• Published 17th Jul 2022
  • 968 Views, 39 Comments

Phineas and Ferb: Night of the Zombie Ponies (28 Pranks Later and Night of the Living Pharmacists) - Mylittleponyfan21

This is a crossover between 28 Pranks Later and Phineas and Ferb: Night of the Living Pharmacists

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Act 15

Isabella was witnessing how her Fireside Girl friends were surrounded by zombie ponies, she shed a tear in her face, pressing the window on the door and also, knows who to blame about it.

Isabella refuses to give up, she shook her head and resist to cry as she finds out a way to rescue the Fireside Girls who were now victims of the sickness. "I'm going back for them." she said.

"No Isabella! It's too late! You can't help them now." cried Phineas as he grabbed Isabella's arm.

"Well, I have to do something! I can't just walk away from my friends!" objected Isabella.

"No Isabella! I'm not letting you go back there! I am not going to lose you again!"

But before they could continue to argue, one of the zombie ponies pressed it's face againest the glass "ME WANT COOKIE!!!" it groan.

"AHHHH!!!!" yelled Phineas and Isabella.

Phineas quickly thought ahead and squashed the zombie pony into the revoling door. "Quick! Find something to block this door!" he shouted as the zombie ponies reached their hoofs inside to grab him.

The others looked around the lobby for a blockade on of some sort. "It ain't gonna be easy without ruinin' the feng shui of the lobby." said Buford.

"What's that?" asked Apple Bloom curiously.

"It's somethin' that only humans can know!" answered Buford.

"Hurry!" shout Phineas as he kept blocking the door, he couldn't resist for too long, especially if any others came to enter the building.

But by his bad luck, one of the zombie ponies reached it's hoof though and grabbed Phineas' rubber sleeve and tore a off a piece of it.

"I'm exposed!" he warned.

Isabella was thinking of something that could subtitue his protection, until she looked at her belt and grabbed something.

"Phineas, use this!" she cried as she tossed the Emotional Bravery patch.

"Thanks!" said Phineas as he caught the patch and put it where was the ripped sleeve and skin exposed.

Ferb later hurried to the door and cover it with a potted plant, which seem strong enough to hold off the zombie ponies.

"Nice work, bro!" said Phineas as he and Ferb went to the rest. "Thanks Isabella! Are you all alright?"

"I'm good." said Isabella.

"Girls, are you alright?" asked Phineas as he looked at the mares and fillies.

"Ah'm fine." said Applejack "Rarity, ya' good?"

"Good as always, Applejack." answered Rarity.

"Girls, you okay?" asked Applejack to the CMC'S.

"Ah'm fine." answered Apple Bloom. "Y' fine, girls?"

"I'm okay." answered Sweetie Belle. "Are you okay, Scoots?"

"I'm alright." answered Scootaloo.

"Great! Buford are you okay?" asked Phineas.

"I'm okay!" answered Buford as he later touched Baljeet's shoulder. "Are you okay?"

"I am fine." answered Baljeet smiling, causing Buford to smile too.

Just then, Baljeet felt a touch in his other shoulder, and he takes off his protective glasses to get a clear view as Buford also saw something and looked carefully what it was. Baljeet totally regretted on doing that.

"COOKIE!!" groan Zombie Pony Granny Smith as it stopped touching Baljeet's shoulder.

"AHHHHHHH!!!" shrieked Baljeet as the zombie pony pressed it's teeth in his face, causing static to surround Baljeet's body. Buford tan away from the grip of the zombie pony and his friend transforming.


"BALJEET!" yelled Buford terrified.

"Coo-" until Baljeet's transformation was complete. "-KIE!"

"That's it! I had enough of this total nightmare!" said Buford angrily as he took off his rubber mask and looked at what used to be his friend.

"Buford? What are you doing?" asked Phineas as he and the others we're surprised.

"Look, I just lost my nerd! 'I'm not gonna lose the rest of my friends too." said Buford while he took off his rubber duckies from his elbows.

The others gasped and know what he was gonna do. "But Buford, that's risky and-" tried to warn Phineas.

But Buford didn't listen to the rest. He already striped his rubber armor and only had his underwear on. "C'mon ya' freaks! FRESH MEAT!!! AHHHHHHH!!!"

