the Winnebago, he grabbed his things and ran to the vehicle.

After all of Spike’s friends had gathered, it was time to head to Santa Ponyville and the boys have never been more excited.

“Man, I can’t wait to shred some waves!” Rumble said excitedly.

“I hear that, especially with the Grom Splashdown just around the corner.” Pipsqueak said, sharing his friend's excitement.

“I’m more interested in what new games the arcade over at the boardwalk has.” Button Mash said.

“Of course, you are.” Thorax said with a playful roll of his eyes.

“Alrighty boys, are you ready for summer?” Scorpan asked to which they replied with a loud yeah. “Alright then, Santa Ponyville here we come!”

Little did any of them know, their summer vacation was soon going to take a surprising turn. Especially for Spike…

The SWAT team was getting close to the food court when they began to hear something near there. It sounded like some big animal was munching on something. The SWAT team went to have a closer look and what they saw shocked them.

Eating a large pile of chips, fruits, and sweets was a reptilian-like creature that was as big as a shire horse. It was serpentine in appearance with feathered wings, in a way it looked akin to the Aztec serpent god Quetzalcoatl. It had a slit, yellow on its right eye and green on its left, dark yellow scales and a lighter yellow underbelly. It also looked like it had some kind of blonde mane of some sort and a yellow hexagon gem on its chest.

The SWAT team was shocked to say the least. If they didn’t know any better, they could say this… was a dragon!

As the creature was continuing to gorge itself on the massive pile of food, another large reptilian creature came out from the back of a smoothie stand, carrying a bag that contained more fruit.

The other creature was slightly taller than the serpentine one and had the body structure of a horse with antler-like horns on its head, looking akin to a Kirin. It had green scales and a purple underbelly, a purple mane that went down all the way to its bushy tail, a purple square shaped gem on its chest, and a purple eye on its right and green on its left.

The creature then proceeded to dump the fruit onto the rest of the pile and began to eat with the other one.

The SWAT team leader then contacted the commissioner, “Sir, we have confirmation on the target. We…We don’t know what we’re looking at sir.”

“What do you mean?” Magnus asked.

“Well… me and my men are watching a couple of reptilian creatures eating a pile of food. They almost look like… dragons, sir.” The SWAT leader replied.

“What? Are you serious?”

“I wish I wasn’t sir. Should we give a visual sir?”

“Yes please,” Magnus replied, “I like to know what we’re dealing with here.”

“Yes sir.” The leader said as he and the rest of the squad turned on the video cameras on their helmets.

Back outside, Commissioner Magnus was inside a SWAT van watching the various screens of the creatures.

“My god…” Magnus replied.

“Should we engage the creatures sir?” The leader asked.

Magnus thought about it for a good minute before replying, “No, negative. We don’t know what these things are capable of. Head back outside and we’ll figure out what to do.”

“Yes sir.” The leader said. He then turned towards his squad and said, “Alright men, let’s head back out.”

As soon as he said that however, they heard a low growl behind them. They slowly turn to see another one of the reptilian creatures glaring down at them. The entire team’s blood ran cold at the sight of this behemoth.

It looked more akin to a dinosaur, was bulky in appearance and big as a fire truck with many scars across its body, the most noticeable is a rather large one across its throat. Its scales were dark brown and a green underbelly. A brown rectangle shaped gem was located on its chest, its left eye was green while its right one was brown. It also had a large mace-like tip at the end of its tail.

The creature looked at the firearms the SWAT team were holding and its face turned to that of anger. What started as a loud growl quickly turned into a loud roar which alerted the other two creatures at the food court as well as two others across the mall…

A couple of the SWAT members opened fire at the creature, but the bullets don’t seem to penetrate the creature’s tough skin. Enraged, the beast took a swipe at the SWAT team. While most managed to duck out of the way, a couple unfortunately got caught in the swipe and were sent flying.

The SWAT leader brought out a flash bang grenade and threw it at the beast. The flash bang went off and the beast was instantly disoriented with its eyes seeing nothing but a blinding light and its ears ringing like crazy.

“Everyone out!” The SWAT leader yelled. The SWAT team then began to head their way to the exit with a couple others helping their wounded comrades that got swiped.

As they got near the exit however, two other creatures jumped down from the second floor and blocked their escape. These two new creatures looked akin to actual dragons.

The first creature was taller than the others, its scales were white while it’s underbelly was blue, the membrane on its massive wings were also blue, its left eye was green while it’s right one was blue, a pair of large horns protruding from its head, and had a white mane with blue streaks. It also had a blue gem in the shape of a circle around its chest.

The other creature was nearly around the same size except a few inches shorter, a light magenta scale and dark magenta underbelly with the membrane on its wings being the latter color, its right eye was magenta while its left eyes was green, and its mane was magenta with red streaks. Like the white and blue one, it too had a pair of horns protruding from its head. Lastly it had a magenta-colored gem in the shape of an oval.