Buford darted away over to the zombie ponies with a warrior cry and lead them out the building. "Yippe-ki-yay, ya' cookie-craving zombie pony freaks! YIPPE-KI-YAY-"

But before he could continue with his dramatic last words, he was bitten by zombie pony Twilight Sparkle and colapsed to the ground, and just like that the static surrounding him soon transformed him into one of the zombie ponies. "Ah! Uggg! COOKIE!!!" he groan.

"Y'know, he really could've been bait without taking his clothes off." said Phineas as he watched that he lost two of his friends in a matter of seconds.

"Uh, yeah!" said Isabella as the mares and fillies nod their heads.

Meanwhile, outside the Repo yard, Agent P was surrounded at every corner. Behind him was a group of zombie ponies reaching their hoofs thought the gate's holes in attempting to grab and bite him. While in front of him, the former fellow Fluttershy's animals and the O.W.C.A animal agents, who were now cookie zombies, were torn up his only way of escaping. Agent P looked around, but to his right side, was Harry the Bear, who was now a cookie-eating zombie too.

Agent P just hopped that the boys are alright, wherever there, it did look like he could protect them anymore, or neither save Danville for longer.

Just as he felt hopeless, a strong wind came though as a light shun upon Agent P, he blocked his eyes from the brightness and saw a small helicopter. When the pilot called his name out, he knew exactly who was coming for his rescue.

"Perry the Platypus, need a ride?" asked Doofenshmirtz as along with him was Starlight, Trixie, Rainbow Dash and Derpy (who both Dash and Derpy were still in zombie pony costumes), threw a rope ladder smiling. "Oh, ooh oh wait, I should've said 'Need a lift?' That's what- ah, I totally missed it."

Agent P climb to the rope ladder to safety, which the mares signaled Doofenshmirtz to begin flying upwards from the scene, unaware that Harry the Bear was following them.

Agent P crawled up into the co-pilot seat and sighed in relief.

"It's much safeter up here, huh?" asked Doofenshmirtz. "You might wanna buckle up, though. It's my first time flying a helicopter."

Agent P fastened his seatbelt as the mares saw the view of the blackenviled city.

"Y'know, despite how much Derpy and I fly with our wings, this is pretty comfortble letting something from this world take you a ride." said Rainbow Dash.

"Agreed Dash." said Derpy. "My derp eyes just atmiring this beautiful view of the human city, even though it's dark down there."

"Yeah, totally, I've never ride on a flying thing like this." agreed Starlight.

"Indeed, Starly" said Trixie as she chuckled.

"Well, buckle up and hold still ladies, because we are going to my home!" warned Doofenshmirtz as he flew towards Doofenshmirtz Evil Inc.

Meanwhile, in Doofenshmirtz Evil Inc., the children, mares and fillies blocked the enterence with almost everything of the lobby they could find.

"That'll hold them now." said Phineas. "But we gotta move before-"

But the plant didn't work so well as a barricade. A zombie pony attempted to push and made the way through, followed by a couple of more.

"Really?" asked Phineas unamused. "Come on, guys! Head for the stairs!"

The zombie ponies made it to the building and started chasing the kids, mares and fillies as the others went to the stairway door. Phineas attempted to open it, but only to find out that it was locked. "It's locked!" he annouced.

"Now what?" asked Isabella.

They turned around to see the herd of zombie ponies increase. There was no way to escape at this point, they were cornered. Phineas tried to think, but he was at a loss, he's never been in a situation like this. "Any ideas?" he asked.

"I got nothing!" cried and answered Isabella.

"Girls, any ideas?" asked Phineas to the mares and fillies.

"Ah have nothin'!" warned Applejack. "Rarity, got any ideas?"

"I afraid not, my magic is no useful in this world!" answered Rarity.

"What 'bout you girls?" asked Applejack to the CMC'S.

"Nothin' in mind!" cried Apple Bloom.

"No ideas on my head, my magic isn't useful at all in this world too." cried Sweetie Belle.

"Neither do I have something on my mind!" ended Scootaloo.

"Ferb?" asked Phineas as he looks at him, hopping that his brother got something good on him.

But Ferb only answered: "I'm petrified beyond all capacity for rational thoughts."

Just then, they noticed the door moving behind them, and onced opened, out came Candace and Vanessa who were as just as surprised to see them here.

"Candace?" asked Phineas.

"Phineas!" cried Candace surprised.

"Candace!" said Isabella smiling.

"Isabella?" asked Candace confused about her.

"Two human girls?" asked Applejack.