The SWAT team raised their weapons and were ready to open fire until their firearms were surrounded by a magenta aura, instantly flew right out of their hands, and levitated near the magenta-colored creature whose gem was glowing.

The creature looks at the weapons with anger and contempt as it runs its claw through a small scar on its right cheek. The creature blew a small ball of fire at the firearms which had begun to burn and melt. It then raised its right claw and gripped it into a fist which caused the melting weapons to merge into a molten ball. The creature then dropped the ball to the ground.

The white and blue creature then inhaled and unleashed some sort of ice breath. But before it could hit the SWAT team however, a large diamond shield suddenly conjured up in front of them and blocked the ice breath.

Both the SWAT team and the two creatures were shocked at this until the ponied up Rainbooms suddenly appeared and got between the SWAT team and creatures.

Sunset turned to the SWAT team and said, “You guys get out of here, we’ll handle the dragons!”

The shocked SWAT team just nodded at this and made their way to the exit with Fluttershy escorting them out.

As the Rainbooms stared down at the two dragons, the other three from before showed up from behind the Rainbooms.

The brown and green dragon threw a punch at the girls, but Applejack actually managed to catch the giant fist much to the dragon’s shock. Using all of her strength, AJ manages to lift the beast and throws it across the mall.

Enraged by what happened to its fellow dragon, the serpentine dragon’s body cackles with electricity and lounges at the farmer girl but is tackled to the ground by Rainbow Dash.

The serpent pushed the athletic girl off of it and the two stared each other off. They then tackled each other again while zipping through the mall, leaving behind a trail of both rainbows and electricity.

Back with the others, the magenta dragon unleashed a stream of fire upon Twilight and Rarity, but the latter managed to put up a barrier in time. Twilight then levitated a couple benches near them and threw them at the dragon.

One managed to hit its head but the magenta dragon lifted one of its wings to block the other. It was about to unleash another fire breath, but Rarity quickly conjured up a large diamond bracelet and shot it at the dragon’s snout, sealing its mouth shut. Twilight then began to throw more objects at the dragon in which the beast tried to dodge.

Meanwhile, Pinkie was squaring off against the Kirin-like dragon and threw some sprinkle bombs at the beast. But the dragon formed a small tornado around it which sent the sprinkle bombs flying in different directions, exploding upon impact.

“Whoops…” Pinkie muttered. She then finds herself sucked into the tornado and whirls around in it for a good minute before being sent flying and getting slammed face first into a wall. “Owie…” the party girl groaned.

Back with Sunset, she was staring down at the white and blue dragon, “We know you're from Equestria. Tell us, why have you come to this world? Why are you here?!” The fiery-haired girl demanded. But instead of answering, the dragon unleashed its ice breath upon her.

Sunset was able to jump out of the way in time but barely. As she looked up, she saw the dragon looming over her and was about to raise its claw to crush her, but she managed to roll out of the way as it came down.

Using this chance, Sunset grabs the beast’s claw and her eyes lit up. Multiple visions instantly flashed in her mind and what she saw shocked her. There were images of humanoid figures with gas masks and glowing red visors, the thunder of machine guns and dragons crying out in pain, the silhouette of a big hulking creature Sunset has never seen before, a portal opening up and a woman’s cry being heard, “NO!!! WHERE ARE YOU TAKING HIM!?!? GIVE HIM BACK!!!

Sunset instantly let's go and was terrified of what she just saw. While she didn’t see everything in that flashback, she was able to piece enough of it together to understand the situation better. But she has more questions than answers now.

Before she could think any further however, the white and blue dragon grabbed her and pinned her to a wall.

The dragon’s facial expression was almost emotionless, but Sunset could see the fury in its heterochronic eyes.

Just then, both heard someone shout, “Freeze!!!” Both turn to see Commissioner Flash Magnus and an army of law enforcers, pointing their weapons at the beast.

The dragon instantly unleashed an ice breath and formed some sort of ice wall between it and Sunset and the law enforcers. It then turned back to Sunset and spoke in a female voice, “You would be wise to stay out of our way.” The beast then dropped Sunset and let out a bellowing roar.

Upon hearing their sister’s call, the other dragons stopped their fighting with the other Rainbooms. The brown and green dragon immediately picked itself up and began to burrow at inhumanly fast. The other dragons quickly followed suit and entered the getaway hole their sibling made. The white and blue dragon was the last to leave but before she did, she created another ice wall around the burrow so they wouldn't be followed so soon.

Sunset picked herself up and dusted herself off, still shocked by what she saw in her visions. She realized these dragons came to this world looking for something… or rather someone. But what or who, she doesn’t know yet. All she knows is that these dragons won’t stop until they have found what they're looking for…