"Five talking ponies?!" asked Candace as she saw the mares and fillies beyond her eyes.

"Ferb!" cried Vanessa.

But Ferb didn't answer, he just looked at Vanessa.





"Two human girls?"

"Five talking ponies?!"


Again, he looked at her.



"Enough! We have to get up stairs!" warned Isabella.

"No way!" cried Candace. "The whole upstairs is crawling with zom-"

But as Candace saw the lobby, she saw the amount of zombie ponies surrounding them. "Stairwell it is!" she cried.

But as she opened the door, she noticed the rubber items her brothers were wearing. "And what's with the rubber?" she asked.

"It insulates us againest the sickness!" said Phineas as he and the others went inside.

"I don't wanna know how you figured that out." said Candace as she closed the door and she and the group went upstairs.

Meanwhile, in the neighborhood, while the streets are infested of zombie ponies, Stacy was still to concentrated on her movie, still unaware of the chaos outside.

"No! Don't walk into the kitchen, Grievance lady! Oh...gosh!" she cried as she grabbed her bowl of popcorn. "How could she be so oblivious about that one?"

Back at Doofenshmirtz Evil Inc, the group were climbing up the stairs, seeing how many flights they'd have to walk up, but it was better for them than being zom-ponified.

"Just keep climbing!" ordered Phineas.

"This is enough cardi...cardio...to last me a lifetime." said Candace tired. "Is it hot in here, or it's just because I'm sweating?

"No, it's actually linda warm. It's not as usually hot in here." answered Vanessa.

"Ew, it's...so...many...sweat on me!" cried Rarity tired and in her drama queen mode. "I need to...take it...off of me!"

"Ah'm used...to sweat the whole...time in the barn...so Ah'm okay with it." said Applejack tired. "Y'know, now Ah know how Dash felt...when she had to walk up stairs in Manehattan...when she couldn't fly."

"What's that?" asked Isabella curiously.

"It's somethin' that only ponies can know." answered Applejack.

They keep walking thought the stairs, they were getting tired, but they couldn't risk on being zom-ponified.

"Wh...Where's your dad's floor?" asked Candace tired and anxious.

"The top floor, we're almost there, I'm kinda used to these stairs." answered Vanessa.

"We're gonna make it, guys. Just...keep going." said Phineas tired.

"I just hope that we...could find something to...end this." said Sweetie Belle tired.

Meanwhile, Doofenshmirtz was heavy looking surprised about the chaos he's done while he flies the chopper, he never expected the way his evil schemes were that successful, since he got used to always fail thanks to Agent P.

"Man, I've had off days before, but this is a lulu, even for me. I never thought I could get sick of my own invention." he said.

"Who saids it!" said Rainbow Dash upset while she looks down, knowing that her own prank ended too terrifying for her. "I also never thought I could get sick of my own prank."

Starlight puts her hoof on Rainbow Dash's shoulder to consulate her, meaning that it wasn't her fault. She just wanted to have fun and that's it.

"Oh, well." said Doofenshmirtz while smiling. "You know, at least with a disaster of this proportion, things can't get any worse!"

But as a tempting fate. Doofenshmirtz looked behind him to find out that they were not alone in the chopper. He whimpered as he saw Harry the bear growling at him with angierless. Harry later begin to pull Doofenshmirtz out of his seat and begin to attack him.

Doofenshmirtz was thrown out, knocking Agent and the mares with him as the mares scream, but surprisingly they were able to hold on the chopper.

"Uh, Perry the Platypus, when you get a minute, grab the controls, would you?" asked Doofenshmirtz while holding the platform of the chopper.

Harry grabbed Doofenshmirtz by his shoulders and pulled him back in, continuing to ambush him in the back. Agent P and the mares succeed to the front and Agent P went to control the chopper as he was on the pilot seat. He was a little short to see what was going on, and he wasn't able to steer with all the commotion in the back. The mares on the other hand were tighten up their seats. Hoping to get a better landing.

"This is so diziy as I expecteeeeeeed!!!!" cried Rainbow Dash.

"Woooooh!!! My derp eyes aren't used to this type of flighhhhhhhhht!!!" cried Derpy.

"We're gonna have a big craaaaaaaash!!!!" cried Starlight.

"I want my mommyyyyyyyy!!!" cried Trixie scaredly.

Agent P was soon able to fly the chopper over in the direction of Doofensmirtz Evil Inc. He also hopes that they could get a better landing.

To be continued.